Hiring Terminology and Processes 2015

Metropolitan State University of Denver
General Information on Hiring Terminology and Processes
Table of Contents
Administrative Hourly
Classified Hourly
Classified Staff Hiring’s
Classified Conversion to Admin. Position
Administrative and Faculty Hiring’s
Faculty Hiring
Faculty Transitional Retirement (TF); Lines & Processing
TOP - Target of Opportunity Program
FRIP - Faculty Recruitment Incentive Program
Administrative Hiring’s
Interim Policy (Internal & External)
Internal Searches
Waiver of Advertising
ICPS – Independent Contractor
People Admin 7.0 Coordination for Faculty & Administrative
positions; TOP, FRIP, Reassignments, Promotions & Interim
CUPA/Salary Range Established for a Position
Equal Opportunity and Assigning Person to Position
Salary Assessment and Background Check for a Specific
Personnel Action Form Process & Required Documents
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1) ADMINISTRATIVE HOURLY – An Administrative Hourly person can work up to 19 hours a week for a period
of 12 months. They then must take a period of 30 days off prior to working for another department. This is a nonbenefited position. These positions are NOT posted on the online application system at
https://www.msudenverjobs.com. Questions on this job category or filling an Administrative Hourly position
should be referred to Human Resources, Elizabeth Wellington, ewelling@msudenver.edu, 303-556-3120.
*Note – as of May 15, 2015 a Temporary Administrative Assistant Pool was created for the departments;
ask Ms. Wellington for the Guest User Access and Password to review those applicants for
Administrative and Classified Hourly positions.
2) CLASSIFIED HOURLY –Classified Hourly can work 40 hours a week (no benefits) for 9 months and then need
to take off for a period of 90 days prior to working for another department. This is a non-benefited position. These
positions are NOT posted on the online application system at https://www.msudenverjobs.com. Questions on this
job category or filling a Classified Hourly position should be referred to Human Resources, Elizabeth Wellington,
ewelling@msudenver.edu, 303-556-3120.
3) CLASSIFIED STAFF HIRING’S - Under the Colorado State Classified guidelines applicants must go to
http://agency.governmentjobs.com/colorado/default.cfm, Colorado State Home page. Applicants for Classified
Jobs MUST be Colorado State Resident’s. Questions on Classified Staff hiring’s should be referred to the Human
Resources department; Angela Bender, Assistant Director, Employment Services, abender6@msudenver.edu,
303-556-3120. Recommendation – make an appointment with Angela Bender for specifics on Classified Hiring’s,
this job category is monitored by the state. Examples of Classified Staff would be: Administrative Assistant I, II,
III, Program I (secretarial in nature), Accounting Tech I, II, and III (accounting services related job categories), IT
categories etc.
Classified employee INITIATES a review of their job description from Classified to an Administrative position.
Please contact Human Resources for the specific rules on Classified Conversions. Important note: a classified
conversion means converting the employee’s PRESENT classified position to an Administrative position (their
own). A conversion does NOT mean that they can be PROMOTED into an OPEN Administrative position; they
would have to apply and compete for any open administrative position according to the “Best Practices Guide for
Diversifying the Workforce” as administered by the EO Office. Questions on Classified positions should be
directed to Angela Bender, abender6@msudenver.edu, 303-352-4179. Questions on Administrative positions and
the Search Process should be referred to a member of the EO Team at 303-556-4746.
5) ADMINISTRATIVE AND FACULTY HIRING’S - A majority of faculty (Tenure Track Faculty/Category I
Visiting/Category II and Affiliate Faculty/Category III) are hired through the online application system at
https://www.msudenverjobs.com. Alternative programs for diversifying the workforce include the Target of
Opportunity (TOP) and Faculty Recruitment Incentive Program (FRIP), listed at 5C and 5D of this worksheet. The
Equal Opportunity Office monitors the Search and Screening processes for Administrative and Faculty positions
with the “Best Practices for Diversifying the Workforce” at
http://www.msudenver.edu/eoo/policiesandprocedures/ftsearchscreeningproceduresforms/. EO Trainings on the
Search and Screening processes are held two to three times a month and an RSVP for training can be made at
http://www.msudenver.edu/eoo/training/searchtrainingcalendar/, call a member of the EO team at 303-556-4746
or email eoquestions@msudenver.edu.
5A) FACULTY HIRING’S are monitored by the processes outlined in the “Handbook for Professional
Personnel” at
http://www.msudenver.edu/media/content/humanresources/policies/MSU%20Denver%20Handbook%2010-814%20Final.pdf- Section IV. Recruitment and Appointment Policies and Procedures, page 3 – 9:
Note: Faculty positions/lines are initiated in the Provost area and are assigned by the Dean’s when new lines
are needed and/or traded between departments/schools. Faculty positions must meet the “Minimum Education
Requirements for Faculty Positions” and categories (attachment) at
http://www.msudenver.edu/asa/asapolicymanualandotherinformation/asapolicymanual/ (see below) for
Accreditation purposes:
5B) Faculty Transitional Retirement (TF); Lines and processing – Please contact the Office
of Academic and Student Affairs, Kimberly Starr, Strategic Planning & Financial Analysis
Manager for Academic and Student Affairs, kstarr5@msudenver.edu, 303-556-4635. A TF line
is used for budgeting purposes. The retiring faculty member is placed on and paid from a TF
(Temporary Faculty) line for the period of his/her transitional retirement. This allows his/her
permanent F line to be used to obtain a new Category I or Category II faculty member.
5C) Target of Opportunity of Opportunity Program (TOP) and the 5D) Faculty Recruitment
Incentive Program (FRIP) - note the TOP can be used to fill faculty and administrative
positions only; the FRIP is only available for faculty positions Category II to Category I – Tenure
Track faculty; go to http://www.msudenver.edu/eoo/fripandtopprograms/ for information on these
two programs. The EO Office is the contact for questions and initiating the implementation of
these programs:
5C) TOP Program - Metropolitan State University of Denver ("MSU Denver") is
committed to enhancing its diversity among faculty and administrators and is committed
to maximizing the opportunity to employ faculty who have achieved national or
international distinction. To accomplish this, the University will implement the Target of
Opportunity program ("TOP"). The TOP Program can be utilized for faculty and
administrators; Classified personnel are NOT eligible for the TOP Program.
Purpose - The TOP has been designed to increase the number of qualified diverse
faculty/administrators and to attract outstanding teaching faculty to MSU Denver. This will
be done by providing extra resources and flexible recruiting/hiring procedures.
This program addresses the need to have more flexible recruitment/hiring strategies
through less time consuming procedures in order to effect appointments that address the
aforementioned priorities of the University. This program does not take the place of the
established appointment program, but is an alternative to it under circumstances where it
is authorized. Its implementation will be determined each year as a result of analysis of
the University priorities and budget.
TOP Categories - The categories for use of the TOP Faculty are:
TOP I - Diverse Faculty. To be used under two circumstances: 1) when there is
underutilization of diverse faculty (regardless of race or gender) in a particular discipline;
and 2) when there is no diversity among faculty (regardless of race or gender), but there
is a special need for representation in a particular discipline.
TOP II - Nationally/Internationally Recognized Faculty. To be used as an expedient,
flexible hiring procedure when the University has the opportunity to hire a
nationally/internationally known scholar.
TOP III – Diverse Administrators. The purpose of a TOP III program is to
enhance the ethnic, gender, and cultural diversity of administrators at MSU
5D) FRIP – Faculty Recruitment Incentive Program - designed to increase faculty
diversity at MSU Denver by:
1. Encouraging MSU Denver academic departments currently engaged in the screening an
selection of faculty to aggressively seek/invite applications from and hire faculty from classes
underrepresented in the department, the school or University as a whole for such positions;
2. Stimulating those same activities in all departments where underutilization exists;
3. Providing a vehicle to promote faculty recruitment activities in departments experiencing
reasonably stable or slow growth in enrollments, but are unable to secure additional regular
faculty positions through currently implemented policies and procedures; and
4. Promoting the professional development of faculty by facilitating the completion of graduate
course work and other appropriate academic pursuits leading to a terminal degree in their
*This Program has also been established to help encourage the attainment of the two major
objectives of the MSU Denver Affirmative Action program, namely:
1. The fostering of a multicultural campus and the appreciation of diversity; and
2. The improvement of employment opportunities for all underrepresented groups.
6) ADMINISTRATIVE HIRING’S are outlined in the “Handbook for Professional Personnel” with a
complete overview in the “Best Practices Guide; Full-time Search and Screening Procedures” at http://www.msudenver.edu/eoo/policiesandprocedures/ftsearchscreeningproceduresforms/ . Dr. Percy
Morehouse, EO Director and Assistant to the President, morehoup@msudenver.edu, 303-556-4246,
can speak to the historical reasoning behind the search process as well as his responsibilities when a
search complaint is filed with the EO Office and/or litigation is brought against the institution. Contact
a member of the EO team for hiring process questions for faculty and administrative positions
at 303-556-4746; also see the “Contact” page (last page of this document). Note – all faculty and
administrative positions must be updated in the online application system and moved through the
approval process. This includes: updating a position for CUPA evaluation, modifying and/or creating a
position for posting and advertising, reassignment, promotion, approved internal searches, and interim
positions/appointments. See item #8, page 6 of this document for the step by step process on
coordinating with the online application system. You can also contact a member of the EO Team for
questions on these processes.
ADMINISTRATIVE positions only –
i. PROMOTIONS - “Handbook for Professional Personnel” at
http://msudenver.edu/trustees/policies/ Section IV.I. page 9 and 10, I. Specific Guidelines for
Appointment of Administrators, then under I, item #4, reads as follows:
“Promotions - Promotion is defined as an upgrade in title in a recognized institutional
The hiring authority may initiate a promotion without advertising provided that the following criteria
are satisfied. Additional duties justify an upgrade in title;
The appropriate vice president concurs with the decision and the President approves
the vice president’s recommendation; and
The person chosen is more qualified than the other employees in the department/division/unit, as demonstrated
through the use of evaluations and other appropriate materials.
This policy is also coordinated with the People Admin online system; see page 6 and 7 of this
document for instructions and the required documentation to attach to the Personnel Action Form
for Promotions, Reassignments, and Interim Appointments.
ii. REASSIGNMENTS - XIV. Reassignment and Termination of Administrative Personnel -
A) Reassignment of Administrative Personnel-“Handbook for Professional Personnel” at
0-8-14%20Final.pdf, Section XVI. A. Administrators and administrative/regular personnel serve in administrative positions at the will and
pleasure of the President. The Trustees delegate the authority to reassign administrators and
administrative regular/personnel to any other exempt position within the College to the President.
Administrators and administrative/regular personnel may be reassigned to other exempt positions in
the President's discretion without cause or advance notice of reassignment. The authority to
reassign administrative and administrative/regular personnel may not be sub-delegated to
subordinate officers or employees of the College. Reassignments may not be grieved under
Section VIII of this Handbook.
B) People Admin - Same coordination with People Admin as indicated above and on page 6 of this
iii. INTERIM POLICY (including External Interim) – INTERIM POLICY - Set by Dr.
Stephen M. Jordan, President, September 12, 2006. As reported in “This Week @
Metro, Section Metro News” (refers to Administrative appointments):
Jordan Sets Directives for Administrative Appointments, September 12, 2006 President Stephen Jordan on Monday provided members of his cabinet with guidance on
administrative appointments.
Saying that he is “convinced that opportunities for advancement for administrative staff are
sometimes limited at Metro State,” Jordan also quoted Provost Rodolfo Rocha as saying that Metro
State cannot achieve preeminence without vetting new appointees through truly competitive
national searches. Taking both of these statements into account, the President has set the
following directives for administrative appointments:
1. Searches for interim administrative appointments should be restricted to internal candidates, in
order to provide more opportunities for internal advancement. In extreme cases, where there are
no MSU Denver personnel are available, the President may provide a waiver after careful
2. Permanent administrative appointments will be made after a national search, unless the
President approves promotion or reassignment for a clearly meritorious internal candidate from
within the college. The directives are effective immediately.
Note: Internal INTERIM positions must be advertised for a minimum of 5 (FIVE) BUSINESS DAYS.
Internal PERMANENT positions must be advertised for a minimum of 10 (TEN) CALENDAR DAYS.
Permission for these two hiring options should be requested of and pre-approved by the EO
This policy is also coordinated with the People Admin online system; see page 6 and 7 of this
document for instructions and the required documentation to attach to the Personnel Action Form
for Promotions, Reassignments, and Interim searches/appointments.
iiii) INTERNAL SEARCHES – in the “MSU Denver Handbook for Professional Personnel” at
http://www.msudenver.edu/trustees/policies/, Section IV. Recruitment and Appointment Policies and
Procedures, F.2. “Internal Searches” –
a. The hiring authority may choose to fill a position through an internal search to foster upward
mobility within the University.
b. If the hiring authority uses an internal search, the appropriate vice president must be advised in
writing of the reasons for the recommendation.
c. If the vice president concurs with the decision and the President approves the vice president’s
recommendation, the position will be announced to all personnel at the University.
d. The announcement must be posted at least ten days before the application deadline.
e. All applications from current part-time and full-time personnel must be given consideration.
This policy is also coordinated with the People Admin online system; see page 6 and 7 of this
document for instructions. This is done in order to announce the position internally as well as
allow all eligible MSU Denver employees the ability to be considered by applying for the position
at www.msudenverjobs.com. Once the position has been approved through the online
application system the Equal Opportunity Office will coordinate with the hiring authority and be
responsible for announcing the position to the University community via e-mail.
7) WAIVER OF ADVERTISING - University policy requires that all positions, including Temporary
Professional Personnel, not paid on a per credit hour or hourly basis (Administrative Hourly, Classified
Hourly, ICPS, etc.), be advertised unless an exception applies or an emergency circumstance exists.
A Waiver of Advertising may be granted for emergency circumstances by the Equal Opportunity Office.
E-mail the EO Director/Associate EO Director and explain the emergency circumstances that prevent the
department from advertising a position. If the explanation states that there is not sufficient time to
advertise, explain why the position was not advertised at an earlier date. Waivers ARE NOT needed for
Re-assignments and Promotions. A Waiver of Advertising is required for an Interim appointment,
as well as emergency hires for administrative, faculty, and grant funded positions (wherein a
person is named in the grant). Contact a member of the EO team for questions. Go to
http://www.msudenver.edu/eoo/policiesandprocedures/ftsearchscreeningproceduresforms/ for the Waiver
of Advertising Form. References: “MSU Denver Handbook for Professional Personnel,” Section IV.
Recruitment and Appointment Policies and Procedures, C. D. and F. Also refer to the “Best Practices For
Diversifying the Workforce” at
http://www.msudenver.edu/eoo/policiesandprocedures/ftsearchscreeningproceduresforms/, Section III.
8) ICPS – INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR (non-benefited position and not considered an
employee of the University) – go to
https://www.msudenver.edu/controller/resources/forms/accountspayablepurchasing/ for the
definition of an Independent Contractor and the specific forms needed. Any questions should be
referred to Accounts Payable/Purchasing at 303-556-3030.
*Hint – think of a Promotion, Reassignment, Interim, TOP or FRIP as TWO parallel streets:
the first street is the People Admin System - creating/updating the position, and the
second street is the accompanying paperwork, i.e.; Personnel Action Form, updated
resume, position description, memo to President for Promotion/Reassignment, etc. Once
you have approval from the Hiring Authority, AVP, and VP start the process by:
START THE POSITION IN PEOPLE ADMIN https://www.msudenverjobs.com/hr – is it a
new position or is this a “Modify?” Call 303-556-3210, Human Resources, and ask for
Amber Mozet, Debbie Magana, or Angela Bender for access to the Online/People Admin
System and basic training. All administrative and faculty positions need to be updated in
the People Admin online system. For questions concerning the processes for Promotion,
Reassignments, TOP, FRIP, and Interim positions please call the EO Office at 303-5564746 or eoquestions@msudenver.edu.
Every employee has a position, i.e.: Administrators are E lines, Faculty have F Lines
(People Admin), and Classified personnel are C lines. You may need to have an updated
Organizational Chart ready (if applicable) to attach in the People Admin System if the
position is new or there are modifications in the reporting structure. Any questions
concerning Classified positions should be referred to the Human Resources department
303-556-3210. Questions concerning administrative and faculty positions can be referred
to the EO Team (303-556-4746) and/or the HR Office.
__________________ or this is a PROMOTION FOR __________. Note – you
CANNOT TOP Classified personnel. Any questions related to Classified personnel and
positions MUST be directed to Angela Bender, Assistant Director Employment Services,
303-352-4179, abender6@msudenver.edu.
B) CUPA/SALARY RANGE - When the position moves through the approval process and
reaches HR (through People Admin) they will give the Hiring Authority a Salary Range for
the position; Nicole Tefft, HR Director, ntefft@msudenver.edu, 303-556-5034. A salary
recommendation is given for a specific person either: 1) once the Search has been Certified by
HR; or 2) when a specific person is assigned to the position, ie: TOP, FRIP, Reassignment,
Promotion, etc. see # 3 below.
position moves from HR to EO, we will review the announcement (required and preferred
qualifications are still needed). Paul Hitchcock, hitchcoc@msudenver.edu, 303-556-2245, will
need a copy/e-mail of the candidate’s resume/vitae in order to coordinate with them to be the
SOLE applicant for the position. Cc ntefft@msudenver.edu so she can begin the process of a
Salary Assessment/Recommendation and Background Check, #4 below.
is now in People Admin (attached to the position). Paul will e-mail the Hiring Authority and HR
notifying them of this; HR will do a salary assessment and give the Hiring Authority a salary
recommendation for the candidate. HR will include in that recommendation basic instructions on
how to “appeal” if the Hiring Authority feels that the salary is not competitive or would like to
offer an amount higher than the recommendation/hiring range. HR will direct you on the
processes for a Background Check Authorization at http://www.msudenver.edu/hr/policies/).
Important: Faculty TOP and FRIP Hires, the Salary Assessment can be found in the Dean’s
E) PERSONNEL ACTION FORM (PAF) – Fill out the Personnel Action Form (PAF) found at
http://www.msudenver.edu/hr/forms/ - look for the specific job classification under HR forms
(Administrative, classified, etc. – fill out all sections of the PAF - Under “V. Justification”
state: TOP Hire, FRIP, Reassignment, Promotion, etc. IMPORTANT ATTACH ALL OF THE
a member of the EO Team at 303-556-3022 for questions.
i) *PROMOTIONS OR REASSIGNMENTS AND THE PERSONNEL ACTION FORM a. Personnel Action Form – filled out; under “V. Justification” state –Reassignment
or Promotion etc.
b. Attach the e-mail/memo from the Hiring Authority ADDRESSED to the AVP/VP AND
the President requesting the Promotion or Reassignment. The e-mail/memo must
give details/justification as needed under the policy; see specific policy noted in
this document.
c. Attach the candidates updated resume/vitae;
d. Attach the position description printed out from People Admin;
e. Attach the Background Check Authorization e-mail from HR (if applicable);
f. Attach the Salary Recommendation from HR;
g. Transcripts - If a current employee simply state under V. Justification “Promotion and
Transcripts on file with HR.” Unless the employee has recently received a degree or
higher level degree, then attach copies of transcripts and request they order official
transcripts to be delivered to HR. Education and experience are both considerations in
CUPA/Salary recommendation by HR.
h. Hand walk for signatures – supervisor, next level, VP, EO, President’s Office, etc. Keep
copies for your records.
ii) *TOP/FRIP AND THE PAF - Go to http://www.msudenver.edu/eoo/fripandtopprograms/
for forms and policy
a. Personnel Action Form – filled out; under “V. Justification” state –TOP or FRIP Hire.
b. Attach the candidate’s updated resume/vitae;
c. Attach the position description printed out from People Admin;
d. Attach the completed paperwork found at
e. Attach the Underutilization Report – TOP and FRIP Only report provided by EO.
f. Attach COPIES OF THE CANDIDATES TRANSCRIPTS; if a degree is a requirement of
the position description, copies of transcripts are required. Note: Official Transcripts are
required within 30 days of the hire date.
on page 5 of this document. The position MUST be updated in People Admin, advertised
per the INTERNAL Interim policy, internal search processes followed. If an External Interim
is brought in the position MUST be updated in People Admin, the candidate will need to
“create” an account at www.msudenverjobs.com, and the EO Office will need to attach the
person to the position (resume/vitae) in order for HR to do the background check and salary
assessment for the candidate. Processing the Personnel Action Form:
INTERNAL INTERIM a. Personnel Action Form – filled out; under “V. Justification” state: “Internal Interim
hired from Internal Search on __________.”
b. Attach the candidates updated resume/vitae;
c. Attach the position description printed out from People Admin or EO template;
d. Attach the “Certification of Search” from EO;
d. Attach salary assessment recommendation from HR;
e. Attach background check authorization from HR (if applicable);
f. Attach COPIES of transcripts (if applicable) – Official transcripts are due w/in 30 days of
hire or state “Transcripts on file w/HR” (under V. Justification on PAF).
a. Personnel Action Form – filled out; under “V. Justification” state: “External
Interim – see Waiver of Advertising and Memo of Justification.”
b. Attach the e-mail/Memo of Justification/Request from the Hiring Authority to the
Dean/AVP to the VP AND the PRESIDENT. See policy on page 5 of this document.
c. Attach the WAIVER OF ADVERTISING – Go to
s/ (see Waiver of Advertising - bottom of page). Approval signatures are needed on
this form: Hiring Authority, Dean/AVP/VP and the EO Director.
d. Attach the candidates’ updated resume/vitae;
e. Attach the position description printed out from People Admin;
f. Attach salary assessment recommendation from HR;
g. Attach background check authorization from HR (if applicable);
h. Attach COPIES of transcripts (if applicable) – Official transcripts are due w/in 30 days of
hire or state “Transcripts on file w/HR” under V. Justification.
*Note, this paperwork is also applicable if a current MSU Denver employee applies for
a different administrative or faculty position and is the chosen candidate.
a. Personel Action Form – filled out; under “V. Justification” state: “Hired through
search and @ month and year position posted.”
b. Attach the Certification of Search from EO to the Hiring Manager and/or Chair of Search;
c. Attach the candidate’s resume/vitae;
d. Attach the position description printed out from People Admin or EO;
e. Attach the salary assessment recommendation from HR (or the Dean’s office if a faculty
f. Attach the background check authorization from HR (if applicable);
g. Attach COPIES of transcripts (if applicable) - Official transcripts are due w/in 30 days of
hire or state “Transcripts on file w/HR” under V. Justification.
*Faculty new hire paperwork – all of the items above are necessary as well as check with
the Dean’s Office on specific requests for their areas and/or departments.
TOP, FRIP, Promotion, Reassignment, Interim (Internal/External), and Internal Search Questions
– Direct questions to a member of the Equal Opportunity Team, 303-556-4746. Note an
Underutilization Analysis and pre-approval of the TOP or FRIP is required. Go to
http://www.msudenver.edu/eoo/fripandtopprograms/ for an overview of the TOP/FRIP programs.
 The Handbook for Professional Personnel- http://www.msudenver.edu/trustees/policies/
 Best Practices Guide for Diversifying the Workforce http://www.msudenver.edu/eoo/policiesandprocedures/ftsearchscreeningproceduresforms/
Questions on Classified staff, Classified Reassignments, etc. – Contact is Angela Bender,
Assistant Director Employment Services (HR), abender6@msudenver.edu, 303-352-4179, Student
Success Building, Room 310.
Background Check Authorizations – Elizabeth Wellington, Office Manager HR,
ewelling@msudenver.edu, 303-556-3120, SSB, Room 310.
CUPA/Salary Assessments – Nicole Tefft, HR Director, ntefft@msudenver.edu, 303-556-5034, SSB
Room 310.
EO TEAM- http://www.msudenver.edu/eoo/contact/. Located in the Student Success Building,
Room 440.
Dr. Percy Morehouse, EO Director/Asst. to the President, morehoup@msudenver.edu, 303-556-4746.
Ms. Angela Marquez, M.A., Associate EO Director, amarqu33@msudenver.edu, 303-556-2939.
Mr. Paul Hitchcock, B.A., People Admin Coordinator/Admin Asst., hitchcoc@msudenver.edu, 303-556-2245.
Ms. Laura Lempe, M.A., Equity Specialist, lempe@msudenver.edu, 303-556-4746.
HR TEAM - http://www.msudenver.edu/hr/aboutus/hrstaffdirectory/. Located in the Student
Success Building, Room 310.
Nicole Tefft, HR Director, ntefft@msudenver.edu, 303-556-5034.
Angela Bender, Asst. Director Employment Services, abender6@msudenver.edu, 303-352-4179.
Amanda Berry, ADA Senior Benefits Administrator, aberry11@msudenver.edu, 303-556-5029.
Debbie Magana, HR Generalist, dmagana1@msudenver.edu, 303-556-3120.
Amber Mozet, Asst. to the Director of Human Resources, amozet1@msudenver.edu, 303-556-8514.
Thuy Nguyen, HR Generalist, tnguy247@msudenver.edu, 303-556-5030
Ms. Angie Roberts, HR Generalist, arober56@msudenver.edu, 303-556-5055.
Ms. Elizabeth Wellington, Office Manager, ewelling@msudenver.edu, 303-556-3120.