Adapting the curriculum content to a student with hearing impairment

- Most relevant to theme Nr.: . 4. Adapting the curriculum content.
- Also relevant to theme(s) Nr.: ..2.... and ..3....
Towards a more inclusive vision of the educational needs of the educational disability
Adapting the curriculum content to a student with hearing impairment
Inclusive curriculum in the classroom:
 Adjustments access
-Physical conditions of the center
-Physical location of the classroom and the students
-Tailored materials and assistive technology
-Alternative communication system
Curricular adaptations
What and when to teach
- Prioritizing objectives and contents according to the competence level of the student
curriculum: language field phonological factors, morphosyntactic, lexical and pragmatic
reading and writing.
- Appropriateness of the objectives and what the competition level curriculum of students
with hearing impairment:
Objectives and content remain.
Objectives and contents that are reformulating and adapting.
Objectives and contents are introduced and removed temporarily
- Change the timing of certain objectives and content.
How to Teach
- Information from the faculty and students of the class of basic standards of performance
in communication with hearing impaired students.
Introduce teaching and learning strategies based on oral explanations and visual aids
Enter building activities and support in diverse linguistic content.
Globalization strategy in learning experiences
Activities adapted: activities that remain to be reformulated, deleted and activities are
Adaptations of texts.
What and how to evaluate
Prioritize certain criteris of evaluation
Keeping certain evaluation criteria
Align the timing of the evaluation criteria
Remove and introduce new criteria for evaluation
Phases of the process of developing a suitable curriculum proposal
1) Initial phase: definition of the situation of students and professionals involved
2) Evaluation Counseling: Assessment and delineation of the educational needs of students.
A) Student Information
1. Student's personal history.
- Aspects of their evolutionary development: pregnancy, childbirth health.
- Type of hearing loss, time of onset, residual hearing.
- Existence or not of other changes.
- Prior schooling: start of the escolarizacióny type of schooling.
- Support and treatment received.
2. Overall development of student.
- Intellectual aspects: basic skills
- Aspects of motor development: visual-motor coordination, active coordination, balance
and postural control, spatial and temporal organization and laterality.
- Visual perceptual development and perceptual.
- Language proficiency and in respect to the phonological factor, morphosyntactic, lexical
and pragmatic factors through its articulation, comprehension, expression, vocabulary,
language abilities and their level of acquisition and literacy development.
- The communication system used or intended to be used.
- Your interaction with others and social skills.
- Emotional aspects: personality traits, self-esteem, self-concept. motivation and degree of
satisfaction with their homework.
3. Family and social context.
- Composition of the family.
- Profession of parents.
- Social and family environment.
- Degree of involvement of the family in collaboration with the school and the education of
their child.
- Current expectations of parents with relation to the specific situation of your son or
- Degree of autonomy within and outside the home relations with members of the family,
hygiene, food, games preferences.
- Family: habits, routines and guidelines for education in performance, attitudes and
expectations, relationships with the school.
- Social environment: General Terms and disponesu environment resources.
4. Relevant data for the student or pupil in making curriculum decisions
- Proficiency curriculum: curricular referent relation to basic skills (reasoning,
comprehension, planning and work habits). Curricular competency levels in different
curriculum areas.
- Motivation for learning and learning style.
B) Information on the educational context
- The school: they try to determine if the general conditions of the center correspond to the
educational needs posed by students with hearing impairment.
- Does the center since his school based curricular and pupils with hearing impairment?
- Are the criteria and procedures established in the educational programs to implement the
measures of attention to diversity: curriculum adaptations, access, diversification of the
curriculum or other support?
- Is there coordination within the cycle and set the stage for an educational response to
students with special educational needs?
- Are tracked and an evaluation of curriculum adaptations or other measures of attention to
diversity among faculty and with the collaboration of specialists Pedagogical guidance?
- Does the organization of spaces, access favors grouping responses to the needs associated
with a hearing impairment?
- In the center is normalized using other systems of alternative or augmentative
communication to oral language?
- The classroom: They analyzed the factors and elements
organizational and curricular influencing the teaching-learning process.
-Physical and environmental conditions of the classroom: organization of space and time.
-Adequacy of classroom Programming educational needs in relation to the hearing
. Adaptation of objectives and contents from the unit.
. Material used and adapted materials.
. Teaching strategies and activities.
. Evaluation criteria and procedures adapted.
- Aspects relating to communication with the pupil: teacher / student, student / peers.
C) Delimitation and determination of special educational needs of students with hearing
1) Arising from their disabilities with general character
-To acquire greater autonomy
- Enhance your communication skills.
- Improve your self-concept and self esteem.
- Enhance the process of socialization
- Develop strategies to:
better way to learn
increase and sustain attention
generalize the learning and increase the capacity d symbolization and abstraction.
- Receive information structured environment.
- Enhance other sensory channels.
- Develop alternative communication channels.
Encourage oral and written language.
Promoting cognitive enrichment through specific tasks.
Increasing motivation towards learning.
2) Disability resulting from their relationship to cognitive abilities
- Improve the basic techniques: abilities and skills involved in literacy, basic arithmetic
operations and aplicaion in the resolution of problems.
- Improve the carrying out of activities independently, using props: graphics, instantiations
of task, guides, instructions.
- Establish and strengthen habits and techniques of intellectual work.
-Acquire the habit of reflecting before performing a task and understand what is learned.
3) Arising from their disability with relation to language and communication disabilities
-Encourage the language, educational intentions and social relationship.
-Enhance your listening and speaking as well as its written expression and comprehension.
- Improving skills psycholinguistic and linguistic deficits correct.
- Correct oral language disorders, both comprehensive and expressive as the processes that
influence the acquisition of reading and writing.
- Improve the level of attention in the oral explanations of teachers and making of orders of
increasing difficulty.
4) Derivative of disability with relation to motor skills
- Improve coordination and overall dynamic balance.
- Strengthen the skills and fine and gross motor skills.
- Define and be aware of the laterality of all areas.
- Develop and improve the silk.
5) Derivatives of disability in relation to the capabilities of personal balance, interpersonal
relationships and social participation insertion
- Improve your emotional balance and mood.
- Enhance safety when dealing with school learning.
- Improve your level of self-concept and self esteem.
Reduce or eliminate your level of anxiety and insecurity and fear of failure.
- Learn to control your anxiety level to perform tasks.
- Improve interactions with peers and people their own age.
6) Arising from the educational context
- To receive the supports that are wanted: special education, and Hearing and Language or
other measures.
- Have access materials and adaptations at both center and classroom.
7) Derivative of social and family context
- Increase your level of autonomy.
- Achieve greater social competence.
- Interact with the environment.
- Contextualizing learning and understand how it works.
8) resulting from the proposed curriculum
- Flesh out the special educational needs related to the acquisition of basic learning cycle
stage or earlier.
- Prioritize the objectives and content of an area or areas.
- Align objectives and contents of an area or areas.
- Remove or Include specific objectives and contents of an area or areas.
- Adapt activities according to the curriculum concerning the student.
- Amend the assessment criteria.
3) Elaboration of the educational response: determination of the adapted curriculum proposal
a) What we need to prioritize?
- Acquire basic learning instrumental areas.
- Develop basic mental abilities.
b) How access to learning?
From procedural content and use of visual aids and verbal.
c) What kind of adjustments?
- Adjustments of a general curriculum with respect to the center and the corresponding
cycle phase.
- Adjustments in the elements of access to the curriculum:
. Organizational and personal items.
. Elements and communication materials and organization.
- Adjustments in the core curriculum elements:
. Adaptation or reformulation, inserting or deleting objects.
. Objectives and content of the cycle or stage from the curriculum project.
- Adjustments in the methodology and activities:
. Programming simultaneous activities and diversified.
. Introduce individual activities, but rather complementary or alternative.
. Enhancing the use of techniques and strategies to enhance their direct experience,
reflection and expression.
. Use physical aids, visual and verbalesen the realization of activities.
- Adaptations inthe space of time and rendezvous.
- Adjustments to the criteria and assessment procedures.
- Significant curricular adaptations in an area or areas.
d) What strategies used to implement a curriculum adaptation with varying degrees of
The significant individual curricular adaptations from classroom programming will allow us to:
- Identify and personalize the teaching-learning process.
- Addressing the abilities, interests and motivations of students.
Responding to the learning difficulties of students and their educational needs
- Making changes to the curricula.