Document number
School/ Divisional Unit
Lowy Cancer Research Institute
Initial Issue date
Current version
Current Version
Issue date 1/4/2010
Next review date
The Writing Safe Work Procedures Guideline (OHS027) should be consulted to assist in the completion of this form.
Safe Work Procedure Title and basic description
Title: Transport of liquid nitrogen within Lowy Cancer Research Building
Description: Transport of liquid nitrogen within Lowy Building
Associated risk assessment title and location: Lowy Cancer Research Institute
Describe the activity or process
Purpose designed dewars must be used when transporting liquid nitrogen.
Liquid nitrogen can only be transported between floors using the goods lift.
The amount of liquid nitrogen being transported must be keep to a minimum.
No personnel can use the lift when transporting liquid nitrogen.
Personnel must wear cryogloves and face shield when handling liquid nitrogen.
Obtain the lift key from stores
Place the dewar in the lift.
Use the key to operate the lift sent it the required floor.
Personnel then use either the stairs or another lift to meet the liquid nitrogen on the floor.
Take the liquid nitrogen to the required area.
Return the key to stores
List all resources required including plant, chemicals, personal protective clothing and equipment, etc
Dewar designed for liquid nitrogen transport
Cryo gloves, face shield
Lift key
List potential hazards and risk controls including specific precautions required
Cold burns : training and PPE
Asphyxiation: training ,no personnel to use liquid nitrogen in enclosed spaces without appropriate ventilation
Keeping the amount of liquid nitrogen being transported to a minimum.
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Safe Work Procedure
Uncontrolled document when printed
Date Effective: 01/01/2007
Current Version: 1.2, 15/08/2007
List emergency shutdown instructions
If there is a liquid nitrogen spill, evacuate the area until oxygen levels return to normal. Warn other members of staff to the danger. If possible increase the ventilation to the area. Contact the area manager.
List clean up and waste disposal requirements
List legislation, standards and codes of practice used in the development of the SWP
AS 1894-1997 The storage and handling of non-flammable cryogenic and refrigerated liquids
NSW OHS Act 2000
NSW OHS Regulation 2001
Australia Dangerous Goods Code
AS/NZS 2243.2:2006. Safety in laboratories. Part 2: Chemical aspects
AS/NZS 2161.1:2000 Occupational Protective Gloves
– Selection, Use and Maintenance
AS/NZS 1336:1997 Recommended Practices for Occupational Eye Protection
Supervisory approval, training, and review
Supervisor: Signature:
Plant custodian: Signature
List competency required
– qualifications, certificates, licensing, training - eg course or instruction:
SWP review date: Responsibility for SWP review:
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Safe Work Procedure
Uncontrolled document when printed
Date Effective: 01/01/2007
Current Version: 1.2, 15/08/2007