Small Group Work Rubric- Module 8 (100 points) Differentiated Instruction for Special Educators Product Content Product Quality Product Conventions and Organization Group Participation Feedback provided to classmates PROFICIENT 18-20 Has demonstrated a high level of understanding of differentiated instruction through the product Provides a product of professional quality that would be ready for use by educators DEVELOPING 14-17 Has demonstrated a good understanding of differentiated instruction through the product EMERGENT 10-13 Has demonstrated some understanding of differentiated instruction through the product INSUFFICIENT 6-9 Has demonstrated minimal understanding of differentiated instruction through the product UNSATISFACTORY 0-5 Has demonstrated no understanding of differentiated instruction through the product Provides a product of good quality that would be need some minor edits for use by educators Provides a product of poor quality that would not be recommended for use by educators Provides no product The product is created without errors in spelling or grammar and is well organized Group participation rubric indicates high level of collaboration, contribution, and cooperation The product is created with few errors in spelling or grammar and is fairly organized Provides a product of average quality that would need significant enhancements for use by educators The product is created with several errors in spelling or grammar and lacks organization Group participation rubric indicates an average level of collaboration, contribution, and cooperation Has provided questions to classmates on their initial plan The product is created with many errors in spelling or grammar and has no organization Group participation rubric indicates an insufficient level of collaboration, contribution, and cooperation Has provided insufficient or minimal questions to classmates on their initial plan The conventions and organization of the product are unacceptable or non-existent Has provided thoughtful questions to classmates on their initial plan Group participation rubric indicates a good level of collaboration, contribution, and cooperation Has provided good questions to classmates on their initial plan Group participation rubric indicates lack of or non-existent level of collaboration, contribution, and cooperation Has not provided questions to classmates on their initial plan