Statistical Variation of Wire Systems Eric J. Lundquist November 2009 Introduction This paper discusses a comparison of the measurement and calculation of wire parameters, the effects of randomly generated dielectric constant parameters, and statistical variation integrated with ABCD and FDTD simulation code. The analytical solution for wire pairs was also used to estimate the effects of statistical variation on wire pairs and shielded wire pairs. The parameters being observed are: velocity of propagation, characteristic impedance, and permittivity. After measurement, these results are compared to calculations made according to a more simple, lossy, insulated two-wire model. Conclusions are drawn from the comparison of measured results and model calculations, which indicate a notable similarity between results, and possible reasons for divergence of measured results are explored. The multi-wire bundle used for measurements is one that is typical to those used in aircraft. Wire Bundle Measurements In order to perform the measurements, wires were laid out on a large board, as shown in Figure 1. Using a measuring tape, the length of the wire bundle was found to be approximately 40’ 7.25” (40.6 feet), or 12.375 meters. The wire tips were stripped of insulation (about 1-2 cm) preparatory to taking measurements. At this time, a piece of the insulation was measured with a caliper in order to determine the insulation thickness t. The wire tips were then matched and labeled by applying a multimeter voltage and thus detecting the voltage at the opposite end of the corresponding wire. Figure 1 (left): Wire tips, after being identified and matched Figure 2 (right): Wire layout on board, with connections made to generator and scope Once the wire ends were stripped, measurements began with the use of the programs NDR2 and NDR4. Measurements were taken of each wire with respect to a reference wire (see Table 1). A PNCODE generator was connected, along with the scope, to the wire being measured, with the reference wire being connected to ground. Table 1: Measurements of wire length (l), velocity of propagation (VoP), and characteristic impedance (Zo) Wire Length (m) 12.375 Wire # VoP (c)† Zo (Ω) A* 2 B** C 0.602 200.9 D 0.602 99.5 E 0.589 87.9 F 0.602 102.3 G 0.600 167.0 H 0.602 209.1 I 0.600 135.2 J 0.602 115.1 K 0.602 102.3 L 0.594 96.4 M 0.600 109.9 N 0.602 126.9 O 0.602 149.9 P 0.602 163.7 Q 0.602 141.0 R 0.602 131.5 S 0.600 122.1 T 0.602 127.7 U 0.602 127.7 V 0.600 117.3 W 0.602 135.5 X 0.602 127.2 Y 0.602 187.7 Z 0.602 180.3 † Measured with a sampling point based on a 2 G-sample/s sampling rate, with t=0.5 ns. * Wire A was not measured due to incidental damage. * Measurements for Zo made with reference to Wire B. The frequency was set to 58 MHz, with an amplitude of 2500 mV. 3 Figure 3 (left): Measurement station equipped with function generator and scope Figure 4 (right): Connection configuration with PNCODE close-up NDR2 was used to measure VoP. The program was opened and the sampling point at which the wire reflection occurs was recorded. This sampling point was converted to m/s and also displayed as a fraction of c (as shown below), using the following equation: VoP(m /s) 2 l S (0.5e 9) l=wire length S=sampling point (0.5e-9)=sampling interval for 2GS/s device=0.5 ns NDR4 was used to determine Zo. A multi-turn variable 1-kΩ resistor was connected to the opposite ends of the wires being measured, and the variable resistance was carefully adjusted until the peak shown in NDR4 approached zero, thus matching the impedance of the wires. The resistor was then disconnected and the value of Zo was determined from the corresponding resistance measurement. The measured results were placed in a spreadsheet and the statistics of these measurements were also obtained. Wire Bundle Calculations The desired parameters were also calculated using classic RLGC equations, as well as a model for effective permittivity (eff), in order to compare and verify the effectiveness of these models. The effective permittivity model takes into account an insulated two-wire model, which is outlined as follows: 4 eff 12 (d1 d2 ) 1d1 2 d2 (2) Figure 5: Cross-section of wire dimensions The RLGC parameters were programmed, which depend on the size and shape of the conductors, the insulating material surrounding them, and the material the conductors are made of. For a parallel-wire configuration, the RLGC parameters can be calculated as follows: R' Rs a ln (d / 2a) (d / 2a) 2 1 G' ln (d / 2a) (d / 2a) 2 1 C' ln (d / 2a) (d / 2a) 2 1 L' / m (3) H / m (4) ( S / m) (5) ( F / m) (6) Intrinsic resistance Rs: Rs f uconductor f c c (7) Conductor Radius: a (meters) Distance between the centers of the conductors: b (meters) 5 Conductivity: c S / m Table 2: Important Propagation Constants of Wiring calculated from the RLGC model Parameter Equation Characteristic Impedance (ohms) Complex Propagation Constant Attenuation Constant (Np/m) Phase Constant (radians/m) Velocity of Propagation (VoP) (m/s) R ' j L ' L' G ' jC ' C' Z0 lossless ( R ' j L ')(G ' jC ') j (8) (9) Re{ } (10) Im{ } (11) VoP c (lossless) r Using these derivations, the statistics of the dielectric constants were obtained. Results This section displays the results of both the measurements and the corresponding calculations of the insulated two-wire model. Table 3: Statistics of measured velocity of propagation (VoP), and characteristic impedance (Zo) STATISTICS VoP(c) Mean 0.601 6 Ave. Zo 136.0 (12) Std. Dev. 0.0031 33.4 Table 4: Statistics of the calculated effective permittivity (eff), velocity of propagation (VoP) in terms of speed of light (c), and characteristic impedance (Zo) 2.7790 VoP (c) 0.6000 152.2734 0.1311 0.0153 30.3582 STATISTICS eff Mean Std. Deviation Zo Figure 6: Calculated velocity of propagation vs. distance between wire centers 7 Figure 7: Calculated characteristic vs. distance between wire centers Figure 8: Calculated signal amplitude vs. distance between wire centers The calculated results showed a close similarity to the measured results, though the standard deviation was greater in the calculated velocity of propagation (VoP) and smaller for the calculated characteristic impedance (Zo) than the measured results. The VoP shows a 393% increase in the calculated standard deviation; whereas the Zo shows a 9% decrease in the calculated standard deviation. Additionally, the VoP was noticeably more uniform across the measured results than in the calculated results. This is 8 likely due to the many surrounding wires consisting of conducting materials which affect the effective permittivity of the measured wired parameters. Analytical Calculations For verification purposes, the desired parameters were calculated using classic RLGC equations, as well as a model for effective permittivity (eff), in order to compare and verify the effectiveness of these models. The effective permittivity model takes into account an insulated two-wire model, which is outlined as follows: eff 12 (d1 d2 ) 1d1 2 d2 The RLGC parameters were programmed, which depend on the size and shape of the conductors, the insulating material surrounding them, and the material the conductors are made of. RLGC parameters were calculated using the parallel-wire configuration. A code was designed to take a value for r (dielectric constant of the wire insulation) and then calculate all the parameters and display the statistics. Values for r were produced between the values of 1 and 4 (standard range for insulating materials) using a uniform distribution density function. Calculation Results The values produced for VoP, Zo, and the signal attenuation show a range of possibilities which vary according to the random values of the insulating dielectric constant. 9 Figure 9: Randomized Dielectric Constant vs. Zo Figure 10: Randomized Dielectric Constant vs. VoP 10 Figure 11: Randomized Dielectric Constant vs. Signal Amplitude The calculated results showed that the velocity of propagation (VoP) is centered around a mean of about 1.8e8 m/s, and the characteristic impedance (Zo) appears close to 200 ohms. Zo values remain higher than 200 ohms unless values greater than 4 for the dielectric constant are used, or if other parameters are changed. Statistical Variation in ABCD and FDTD Software In order to determine the effects of statistical variation in wire systems, which has been shown to be nearly inevitable in real physical systems, these effects have been incorporated into software simulation. In ABCD software, the alpha and beta components of the propagation constant were varied statistically, with the result that the reflectometry plot showed ±0.02 deviation in reflection from the expected value, as shown below. 11 Figure 12: Reflectometry plot without statistical variation Figure 13: Reflectometry plot using same parameters, with statistical variation In FDTD, the same comparison process was applied, using a different configuration of wire lengths and properties, only altering the RLGC components of each spatial cell. This resulted in increased reflections on the same order of approximately ±0.02 in the reflection coefficient, as shown below. 12 Figure 14: Reflections in FDTD without statistical variation Figure 15: Reflections in FDTD for same configuration, with statistical variation In the FDTD method, in can also be observed that the signal propagation is rough or “bumpy” when statistical variation is incorporated along the line and the simulation movie is plotted visually. Thus, both methods were in agreement that the statistical variation can alter and change the results of the simulation within ±2%. Shielded Wire Pair 13 In order to simulate the effects of variation in a shielded wire pair, the analytical equation for wire pairs was used and variation applied to either Z0, the distance between the wires, or the wire diameters. The dimensional tolerance was estimated to be approximately 0.001”, according to specifications found in STP technical descriptions.i This value was used as the threshold for the statistical and sinusoidal variation that took place in the calculations shown below. Figure 16: Characteristic Impedance of Wire Pair with Statistically Varying Dimensions Figure 17: Characteristic Impedance of Wire Pair with Sinusoidally Varying Dimensions 14 Through these simulations, it was found that the variation was only on the order of 0.3 ohms when using the maximum dimensional variation. Furthermore, when both dimensions were varied to the same degree, the effects of the variation cancelled each other out and the resulting characteristic impedance remained the same. Thus, the effects of variation were found to be much smaller than anticipated or previously simulated. Conclusion This paper discussed the comparison of measured and calculated wire parameters, the effects of randomly generated dielectric constant parameters, and statistical variation integrated with ABCD and FDTD simulation code. It was shown that calculated results showed a close similarity to the measured results, though the standard deviation was greater in the calculated velocity of propagation and smaller for the calculated characteristic impedance than the measured results. The velocity of propagation was shown to increase by up to 400% in the calculated standard deviation; whereas the characteristic impedance was shown to decrease by up to 10% in the calculated standard deviation. Additionally, the velocity of propagation was noticeably more uniform across the measured results than in the calculated results. This is likely due to the many surrounding wires consisting of conducting materials which affect the effective permittivity of the measured wired parameters. Both ABCD and FDTD simulations methods showed that the statistical variation can alter and change the reflectometry results of the simulation within ±2%. i T Kien Truong, “Twisted-pair transmission-line distributed parameters,” Boeing, p. 5. 15