UNIVERSITY OF MAIDUGURI Maiduguri, Nigeria CENTRE FOR DISTANCE LEARNING ARTS ENG 111: ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 Published 2007© All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means without prior permission in writing from the University of Maiduguri. This text forms part of the learning package for the academic programme of the Centre for Distance Learning, University of Maiduguri. Further enquiries should be directed to the: Coordinator Centre for Distance Learning University of Maiduguri P. M. B. 1069 Maiduguri, Nigeria. This text is being published by the authority of the Senate, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri – Nigeria. ISBN: 978-8133-73-8 ii CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 PREFACE This study unit has been prepared for learners so that they can do most of the study on their own. The structure of the study unit is different from that of conventional textbook. The course writers have made efforts to make the study material rich enough but learners need to do some extra reading for further enrichment of the knowledge required. The learners are expected to make best use of library facilities and where feasible, use the Internet. References are provided to guide the selection of reading materials required. The University expresses its profound gratitude to our course writers and editors for making this possible. Their efforts will no doubt help in improving access to University education. Professor J. D. Amin Vice-Chancellor iii CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 HOW TO STUDY THE UNIT You are welcome to this study Unit. The unit is arranged to simplify your study. In each topic of the unit, we have introduction, objectives, in-text, summary and self-assessment exercise. The study unit should be 6-8 hours to complete. Tutors will be available at designated contact centers for tutorial. The center expects you to plan your work well. Should you wish to read further you could supplement the study with more information from the list of references and suggested readings available in the study unit. PRACTICE EXERCISES/TESTS 1. Self-Assessment Exercises (SAES) This is provided at the end of each topic. The exercise can help you to assess whether or not you have actually studied and understood the topic. Solutions to the exercises are provided at the end of the study unit for you to assess yourself. 2. Tutor-Marked Assignment (TMA) This is provided at the end of the study Unit. It is a form of examination type questions for you to answer and send to the center. You are expected to work on your own in responding to the assignments. The TMA forms part of your continuous assessment (C.A.) scores, which will be marked and returned to you. In addition, you will also write an end of Semester Examination, which will be added to your TMA scores. Finally, the center wishes you success as you go through the different units of your study. iv CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE This course introduces students of Literature in English to the various Literary Genres in Literature. These three main Literary Genres are: Prose, Drama and Poetry CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 1 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 ENG 111: ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNITS: 2 T A B L E O F C O N T E N TS PAGES PREFACE HOW TO STUDY THE UNIT INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE TOPIC - - - - iii iv 1 1: INTRODUCTION TO LITERARY GENRES - - 3 2: PROSE - - - - - - - 6 3: POETRY - - - - - - - 10 4: DRAMA - - - - - - - 16 SOLUTION TO EXERCISES CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 2 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 T O P I C 1: TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES 1.0 TOPIC: DEFINITION OF LITERATURE AND ITS GENRES - - - - - 3 1.1 INTRODUCTION - - - - - - - 4 1.2 OBJECTIVES - - - - - - - 4 1.3 IN-TEXT - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - - - 4 1.3.2 NON-FICTION - - - - - - 4 1.4 SUMMARY - - - - - - 4 1.5 SELF ASSESSMENT EXERCISE - - - - 4 1.6 REFERENCE - - - - - - 5 1.7 SUGGESTED READING - - - - - 5 - 1.3.1 FICTION - - CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 3 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES 1.0 TOPIC: DEFINITION OF LITERATURE AND ITS GENRES 1.1 INTRODUCTION UNIT: 2 Literature as a subject is divided into three main categories namely prose, poetry and drama. But before going into detail on the above mentioned classifications, it is worthy of note that literature, whether prose, poetry or drama falls into two major groups commonly called fiction and non-fiction. 1.2 OBJECTIVES At the end of the topic you should be able to: i. ii. iii. 1.3 1.3.1 Define fictitious literature and non-fictitious literature. Describe the types of literature. Define what is fiction and non-fiction IN-TEXT FICTION This refers to work of arts that is not true to life. on the other hand, it is an invented story, it is not based on facts. Such stories emanated from the writers imagination and their contents are false. One important feature of a fiction is that the imagined story is liable to happen. 1.3.2 NON-FICTION Non-fiction in just the opposite of fiction, they are true stories that happened some times in our society, they are written to educate and some times to expose societal ills. For a story to be regarded as non-fiction, its facts have been studied, experimented and proved correct. 1.4 SUMMARY In this topic, various types of literature were discussed. We also defined literature that is fiction, and literature that is non-fiction. CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 4 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES 1.5 SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISE 1. 1.6 UNIT: 2 Discuss on the various types of literature. REFERENCES M. C .B. Moody, The Teaching of Literature, Longman: London 1971. O. J. Abah “Drama as an Instrument of Human Resources Development: Attah M. O. (Ed) The Humanities and Human Resources Development: A Book of Readings. University of Maiduguri. 1999. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Edition. Longman, London. 1995. 1.7 New SUGGESTED READINGS Moody, M. C. B. The Teaching of Literature. Longman: London, 1971. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Edition. New Longmann. London. 1995. CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 5 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 T O P I C 2: TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES 2.0 TOPIC: PROSE - - - - - - 6 2.1 INTRODUCTION - - - - - - - 7 2.2 OBJECTIVES- - - - - - - - 7 2.3 IN-TEXT - - - - - - - 7 2.3.1 NARRATIVE PROSE - - - - - 7 2.3.2 SCIENTIFIC PROSE - - - - - 7 - - - - 7 - - - - 8 8 - 2.3.3 EMOTIVE PROSE 2.3.4 TYPES OF NOVELS - ROMANTIC NOVELS - - - HISTORICAL NOVELS - - 8 SOCIOLOGICAL NOVELS - - 8 DIDACTIC NOVELS - - - 9 2.3.5 ALLEGORY - - - - - - 9 - - - - - 9 - - - 9 - - - - 9 - - - - 9 2.4 SUMMARY 2.5 SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISES 2.6 REFERENCES 2.7 SUGGESTED READINGS - CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri - 6 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES 2.0 TOPIC: PROSE 2.1 INTRODUCTION UNIT: 2 Prose is simply the ordinary form of spoken or written language without regular rhythmic or metrical pattern. To some people, it is a multiple story in a passage form than specific central idea. 2.1 OBJECTIVES At the end of the topic, you should be able to: 2.3 2.3.1 i. Appreciate the various types of prose’s writings. ii. Learn how to differentiate among the various types of prose writings. iii. iv. Understand what prose writings are. Define the various types of prose writings. IN-TEXT NARRATIVE PROSE As the name implies, this is the type of prose that deals with story telling it pays more attention in narrating how, when where and why a particular thing happened. Most of its stories came from biography and at times autobiography. 2.3.2 SCIENTIFIC PROSE In this type of prose, attention is paid to happened in an event rather than the event itself, with up-to-date information of the event while the led to such gathering and its description are Example of scientific prose is politic and criticism. 2.3.3 things that readers fed factors that abandoned. EMOTIVE PROSE This is the type of prose that leaves the state of thinking. It persuade as the reader to share the predicaments disclosed in the passage by taking. Most of the times, after going through some novels you see yourself exhibiting joy, hatred, love or CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 7 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 narrow. This is the effect of emotive prose – example of Emotive prose in comedy and tragedy. The prose story as hinted earlier is press –example of Emotive prose is comedy and tragedy. The prose story as hinted earlier is presented in Novels, it in therefore necessary to know what a Novel is hence the question…. A Novel is a long narrative fiction prose in which imaginary characters are presented in a readable or true to manner. The story is a novel reflection but true-to-life. The novel is based on stories that can happen in real life are used though such names do not connote any particular possession. However, it is worthy to note that novels cannot be of the name length. Some are very long and some are of longer length than others in any case for at book to be called a novel, it should be of such …… case road 2.3.4 TYPES OF NOVELS There are as many novels as there are many stories. And such of those novels presents a particular story in unique way. Among others are: ROMANTIC NOVELS: Romantic novels are those novels that treat stories concerning love, affection and admiration. It educates on love and problems associated with love and sometimes expose human emotion in love, affairs. Example of Novels is “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen. HISTORICAL NOVELS There are novels that deal with historical events. It brings to focus the happenings of the old to the general public for the purpose of adjusting and correcting the present society. "A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens is a typical example. SOCIALOGICAL NOVELS CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 8 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 This type of novel associates itself with social event i.e. the events currently taking place in the society. It attempts to equip the masses with the recent happenings and save them the danger associated with ignorance. Example of sociological novel is “A man of the people” by Chinua Achebe DIDACTIC NOVELS There are novels that deal with moral conducts. It specifically 2.3.5 ALLEGORY This is a novel whose story uses idioms such as love, pride, despair, weakness and hope as characters. These ideas are personified and made to talk and behave like human beings. The allegory is ironical but most often satirical and carries a surface story with deeper meaning on ……… 2.4 SUMMARY After studying this topic carefully, the student should be able to easily understand what is prose and what are these various types of novels. 2.5 SELF ASSESSMENT EXERCISES 1. 2. 3. 2.6 What is prose writing in literature? Briefly discuss two types of prose writing. Write short notes on at least two types of narrative techniques. REFERENCES Moddy, H. L. B. The Teaching of Literature. Longman: London. 1971. 2.7 SUGGESTED READING Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. New Edition. Longman. London. 1995. CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 9 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 T O P I C 3: TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES 3.0 TOPIC: POETRY - - - - - - 3.1 INTRODUCTION 3.2 OBJECTIVES 3.3 IN-TEXT - - - - - 11 - - - - - - - 11 - - - - - - - 11 3.3.1 TYPES OF POEMS - - - - - 11 3.3.2 NARRATIVE POEMS - - - - - 12 3.3.3 THE EPIC - - - - - 12 - - - - - 12 - - - - 12 - - - - - 13 - - - - - 14 - - - - 14 - - - 14 - - 3.3.4 THE BALLARD 3.3.5 LYRICAL POEMS 3.3.6 THE ODE - 3.3.7 THE ELEGY - - 10 3.4 SUMMARY 3.5 SELF ASSESSMENT EXERCISES 3.6 REFERENCES - - - - - - 14 3.7 SUGGESTED READING - - - - - 15 CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 10 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES 3.0 TOPIC: POETRY 3.1 INTRODUCTION UNIT: 2 According to Villiah Cullen Bryant, poetry is that which selects and arranges the symbols of thought in a manner as to excite it powerfully and delightfully. Poetry is an interpretation of life through imagination feelings presented in simple rhythmic language (verse) metrical pattern. William Wordsworth in his own contribution defines poetry as a spontaneous over flow of powerful feeling recollected in tranquility. However, many people believe that poetry produces pleasure and present emotional and intellectual experiences of life. In summary therefore, poetry writers agree that poetry is an art, which arouses the reader’s emotion, challenges his imagination, power and all his sensory organs. It explores life and offers discipline through satire. Its language is concrete and its aim is to gladden the hearts of those who read it. 3.2 OBJECTIVES At the end of this topic, you should be able to: i. Understand the various definitions of poetry. ii. Appreciate the role of poetry in society iii. Discuss understand. iv. 3.3 why poetry seems difficult to Differentiate among the various types of poetry. IN-TEXT After carefully studying through this topic, students should be able to answer questions like; what is poetry? The role of poetry in society. Difficulties encountered in understanding poetry. CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 11 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES 3.3.1 UNIT: 2 TYPE OF POEMS Poems are not classified according to their subject matters. This is because a poet can write on any subject at all in the universe, since the choice of topic by the poet is limit-less, it would not be wise to classify poems classified according to the manner in which the topic has been presented. The following are the classification and types of poems: 3.3.2 NARRATIVE POEMS Narrative poems are poems that tell stories. The story in the poem is seriously told. At times it appears humorous and fearful. However, narrative poetry are told in continuous verse and at times divided into stanzas. It is simply divided into two types. These are the epic and the Ballard. 3.3.3 THE EPIC Epic is a long narrative poem which tell of the adventure and noble deeds of a hero as we have already known hero is a person who done great and good things for his community. The subject matter of the epic is always serious and the story is seriously to (a). The hero sometimes faces severe hardship but after a great struggle overcomes the problems and wins victory or achieves his aims. 3.3.4 THE BALLARD The ballard is a short and simply narrative poem ballards are mostly written about any experience in life. The main difference is that the ballard is short and simple and does not tell the story of a particular hero while the epic is long, serious and tells the story of a hero. The language of a ballard in a time and the story is presented through narration, dialogue and description. 3.3.5 LYRICAL POEMS A lyrical poem expresses the thoughts and feelings of poet about a particular subject or topic. Unlike the “narrative poet does not tell a story. In lyrical, something stimulates the CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 12 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 feelings or emotions of the poet. He says what he thinks about it and draws his conclusions. A lyrical poem could be written on any thing at all. It could be life, kindness, an animal, a river or religion. The poet site down and thinks deeply about a topic and expresses his thoughts on it. A lyrical poet put every part of himself, his personality, his judgment, his mode and his thought in action while writing the poem. He may treat his subject mournfully or happily. This means that the tone of a lyrical poem could be serious or lighthearted depending on the mood of the writer. The commonest type of lyrical poems is the Ode and the Elegy. THE ODE The Ode is a serious lyrical poem in which the poet expresses his thoughts and feelings on a given topic. It could be written on any subject at all. The subject matter is always serious and the poet presents it in a serious dignified style. THE ELEGY The Elegy is a serious lyrical poem written to mourn the death of a person or people in general. Elegy can also be called Dirge. Students should not be confused with these two names because the two means the same thing. Poems are not classified according to their subject matters. This in because a poet can write on any subject at all in the universe, since the choice of topic by the poet in limit-less, it would not be wise to classify poems by their subject matters. Base on this background poems a classified according to the manner in which the topic has been presented. The following are the classification and types of poems: 3.3.6 WHY POETRY IN SCHOOLS? Poetry as part of literature is thought in line prose and drama. For students to call himself a literature scholar, he must CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 13 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 have the knowledge of poetry. Besides, poetry offers numerous advantages to its reader. These advantages include: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 3.3.7 Poetry helps us to develop our imaginary senses. It imbibes in us the skill of creativity. The knowledge of poetry awakens our emotional skill. One with poetry skill see thing from the right perception. It helps us to develop our reasoning faculty. The choice of words is harassed through poetry. WHY POETRY SEEMS DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND Research from nooks and cranny revealed that students found it difficult to analysis and comprehend poems. A good number of reasons are responsible for this. These reasons include:(i) MEANING Students found it difficult to give the meanings of poems. This is because a poet may write from a background different from that of the reader. As a result, many interpretations could be given to a particular poem. (ii) DIFFICULT WORDS Sometimes, a poet uses words, which the reader finds difficult to understand. This is so because a poet is free to make use of words that will enable him to express his inner mind. (ii) EXOTICE STYLE A poet may adopt a style which is foreign or unusual to the readers and this will cause a problem in the understanding of the poem. 3.4 SUMMARY CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 14 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 In this topic, various definitions of poetry are discussed. It also dwelt on the various types of poetry and their special characteristics. 3.5 SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISES 1. 2. 3. 3.6 How do you define poetry? Discuss briefly on the various types of poetry. Why is poetry difficult to understand sometimes REFERENCES Jonathan Culler, Literary Theory: Oxford University of Press: New York. 1997. Berth Lindfors. Critical Perspectives: Three Continents Press Washington D.C. 1975. 3.7 SUGGESTED READING King, Bruce (ed) Introduction to Nigerian Literature. Lagos, University Moddy, A. L. R. The Teacher of Lagos and Evans Brothers, 1974. Moddy, A. L. R. The Teaching of Literature Longman: London 1971. CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 15 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 T O P I C 4: TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES 4.0 TOPIC: 4.1 DRAMA - - - - - - INTRODUCTION - - - - - 17 4.2 OBJECTIVES - - - - - - 17 4.3 IN-TEXT - - - - - - 18 - - - - 18 - - - - - 18 - - - - - 18 - - - - 18 4.3.5 TERMS ASSOCIATED WITH DRAMA - 19 4.3.6 IMPORTANCE OF SPEECH IN DRAMA - - 22 4.3.7 COMMON TERMS IN LITERATURE - 22 - 4.3.1 TYPES OF DRAMA 4.3.2 MELODRAMA 4.3.3 FARCE - 4.3.4 HISTORICAL PLAYS 4.4 SUMMARY - - 4.5 SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISES 4.6 REFERENCES 4.7 SUGGESTED READINGS - CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri - - - 16 - - 23 - - - 23 - - - - 24 - - - - 24 16 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES 4.0 TOPIC: DRAMA 4.1 INTRODUCTION UNIT: 2 Drama is the work of arts designed for stage purposes. It is also a story written to be performed on the stage. Drama may be written in prose of verse form. It is however divided in acts and scenes. IS THERE ANY NEED FOR DRAMA? So many people especially science scholars have asked this questions numbers without time. It is essential to bring to the knowledge of the public through this book that Drama play prominent role in the life of people, society and country respectively. To start with, we are aware that a country is made up of various ethnic groups, each ethnic group has its own culture, and these cultures are brought to the notice of the world through drama. Apart from the above mentioned points, drama entertains. How do you feels when sitting in a beer parlour with your legs crossed and a bottle of drink at hand watching a thrilling drama in a screen. Without been told, you simply forget your problems for the moment and cheer with others around you. Other benefits or drama include;(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 4.2 Drama as part of literature helps people to eliminate earthly-worries. It keeps the body of those involved in it healthy and good-looking. Drama retreat wandering and aimless movement of people. It serves as a monitor of conduct. Societal ills are revealed through drama. It adds colour to promotion It restrains the mind from thinking. OBJECTIVES CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 17 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 This section is designed in such a way that, the student would be able to: i. 4.3 Understand what drama is, as a literary genre. IN-TEXT At the end of the programme, students should be able to recognize the various types of dramatically sub-genres and appreciate them as part of the over-all genres of literature in English. 4.3.1 TYPE OF DRAMA OR PLAY There are so many types of drama or play but for the purpose of examination we are going to consider the most important ones among them. These are melodrama, farce and historical plays. 4.3.2 MELODRAMA A melodrama is a play which often has music interposed or accompanying the actions. It has good and bad characters. Such characters may be demons, ghosts, and other supernatural forces. It is sensational and romantic. The play has events and scene that cause tension and fear. The scenes are stage in gloomy castle and secret passages. In spite of creating fear and tension however, a melodrama ends happily. It is important to note that a melodrama is an exaggerated and unrealistic story. 4.3.3 FARCE A farce is an exaggerated comical play full of foolish and unreasonable human characters. The main aim of a farce is to induce laughter. To achieve this aim, it includes improbable plots, and crude jokes. The play is full of exaggerated buffoonery with the actors wearing shabby cloths or appearing on painted faces. Though a farce is humorous and full of comic events, it is not a comedy because the events, and actions are exaggerated, unrealistic and not true to life. CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 18 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES 4.3.4 UNIT: 2 HISTORICAL PLAYS A historical play is a play that takes its plot or material from historical records. It dramatizes great events that took place in the olden days. Shakespeare’s historical plays dramatize the life of English Kings and other Military leaders. 4.3.5 TERMS ASSOCIATED WITH DRAMA (i) ACTOR An actor is the male leading character in a play, drama or film. He is strong, brave and wise and always, he fights for the interest of his community. It is through him that the message of the play writer is conveyed to his readers. The actor often suffers much in the pursuit of his objectives but successes at last. (ii) ACTRESS Unlike the actor, an actress is the female leading character. She plays the role of the actor; the only difference between her and the actor is that the actor is a man while she is a woman. (iii) DRAMATIST Dramatist is a name given to a person that acts a play or drama. For one to answer a dramatist, he most has acted in more than a play and has the zeal to act more plays in time to come. (iv) PLAY WRIGHT A play writer is a person that specializes in writing of dramas and plays. Some play writers are dramatist while majority are not. A good example of a Nigeria play writer is Wole Soyinka. (v) SCRIPT Script simply means the manuscript of a play of drama. It is an exercise book where the play writer put down the message of the drama. It is from the CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 19 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 manuscript that characters know their role in the play. (vi) REHEARSAL Rehearsal is the constant practice of a drama in a secret place before showing it publicly. It is necessary because the characters must be acquainted with the drama least they act something different from the script thereby defeating the aim of the play writer. (vii) COSTUME Costume is a special name given to cloths, shoes and make-ups used in the drama. Most often, costumes are hired from boutiques. The choice of costume depends on the type of drama. If the drama is dealing with wealth, the costume must be the expensive type that will disclose riches at a glance. (viii) STAGE A stage is a place where drama is performed. It could be a room or an open place. However, it should be noted that a stage is not permanent. The choice of a stage depends on the target viewers and the purpose attached to the drama. (ix) THEATER A theater is a permanent place meant for the exhibition of drama, plays, films and ethnic cultures. It is wide and attractive in structure and contains thousands of people. Example of a theater in Nigeria is the National Theater Iganmu Lagos and the Open Air Theater Maiduguri, Borno State. (x) VIEWERS A viewer is a person who sees to the theater to watch a play. A play as we all know is meant to be watched, that is why it is performed in public places like the theater so people who went to the theater for the purpose of watching play are called viewers CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 20 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES (xi) UNIT: 2 CRISIS Crisis in a play is a point at which the opposing forces that make the conflict join together and help to decide the direction at which the plot will turn. The protagonist or leading character is faced with alternative decisions, which will influence his fate. (xii) CONFLICT Conflict is the struggle, which out of the interplay of two opposing forces in a plot. Conflict however provides suspense and interest in the play. It is divided into two external conflict and internal conflict. Internal conflicts refer to the trouble created by one’s mind while external conflict refers to the problem of the two characters in the play. (xiii) NOUVEMENT In a literary work, it is the period when the plot is made clear, i.e. all the complications in the plot are resolved. The mystery in the play or story is understood. Besides, an explanation to the secret and misunderstanding in the play is made known. (xiv) COMIC RELIEF This is a humorous scene, incident or speech in the process of a serious play. This device is introduced by play writers to provide relief from the emotional tension and to high to the seriousness of the play. (xvi) A CLOWN OR JESTER A clown in a character whose duty is to make or crack jokes that will amuse others. He is the character that provides comic relief in the play. Marcus in Taboo is an example. (xvii) SPEECH Speech in a play refers to how the characters talk. The characters in a play talk in different ways. Some of the commonest speeches are soliloquy, aside, Whisper, Duologue and Dialogue. CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 21 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES (xvii) UNIT: 2 SOLILOGUY This is a speech made by a character when alone on the stage. He either comes to the stage alone or with other characters but remains there while the other go away. In soliloquy, the character speaks out his mind. He says aloud to himself what he is thinking in his mind. The viewers heard him though the speech is not meant for them. The soliloquy reveals either the secret past deeds of the character or the secret future plans he has. Sometimes, a soliloquy gives information about other characters in the play. (xix) ASIDE Aside is a brief comment made by a character when conversation is going on at a particular moment on the stage. Aside is spoken on a low voice and is directed to the audience. It conveys some hidden information about other characters to the viewers. It equally adds to the comic or tragic effect of the play. (xx) WHISPER A whisper is a low speech directed to the ear of one character by a follow character on the stage. It is meant for one character and cannot be heard by other characters or audience. Whisper is used to give corrections on the stage and sometimes to conspire. (xxi) DIALOGUE Dialogue is a peaceful conversation between two characters in a play. The two characters may be enemies right from the beginning of the play but later decided to reconcile. 4.3.6 IMPORTANCE OF CONVERSATIONS IN DRAMA Conversation is important in drama for the following reasons: (a) It is used to convey information about characters. CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 22 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES (b) (c) (d) (e) UNIT: 2 Through conversation we get to know the behaviour of a particular character, whether foolish, wicked or wise. Conversations enable us to know more about the plot. Some of the actions which cannot be presented physically on the stage are revealed through conversation. Conversation helps us to know what has happened in the past and what will happen next. 4.3.7 COMMON TERMS IN LITERATURE 1. SUSPENCE Suspense is the figure of speech used to arouse the curiosity of the readers. It is used to incite interest in the minds of the readers and induce them to read or watch till the end. 2. FLASH BACK Flash back is the inclusion of past stories to explain the present one. It enables us to know the background of a characters or the origin of a story or play. 3. DICTION Diction refers to the choice of words in literature. Some literary writers choose modern words, others choose ancient type. The choice of words makes a particular work ease or hard to understand. So the choice of words and its arrangement in literature is known as diction. 4. DENOTATION Denotation simply means the dictionary or primary meaning of words in the passage. When a writer chooses a word that connotes its ordinary meaning, he is making use of denotation. 5. CONNOTATION Connotation is the opposite of denotation. It is the use of words in symbolic form. On the other hand, it is the application of words that mean something else. Again it is the use of words that mean something literarily and on a close observation mean something else. CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 23 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES 6. UNIT: 2 ALLUSION Allusion means reference. Reference on the other hand means research embarked by the writer before writing his work. 4.4 SUMMARY This section examines what is drama, as a literary genre. It also gives examples of some dramatic sub-genres. 4.5 SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISES 1. 2. 4.6 Describe the various types of drama. Define the term drama. REFERENCES Berth Lindfors: Critical Perspectives: Three Continents Press: Washington D.C. 1997. J. O. Abah. “Drama as an Instrument of Human Resources Development: Attah M. O. (Ed) The Humanities and Human Resources Development: A Book of Readings. University of Maiduguri. 1999. 4.7 SUGGESTED READINGS Etherton, Michael. The Development of African Drama. London. Hutchinson University library, 1982. Abah, O. J. “Drama as an Instrument of Human Resources Development”. Attah M. O. (Ed), The Humanities and Human Resources Development: A Book of Readings. University of Maiduguri, 1999. CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 24 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 SOLUTION TO EXERCISES TOPIC 1 1. 2. There are three broad types of literature, namely: prose, poetry and drama. Prose usually takes the form of a long essay, using everyday language, but also containing some literary devices that enhance its quality and message. Poetry makes use of special language, manipulates words and conforms to some strict literary techniques that make it unique. While drama is usually set in form of a play, normally put on stage, using actors, as characters. Fictitious literature is usually written using fictitious characters, where the writer uses his creative imagination to depict a given society. While non-fiction literature actually re-enacts events or situations that have taken place in real life. TOPIC 2 1. 2. 3. Prose writing in literature is usually characterized by the use of straight forward language, that is also takes the form of a long essay. It also contains some literary devices that enhance its quality and message. Narrative prose, as the name implies, is the type of prose that deals with story telling. It pays more attention in narrating how, when, where, and why particular things happened. While scientific prose pays attention to things that happened in an event, rather than the event itself. Some novelists present their story through letters. This happens when there is exchange of letters between different characters in the book. Another way of presenting a story is through conversation, that is when two or more character talks to each other in the book. TOPIC 3 1. Poetry, simply put, is the ability of the literary artist to manipulate words, and use certain poetic devices, in order to create a poetic literary material that lives up to the requirements of the genre CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 25 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES 2. 3. UNIT: 2 Among the various types of poetry, we have the Ode and Lyric poems. Ode poems are usually love poems that celebrate the poet’s feelings for things close to his heart. While lyric poems are usually read and accompanied with music. Poetry is difficult to understand because the poet normally manipulates and twists words to achieve his stated goals. As such, words are used in such a way that they sometimes convey different meanings from what they actually are. Also, poetic sentences are also written in such a way that they don’t conform to ordinary everyday usage. TOPIC 4 1. 2. Drama one of the genres of literature, which is basically designed to be performed. In other, words, it is a recreation of real life. According to Aristotle, drama is “the initiation of an action”. It involves language in form of action. A melodrama is a play which has music interposed or accompanying the actions. A farce is an exaggerated comical play full of foolish and unreasonable characters. A historical play is a play that takes its plot from historical records. Drama is the work of arts designed for stage purposes. It is also a story written to be performed on the stage. Drama may be written in prose or verse form. It is however divided in acts and sequences. Drama plays a very prominent role in the life of people, society and country respectively. Drama highlights the cultural values of societies and exposes them to the notice of the world. Drama also entertains its audience through the use of songs, spectacles and dance. CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 26 ENG 111 – ENGLISH LITERARY GENRES UNIT: 2 TUTOR MARKED ASSIGNMENTS 1. 2 Define literature and discuss in detail, factors that contributed to the development of English literary genres. Discuss on any two types of novels. 3 What are some of the factors that make poetry difficult to understand? 4. Explain at least three common features of drama. Examine some literary terms and show how they could be used in literary development. 5. CDL, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri 27