SoTL LEADERSHIP: UBC FACULTY CERTIFICATE PROGRAM ON TEACHING AND LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION 2010-2011 SYLLABUS NAME: Program Description The UBC Faculty Certificate Program on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education is designed to meet the needs and circumstances of multidisciplinary faculty members. The aim of this SoTL Leadership program is to enhance the scholarship of teaching and learning. The Certificate program was developed around a cohort model and by integrating a variety of teaching and learning frameworks. Action research contributes to the development, implementation and evaluation of the Certificate program. Learning Objectives A. Core Learning Objectives On completion of the certificate program, faculty are expected to be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. think critically about curriculum and pedagogical issues in HE articulate their own values and beliefs about teaching and learning recognise the value of inclusion, student equity and diversity issues design responsive courses and assess student learning using a variety of methods facilitate active learning, critical thinking & problem-solving skills develop a critically reflective teaching practise use a variety of communication, teamwork and leadership skills B. Specific Learning Outcomes Faculty will demonstrate how they have: Reflected on their own personal and professional practice and development, and made plans for their continuing professional development and broader contribution toward teaching and learning enhancement. Designed a course from an outline, document, or syllabus Used a wide and appropriate range of teaching and learning methods effectively, in working with small and large groups, or on a one-to-one basis Developed and employed a range of assessment techniques to assess student work and to enable students to monitor their own progress. Used a range of self, peer and student monitoring and evaluating techniques. Developed some administrative skills which are common to a range of academic institutions Developed personal and professional coping strategies which will help them to operate at peak efficiency in their future careers. Program Modules Orientation Workshop, Independent Learning Plan (ILP), Cohort Meetings, E-Learning These sessions provide an introduction to the program and to other cohort Participants. Dates, meetings and goals will be established as will course readings, Individual Learning Plans (ILP’s), and e-learning. Further cohort meetings provide peer feedback for ILP’s and portfolio development. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1, 2, 6 & 7 Collaborative Research Presentation: Curriculum & Pedagogy Core program research presentations focus on learning-centred approaches to curriculum and pedagogy. Through presentations for peers and independent study, participants will examine critical topics for university teachers (e.g., curriculum development, course design and assessment of student learning; action research and principles of effective teaching in higher education; adult learning theory; fostering community and inclusion; facilitating critical thinking and self-directed learning; educational technology; wellness in the university workplace; and developing teaching and student portfolios). Participants are responsible for presenting one collaborative research presentation. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1-7 Self-directed Learning Project: Major Project Participants develop an independent research project on issues of curriculum and pedagogy (e.g., writing an article, submitting a TLEF grant application, classroom/curriculum learning study, PBL project, learning technologies project). Materials are assembled in preparation for scholarly dissemination. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 6 4 X Action Research Assignments On-site practical teaching and peer feedback is an important feature of the certificate program. This component enables participants to provide and receive constructive feedback on four teaching sessions (including one teaching award winner) within the context of a current teaching assignment. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1-7 Teaching Dossier/Program Portfolio The portfolio is an on-going assignment throughout the certificate program and includes the development of a learning-centred course syllabus. Materials and reflections from program experiences are organised in accordance with contemporary Teaching Portfolio guidelines. A Self-Report Form (progress check) is submitted to the program co-ordinator at the end of each term. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1-7 Assessment Assessment is an integral part of learning throughout the Certificate program. Successful completion of the above learning objectives are demonstrated through the following assessment methods: Instructor feedback, self-assessment reflections, and peer feedback regarding participation in all elements of program of study. Instructor Feedback Self-Assessment Reflections Peer-Feedback External Peer-Review Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) interview, research presentations, formative and summative progress check Each workshop and learning experience, teaching dossier and program portfolio development program attendance and contribution to cohort, formative and summative ILP and program evaluations Workshop presentations, action research assignments, program attendance and contribution to cohort, teaching dossier and course syllabus Post-program learning interview and review of ILP, teaching dossier and program portfolio materials (Learning Objectives 1-7) Glossary of Terms Student-Centred Teaching Teacher-Centred Teaching Learning-Centred Teaching Scholarship of Teaching Action Research Teaching Dossier Program Portfolio Workshop Assessment Evaluation Instruction that focuses on learners' needs Instruction that focuses on teacher-delivered content and curriculum requirements Instruction that focuses on learning by balancing learners' needs and curriculum requirements within a given context Dissemination of practice-driven curricula and/or pedagogical research in peer-review contexts On-site classroom research and analysis of curriculum, teaching, and/or learning processes and outcomes Concise and comprehensive analysis of philosophy, contributions and outcomes of teaching Binder of learning assignments and program resource materials Interactive and hands-on learning experience guided by a facilitator/instructor data gathering process pertaining to curricula, teaching/ learning processes and outcomes judgement based on criteria and assessment data Others . . . TENTATIVE SCHEDULE 2010/2011: Monthly Meetings and Weekly E-Learning Activities May-September 10th Prior Learning Assessment: WebCT orientation Sept 10 (0900-1:00pm) PROGRAM ORIENTATION: THE SCHOLARSHIP OF TEACHING & LEARNING; ADULT LEARNING PERSPECTIVES AND PRINCIPLES: IMPLICATIONS FOR LEARNING-CENTRED INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN– [Scarfe Rm 310] Independent and Collaborative E-Learning activities: Assignment Goal Setting and Preparation, WebCT Orientation II,; Teaching Perspectives Inventory; Readings Preparation Oct 1 (0900-12:00pm) CLASSROOM RESEARCH: THEORY AND PRACTICE INTEGRATION Independent and Collaborative E-Learning activities: Syllabus Analysis, Action Research Assignment #1a and Documentation Submission Nov 5 (0900-12:00pm) TEACHING DOSSIER DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES; GUEST SPEAKER - TEACHING AND LEARNING ISSUES IN UNIVERSITY SETTINGS: INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL PERSPECTIVES; FACILITATING ACTIVE LEARNING: CRITICAL THINKING AND SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING, Collaborative Research Presentation (1); DEVELOPING A LEARNING-CENTRED COURSE AND SYLLABUS, Collaborative Research Presentation (2) Independent and Collaborative E-Learning activities: Action Research Assignment #1b; Readings Preparation Dec 3 (0900-12:00pm) REVIEW OF PROGRAM ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES/ TEACHING DOSSIER DEVELOPMENT; PEERFEEDBACK (I): REVIEW OF COURSE SYLLABUS AND TEACHING DOSSIER; ASSESSMENT OF STUDENT LEARNING, Collaborative Research Presentation (3); FOSTERING COMMUNITY AND INCLUSION IN THE UNIVERSITY CLASSROOM: TEACHING SMALL AND LARGE CLASSES Collaborative Presentation (4) End of Term Social Dec 10 Submission of Portfolio Binder (Sec. 1-4) and On-line Feedback Reports TENTATIVE SCHEDULE ‘11 Jan 14 (0900-12:00pm) COHORT MEETING - GUEST SPEAKER – LEARNING-CENTRED APPROACHES TO CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT AND THE SCHOLARSHIP OF CURRICULUM PRACTICE Independent and Collaborative E-Learning activities: Teaching Dossier, sections 3-4 Analysis; Action Research Assignment #2 Documentation and Analysis; Readings Preparation Feb 4 (0900-12:00pm) EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES Collaborative Research Presentation (5); WELLNESS IN THE UNIVERSITY WORKPLACE Collaborative Research Presentation (6); PEERFEEDBACK (II): PORTFOLIO BINDER DOCUMENTATION, SECTIONS 1-8 Independent and Collaborative E-Learning activities: Binder Preparation and Analysis (sections 1-8). To be Submitted March 1st for Formative II External Peer-Review: Recommendation for May 2010 Graduation; WebSearch Project; TPI Preparation Mar 4 (0900-12:00pm) GUEST SPEAKER - TEACHING PERSPECTIVES IN HIGHER EDUCATION: RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS; RESEARCH PRESENTATION FORUM (I) Independent and Collaborative E-Learning activities: Binder Preparation and Analysis (sections 1-8); Readings Preparation Apr 1 (0900-12:00pm) ASSESSING THE SCHOLARSHIP OF TEACHING & LEARNING: RESEARCH PRESENTATION FORUM (II); PEERFEEDBACK (III): EXTERNAL PEER-REVIEW SIMULATION (PORTFOLIO BINDER DOCUMENTATION, SECTIONS 1-8) April EXTERNAL PEER-REVIEW INTERVIEW May GRADUATION!