Fundraising Proposal -

Fundraising Proposal
Presented By
Green Schools
Cheryl Neithercott
(406) 449-6332
Green Schools Montana is an Earth Day fundraising campaign that will benefit K-8
schools throughout the state of Montana with a terrific fundraising program and
the ability to participate in our matching funds campaign from the Montana
business community. In addition, the Green Directory Montana will be providing
your school with great course material and information to educate your students
about the importance of green, environmentally friendly living.
Goals and Objectives
Raise monies through a statewide, student-based, CandleHeart fundraising
campaign, thereby addressing budget cuts and associated school program cuts
through sales of a popular, eco-friendly product.
Promote Earth Day awareness among school children in Montana.
Have local businesses support your school through their Earth Day promotional
Benefits To Your School
An all natural, easy, fun and very profitable fundraising program to help your
school raise money around an Earth Day promotion and to provide additional
funds year- round from this one campaign.
Green education course material provided by the Green Directory Montana that
not only teaches basic concepts about being green but also gives students reallife examples of local businesses and how they are being environmentally
Participation in the Matching Funds pool to supplement your fundraising efforts
and allow you to provide your students with more resources.
Campaign Details
The Green Schools Montana team consists of a coalition of Montana business
and community leaders, the Green Directory Montana, and K-8 schools
throughout the state.
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Participating schools will conduct a CandleHeart fundraising campaign (details
below) and provide students with Earth Day educational materials prepared by
Green Directory Montana and other business partners.
Partnering businesses will raise funds for and/or make contributions to a
Matching Fund which will be distributed to participating schools on a per capita
basis (based on student enrollment as of March 1, 2009).
Green Schools Montana will identify the winners of two fundraising contests;
the winning schools will receive a larger percentage of the Matching Funds
Contest #1: the top five participating schools which raise the largest amount of
money per capita will share 10% of the total Matching Fund.
Contest #2: the top five participating schools with the largest Candle of the
Month sales per capita will share 10% of the total Matching Fund.
The remaining 80% of the total Matching Fund will be distributed per capita
among all participating schools, including the contest winners.
100% of the Matching Funds will be distributed to schools.
Schedule of Events
March 16 – March 21: receive fundraising packets from your Green Schools
Montana Representative.
March 22 – April 5: execute your fundraising campaign.
April 6: submit your orders to CandleHeart.
April 7 – April 20: Green Schools Montana will compile data from participating
schools to determine contest winners. CandleHeart will process candle orders.
April 22, Earth Day: Green Schools Montana will announce contest winners and
recognize participating schools.
We encourage you to hold an Earth Day activity for students and the Green
Schools Montana business partners in your community who wish to participate.
May 22: Green Schools Montana will announce the Matching Fund total raised by
our business partners and make Matching Fund distributions. CandleHeart will
disburse the funds raised by your students.
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CandleHeart has all the elements of a GREAT fundraising product:
A popular product that sells itself and is all
natural and environmentally friendly.
A product people are already buying.
A product that is always a top gift item.
A non-seasonal product.
A product with a high perceived value.
A product with a one time sale that delivers monthly profits.
A product that returns 35% to 40% of each purchase to your school.
Did you know?
8 out of 10 parents purchase from fundraisers.
2 billion dollars a year is spent on fundraisers.
Women will purchase approximately 30 candles per year.
80% of women burn candles.
CandleHeart gives you your own e-commerce store and has a drop ship program
that enables relatives around the country to support your students by
purchasing online.
CandleHeart uses natural soy candles that are environmentally friendly and a
healthy alternative to paraffin candles, which emit soot and toxins. They are a
renewable resource and support the American farmer rather than the oil
industry and make a great Earth Day fundraising product.
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What Fundraisers Have You Experienced?
~ Candy Bars ~ Cookie Dough ~ Gift Wrap ~ Greeting Cards ~
~ Coupon Cards ~ Magazines ~
Fundraising Comparison:
Sales of 1000 candy bars= $750 profit
Sales of 1000 gift wrap rolls= $3,500 profit
Sales of 1000 magazines= $5,000 profit
Sales of 1000 candles = $6,000 profit
50% of these “Candle of The Month”= $3150 each month or $37,800 per year
If your school has 250 students who sell an average of 10 candles each, your
school makes $12,500 dollars.
If 20% of those are Candle of the Month sales, your school earns $2,500
dollars each and every month, or over $30,000 dollars per year from one
fundraising campaign.
CandleHeart also gives you your own e-commerce site
where your supporters can buy our collections as
alternative gifts for holidays and special occasions.
Any time your supporters buy a CandleHeart gift for
Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Easter, Christmas, etc.,
your school receives 35% to 40% of the sales price.
It’s the gift that gives twice.
CandleHeart Is The Best Fundraising Choice For The Environment
Competing Fundraising Options:
Magazines: Currently, less than 5% of U.S. magazine paper is recycled, and the
U.S. magazine industry consumes an astounding 35 million trees each year.
Cosmopolitan uses 328,577 trees every year
People uses 546,134 trees
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Conde Nast Traveler uses 52,734 trees
National Geographic uses 505,819 trees.
Candy Bars and Cookie Dough: 1 in 6 children in the United States age 2-18 are
obese. Between 1980 and 2000 obesity rates doubled among children and
tripled among teens.
Gift Wrap: Traditional gift wrap impacts the environment adversely during both
production and disposal. In addition to tree loss, the timber industry is the
third greatest emitter of carbon dioxide emissions affecting global warming.
Green Schools Montana provides an excellent opportunity to benefit children
financially and educationally throughout the state. This campaign provides yearround residual income for your school through Candle of the Month sales coupled
with a powerful Matching Fund program. Please contact your Green Schools
Montana Representative to learn how your school can participate. Their contact
information is on the cover page of this proposal.
We look forward to working with you to help benefit the kids by teaching
them to be environmentally friendly and raising money for our schools.
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