What You See Is What You Get: Effects of Provocative Stimuli in Creative Invention Steven M. Smith, Nicholas W. Kohn and Jami J. Shah What causes impasses, and what facilitates resolution of impasses in creative invention? What are the effects of information external to people engaged in creative discovery? Material in one’s environment that can add information, ideas, or knowledge to the discovery process are provocative stimuli. Do provocative stimuli cause cognitive impasses, or do they facilitate resolution of impasses? New experiments address these research questions in the context of creative design and invention. The results may influence theoretical models of discovery and innovation, and may be instrumental in the development of effective methods for improving and accelerating creative thinking in invention and design. Impasses and Provocative Stimuli in Creative Design What causes impasses, and what facilitates resolution of impasses in the creative discovery process? In particular, what are the effects of information or knowledge external to the person engaged in creative discovery. Material in one’s environment that can add information, ideas, or knowledge to the discovery process are provocative stimuli. On the one hand, creative ideas can better emerge when one is provoked by the ideas of others. On the other hand, viewing the ideas of others can cause fixation, constraining and blocking creative thinking. Do provocative stimuli cause cognitive impasses, or do they facilitate resolution of impasses? When do provocative stimuli help and when do they hinder impasses? What types of provocative stimuli are useful for resolving impasses, and at which stage of the discovery process should one or another be used? In particular, do provocative stimuli that encourage abstract thinking also facilitate impasse resolution in the course of creative invention? Our new 2 S.M. Smith, N.W. Kohn & J.J. Shah experiments address these research questions in the context of creative design and invention. The results of the experiments may influence theoretical models of discovery and innovation, and may also be instrumental in the development of effective methods for improving and accelerating creative thinking, an outcome likely to impact science, business, education, literature and the arts, invention, and design. History is rife with cases in which momentous insights were triggered by chance encounters with provocative stimuli. Archimedes’ discovery of the displacement principle was triggered when he submerged himself in his bath, Picasso’s inspiration for his famous painting Les Demoiselles d’Avignon was triggered by a chance visit to an African art exhibit, and NASA engineer James Crocker’s idea for the Hubble space telescope repair was triggered by a chance encounter with an adjustable shower head. Encounters with hints in lab studies can also trigger insights that can resolve experimentally induced impasses. Hints and solutions to problems given during incubation intervals can enhance impasse resolution [1], [2], [3]. On the other hand, a body of research shows that rather than provoking novel and creative ideas, outside stimuli can sometimes obstruct problem solving by suggesting wrong solutions, or inhibit creative idea generation by promoting constrained lines of thinking [4], [5]. Experimental induction of impasses with stimuli related to experimental tasks has been demonstrated in memory [6], problem solving [7], [8], creative idea generation [9], and engineering design [10], [11]. New experiments found that non-expert participants were quite capable of some degree of creative conceptual design in an invention task. Multiple sketches of ideas tended to show little variation from one idea to the next, but when participants viewed a provided sketch, their subsequent ideas tended to include features of the provided provocative stimuli. This conformity effect could be seen to persist for multiple ideas, and was seen whether provocative stimuli were typical examples from the norm, or unusual examples. Interestingly, subjective judgments of participants’ own ideas were judged to be typical whether the ideas were typical or atypical examples from the norm, an example of hindsight bias in creative invention. Fixation and Conformity Effects It has been shown that stimuli related to incorrect or misleading solutions and solution strategies can increase fixation and conformity in creative What You See Is What You Get 3 idea generation, yet we also know, paradoxically, that there are times in which chance encounters with provocative stimuli appear to trigger creative insights. What we do not yet understand is when an encountered stimulus is likely to provoke new ideas and insights, and when it is likely to stultify creative thinking. We also know that abstraction, which can be enhanced by explicit instructions and different-domain analogies, can improve creative originality and solutions to insight puzzle-problems, and that creative design, in particular, benefits from abstraction. We do not know whether encounters with provocative stimuli affect creative ideation metrics similarly at all stages of creative design in a realistic conceptual design task, nor do we know how persistent such effects would be. A more realistic version of conformity effects in creative idea generation was reported by Jansson & Smith [10], who observed and described a phenomenon called design fixation in engineering students and professional engineers. Jansson & Smith [10] gave engineering students open-ended tasks, asking them to design a bicycle rack, a measuring cup for the blind, or an inexpensive spill-proof coffee cup. Half (the Design Fixation Group) first saw a sample design, and the other half (the Control Group) saw no example. The designs in the Fixation Groups were far more likely than the Control Group to incorporate features of the examples in their designs. Design fixation effects occurred even when features of the example were negative ones, and have been found in many other reported studies [12], [13], [14]. Design fixation effects were also reported in professional engineers, underscoring the ubiquity and importance of the design fixation effect. Incubation as Relief from Fixation Effects of taking breaks and changing contexts are called incubation effects. Incubation is counterintuitive because it is not time working on a problem that helps, but rather time away from the problem. Incubation effects can help people overcome initial impasses in memory [15], [16], problem solving [17], [18], and creative ideation [19]. Smith & Blankenship tested the forgetting fixation hypothesis, that incubation can be observed if incubation periods permit forgetting of inappropriate responses that come to mind. This theory predicts that the more incubation causes one to forget fixation, the more likely resolution will occur. Smith & Blankenship [8] found if fixation was induced, incubation facilitated forgetting of experimental blockers and increased resolution of initially unsolved problems as a function of longer incubation intervals. Incubation effects have also been found when chance encounters occur with analogs of initially unsolved problems [18], a finding consistent with the notion that 4 S.M. Smith, N.W. Kohn & J.J. Shah appropriate provocative stimuli can trigger a release from fixation effects. In a joint study, Shah & Smith found significant interactions between incubation and other factors [19]. Collaborative Sketching No remedies for fixation are certain to work, including incubation breaks and context shifting, but there are other solutions for fixation. Collaborative sketching (C-Sketch) is an idea generation method that was proposed originally in 1993 [20] as an extension of Method 6-3-5 [21]. The method is designed for use after the problem definition and clarification when preliminary ideas need to be generated. In the C-Sketch method, a team of x participants (typically 5) work on developing solutions (expressed as sketches) to a problem. Participants, seated around a table, work independently, developing a sketch of their idea for a predetermined length of time (cycle-time). At the end of each sketching cycle, the sketch from the first participant is passed to the second, from the second to the third and so on. Each sketch recipient is then free to add, modify, or delete any part of the sketch they received. There are (x-1) sketch exchanges so that all the sketches are passed sequentially through the team. There is no direct communication between team members except through sketches that are exchanged. At the conclusion of the exercise, the group has x idea sketches each of which was originated by one of the team members but has been modified/enhanced by all others. There are two intrinsic variables in CSketch: the time allocated for sketching in each cycle and the number of members in the team. These two variables may be adjusted to match the complexity of the problem. The development and rationale of C-Sketch along with experimental data collected from five years of research was reported in [20]. C-Sketch was based on the premise that sketching is important to ideation, collaboration of ideas provides diversity in design, and that provocative stimuli from other idea sketches may prove to be catalysts in developing creative new constructs. There is both anecdotal and experimental evidence supporting the beneficial effect of pictures on ideation [22], [23], [24]. Larkin and Simon [25] showed that sketches are useful in problem solving because of their conciseness of representing data compared to sentential descriptions by comparing the number of computations and searches that have to be made when the same problem is represented in terms of sentences and in terms of sketches. The relationship of visual thinking/imagery, provocative stimuli, and flexible representation with creative design has been established in various studies in creative cognition, visual imagery, and design What You See Is What You Get 5 protocol studies [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [32], [33]. Provocative stimuli allow designers to combine multiple concepts in unexpected ways. Designer feedback through learned assessment from silent criticism provides the designers with implied evaluation of their designs, reinforcing generation of quality ideas. Also, it was found that while many design modifications were misinterpreted from the original intent, the misinterpretations served as launching pads for new ideas. It has been shown that CSketch prevents design fixation, but why or how this happens is not known. In assigning the variable values in C-Sketch, number of cycles affects the number of features at each pass depending upon feature type. Experiments have shown that C-Sketch outperformed Method 6-3-5 in the three measured areas of quality, novelty, and variety of designs generated, and was better than Gallery Method in novelty and variety [20]. When solutions to problems are known by those administering the problems, it has often been found that hints given to participants in impasse states can trigger resolution of the impasses. Unfortunately, when impasses are experienced by scientists, inventors, or professionals engaged in creative innovation and discovery in any field, hints and solutions cannot be suggested because solutions are not yet known. Can resolution of impasses be triggered by encounters with clues when solutions are not known? Abstraction and Fixation Abstract thinking is one approach for resolving impasses; when one is fixated on prematurely concrete ideas that carry implicit assumptions, abstraction can help focus people on more essential aspects of problems that may not include the conceptual baggage causing the impasses. Abstract thinking can be very difficult, but it can be necessary for resolving impasses. Simply telling people to think more abstractly, however, is not likely to bring about the abstract thought that will resolve an impasse. Ward’s Path of Least Resistance (PLR) model [34], [35], [36], [37], [38] states that in creative ideation, people usually begin by retrieving basic level exemplar from what seems the appropriate category, and then projecting the features of those exemplars onto the idas that they are developing. This exemplar-guided path is so compelling that people tend to follow the PLR even when asked to make their ideas “wildly different” from existing exemplars of the category [39]. Findings of design fixation [13], [10], [14] are consistent with this PLR model, assuming that experimenterpresented examples play the same role in the ideation process as the initial retrieval of exemplars from memory. Ward, Patterson & Sifonis [34] showed that instructions that guided people to think more abstractly and to 6 S.M. Smith, N.W. Kohn & J.J. Shah try to avoid thinking about specific examplars led to creative ideas that were more original. Likewise, Chrysikou and Weisberg [13] found similar benefits with what they called “defixation instructions.” Others have also found various types of instructions aimed at increased abstraction can increase the originality, and in some cases, the quality of creative ideas [40], [41]. Another way to make creative ideation more abstract is through the use analogies; greater abstraction is involved in more distant betweendomain analogies as compared to local analogies [42]. In creative conceptual design, both within-domain and between-domain analogies have been observed to be used by real teams of designers [18]. In Christensen & Schunn’s study, when designers worked from prototypes (i.e., exemplars of design ideas) they generated few between-domain analogies, indicating that exemplars can constrain ideation by limiting abstraction that can occur through analogizing. Fixating exemplars created by the designers, themselves, made them less likely to think abstractly. More abstract analogies have been observed when designers refer to either sketches or ideas unsupported by external representations. Furthermore, Christensen & Schunn [18] found that analogies shown to experimental participants facilitated solutions to puzzle problems. Hypotheses in the Present Experimental Study In the present study, we explored whether it is possible to study creative conceptual design processes by giving non-experts a simplified version of a task usually carried out by engineering design students. The task requires participants to create and sketch designs, using a specified set of materials, that can traverse the greatest possible distance from a given starting point. The problem is fertile enough to allow many possible solutions, but requires no technical knowledge. This invention task has been used successfully to study creative conceptual design in engineering design students [43], and has been used to validate ideation metrics of design studies. We hypothesized that the introduction of sketches during this creative design task would provoke participants to create more original designs when the provided sketches were normatively novel, and that more commonplace designs would be created when the provided sketches were normatively typical. We also hypothesized that the effects of provided sketches would carry over from one design of participants to their subsequent designs. What You See Is What You Get 7 Experiment 1 served as a test of the design task’s appropriateness for non-expert undergraduate students; could non-experts create sensible designs in a relatively brief time (one hour) that would have any relevance to more realistic design? Or, would most participants be unable to generate plausible designs in this task? This question is important for future studies of creative design, and boils down to what has been termed “alignment” in studies of creative cognition [44], the question of relevance and generality among different levels of task complexity and ecological validity. That is, are the results of studies of simpler laboratory tasks and problems generalizable to more complex and realistic design contexts? Participants’ designs in Experiment 1 also served as a norm for comparison in subsequent studies that use this simplified design task, so that we could determine what types of provocative stimuli would be typical for the population of nonexperts, and what stimuli would be novel, or low in normative frequency. Experiment 2 used the same simplified design task, and tested the effects of providing sketches of designs as examples for experimental participants. Example designs were selected from either novel (low frequency) responses or typical (high frequency) responses in Experiment 1. Four different dimensions of designs were considered in determining the novelty or typicality of designs: Medium (e.g., whether the designed vehicle travels along the ground, through the air, etc.), Motion (e.g., rolling, floating, flying, etc.), Propulsion (e.g., jet propulsion, spring recoil, etc.), and Number of Parts (e.g., one connected vehicle vs. a two-part launcher-pluscapsule). The typical example design provided in Experiment 2 was selected to have the most normatively common features, whereas the novel example embodied low frequency features of these dimensions. In addition, a second independent variable in Experiment 2 was the stage of providing the example design; that is, the example was provided either before the participant’s first sketch, before the second sketch, or before the third sketch. Experiment 1: Creative Design in Non-Experts Experiment 1 Questions What are normative responses that non-expert students generate in a creative invention task in successive stages? Do the values of the critical dimensions in these inventions show greater or less novelty in successive responses? General Description of Experiment 1 8 S.M. Smith, N.W. Kohn & J.J. Shah In Experiment 1, non-expert participants were given an invention task. Each participant was asked to generate four drawings in sequence during an hour-long session, with each drawing representing an idea for the device. These responses were used for a normative control condition, and to help us generate specific stimuli to be used in subsequent experiments. The same procedure was repeated for all 4 ideas, each represented by labeled sketches. Each idea was influenced by the participant’s own initial ideas, that is, their own sketches. In contrast, sketches in Experiment 2 originated outside of the subject, that is, they were experimenter-provided stimuli. Thus, Experiment 1 provides an appropriate control condition or comparison condition for Experiment 2; the procedure was the same for those who did and did not see provocative stimuli. The exception is that influences of sketches seen in Experiment 1 did not originate from outside the participant’s ideas, whereas influences in subsequent experiments were from outside sources. Thus, a large number of participants was needed in Experiment 1 for a stable and representative norm for comparison with performance in numerous treatment conditions. From the responses given in Experiment 1, we calculated normative scores of Novelty. The novelty measure considered Propulsion, Medium of Travel, Motion, and Number of Parts. For example, we calculated the number of ideas that use rolling vs. sliding vs. flying as means of propulsion. In addition, these scores were analyzed as a function of output order (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th drawing). Because the theory of remote association [45] describes idea generation as proceeding from highly typical and frequent associations to less common responses, the theory therefore predicted that the novelty of the means of propulsion, medium of travel, and motion would increase as a function of output order; that is, greater novelty for later sketches. Alternatively, the fixation hypothesis predicted that each idea generated will influence subsequent ideas, leading to greater conformity (less novelty), but greater detail on later generated ideas. Experiment 1 Method Participants Participants from this study came from an introductory psychology course and received credit towards course completion. These students had the option of signing up for the present experiment or other experiments being offered in the psychology department. Sessions for the experiment ranged What You See Is What You Get 9 from 4-10 participants at a time. A total of 56 students participated in this experiment. Nine of the participants’ data was not included for analysis because these participants violated the rules of the task. Materials Participants were provided with four sheets of paper and an instruction sheet, which described the task and the materials allowed. Design & Procedure Experiment 1 involved one within-subjects (repeated measures) variable with four levels, Design Output Order (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th design). After 12 minutes the participant was interrupted, and given the following instructions. Participants were given a few minutes to read through the instruction sheet and to ask the experimenter any questions regarding the task they were to perform. Following this, participants were given the first sketch sheet and asked to complete a sketch of their device and to provide a written description of how the device operated. After 12 minutes, the experimenter instructed the participants to stop working on their sketch. Participants were then provided the second sketch sheet and were instructed to “look over your first idea sketch. Your second attempt can be based on the first sketch as much or as little as you like.” After 12 minutes, the experimenter collected the first sketch sheet. Participants were given the third sketch sheet and were instructed to “please look over your second idea sketch. Your second attempt can be based on the second sketch as much or as little as you like.” After 12 minutes, the experimenter stopped the participants and collected their second sketch sheet. Participants were given the fourth sketch sheet and were instructed to “please look over your third idea sketch. Your second attempt can be based on the third sketch as much or as little as you like.” After 12 minutes, the experimenter collected both the 3rd and 4th sketches. Instructions to Participants In this experiment, you will create ideas for an invention. Draw sketches of your ideas, and label the parts and their functions in as much detail as possible as you go. Describe the operation of your device; how will it work? Design and build a device to travel the farthest perpendicular distance from the starting line. The only source of power is a standard inflatable balloon. 10 S.M. Smith, N.W. Kohn & J.J. Shah 1) The device is to be setup at the starting line for “launch.” No part of the device can be beyond the starting line before launch (that includes guide chutes). 2) After launch past the starting line, you cannot have any contact with the device. A diagram showing this task is shown below. Fig. 1 Diagram for All Participants 1) You can use any combination of the materials from the list given below 2) You can cut and deform the materials in any way you want 3) You can also use rubber bands, adhesives, staples, scotch tape, solder, nails, and screws, but their use is limited to making joints only 4) The device must not be any larger than 24 x 24 x 24 in 5) The distance D will be the shortest distance between the final resting point and the starting line. Materials List (pictured below) Cardboard White Styrofoam (1” thick) Plywood (1/4” thick”) Hardwood dowel (1/2” diameter X 3’ length) Hardwood dowel (3/8” diameter X 3’ length) White PVC pipe (½” diameter x ¾’ length) Black plastic tubing (1/4” diameter x ½’ length) 9-gauge steel wire What You See Is What You Get 11 Fig. 2 Materials Illustrations Experiment 1 Results Perhaps the most notable result of Experiment 1 is that student participants were capable of generating plausible solutions to the design problem in spite of the fact that they were given only 12-min per design sketch, and the fact that they had no expertise in design. Nearly all of the participants were able to generate four design sketches within the hour-long experiment. Examples of participant-generated design sketches are shown below. Fig. 3Participant-Generated Design Sketches from Experiment 1 Frequency Norms The frequencies for Propulsion, Motion, Medium, and # Parts, are below. S.M. Smith, N.W. Kohn & J.J. Shah 12 Table 1 Frequency Norms for Scored Design Features Propulsion Catapult Gravity Jet Propeller Slingshot # Parts One Two Frequency 2 3 159 1 23 Frequency 131 57 Motion Float Fly Roll Slide Medium Air Land Water Frequency 6 59 81 42 Frequency 59 123 6 Heading level 3 Ideation measures developed and validated by Shah [46] , [44] were used in evaluating the novelty on each of the major dimensions of participants’ inventions1. Scores ranged from 0 to 10; higher scores mean superior novelty. For each idea, four attributes from the problem statement were identified: Propulsion (i.e., impulse mechanism), Medium of travel (e.g., fly, roll, float), Motion (e.g., sliding, rolling), and Number of disjoint parts (i.e., one, two, etc.). For Novelty scoring, instances of each solution method were counted across all participants. The more often a particular solution method was used, the lower the novelty score assigned. These Novelty scores were determined independently for each of the four attributes (i.e., Propulsion, Medium, Motion, and Number of Parts), and an overall Novelty score will be calculated for each idea. The Novelty score for a given response (e.g., Medium = water) was calculated as 10/(# participants giving that particular response), yielding a maximum independent novelty score Other ideation metrics were not analysed; Quantity and Variety were not relevant to this experiment since a fixed number of sketches was required, and Quality scores could not be validated for non-experts. 1 What You See Is What You Get 13 of 10. Each idea’s overall novelty score was computed. These scores were used in Experiment 2 to select participant-generated design sketches that were very novel vs. very typical (low novelty), and to score the novelty of design sketches that varied as a function of experimental conditions. The Novel and Typical design sketches used as examples in Experiment 2 are shown below. Fig. 4 Novel Participant-Generated Design Sketch from Experiment 1 Fig. 5 Typical Participant-Generated Design Sketch from Experiment 1 14 S.M. Smith, N.W. Kohn & J.J. Shah Experiment 2: Design Fixation and Timing of Examples in NonExperts Experiment 2 Questions Are all critical dimensions of non-expert inventions (i.e., propulsion, medium, movement, # parts) susceptible to design fixation, as induced by examples? Are higher or lower frequency examples more susceptible to fixation effects? What are the effects of the time in the creative invention process when an example idea is given? Do example stimuli seen before the first sketch is made fixate creative thinking, but promote creativity if they are seen after sketches have been attempted? General Description of Experiment 2 The experiment design used two between-subjects variables, Type of Example (Novel vs. Typical), and Example Position (before the 1st Sketch, 2nd Sketch, or 3rd Sketch), with a total of six groups. There will be approximately 20 participants per group. The one within-subjects (repeated measures) variable was Design Output Order (1st, 2nd, and 3rd); three sketches were requested from each participant. The fixation hypothesis predicted that designs would exhibit more of a particular design feature for participants who have seen examples containing that feature, a constraining effect on the novelty and variety of designs. Alternatively, the provocation hypothesis predicted that exemplified features would increase novelty and variety if normatively low frequency features are viewed; rather than constrain the creative process, provocative stimuli that go beyond what the inventor is likely to think of should help creative thinking. It was also of interest to see if the effects of examples persist across subsequent drawings of ideas. Experiment 2 Method Participants Participants from this study came from an introductory psychology course and received credit towards course completion. These students had the option of signing up for the present experiment or other experiments being offered in the psychology department. Sessions for the experiment ranged What You See Is What You Get 15 from 4-10 participants at a time. A total of 139 students participated in this experiment. Twenty of the participants’ data was not included for analysis because these participants violated the rules of the task. Participants were randomly placed into one of the six experimental groups. Materials For this experiment, participants were provided with three sheets of paper in which to complete their sketches. Also, an instruction sheet was given to participants which described the task and the materials allowed. Two example sketches were used in this experiment. Both of these sketches were replications of designs produced by participants in Experiment 1. The “typical” example was one that had the following features: land-based, rolling, jet-powered, 1 part. The “novel” example was one that had the following features: air-based, flying, jet-powered, multiple parts. Design & Procedure The procedure was similar to the one for Experiment 1. After reading through the instruction sheet, participants completed a number of sketch attempts. Participants were given 12 minutes per sketch attempt and completed a total of 3 sketches. Depending upon the condition, participants received a novel or a typical example sketch prior to sketch 1, sketch 2, or sketch 3. Each participant received only one example sketch and this sketch was provided during only one of the sketch attempts. The example sketch was given to the participants at the beginning of the sketch attempt and they were told, “Here is an example of a design another participant drew for this task. Please look over this example. Your X sketch can be based on the example as much or as little as you like.” Another difference from Experiment 1 was that when working on a sketch, participants could not view their previous sketch. Participants were instructed that, “Your Y attempt can be based on the X sketch as much or as little as you like.” Experiment 2 contained six experimental groups. It was conducted via a 3 (when example sketch was provided: before sketch 1, sketch 2, sketch 3) X 2 (example type: novel vs. typical) design. This yielded the following experimental groups: novel-1st, novel-2nd, novel-3rd, typical-1st, typical-2nd, and typical-3rd. At the end of the session participants were asked whether they found the example provided to be a good (workable) or a poor (not workable) solution to the design problem. 16 S.M. Smith, N.W. Kohn & J.J. Shah Experiment 2 Results The three sketches of each participant were scored in terms of the novelty of each Design Feature, using the novelty norms from Experiment 1. In most, but not all conditions, viewing a Novel Example increased the expected novelty of the immediately succeeding sketch, whereas viewing a Typical Example decreased the expected Novelty. The novelty scores of responses in Experiment 2 are shown below in Table 2. What You See Is What You Get 17 Table 2 Novelty Scores for Design Features as a Function of Example Position Medium of Travel Typical Example Sketch Before Before # 1st 2nd 1 1.07 0.90 2 0.98 0.92 3 1.06 0.86 Before 3rd 0.91 1.00 0.86 Novel Example Sketch Before Before Before # 1st 2nd 3rd 1 0.98 1.18 1.53 2 1.49 1.14 1.27 3 1.49 1.15 1.32 Means of Propulsion Typical Example Sketch Before Before Before # 1st 2nd 3rd 1 2.54 14.24 4.46 2 3 0.81 2.36 2.55 2.77 4.46 2.35 Type of Motion Typical Example Sketch Before # 1st 1 1.33 2 1.41 3 1.48 Number of Parts Typical Example Sketch Before # 1st 1 1.05 2 1.05 3 1.24 Before Before 2nd 3rd 1.75 1.49 1.29 1.40 1.51 1.26 Before 2nd 1.00 Before 3rd 0.97 0.88 0.88 1.13 0.92 Novel Example Sketch Before Before # 1st 2nd 1 11.49 5.66 2 5.48 4.27 Before 3rd 6.97 8.49 3 2.74 11.32 7.21 Novel Example Sketch Before Before Before # 1st 2nd 3rd 1 1.49 1.73 1.72 2 3 1.69 1.75 1.78 1.63 1.77 1.74 Novel Example Sketch Before Before # 1st 2nd 1 1.09 1.53 2 1.22 1.02 3 1.35 1.19 Before 3rd 1.23 1.15 1.28 For the Design Dimensions of Medium, Motion, and # Parts, it can be seen that the lowest novelty score of the three sketches was for the design 18 S.M. Smith, N.W. Kohn & J.J. Shah generated immediately after viewing the Typical Example prior to Sketch #1. For Propulsion, Motion, and # Parts, the lowest novelty score of the three sketches was for the design immediately after seeing the Typical Example prior to Sketch #2. For all dimensions, Medium, Propulsion, Motion, and # Parts, the lowest novelty score of the three sketches was for the design immediately after seeing the Typical Example prior to Sketch #3. Thus, conformity to Typical Examples clearly reduced the novelty of proximally generated designs. Between-subjects comparisons indicated that when a typical example was seen before the first sketch, novelty was lower on that sketch in terms of For the Design Dimensions of Medium, Propulsion, and # Parts, it can be seen that the highest novelty score of the three sketches was for the design generated immediately after viewing the Novel Example prior to Sketch #1. For Medium and Motion, the highest novelty score of the three sketches was for the design immediately after seeing the Novel Example prior to Sketch #2. For Medium and # Parts, the highest novelty score of the three sketches was for the design immediately after seeing the Novel Example prior to Sketch #3. Thus, conformity to Novel Examples clearly increased the novelty of proximally generated designs. It can also be seen that there was a tendency for the overall novelty scores associated with Typical Examples to be lower the earlier that participants viewed the example. Similarly, the overall novelty of sketches associated with Novel Examples tended to be higher the earlier that participants had seen those low frequency examples. Thus, the beneficial effect of Novel Examples and the deleterious effect of Typical Examples tended to persist, having somewhat greater effects the earlier they are seen. Summary, Conclusions, and Directions for Future Research The two experiments in the present study make several important contributions to the experimental study of design. One contribution is to the process of experimental alignment; that is, by showing that non-experts in a time-limited experimental situation show the ability to generate plausible design sketches, the present experiments demonstrate that similar manipulations, observations, and conclusions can be made under simpler, more controllable laboratory conditions than are found in more ecologically realistic settings, such as engineering design classes. Second, the experiments begin to resolve the apparent contradiction between fixation and conformity hypotheses, which portray examples as limiting and constraining crea- What You See Is What You Get 19 tive design, and prior studies of the C-Sketch method, which show benefits of provocative stimuli in creative design. That is, consistent with the fixation and conformity hypothesis, seeing typical examples at any stage of the design process appears to have decreased the novelty of subsequent designs, and consistent with the provocation hypothesis, viewing novel examples increased design novelty at all stages. Future experimental studies of the effects of provocative stimuli have a rich and extensive set of questions to be explored. Do multiple provocative exert stronger effects on design novelty than does a single example? Would varied examples provoke more variety and novelty in design than would a more homogeneous set of examples? Would incubation periods help relieve the deleterious effects of seeing typical examples? What types of provocative stimuli might remediate the constraining effects of seeing commonplace examples? Of particular interest should be the role of factors that provoke abstract thinking, and how such influences might help relieve the effects of viewing typical examples. Such questions, and many others that are theoretically motivated, or motivated by empirical findings like the present ones, must be addressed to improve and optimize tools, such as C-Sketch, that can be used to improve creativity in conceptual design. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Dodds RA, Smith SM (1999) Fixation, In M.A. Runco & Pritzker (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Creativity (pp. 725-728), San Diego, CA: Academic Press Dominowski R, Jenrick R (1972) Effects of Hints and Interpolated Activity on Solution of an Insight Problem, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 26, 335-338 Driestadt R (1969) The Use of Analogies and Incubation in Obtaining Insights in Creative Problem Solving, Journal of Psychology, 71, 159-175 Smith SM (1994) Getting Into and Out of Mental Ruts: A Theory of Fixation, Incubation, and Insight. In R. Sternberg & J. Davidson (Eds.) 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