Southern California University School of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture Syllabus Form Course Number: OM 404 Course Title: O.M. INTERNAL MEDICINE III Term: Instructor: Contact Number: Email: Units/ Hours: 3/ 30 Pre-requisite/ PRC: OM 314-318 Learning Methods: Text, Lecturing, overhead and educational video Description: This course provides students with an in-depth study of common disorders in TCM internal medicine, including etiology, pathogeneses, and diagnosis. Students will also learn herbal and acupuncture treatments of syndromes as well as the integration of western medical diagnoses and treatment principles. Objectives: 1. This course covers the following disorders in internal medicine: Headaches Palpitation Chest pain Dizziness Insomnia ( Somnolence ) Tinnitus and Deafness Depression Other Mental – Emotional Problems Fever Bleeding syndromes 2. Student will be able to understand the TCM concept of above disorders. 3. Students will be able to understand the TCM etiology and pathogenesis above disorders. 4. Students will be able to understand the TCM diagnosis, differential diagnosis and key points for syndrome differentiation of above disorders. 5. Students will be able to understand the herbal and acupuncture treatment of the above disorders. 6. Students will be able to understand the diagnosis and treatment principles of the above Disorders in western medicine. 7. Students will be able to know the prognosis of the above disorders. Southern California University School of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture Required Text(s): 1. Maciocia, G (1995). The Practice of Chinese Medicine: The Treatment of Diseases with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs. New York : Churchill Livingstone. 2. Xinnong C. ( Ed.) ( 1987) . Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press. [Abbreviation:CAM] Supplemental Text(s): 1. Shanghai College of Traditional Medicine ( 1981 ). Acupuncture : A Comprehensive Text. Seattle: Eastland Press. [ Abbreviation:ACT ] 2. Maciocia, G ( 1989 ). The Foundations of Chinese Medicine: A Comprehensive Text for Acupuncturists and Herbalists. New York: Churchill Livingstone. [Abbreviation: FCM]. Course requirements: 1. Regular attendance as defined according to the SCUSOMA University catalog and the California State Board Laws and Regulations, which state that students may not receive credit for the course if they are absent fro more that two classes or miss part of more that four classes (e.g., leaving early, arriving late) or any combination thereof. 2. 3. 4. 5. Grading: ___% ___% ___% ___% ___% ___% ___% Class participation Midterm and Final Examinations Weekly Quizzes Homework assignments Attendance Class participation Practical Homework Midterm examination Quizzes Final examination Course Outline: Weekly topics, learning objectives and assignments. Week 1 Students will be able to describe the TCM concept, etiology and pathogeneses, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation, treatment principles, herbal and acupuncture treatments and prognosis of headaches, and apply these elements to clinical case material. Week 2 Students will be able to describe the TCM concept , etiology and pathogeneses, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation, treatment principle, herbal and acupuncture treatments and prognosis of palpitation , and apply these elements to clinical case material. Southern California University School of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture Week 3 Students will be able to describe the TCM concept, etiology and pathogeneses, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation, treatment principles, herbal and acupuncture treatment principles, herbal and acupuncture treatments and prognosis of chest painful obstruction syndrome, and apply these elements to clinical case material. Week 4 Students will be able to describe the TCM concept, etiology and pathogeneses, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation, treatment principles, herbal and acupuncture treatments and prognosis of dizziness, and apply these elements to clinical case material. Week 5 Students will be able to describe the TCM concept, etiology and pathogeneses, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation, treatment principle, herbal and acupuncture treatment and prognosis of insomnia (somnolence ), and apply these elements to clinical case material. Week 6 MIDTERM EXAMINATION. Students will be able to describe the TCM concept, etiology and pathogeneses, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation, treatment principles, herbal and acupuncture treatments and prognosis of deafness and tinnitus, and apply these elements to clinical case material. Week 7 Students will be able to describe the TCM concept, etiology and pathogeneses, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation, treatment principles, herbal and acupuncture treatments and prognosis of Depression ( Melancholia ), and apply these elements to clinical case material. Week 8 Students will be able to describe the TCM Concept, etiology and pathogeneses, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation, treatment principles, herbal and acupuncture treatments and prognosis of mental- emotional problems , and apply these elements to clinical case material. Week 9 Students will be able to describe the TCM concept, etiology and pathogeneses, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation, treatment principles, herbal and acupuncture treatments and prognosis of fever, and apply these elements to clinical case material. Week 10 Students will be describe the TCM concept, etiology and pathogeneses, diagnosis, syndrome differentiation, treatment principles, herbal acupuncture treatments and prognosis of Bleeding and apply these elements to clinical case material. Week 11 COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAMINATION.