template - Université catholique de Louvain

The Cahiers du Cental formatting guidelines
The Cahiers du CENTAL series are printed in an A5 paper format, after reducing the
original format during the editing stage. Therefore, it is important to take great care of
the readability of figures, tables and images. None of these should be coloured. The
figure captions should be numbered and appear under the figure.
En dashes (–) preceded and followed by a space should be used instead of parentheses.
Please do not use hyphens as parentheses.
These expressions should be italicized : cf., et al., infra, op. cit., ibid., i.e., e.g.
The word etc. must be preceded by a comma and not be followed by an ellipsis (…).
Long citations should form a paragraph (CENTAL-citation).
This paper details the author’s plans for and progress with compiling and analyzing a
new gigaword English corpus from the web to complement his BNC-based online
database “Phrases in English”.
Tables, figures and images should comprise a caption.
Use bold, underlined or upper-case words as little as possible, so as not to impair
Communication title (CENTAL-Title Article)
Rémy Jansens1, Jacques Potte2 (CENTAL-Author)
Université de Houtsiplou, Université de Ville (CENTAL-Address)
Abstract (Abstract-Title)
It has to appear first under the header “Abstract”. (Abstract-Text)
Keywords : title keywords. (Keywords-Text)
1. Electronic styles (CENTAL-Title-1)
The styles to be used are preceded by the word CENTAL-.
There is no header in the first page. It can have a footer (only in the case of collective
works, as in conference proceedings) containing the title of the series, the n° in the
series (year), and the pages of the paper (CENTAL-Text).
1.1. Second paragraph title (CENTAL-Title2)
1.1.1. Third paragraph title (CENTAL-Title3)
The first page
Figure 1. CENTAL Logo (CENTAL-Legend)
CENTRE, Université de Houtsiplou, janssens@cent.hou.ac.be (CENTAL-note bas de page)
ABC, Université de Ville, potte@univ-abc.fr
Cahiers du Cental, n° x (année), pages (CENTAL-Footer)
References (CENTAL-References-Title)
The bibliographical references should appear at the very end of the document under
a non-numbered section called « References ». See below p. 4.
Cross-references – within the paper – should always be in the text body according to
this format : (Author edition date : pagination).
Ex. : (Dupont 2004: 5-10).
(Dupont and Janssens 2004: 5-10).
(Dupont 2004: 5-10; Jansens 2005: 7-14).
Cross-references may appear as footnotes when they are accompanied by comments.
Bibliographical references at the end of the paper
For a book :
NAME [small capitals], first name initial. (editing date). Title. Subtitle. Place of edition: Editor
Ex. :
DUPONT, P. (2004). Title. Subtitle. Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses universitaires (Cahiers du
Cental, 1).
For an edited volume: indicate (ed.), (eds).
Ex. :
DUPONT, P. and JANSENS, A. (eds) (2004). Title…
DUPONT, P. (ed.) (2004). Title…
For a contribution to an edited volume: Title. In First name initial. Name indicate (ed.)
(eds). Title. Place: Editor : page numbering.
Ex. :
DUPONT, P. (2004). La linguistique. In A. Jansens and L. Quidam (eds). Title. Place: Editor:
For an article in a journal:
NAME. First name initial. (edition date). Article title. Journal title, n°: pages.
Ex. :
DUPONT, P. (2004). La linguistique. Revue, 4: 15-25.
In case of translation or reprint, write the date of the edition you used first, then
write the date of the first edition between square brackets.
Ex. :
DUPONT, P. (2004 [1999]). Title. Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses universitaires.