
Suggested Reading List for Biocomplexity Networks Conference
Baird, D., J.M. McGlade and R.E. Ulanowicz 1991. The comparative ecology of six
marine ecosystems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London B. Volume
333: 15 -29.
Baird, Dan and S. Heymans. Ecopath and Network. Ecological Modelling 131(2/3): 97119
Bodini, A. Reconstructing trophic interactions as a tool for understanding and managing
ecosystems. Application to a shallow eutrophic lake.
Carley, Kathleen. 2000. Intra-organizational Complexity and Computation.
Christian, Robert R. and Robert E. Ulanowicz. Network Ecology.
Doreian, Patrick and David Krackhardt. 2001. Pre-transitive balance mechanisms for
signed networks. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 25(1): 43-67.
Friedkin, Noah E. 1991. Theoretical Foundations for Centrality Measures. American
Journal of Sociology 96(6): 1478-1504.
Gaedke, U. et al. 1999. Food webs and chains. pp 254 - 258. In the Encyclopedia of
Environmental Sciences (ed. by D. E. Alexander & R. Fairbridge). Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston.
Heymans, J.J. and D. Baird. 2000. Network analysis of the northern Benguela ecosystem
by means of NETWRK and ECOPATH. Ecological Modeling 131: 97-119.
Johnson, J. C., S. P. Borgatti, Joseph J. Luczkovich, and Martin G. Everett. 2001.
Network role analysis in the study of food webs: an application of regular role coloration.
Journal of Social Structure (in press).
Kremple, Lothar and Thomas Plumper. 1999. International Division of Labor and Global
Economic Processes: An Analysis of the International Trade in Automobiles. Journal of
World-Systems Research 5: 390-402.
Luczkovich, Joseph J., S. P. Borgatti, J.C. Johnson, and Martin G. Everett. Definition of
trophic role similarity.
Pauly, D., V. Christensen and C. Walters. Ecopath, Ecosim and Ecospace. ICES Journal
of Marine Science 57: 697-706
Seidman, S.B. 1987. Relational models for social systems. Environment and Planning B:
Planning and Design 14: 135-148.
Snijders, Tom. 2001. The Statistical Evaluation of Social Network Dynamics.
Sociological Methodology (in press).
Ulanowicz, R. E. 1999. Life after Newton: An ecological metaphysic. BioSystems
Williams, Richard J. and Neo D. Martinez. 2000. Simple rules yield complex food webs.
Nature 404 (March 9, 2000): 180-183.
Zimmerman, C. R., T. Fukami, and J. A. Drake. An experimentally derived map of
community assembly space. Chapter 1 in Proceedings of the International Society for the
System Sciences.