Children and Young People’s Executive 7th March 2008 8 Leicestershire Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Review Background The County Council is proposing to create a single infrastructure body for the voluntary sector in Leicestershire. This body would replace the existing infrastructure bodies (including CCP, VAL’s, LCVYS). The attached Appendix 1 is a draft ‘Broad Outcome’ specification to be used in tendering for the new organisation and is open for consultation. There will also be detailed requirements for each service area. Detailed requirements for Children and Young people have been drawn up from existing SLA’s and job descriptions to ensure that the specific needs of children and young people are covered (Appendix 2). Decisions required by DMT Executive are asked to note and comment on the attached “Broad Outcome Requirements for Leicestershire Voluntary and Community Sector Infrastructure Organisation”. Equalities Issues/Implications None Safeguarding Issues/Implications None Author: Peter Chester Date: 27th February 2008 Draft Appendix 1: Broad Outcome Requirements for Leicestershire Voluntary and Community Sector Infrastructure Organisation DRAFT FOR CONSULTATION Leicestershire Voluntary and Community Sector Infrastructure Outcomes Leicestershire County Council and Leicestershire Together Partners want to commission a Countywide Infrastructure Organisation (CIO) who will be based in the county and accessible. It will achieve the following outcomes: High Level Outcomes: Outcome 1 – Voluntary and Community Sector Leadership, Engagement and Representation CIO will be able to demonstrate that it represents the diverse Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS – Appendix A) in Leicestershire. It will support the VCS to engage effectively with all appropriate strategic bodies and partnerships including the Local Area Agreement with elected representation. CIO will provide the mechanism including a range of communication strategies for Leicestershire Together partners to engage effectively with the VCS to enable them to shape future strategies, policies and practices at county, district or sub-regionally as required by the funding partners. Outcome 2 – Capacity Building and Support to VCS CIO in partnership with Community Hubs will support the diverse frontline voluntary and community organisations across the county to work more effectively and efficiently by developing their capacity, quality and reach to deliver services. Local VCS will be supported to develop an outcomes based approach to assess their impact on individuals and communities. CIO will support to the VCS to develop partnerships and identify opportunities to become sustainable. CIO will advice and support Community Hubs and VCS to gain additional funding to develop new and existing services Outcome 3 – Volunteering CIO will work with the diverse range of organisations across the county to develop a volunteering infrastructure that meets local needs including those of organisations using volunteers and that supports the Leicestershire Sustainable Community Strategy and Local Area Agreement outcomes. Outcome 4 – Expert advice and support CIO will support the funding partners by providing expert advice and support on their behalf to the VCS and work in partnership with the agencies to deliver the programme of activities agreed annually. CIO will provide expert advice on specialist policy areas covering Health, Older people, Children and Young Page 2 of 16 DRAFT Draft people, vulnerable people taking into account the needs of Black and Minority Ethnic and new communities and the need for equality in service delivery. High level requirements for each outcome Outcome 1 – Voluntary and Community Sector Leadership, Engagement and Representation CIO will be able to demonstrate that it represents the diverse VCS in Leicestershire. It will support the VCS to engage effectively with all appropriate strategic bodies and partnerships including the Local Area Agreement with elected representation. CIO will provide the mechanism including a range of communication strategies for Leicestershire Together partners to engage effectively with the VCS to enable them to shape future strategies, policies and practices at county, district or sub-regionally as required by the funding partners. The CIO will: 1) Work with the VCS in Leicestershire to ensure that it is acknowledged as the strategic representative organisation for the VCS. 2) Act as an umbrella representative for the VCS and participate in the planning and policy formulation as required by the funding partners and partnerships. 3) Provide and maintain an integrated database of VCS by type of interest service provided in the sub-region that is easily accessible by all agencies. 4) Have a marketing strategy to raise the profile of VCS and its impact with key stakeholders. 5) Provide a range of two-way communication channels between the VCS and Leicestershire Together partners. a) To assist Leicestershire Together partners by providing a range of engagement programmes and events with the VCS on relevant matters including providing policy briefings on issues of local, regional or national significance especially where specified by funding partners. b) To work with partners communication programmes to co-ordinate the planning of events and activities. 6) Establish and co-ordinate a clear and transparent system of VCS representation and networking which provides an accountable forum for communication, discussion, consultation and election of ‘voices’ that reflect the issues faced by the diverse VCS including those providing specialist services. Page 3 of 16 DRAFT Draft 7) To facilitate and support VCS representative to effectively participate in a range of partnerships including Leicestershire Together, theme partnerships and cross cutting partnerships. 8) Work closely with the following agencies to provide support, professional advice to: a) Community Hubs in the districts to develop locality focused responses and resources b) Local Involvement Network to ensure there is co-ordination of activities and responses where appropriate c) Rural agencies and develop their capacity to engage effectively in the VCS and deliver quality services d) Community Transport providers to develop comprehensive and quality services e) Health and social care providers covering all groups including care programme groups f) Specific community/interest groups to develop their capacity to engage effectively in the VCS and deliver quality services. 9) Support the implementation of the Leicestershire Compact and its codes of good practice. 10) Be versatile in response to changing requirements from funding partners. Outcome 2 – Capacity Building and Support to VCS CIO in partnership with Community Hubs will support the diverse frontline voluntary and community organisations across the county to work more effectively and efficiently by developing their capacity, quality and reach to deliver services. Local VCS will be supported to develop an outcome’s based approach to assess their impact on individuals and communities. CIO will support to the VCS to develop partnerships and identify opportunities to become sustainable. CIO will advice and support Community Hubs and VCS to gain additional funding to develop new and existing services. The CIO will: 1) Work with local community hubs to identify gaps in existing VCS service coverage in terms of areas of interest, community needs and locality. To work with local partners and Leicestershire Together develop services with local groups to meet identified needs. 2) Support community cohesion agendas for Leicestershire particularly in relation to new communities at a local level through development of social capital and promote good community relations across and between communities. Page 4 of 16 DRAFT Draft 3) Support new and existing organisations through a range of services including Human Resources advice, ICT support, governance advice, funding advice to be ‘fit for purpose’ and self sustaining. 4) Support the VCS to actively engage their service users to help shape service delivery. 5) Ensure that the VCS are confident of receiving advice and support from the CIO. 6) Work with Community Hubs, VCS and other partners to attract additional funding to Leicestershire to develop new and existing services to meet the priorities identified by Leicestershire Together through: a) Provision of funding advice and support using the funding toolkit b) Promoting partnership/ consortium models to enable VCS to take up procurement opportunities and make best use of resources to develop new services. 7) Develop and provide a wide range of training opportunities based on identified need and new developments through a co-ordinated programme with other training partners. 8) Work with VCS to develop outcome-based performance measures that evidence/reflect that the objectives of people using the services are being met and achieve appropriate quality standards. Work within the single performance system for the County including its requirements for performance reporting and improvement planning 9) Identify, develop and promote best practice by keeping up with changes in legislation, local and national policy development across the range of services required by funders and provide a mechanism to communicate the implications of the developments in accessible formats to the VCS and funders. 10) To lead the VCS to develop appropriate responses to new developments and challenge the development where there may be adverse implications. To provide opportunities to network and share knowledge on these developments. 11) Working with community hubs to proactively identify VCS that need advice on governance and management of VCS and support them to develop strategies to strengthen their organisation. 12) Ensure information can be provided in sensible formats to support service analysis and policy formulation. 13) Deliver efficiencies, directly as an organisation and working across the VCS in line with public sector efficiency targets. Page 5 of 16 DRAFT Draft Outcome 3 – Volunteering CIO will work with the diverse range of organisations across the county to develop a volunteering infrastructure that is accessible and meets local needs including those of organisations using volunteers. The volunteering strategy and infrastructure supports the Leicestershire Sustainable Community Strategy and Local Area Agreement outcomes. CIO will: 1) work with Community Hubs, other agencies and use new technologies and other resources to provide countywide access to potential and existing volunteers. 2) Provide potential volunteers including youth volunteers with support and advice to match their motivations to volunteer with appropriate volunteering opportunities. 3) Stimulate interest in volunteering with positive messages delivered about the diverse nature and conditions of volunteering with full use being made of new technologies to promote the work. 4) Promote good practice in working with volunteers to all volunteer-involving organisations through active support, volunteer-specific training, access to accreditation and appropriate resources to ensure that volunteers understand client needs/ conditions. 5) Encourage volunteer involving organisations working with volunteers who are supporting vulnerable people that they are targeted to those most in need. The volunteering involving organisations encourage and promote an ethos of promoting independence and looking at preventive support rather creating dependency. 6) Will ensure that capacity building teams work with volunteering teams to develop new groups or support groups through targeted volunteering to reflect the diverse community profile of Leicestershire. 7) Maintain awareness of local, regional and national government proposals and policies which may impact on volunteers. To provide appropriate information and training that impacts to volunteering organisations and volunteers. 8) Develop standardised outcome based performance measures with volunteering organisations that evidence/ reflect that the objectivities of people using the services are being met and evidence equality of service delivery in relation to need, ethnicity and diversity. Page 6 of 16 DRAFT Draft Outcome 4 – Expert advice and support CIO will support the funding partners through named contacts by providing expert advice and support on their behalf to the VCS and work in partnership with the agencies to deliver the programme of activities agreed annually (Appendix B). CIO will provide expert advise on specialist policy areas covering Health, Older people, Children and Young people, vulnerable people taking into account the needs of Black and Minority Ethnic and new communities and the need for equality in service delivery. The CIO will: 1) Work in partnership with health and social care agencies to ensure that the objectives of the care programmes as agreed with funders are delivered including those for Older people and Children and Young People. 2) Ensure that the infrastructure, policies, procedures and activities undertaken will meet the needs of people and communities in rural areas and any adverse impacts will be challenged. 3) Lead and support the development of groups from BME communities including new communities to enable them to meet their needs and engage with the wider communities. Challenge any adverse impacts of policies, procedures or new developments. 4) Lead and support the development of VCS services including volunteering to meet the needs of Children and Young people across the age range up to 25 years. 5) Co-ordinate with the County Council, Community Hubs and Community Transport providers the development and implementation of the Community transport strategy. 6) To promote and distribute grants on behalf of funders where appropriate in accordance with relevant funder’s criteria. Page 7 of 16 DRAFT Draft Appendix A What defines the voluntary and community sector (VCS)? Voluntary organisations are formally structured, not-for-profit; independent and not part of government; managed by unpaid, voluntary management committees or boards of trustees; have paid employees and volunteers; may be registered charities and/or companies limited by guarantee and/or friendly societies. Community organisations are local community and self-help groups; more informal; often made up entirely of volunteers; any staff are likely to be parttime; independent; without regular income or funding. Community groups are often at the hub of community action and are formed in response to a local need. Volunteering is an important expression of citizenship and essential to democracy. It is the commitment of time and energy for the benefit of society and the community, and can take many forms. It is undertaken freely and by choice, without concern for financial gain. Social Enterprises are businesses that trade in the market in order to fulfil social aims. They bring people and communities together for economic development and social gain. Umbrella organisations also sometimes referred to as infrastructure organisations - are an important force in the VCS. The VCS has developed organically; it has not been centrally planned. Umbrella organisations attempt to link the different levels and type of voluntary sector activity. They fulfill four main functions; development, services to other organisations, liaison and representation. However it is also acknowledged that not all Umbrella organisations perform all of these functions (Deakin Commission 1996). Trustees and Management Committees are the group of people legally responsible for the control and management of a charity, which includes members of a charitable associations management committee and directors of charitable companies. Certain specific statutory responsibilities arise from being a trustee. The VCS covers a wide range of interest areas including health and social care, faith, ethnic and community, welfare, self help, toddler, housing, leisure, sports, culture and environmental groups. Page 8 of 16 DRAFT Draft Appendix B Specialist Services will be required for: Children and Young People covering Early Years, Extended Service, Youth Service Leicestershire County and Rutland Primary Care Trust - Care Programmes/ Chapters of the PCT operating plan Older people Vulnerable People including people with learning disabilities Black and Minority Ethnic and new communities Community Transport. Page 9 of 16 DRAFT Draft Page 10 of 16 DRAFT Draft Appendix 2: Children and Young People’s Service – Voluntary Sector Requirements Overall aim: To help improve outcomes for children and young people in Leicestershire by promoting and enabling engagement and effective partnership working between voluntary and community sector (VCS) and statutory bodies and partners providing services for children and young people. Overall outcome: Effective strategic VCS input into and with Leicestershire’s Children’s Trust 1. Voluntary and community sector supported and informed relating to children and young people services i.e. Ensure VCS aware of children and young people’s service developments, strategies, specific action plans, resource issues, bidding opportunities, consultation The infrastructure body must, in relation to children and young people: Identify and communicate relevant national and local policies / strategies Identify and disseminate relevant information Raise awareness within VCS of relevant issues Provide advice and support Promote collaborative and supportive working practices within VCS Promote discussion / dialogue within VCS Provide training Facilitate mentoring arrangements. 2. Represent views of VCS on children and young people’s forums, boards and planning groups The infrastructure body must, in relation to children and young people: Enable meaningful involvement of VCS on key strategic partnerships / planning groups Collate views of VCS Support representation Facilitate communication / consultation / dialogue within VCS. 3. Develop contribution of VCS organisations to address the children and young people’s (Every Child Matters) agenda through service planning, development and delivery The infrastructure body must, in relation to children and young people: Map the voluntary and community sector against Every Child Matters outcomes Facilitate VCS involvement in Children and Young People’s Plans, Sustainable Communities Strategy and Local Area Agreement Page 11 of 16 DRAFT Draft Facilitate involvement of VCS in Extended Services and integrated working Help identify health and social care / wellbeing needs Facilitate and support interaction with planning and provision of adult services where appropriate. 4. Provide open, neutral and independent VCS representation in relation to children and young people’s commissioning processes The infrastructure body must, in relation to children and young people: Represent the interests of the VCS in the development of multi-agency commissioning arrangements at county and district levels Develop knowledge / awareness and rationalisation for procurement processes and opportunities Support VCS to ‘skill up’ in relation to commissioning processes Develop knowledge / awareness and rationalisation for grants and awards etc Explore funding opportunities that VCS can bring to support children and young people’s services. 5. Support / coordinate opportunities for volunteering 6. Provide quality assurance Specific issues that will need to be addressed through infrastructure organisation: A. Overall Partnership and Representation Enable and support the effective involvement of the voluntary and community sector in the partnership planning processes of children & young people’s services, especially the Children and Young Peoples Strategic Partnerships (Leicestershire and Rutland), the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and other partnerships as required. Work with CVS and generic health workers to ensure that local networks of voluntary & community groups with an interest in children & young people’s services are involved in planning and consultation at a PCT and District level, ensuring two-way input and communication between the local and countywide planning levels. Develop a “Children’s network” of voluntary and community sector organisations whose constituents are impacted by the delivery of children and young peoples services. Promote co-operation and collective working between member organisations of the Children’s Network (sharing ideas, resources and examples of good practice). Ensure regular meetings of the “Children’s Network” take place and undertake the tasks associated with the servicing of this network e.g. organising of dates and venues, agenda preparation, minute taking. Page 12 of 16 DRAFT Draft Ensure representation of the interests of voluntary and community groups on the relevant Leicestershire Children’s Trusts groups (for example, Children’s Trust Board, age related groups, commissioning group) as well as the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Sub group. Provide support, briefing, information and training as necessary to voluntary sector representatives to enable their full participation in the partnership planning processes, ensuring a cross-referencing of information between them. Support and develop partnership working with key statutory partners including Primary Care Trusts, local authorities and Strategic Health Authority to promote the value and contribution of the voluntary and community sector. Raise awareness amongst voluntary and community organisations, and in particular minority ethnic and other hard to reach community organisations regarding the role of the Children’s Network. Work with the voluntary and community sector to help identify health and social care needs to inform the planning and commissioning of services. Consultation and Information Identify and facilitate a variety of methods of consultation with the voluntary and community sector to ensure their effective involvement in the development of key plans for improving children and young people’s services in Leicestershire; including consultation with children and young people themselves. Provide the voluntary and community sector with information about national and local children specific policy issues, initiatives and programmes, through the “Children’s Network,”, newsletters, website and other links. Advise and support voluntary & community groups on issues related to children and young people, and funding available from bodies such as PCTs or local authorities. B. Early Years Partnership and Representation to include: Developing and maintaining an early years and childcare services Network for VCS Children & Young people which will take account of and relate to any overarching VCS Children & Young Peoples Forum for Leicestershire, ensuring once established regular meetings of this network take place. Network to include at least 7 family focussed voluntary sector organisations. Meetings to be scheduled to run no less than 3 times per year and achieve 66% attendance from members. Facilitating effective engagement by the VCS throughout the partnership planning processes during the development of early years and childcare services via acting as an advocate for this sector. Supporting and enabling the VCS outputs to incorporate: Facilitating informed VCS involvement within the development and role out of early years and childcare Services in Leicestershire. By June 2009, and every 12 months thereafter, repeating survey to gauge the level of understanding and perceived relevance of childcare to their Page 13 of 16 DRAFT Draft core work with at least 50 relevant voluntary sector organisations, increase the score by 20% on the 2008 baseline by June 2009. Identifying the impact made on families in accessing Early Years services as a result of voluntary sector organisations input. Undertaking a variety of methods of Consultation with the voluntary and community sector to ensure their effective involvement in the development of early years and childcare Services. Establishing a mechanism by which information distribution to and from voluntary and community sector organisations can be tracked and reported on. Ensuring that at least 80% of those organisations identified as relevant in the baseline receive all relevant information discussed at 05 governance group meetings. Providing the voluntary and community sector with information about relevant national and local policy issues, initiatives and programmes, through appropriate, already established and new mechanisms. Holding voluntary sector Childcare Sufficiency Assessment briefing morning with at least 15 relevant voluntary sector organisations as required. VCS participation in development of early learning and childcare Services outputs will encompass: Identifying potential funding sources, develop specialist knowledge and support VCS organisations, in partnership with Leicestershire early learning and childcare Services teams, that will enable VCS organisations to develop external funding applications for the delivery of activity relating to early years and childcare Services; methods of support will include providing advice and support to specific bids. C. Extended Services Partnership and Representation to include: Developing and maintaining an Extended Services Network for VCS Children & Young people taking account of and relating to any overarching VCS Children & Young Peoples Forum for Leicestershire, ensuring that once established regular meetings of this network take place. Facilitating effective engagement by the VCS throughout the partnership planning processes during the development of extended services via acting as an advocate for this sector. Supporting and enabling the VCS outputs to incorporate: Undertaking a variety of methods of Consultation with the voluntary and community sector to ensure their effective involvement in the development of Extended Services. Providing the voluntary and community sector with information about relevant national and local policy issues, initiatives and programmes, through appropriate, already established and new mechanisms. VCS participation in development of Extended Services outputs will encompass: Facilitating informed VCS involvement within the development and role out of Extended Services in Leicestershire. Page 14 of 16 DRAFT Draft Identifying potential funding sources, develop specialist knowledge and support VCS organisations, in partnership with Leicestershire Extended Services teams, that will enable VCS organisations to develop external funding applications for the delivery of activity relating to Extended Services; methods of support will include providing advice and support to specific bids. D. Youth Services Ensure effective coordinated and consistent engagement of the Voluntary Youth Sector and the wider Voluntary Sector at a strategic level with the County Children’s Trust. Provide single, direct, point of contact for: o VCS youth work services o Leicestershire County Council youth services staff o other key agencies o general public. Engage in strategic planning for youth work and provide a strategic link for the Leicestershire voluntary youth sector and o Leicestershire County Youth Service o Relevant strategic groups strategy developments (e.g. Leicestershire Children’s Trust Board, 13 plus Group) o the wider Voluntary Youth Sector and regional agencies in the East Midlands o in developing ‘Publicising Positive Activities’. Provide awareness briefings on the change agenda for Every Child Matters/Youth Matters and other Government initiatives and how these will impact locally. Support Voluntary Sector Youth organisations to enable the voice & participation of their young people. Enable young people from Leicestershire Voluntary Youth Sector membership to be collectively engaged in participation activities. Support the County Youth Service in the Coordination of grants to the Voluntary Youth Sector. Provide local, regional & national information to LCVYS members through a weekly email and postal bulletin. Promote and allocate a variety of infrastructure support funds (building repairs etc) and delivery funds (Holiday Youth Activities) to the VCS Provide conduit for briefings and updates on local and national youth work issues from Leicestershire Youth Service to wider VCS. Provide a website to include info on: News bulletins, VCS member details, Documents, VCS strategic reps, Diary of events, Links. Provide regular forums for key staff and volunteers including two full day forum events throughout the year. Develop and maintain appropriate management information systems on voluntary youth service organisations. Support Voluntary Youth organisations to develop and use safe policies and procedures when working with young people. Support Voluntary Youth organisations to develop quality management systems. Support opportunities for young people to gain recorded or accredited outcomes. Page 15 of 16 DRAFT Draft Peter Chester 11th February 2008 Page 16 of 16 DRAFT