Course Outline: Sport Administration Fieldwork Experience (HH/AS KINE 4530 3.0A) Term: Fall and Winter 2009-10 Time & Day: Mondays, 7:00 – 10:00pm Location: 325 Bethune Instructor: Susan E. Vail, Ph.D. 324 Stong College Phone: 416-736-2100 x20774 Email: ________________________________________________________________ Course Overview The purpose of the fieldwork is to provide students with the opportunity of gaining practical experience in the field of sport administration. Students will combine theory and practice in actual workplace situations. Course Objectives 1. To provide the student with the opportunity to develop and implement a Work Plan within an organization in the field of sport, fitness or recreation. 2. To provide the student with the opportunity to apply related sport administration theory in the workplace. 3. To provide the student with feedback on her/his ON-THE-JOB performance. Course Requirements 1. The Course Coordinator will assist the student in the identification and matching with the sponsor organization, as required but the primary responsibility for securing a placement rests with the student. 2. Once the student feels that he/she has found a suitable placement, he/she must notify the Course Coordinator to receive ‘approval to proceed’ with formalizing the placement. 3. The student then drafts his/her Work Plan (including personal and work objectives) in consultation with the sponsor. The work plan document must be signed off by all 3 parties 1 (Course Conductor, Sponsor, Student) prior to commencing the field placement. 4. The student must attend scheduled fieldwork seminars throughout the fall and winter terms. 5. The student is responsible for preparing a final report upon completion of the fieldwork experience. Course Evaluation The fieldwork evaluation will be based on the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Final Report Sponsor's evaluation of the student Student's self-evaluation Workplan 40% 30% 15% 15% 100% Notes: The fieldwork experience must involve the student for minimally two days per week for at least thirteen weeks. It should be noted that three (3) to four (4) days a week is optimal and care must be taken with academic scheduling. MONDAYS are to be considered nonfieldwork days where students focus on their school and YUSAA responsibilities. Fieldwork is a volunteer experience for the student. Opportunities for financial gain through fieldwork must be discussed and approved by the Course Coordinator in advance of the proposed placement period. All students must register for this course for the FALL term, even if their fieldwork experience begins in the Winter term. It is highly recommended that all students purchase a copy of What Colour is Your Parachute by Richard Bolles (Most Recent Edition, Ten Speed Press: Toronto) Cost: approximately $30.00 2 Sponsor Responsibilities A fieldwork sponsor has the following responsibilities: 1. 2. 3. To assist the student in the development of his/her Work Plan To ensure that the student is responsible for at least one project from beginning to end To ensure that the student gains an overall understanding of the organization’s priorities and issues (beyond his/her specific responsibilities) To provide the student with feedback on his/her performance on a weekly basis (if not more frequently) To assist Sue in the monitoring of the student’s performance through participating in monthly telephone or in-person meetings To formally evaluate the performance of the student at the completion of the placement period To provide a suitable work station for the student 4. 5. 6. 7. Fieldwork Work Plan Content 1. Cover Page 2. General Information 3. Student’s Personal Objectives 4. These are statements of what the student is expected to have accomplished at the end of the placement period Must be written in measurable terms Work Plan 6. What are your personal goals for this experience? What do you want to learn? What do you want exposure to? Student’s Work Objectives 5. Full contact information for Sponsor Full contact information for student Length of placement (provide begin and end dates) Days working at placement site (number & specific days) This document is usually set up as a chart with the following column headers: Major Activities/Projects, Tasks (for each Major Activity), Timelines (for each Task), Special Notes The Work Plan may be structured around the work objectives Signatures This document must be signed off (and dated) by the student, the sponsor and the course conductor to ensure that all parties are in agreement 3 Suggested Process for Work Plan Development Draft up Work Plan after preliminary meeting with sponsor Submit draft to Sue for review Finalize document…may need another meeting with sponsor Submit to sponsor for signature Submit to Sue for signature Begin placement! FINAL REPORT: TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. SPONSOR ORGANIZATION OVERVIEW 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. Process of securing placement Work objectives Personal objectives Mandate and structure Key issues facing organization currently. Description of Sponsor's position and style WORKPLAN OVERVIEW 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4. CONCLUSIONS 5. APPENDICES 5.1 5.2 Major activity descriptions and degree to which achieved General learnings and observations Personal assessment of fieldwork experience What did you learn about yourself? Your leadership style? Your strengths? What needs improvement? What did you learn about the type of person you would like to work for/with? How could you have improved your experience? Copy of Work plan Samples of completed work, as appropriate 4 Seminar Schedule: Fall-Winter 2009-10 September 14 Introductory Class September 21 Individual Meetings with Sue (Fall Placements) October 5 Individual Meetings with Sue (Winter Placements) November 2 Resume Writing Seminar December 7 Intern Presentations (all YUSAA members invited) January 11 Interview Preparation Seminar February 1 Panel Presentation: Preparing for the Workplace March 1 Intern Presentations (all YUSAA members invited) Notes: Individual meetings may be scheduled with the Course Director at any time upon request The Course Director will be in direct contact with Sponsors on a monthly or bi-weekly basis to monitor the performance of the student Students will submit final reports within two (2) weeks of completion of the fieldwork experience The Course Director will conduct a one-on–one interviews with each student upon the completion of his/her placement 5