Ethical Reasoning - Assuring Graduate Capabilities

Adapted from the AAC&U VALUE Rubrics and acknowledged with thanks. See Assuring Graduate Capabilities
Objective: to provide an introduction to ethics as an academic discipline in preparation for life and work;
Novice to Expert categories
Ethical Reflexivity
Graduates as experienced
professionals can
Graduates as new professionals can
Graduates of this course can
Students in the middle stages can
Students in the early stages can
Can articulate and explain in a clear and coherent can articulate and analyze clearly, coherently and in
way their core ethical values and the grounds for detail their core ethical values and the origins of their
these values in a fashion that others can learn core values. will also begin to integrate the synthesis of
from them. These values will also be integrated in values, practical reason, and ethical theory with their
their professional action to the extent that their
awareness of and actions in social and professional life
actions express a synthesis of values, practical
reason, and ethical theories
Understanding Different
Can identify the ethical positions expressed can identify and explain theories learnt about, can
Ethical Perspectives/Concepts in human action and discourse, and can describe and explain the key concepts and principles of
explain to others the key principles and these theories, and accurately explains the details of the
theories used.
concepts of these theories
can articulate and analyze clearly, coherently and
in detail their core ethical values and the origins
of their core values. will have an synthetic sense
of the relation between their core values and
practical reasoning and ethical theories
can provide a clear and general explanation of
can provide a basic or vague explanation of
their core ethical opinions and the origins of their their ethical opinions and where these
ethical opinions. can begin to integrate their
opinions have come from
learning about ethical reasoning and ethical
theories with their ethical opinions
can identify and explain the major ethical
can identify the major theories of ethics she/he
theories she/he has learnt about, can describe
has learnt about, but is only able to present a
and explain the main principles and concepts of general overview of the theories
these theories in a broad way
may be aware of various ethical theories but
will only be able to name those that she\he
identifies with
Ethical Issue Recognition
can recognize ethical issues when presented in a
Can identify complex ethical issues in
professional and personal life and can complex, multilayered, or ambiguous context AND can
unpack and examine the various layers and recognize cross-relationships among the issues.
levels of ambiguity entailed by those issues
can recognize ethical issues when issues are
presented in a complex, multilayered, or
ambiguous context OR can grasp crossrelationships among the issues.
Application of Ethical
can independently apply ethical principles to an ethical
Can, within a leadership, teaching, or
mentoring role demonstrate how ethical question and is able to consider the implications of the
application for their life and professional activities
principles may be applied to ethical
problems or questions and can also clearly
and coherently explain the implications of
these ethical principles for life and work
can independently apply ethical principles to an can apply ethical principles to an ethical question
ethical question and will be able to come up with independently when given case studies to work
hypothetical cases, but may not be able to apply with
ethical principles to their own life experience or
decision making processes in a complex or
integrated way
can apply ethical principles to an ethical
question with support and when given
examples to work with
states a position and can state the objections to,
assumptions in, and implications of that
position, and can provide a basic counter-thesis
to the objections
states a position but cannot state the
objections to, assumptions in, or limitations
of the different principles and concepts.
Evaluation of Different Ethical Can clearly and coherently communicate to states a position and can state the objections to,
assumptions and implications of and can reasonably
principles and concepts
others various ethical principles and
concepts, the objections to these, and can defend their counter-thesis to these objections
offer well reasoned responses to these
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can recognize basic and obvious ethical issues and can recognize basic and obvious ethical issues
incompletely grasp the complexities or
but fails to grasp complexity or
interrelationships among the issues.
states a position and can state the objections to,
assumptions, implications of different ethical
principles/concepts but is not able to provide an
adequate counter-thesis to the objections
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Support for this resource has been provided by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council Ltd, an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.The views expressed in this resource do not
necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council. Last updated May 2011