Purposes of the exercise
To train the interpretation of satellite images more in general
To train your knowledge about advanced composites of MSG
Because present data are being considered it might happen that not all questions make sence.
The small script „Utilisation of NinJo-Software“ shall help you. In brackets you find in italic the corresponding chapter.
Day / time : 16.06.2009, 12 UTC
1. Do you find differences between the IR-temperature of the surface and the 2m-airtemperature at the same location?
2. What reasons can be found for the differences?
3. What's about the accuracy of the sea surface temperatures derived from the satellite data?
1. Zoom accordingly ( chapter 1 a) )
2. Activate surface data (Chapter 2, icon No 2, subtopic c))
Air temperature 2m
Or (sea / ocean)
Temperature Water Temperature
Move the cursor to a cloudless area near-by a temperature value. Pop-up window shows the corresponding IR-temperature.
What accuracy of the IR-cloud-top-temperatures (CTT) can be found in areas with prevailing stratiform cloudiness and in areas with prevailing convective clouds?
1. Switch off the layer „surface data“ ( chapter 2, topic b))
2. Activate „radiosoundings“ ( chapter 2 c) , Icon No 5)
3. If not done: switch on
„satellite“ (2nd from the left, chapter 2 b) )
4. If necessary: Zoom or rezoom accordingly ( chapter 1a) )
5. Move the cursor to a radiosounding station within an area of prevailling stratiform clouds
Left mouse click (a new window with the radiosounding measurements is displayed)
Compare the temperature at the cloud top with the corresponding radiosounding
Please repeat step No 5 for an area of convective clouds.
What is the emission’s height of IR-radiation within the water vapour band (WV 6.2 μm - equalized)?
1. Switch on „Satellite“ (third satellite icon from the left, see chapter 2 b) )
Activate „Radiosounding“ ( icon 5, chapter 2 c))
Select a radiosounding in a dark area
Left mouse (a new window with the radiosounding data is displayed)
Move the cursor a bit away from the radiosounding station. The pop-up-window shows the IR- temperature.
Please repeat the same steps (topic 2) for a radiosounding in a bright area of the water vapour image.
Day / time : 16.06.2009, 12 UTC
Where do you find areas of
Thunderstorms possible (brown/red)
Hail possible (light blue)
Hail very likely (violet) and how good does they fit with corresponding observations and lightnings?
1. Switch on the „satellite“-Layer (second satellite icon from the left, see chapter 2 b) ): IR 10.8
μm (enhanced)
2. For verification:
Switch on „Lightning“ ( Chapter 2 b), Icon 4), may last a couple of seconds!!
Activate „surface data“ ( chapter 2 c), Icon 2)
Significant Weather ww (Icon)
Please consider 16th June 2009, 12 UTC.
Question „Air mass RGB“
Where do find subtropical air, cold air with low tropopause and stratospheric air?
Activate satellite-Layer (2nd from the right, chapter 2 b) )
Remark: Sometimes a mixture can be found, e.g., more ozone in subtropical air (greenish- violet)
Questions RGB „Severe Convection“
1. Where do you identify convective cells that will probably intensify during the next minutes?
2. Where do you see bigger ice particles?
3. Where do you see bigger areas with small ice particles?
1. Activate the satellite layer on (that one most to the right)
2. Consider some time steps around noon ( chapter 7: Time management ).