University of West Florida Department of Health, Leisure and Exercise Science HLP6535 Research Procedures (3 credit hours) 5:30 – 8:25 Tuesday Bldg 72, Room 212Fall Term – 2007 Instructor: Email: D2L address: Personal Web: Office Information: Online Office Hours: Dr. Andy Holdnak Ft. Walton Beach Pensacola Combs Campus, Room 1306 Building 72, Room 256 Phone: 850-833-4041 Phone: 850-473-7381 FWB Office Hours Pensacola Office Hours Mon 10:00 – 11:00 Tues 10:00 – 11:00 Wed 10:00 – 11:00 Tues 4:30 – 5:30 Thurs 10:00 – 11:00 10:00 – 11:00 Mon - Thurs Call for appointments at other times REQUIRED TEXT: Text (required): The Basics of Social Research, 4th Edition By: Earl R. Babbie ISBN-10: 0495094684 ISBN-13: 9780495094685 Text (optional): How to use SPSS 4th edition By: Cronk, Brian ISBN: 1-884585-68-X EXPECTATION OF COMPUTER ACCESS: In order to be successful in this class, all students are expected to have regular access to a computer capable of word processing, spreadsheet calculations, statistics calculations and Internet access. A course D2L web page will be used to communicate a great deal of information in this class. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a graduate level course intended to teach Masters students the theory and application of the research process as it is applied in the social sciences (in general) and in Health, Leisure and Exercise Science (specifically). There will be two focii for this course: 1. Research as a “scholarly pursuit”. 2. Applied research and evaluation. The course will include lecture, homework and class projects. The culminating project will be the development of literature review. COURSE EVALUATION: There will be a Midterm and a Comprehensive Final. Homework, class projects and attendance will also count. Items: (%) Midterm 25 Final Exam (comprehensive) 30 Project (Literature Review) 15 In class presentation 10 Homework 15 Attendance 05 100 % INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: In this course, we will seek to learn to be wise consumers of research (read, understand and evaluate research writing) and and to use the knowledge gained to help us conduct our own research and make better decsions using research findings. As part of this course: 1. Students will be introduced to research tools used in the decision making process. 2. Students will be able to explain the differences between basic and applied research. 3. Students will be able to describe the difference between research and evaluation and will understand the correct uses of each. 4. Students will become familiar with the research and evaluation processes most often used in their specific fields. 5. Students will be exposed to the terminology and technical aspects involved with the design and implementation of research and evaluation projects. 6. Students will be able to locate and critique research approprite for their field of endeavor. 7. Students will be able to develop their own literature review of a topic that interests them. INDIVIDUAL PROJECT: Students will be asked to develop an appropriate Literature Review. This review is usually the heart of an academic research proposal suitable for use at the Masters level. Students will present their Literature Reviews in class at the end of the semester. HOMEWORK: Students will be expected to write a number of reviews of qualitative and quantitative research articles. COURSE POLICIES: ATTENDANCE: Role will be taken in class, and your attendance will affect your grade. Your attendance grade will be based upon the percentage of times you are present when we take attendance (X) times the 5 % attendance grade. SPECIAL NEEDS If any student has a need for special test taking or note taking accommodations due to a disability, please let me know as soon as you can. This is your responsibility. CLASS READINGS As with all classes, it is expected that students will keep up with the readings assigned in the text. In addition, from time to time, readings will be provided for students to read. FAIR WARNING...expect POP QUIZZES ON READINGS! LATE ASSIGNMENTS Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on the date scheduled. Papers turned in after that time are considered LATE! Papers turned in late are penalized 10% per each 24hour day that they are late. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY There are various types of academic dishonesty ranging from plagiarism to cheating on exams. None of these are acceptable at the University of West Florida! Be very aware of the university's policies and punishments if you fail to heed this warning! Note: Syllabus and Calendar are subject to change! Date Tentative Class Calendar HLP 6535 Fall 2007 Topic An Introduction to Inquiry 28-Aug Introduction, Human Inquiry and Science 4 - Sep Paradigms, Theory, and Social Research 4 - Sep The Idea of Causation in Social Research 11 - Sep Video - The First Measured Century 11- Sep Evaluating research, parts of a research paper The Structure of Inquiry 18- Sep Research Design 18- Sep Conceptualization, OperationaIization, and Measurement 25- Sep Indexes, Scales, and Typologies 25- Sep The Logic of Sampling 2-Oct Exam 1 Modes of Observation 9-Oct Experiments 9-Oct Survey Research 16-Oct Qualitative Field Research 16-Oct Unobtrusive Measures 23-Oct Evaluation Research Analysis of Data 23-Oct Qualitative Data Analysis 30-Oct Quantifying Data 30-Oct Elementary Quantitative Analysis 6-Nov The Elaboration Model The Social Context of Research 13-Nov Social Statistics 13-Nov The Ethics and Politics of Social Research 13-Nov The Uses of Social Research 20-Nov Class presentations 27-Nov Class presentations 4-Dec Class presentations 11-Dec Final Exam Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19