NORTH WEST LEICESTERSHIRE EQUALITY ANALYSIS FORM Title of the policy/procedure Date Lead Officer Who else is involved in undertaking this assessment? (names and details of organisation) Street Cleansing 01/09/2011 Paul Coates Annie Walker – Street Cleansing Manager Karen Hulse - Senior Waste Strategy Officer Andrew Jenkins - Waste Services Development Officer Step 1 – Overview of policy/ procedure being assessed A. Outline: What is the purpose of this policy? (specify aims and objectives) To inspire residents to live a greener lifestyle is a Council priority To reduce waste and to increase recycling rates. To comply with the European Waste Framework directive and Landfill directive. The Council has a statutory responsibility to maintain highways and open spaces to acceptable standards as per the Code of Practice on Litter and Refuse in the Environmental protection Act 1990. It is within the Council Delivery Plan to improve the cleanliness of the district B. What specific group(s) is the policy designed to affect/impact? The service is provided for the benefit of all residents in the district. C. Which group(s) have been consulted as part of the creation or review of the policy? (List) North West Leicestershire District Council Waste Officers Elected Members of the District Leicestershire Waste Partnership Step 2 – What we already know and where there are gaps A. List any existing information/data do you have/monitor about different diverse groups in relation to this policy? Such as in relation to ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, age, gender, transgender etc. Local Environmental Quality Assessments Previous Equality Impact Assessments Census data (Local Futures) Customer complaints/feedback records NI195 inspection reports of district cleanliness B. What does this information / data tell you about diverse group? If you do not hold or have access to any data/information on diverse groups, what do you need to begin collating / monitoring? (please list) The Local Environmental Quality Assessment shows that areas of high social deprivation require litter picking more frequently than areas of low social deprivation and that residents in areas have a lower perception of the service than in areas of lower social deprivation. An equalities monitoring form will feature as part of each future Waste Services satisfaction survey to ensure the profile of our customers is captured in terms of residents with known disabilities, age, and racial groups. A further analysis of priority neighbourhoods and areas of high social deprivation to determine attitudes to litter generation and disposal 1 A visual map of the district showing the number and location of litter bins is required on the district to profile volume of litter bins and corresponding levels of cleanliness from inspection data. Step 3 – Do we need to seek the views of others? If so, who? A. In light of the answers you have given in step 2, do you need to consult with specific groups to identify needs / issues? If not please explain why. Yes, racial groups – there are some education issues that need to be addressed with non-english speakers in relation to fly-tipping and disposal of waste in laybys . Yes, tenants groups in areas of high social deprivation and priority neighbourhoods. Step 4 – Assessing the impacts In light of any data/consultation/information and your own knowledge and awareness, please identify whether the policy has a positive or negative on the groups specified and provide an explanation for your decision. (please refer to the general duties on the front page) Disability (physical, visual, hearing, learning disabilities, mental health) Positive Rapid response to complaints of fly tips in place Rapid response to complaints of fly tips in place. Visual signage on litter bins to illustrate that dog waste and general litter is accepted Gender / Sex No impact Religious Belief No impact Age Racial Group Visual signage on litter bins to illustrate that dog waste and general litter is accepted. Sexual Orientation No impact Transgender No impact Carers No impact Priority neighbourhoods Other protected groups (pregnancy & maternity, marriage & civil partnership) Other socially excluded groups (low literacy, socio-economic, rural communities, etc) Increased cleansing activity is undertaken in priority neighbourhoods No impact Assistance provided to Street Environment Managers to promote anti-litter and anti-dog fouling messages. 2 Negative All Rapid response to graffiti removal on buildings that the District are responsibility for maintaining. Racist/homophobic/disability hatred graffiti are removed within 24 hours of being reported. Step 5 – Action Plan Please include any identified concerns/actions/issues in this action plan: Question Number (i.e Step 2B) Key improvement activity Responsible Officer Target Completion Date Undertake customer satisfaction surveys regarding street cleansing issues Andrew Jenkins December 2012 Provide clearer signage in multiple languages at layby’s and fly tip hotspots to raise awareness of the law in relation to fly-tipping and littering offences. Undertake mapping of district litter bin locations Andrew Jenkins June 2012 Annie Walker June 2012 Add additional lines as required Step 6 – Who needs to know about the outcomes of this assessment, the progress made and how will they be informed Employees Who needs to know (Please tick) √ How they will be informed (we have a legal duty to publish EIA’s) Council Intranet Internal Memo Staff briefing Session Customers Partners and stakeholders √ Website Others To ensure ease of access, what other communication needs/concerns are there? Step 7 – Conclusion (to be completed and signed by the Head of Service) Please delete as appropriate I agree / disagree with this assessment / action plan If disagree, state action/s required, reasons and details of who is to carry them out with timescales: Signed (Head of Service): Date: 3