Week 7

GR 202 Continuation of Beginning Greek
Week 7 NAME / ὈNOMA ΣOY: _________________
1. Reading Practice
Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT.
Read John 1:1 - 5 aloud from the GNT.
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
2. Vocabulary
Add the Vocabulary for Chapter 34, Section 34.9 to your Flashcards
During the day, go through your Flashcards, Greek to English
During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Greek
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
3. Chapter 34, Sections 34.1 - 34.2
a) Why do Greek dictionaries list the Genitive Singular in addition to the Nominative Singular and gender of
Third Declension Greek nouns :
b) How does one find the stem of a Third Declension Greek noun :
Chapter 34, Section 34.3
What is the typical ending for the Genitive Singular of a Third Declension Masculine or Feminine noun :
What is the typical ending for the Nominative Plural of a Third Declension Masculine or Feminine noun :
What is the typical ending for the Genitive Plural of a Third Declension Masculine or Feminine noun :
Write out the table of Third Declension Masculine and Feminine Nouns
Check here when done ___
Read aloud the table of Third Declension Masculine and Feminine Nouns three times Check here when done ___
Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily.
Check here when done ___
5. Translate into Greek
1. The hopes of the women were great.
2. The woman's daughter went outside (of) the city.
3. The faith of the fathers encouraged their sons.
4. The rulers and the kings fell before the throne of God.
5. The hand of the Lord made the glory of the stars.
6. The husband of the woman brought her to Jesus.
6. Comprehension
a) In your GNT, read Mark 1:29 - 31 aloud.
Check here when done ___
b) Translate Mark 1: 31
Helps : προσελθων = "having come towards" (Masculine Nominative Singular of Aorist Active Participle
of προσερχομαι - προσελευσομαι - προσηλθον - I approach )
κρατησας = "having grasped" (Masculine Nominative Singular of Aorist Active Participle
of κρατεω - I grasp)
ἀφηκεν = "it left" (Third Person Singular Aorist Active of ἀφιημι - I leave)
You may have to look some of the other words up in your dictionary.
c) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of v. 31 :
d) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.
What corrections might you make to your translation :
Are there any things you have a question about :
1. Reading Practice
Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT.
Read John 1:1 - 5 aloud from the GNT.
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
2. Chapter 34, Section 34.4
a) What is typical about the endings for the Nominative, Vocative, and Accusative Singular of a Third Declension
Neuter noun :
b) What is the typical ending for the Nominative, Vocative, and Accusative Plural of a Third Declension Neuter
noun :
c) What is the typical ending for the Genitive Plural of a Third Declension Masculine or Feminine noun :
Write out the table of Third Declension Neuter Nouns
Read aloud the table of Third Declension Neuter Nouns three times
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily.
Check here when done ___
3. Translate into Greek
1. John saw the spirit of God.
2. Jesus said to his disciples, "This is my body"
3. Jesus said to the people, "It is necessary to eat my flesh."
4. We saw the light of hope in the darkness.
5. His eyes were like a flame of fire.
6. The tribes (families) of the earth will worship God, and the nations (Gentiles) will see his light.
Chapter 34, Section 34.5
What is the typical ending for the Genitive Singular of a Third Declension Masculine or Feminine noun :
What is the typical ending for the Nominative Plural of a Third Declension Masculine or Feminine noun :
What is the typical ending for the Genitive Plural of a Third Declension Masculine or Feminine noun :
Write out the table of Third Declension Masculine and Feminine Nouns
Check here when done ___
Read aloud the table of Third Declension Masculine and Feminine Nouns three times Check here when done ___
Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily.
Check here when done ___
5. Translate into Greek
1. The son said, "Father, I sinned ."
2. The lads (use παις) said, "Mother, we want to eat the loaves.
3. The father said, "Child, stop doing (don't do) (the) bad (things)."
4. The mother said, "Children, drink the water."
5. Jesus said "Women of Jerusalem, flee from the days of trouble (persecution)."
6. Jesus said, "Man (use ἀνηρ) , your faith will save you."
6. Comprehension
a) In your GNT, read Mark 1:29 - 32 aloud.
b) Translate Mark 1: 32
Check here when done ___
Helps : ἐδυ = "it sank" (Third Person Singular Aorist Active Indicative of δυνω - I sink )
παντας = "all" (Masculine Accusative Plural of πας πασα παν - each, every)
κακως ἐχοντας = "the ones having badly" = "those who were ill" (Accusative Plural of κακως ἐχθων)
You may have to look some of the other words up in your dictionary.
c) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of v. 32 :
d) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.
What corrections might you make to your translation :
Are there any things you have a question about :
7. Vocabulary
During the day, go through your Flashcards, Greek to English
During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Greek
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
1. Reading Practice
Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT.
Read John 1:1 - 5 aloud from the GNT.
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
2. Chapter 34, Section 34.6 - Translate the sentences into English
3. Chapter 34, Section 34.5
a) In your GNT, read Matt. 24:29-31 aloud several times.
Check here when done ___
b) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of this passage :
c) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.
What corrections might you make to your translation :
Are there any things you have a question about :
a) In your GNT, read 1 Corinth. 15:38-41 aloud several times.
Check here when done ___
b) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of this passage :
c) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.
What corrections might you make to your translation :
Are there any things you have a question about :
4. Vocabulary
During the day, go through your Flashcards, Greek to English
During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Greek
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
1. Reading Practice
Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT.
Check here when done ___
Read John 1:1 - 5 aloud from the GNT.
2. Vocabulary
Add the Vocabulary for Chapter 35, Section 35.6 to your Flashcards
During the day, go through your Flashcards, Greek to English
During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Greek
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
3. Chapter 35, Sections 35.1 - 35.2
a) What is the usual ending for the Accusative Plural of a Third Declension Masculine or Feminine noun :
b) What are the two typical endings for the Accusative Singular of a Third Declension Masculine or Feminine
noun :
Write out the table of Third Declension Masculine and Feminine Nouns
Check here when done ___
Read aloud the table of Third Declension Masculine and Feminine Nouns three times Check here when done ___
Drill the Practice Sentences until you can do them easily.
Check here when done ___
4. Translate into Greek
1. The women saw the stars in the sky.
2. The lads went into the city.
3. The Ethiopian (guy) had hope and joy.
4. The nations came to(wards) the city of the king.
5. The rulers of the Gentiles brought meat (use σαρξ ) to the people.
6. Having the hope of a Savior, we are members of his body.
6. Chapter 35, Section 35.3 - Translate the sentences into English
5. Comprehension
a) In your GNT, read Mark 1:29 - 33 aloud.
Check here when done ___
b) Translate Mark 1: 33
Helps : ἐπισυνηγμενη = "had been gathered together"
(Feminine Nominative Singular of Perfect Participle Passive of ἐπισυναγω - I gather together )
You may have to look some of the other words up in your dictionary.
c) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of v. 33 :
d) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.
What corrections might you make to your translation :
Are there any things you have a question about :
1. Reading Practice
Read Matthew 6:9b-13 aloud from the GNT.
Read John 1:1 - 5 aloud from the GNT.
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___
2. Chapter 35, Section 35.5
a) In your GNT, read Romans 15:7-13 aloud several times.
Check here when done ___
b) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of this passage :
c) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.
What corrections might you make to your translation :
Are there any things you have a question about :
3. Comprehension
a) In your GNT, read Mark 1:29 - 34 aloud.
Check here when done ___
b) Translate Mark 1: 34
Helps : πολλους = "many" (Masculine Accusative Plural of πολυ πολλη πολυ - many)
κακως ἐχοντας = "the ones having badly" = "those who were ill" (Accusative Plural of κακως ἐχθων)
πολλα = "many" (Neuter Accusative Plural of πολυ πολλη πολυ - many)
ἠφιην = "he was allowing, letting"
(Third Person Singular Imperfect Active of ἀφιω - I let go. ἀφιω is a later form of ἀφιημι )
ᾔδεισαν = "they knew" (Third Person Plural Pluperfect, with Imperfect force, of οἰδα - I have learned)
You may have to look some of the other words up in your dictionary.
c) Without referring to an English Bible, write out your translation of v. 34 :
d) Now look at the passage in the KJV, and compare it to your translation.
What corrections might you make to your translation :
Are there any things you have a question about :
4. Vocabulary
During the day, go through your Flashcards, Greek to English
During the day, go through your Flashcards, English to Greek
Check here when done ___
Check here when done ___