Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information Surname(s) / First

Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
Surname(s) / First name(s)
FIŠAR Zdeněk
Date of birth
Work experience
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
11/1989 →
Scientist, professor
I have been a scientist, lecturer and professor at the Charles University, on the 1st Medical Faculty
from the year 1989 to present. I occupy myself by neurochemistry and biological psychiatry. The main
topics of my work are study of molecular mechanisms of action of antidepressants, mood stabilizers
and drug abuse, searching of biological markers of neurodegenerative disorders, scientific projects
management, publication in professional journals, teaching of neurochemistry and biological
psychiatry, and training of MS Office.
Charles University in Prague, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
Kateřinská 32, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic
Science and education
09/1985 - 10/1989
Having finished PhD studies I was a scientist at Institute of Landscape Ecology of Czechoslovak
Academy of Sciences. I occupied myself by hydrobiology for two years and by aeroecology for
another two years. The aim of my work was the research in the hydrobiology: introducing of new
fluorescence methods in the research of the phytoplankton, monitoring of reservoirs, flow
cytofluorimetry, design and construction of portable fluorimeter and programming. In section of
aeroecology I occupied myself by new methods in monitoring of airborne microorganisms, and in
measurement of long-range transport (Czech Republic  Austria) of sulphur dioxide. I participate on
the monitoring of air pollution in Prague; my responsibility was automation of data collection, statistical
evaluation of data, graphical presentation of results, and programming.
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Landscape Ecology
Branišovská 31, 370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects / occupational skills
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Fišar Zdeněk
medical chemistry and biochemistry
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Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects / occupational skills
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Title of qualification awarded
president of Czech Republic on the proposal from Charles University in Prague
assoc. prof.
medical chemistry and biochemistry
Charles University in Prague
09/1981 - 08/1985
CSc. (equivalent to Ph.D.)
Principal subjects / occupational skills
I completed postgraduate doctoral study in the biological sciences. I obtained scientific education in
gnotobiology and immunology. My PhD thesis was “Dynamic properties of lymphocyte’s plasma
membranes”. Other topics of my work were the construction of spectrofluorimeter, introduction of the
method of fluorescence probes, image analysis, fluorescence microscopy, etc. I obtained diploma and
academic title PhD (in biology) in 1986.
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Microbiology, Vídeňská 1083, 142 20 Prague
4, Czech Republic
Level in national or international
10/1980 - 06/1981
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects / occupational skills
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
I was on residency in Physical Institute of the Charles University in Prague. The main topic of my work
was the study of fluorescence probes used in biology.
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Prague 2,
Czech Republic
Level in national or international
Title of qualification awarded
09/1975 - 06/1980
State examination in physics (in 1980); diploma and title doctor in biophysics and chemical physics
(RNDr., in 1982).
Principal subjects / occupational skills
I studied on the Charles University in Prague on Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, field physics,
specialization biophysics. I graduated in 1980. This master study (5 years) was finished by the state
examination in physics and diploma. I obtained both theoretical knowledge and experimental
experience in the physics, biophysics and biochemistry.
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Prague 2,
Czech Republic
Level in national or international
Membership in professional
1995 →
Czech Society of Biological Psychiatry
1998 →
World Federation of Societies of Biological psychiatry
1993 →
Czech Neuropsychopharmacological Society
1993 →
Czech and Slovak Neurochemical Society
2000 →
Czech Psychiatric Society
1983 - 2003
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Fišar Zdeněk
Czech Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
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Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
European level (*)
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
B1 Independent user B2 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B2 Independent user
Basic user
Basic user
Proficient user
Proficient user
Basic user
Basic user
Basic user
B2 Independent user B1 Independent user B2 Independent user
B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user B1 Independent user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level
Social skills and competences
1. I am a scientist and teacher, so I have many contacts with people of very different ages. As
principal investigator of projects I strongly communicate with co-workers, reviewers etc. I participate
on teaching of foreign students of medicine (with teaching English language). I am a tutor of
postgraduate students in the field of neurosciences. I am consulting (by mail mainly) some scientific
problems with foreign specialists also.
2. I was a multiyear member of sport team (shooting sport).
Organisational skills and
1. I have been principal investigator or co-worker of twenty seven scientific and tutorial projects; so, I
have experiences with coordination and administration of smaller working groups.
2. I have skills with organization of computer courses dealing with using of PC, Internet, and MS
3. I am a founder member of Czech Society of Biological Psychiatry and I was scientific secretary of
this society during 1995-1999. I was organizer of national conferences of biological psychiatry in
1997 and 1999 year.
Technical skills and competences
1. I am advanced user of specific laboratory equipment used in biochemical and biophysical research,
e.g. spectrophotometry, spectrofluorimetry, fluorescence microscopy, radiochemistry, biochemical
methods, respirometry etc.
2. I obtained a certificate of qualification to manage a work with laboratory animals (Central
Commission for Animal Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Těšnov 17, 117 05 Prague, Czech
3. I obtained a certificate of qualification to manage a work with radioisotopes (State Office for Nuclear
Safety, Senovážné náměstí 9, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic).
Computer skills and competences
 Proficient user of MS Office programmes (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Front Page, and Access) and
some specialized programs for experimental data acquisition and data analysis.
 Some experience with programming in Basic, Visual Basic and HTML.
 Production of web pages.
Other skills and competences
Driving licence
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Fišar Zdeněk
I was member of the Ethical Committee of Psychiatric Clinic of the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles
University in Prague during the period 1992-2001.
I obtained a driving license B (for car).
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Additional information I obtained following honours:
1. National psychiatric prize of Prof. V. Vondráček in a year 1998 for the book Z. Fišar: Biochemické
hypotézy afektivních poruch (Biochemical hypotheses of affective disorders), Galén, Praha 1998.
2. Kuffner prize in a year 2001 for the book Z. Fišar, R. Jirák: Vybrané kapitoly z biologické psychiatrie
(Selected chapters in biological psychiatry), Grada, Praha 2001.
3. National psychiatric prize of Prof. V. Vondráček in a year 2006 for the publication Z. Fišar: Deprese,
antidepresiva a membrány (Depression, antidepressants and membranes), Praha 2006.
4. National psychiatric prize of Prof. V. Vondráček in a year 2008 for the publication Z. Fišar, J.
Raboch: Depression, antidepressants, and peripheral blood components. NeuroEndocrinol Lett.
29(1):17-28, 2008.
5. National psychiatric prize of Prof. V. Vondráček in a year 2010 for the book Z. Fišar et al.: Vybrané
kapitoly z biologické psychiatrie, 2nd ed., Grada, Prague 2009.
6. Kuffner prize in a year 2011 for complete works about biochemical mechanisms of action of
antidepressants and the role of mitochondria.
Annexes For more information see
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Fišar Zdeněk
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