Karsten Engsager Senior advisor, Danish National Spacecenter, Danish Technical University (ke@space.dtu.dk). Working with classical geodesy in the areas: Reference systems, Reference frames, Adjustment theory, Mappings, Transformations, Interpolation. A HIGHLY ACCURATE WORLD WIDE ALGORITHM FOR THE TRANSVERSE MERCATOR MAPPING (ALMOST) K. ENGSAGER1, K. PODER2 1 Danish National Space Center, Geodetic Department, Danish Technical University, Juliane Mariesvej 30, DK-2100 Copenhagen E, Denmark. 2 DK-3650 Ølstykke, Denmark Introduction This presentation is in no way new or genius. It solely presents the ideas and developments from colleagues: König und Weise (1951). “Map Projections” Grafarend and Krumm (2006) appeared shortly before this paper was written, but some comments are included. The single steps in performing the mapping from geographical (geodetic) coordinates to Transverse Mercator coordinates (and reverse) are outlined but not proved. The formulas given are valid at high/low altitudes with only singularity at the equator 90 degrees from the central meridian. It is our hope that this presentation will convince the reader that the Transverse Mercator projection is a useful tool for world wide presentations. The Transverse Mercator mapping is a conformal mapping of the ellipsoid coordinates to a plane. Any mapping function satisfying the Cauchy-Riemann differential formula is conformal. It is therefore nearby to use series of complex functions to describe the Transverse Mercator projection. Some of the complex functions are given as Clenshaw sine summation where the coefficients are elaborated on the third flattening n which gives very efficient series. Our contribution is to extend these series from degree 4 to 7. Using series to degree 4 the accuracy is 0.03 mm up to 4400 km from the central meridian. Using the series to higher degree will increase this limit. a 1 n a b /2 Coordinate designation for the scale furthermore improves the efficiency of the series (b is the minor axis). -1 Geodetic latitude Geodetic longitude p c 2 Geodetic co - latitude r ii Complex geodetic latitude pc 2 r ii Complex geodetic co - latitude c e 1 e cos p 2 p ln tan 2 1 e cos p e 1 e cos p 2 ln tan 4 2 1 e cos p Isometricl atitude i Complex Isometric coordinate s y ix Complex (normalize d) mapping coordinate s N iE Complex (metric) mapping coordinate s u Help functions hypot( x, y ) x 2 y 2 atan 2r sin p, r cos p p ; in proper quadrant Clenshaw sine accumulation (simple or complex) is used in calculation of the series: N CS z A2 sin 2 z 1 Details may be found in Poder and Engsager (1998). Derivatives of a mapping function Ellipsoidal definition a Equatorial radius f n Flattening f 2 f ; Third flattening F 1 2ncos 2 n 2 M a1 n 1 n F 2 1 3 2 ; Meridian curvature radius a 1 1 14 n 2 641 n 4 256 n6 1 n ; Meridian arc unit Q The size of some coefficients to the series expansions have been calculated using the derived value of n in the Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS80). The derivatives of a mapping function can be found as the complex differential with modulus m and argument g of the mapping function to the complex differential of isometric latitude and longitude. The simplification is possible because both systems are orthogonal and isometric. du dy ix ds r d id du m exp( ig ) ds hypot y , x m r g atan 2x , y (Mapping fundamenta l form) (Geodetic fundamenta l form) (Complex scale) (Scale) (Meridian Convergenc e) The Transverse Mercator mapping The meridian arc unit Q is the mean length of one radian of the meridian thus the length of the meridian quadrant is: 2 2 1 a n 1 G 1 4 1 n 2 641 n 4 256 n6 The last term being 0.1 10-18 shows the superiority of series expansion in powers of the third flattening n against using 2 given in e 2 f 2 f 4n1 n as Grafarend and Krumm (2006) (8.40). Using the mean axis The Transverse Mercator is basically a generalisation of the meridian to the plane: Point P with geodetic coordinate s , c , c longitude of central meridian Genuine origo : N, E 0,0 at 0 and 0 ELLIPSOID Complex latitude : c r ii dc cosc 1 n 2 2 cos2c dc 1 n 2 Normalized transv. crd : u y ix du M c d c Q SPHERE c r i i U Y iX Mapping sequence for the Transverse Mercator mapping The mapping for the Transverse Mercator is split up in several conformal mappings during the development of the mapping. This is done to ensure as efficient expansion of series and a simple development strategy. Finally some of the mappings are united again ending up with only three mappings: 1. Ellipsoidal coordinates to the Soldner Sphere 2. Soldner Sphere to Complex Gaussian coordinates 3. Complex Gaussian coordinates to Transverse Mercator coordinates Mapping Ellipsoid Soldner Sphere The Soldner Sphere is a pure parameter sphere of unity size. The Geodetic coordinates of the ellipsoid is mapped on the sphere with the simple and virtually unique mapping equations as shown below. Strictly speaking we should account for the Riemann leaves arising from the periodicity of the complex functions. Mapping equations : cos d id cos m ; N cos d id N cos Cauchy - Riemann : 1 g0 0 Function : Direct mapping ┌────────────────────────┐ │ φ,λ: Geodetic coord │ └────────────┬───────────┘ (1) │ (2) ┌────────────┴───────────┐ │ Φ,Λ: Soldner Sphere │ └────────────┬───────────┘ (3) │ (4) ┌────────────┴───────────┐ │ Y,X: Complex Gaussian coord. │ └────────────┬───────────┘ (5) │ (6) ┌────────────┴───────────┐ │ N,E: Transversal coord. │ └────────────────────────┘ Inverse mapping 1 e cos p exp tan p 2 1 e cos p e2 tan P 2 This may be reformulated into a Clenshaw sine summation: 7 e2 sin 2 1 Array e7 e2 , e4 , e6 , e8 , e10 , e12 , e14 e2 2n 23 n 2 43 n3 82 n 4 32 n5 4642 n 6 8384 n7 45 45 4725 4725 e4 2288 7 53 n 2 16 n3 139 n 4 904 n5 1522 n 6 1575 n 15 315 945 e6 26 3 44644 7 15 n 34 n 4 85 n5 12686 n 6 14175 n 21 2835 e8 24832 6 1237 n 4 125 n5 14175 n 1077964 n7 630 155925 e10 734 n5 109598 n 6 1040 n7 315 31185 567 e12 444337 6 941912 7 155925 n 184275 n e14 2405834 n7 675675 (1) Geodetic coordinates Soldner Sphere -19 The last coefficient is e14 = -1.3 10 Limiting the series to n4 gives the last coefficient in e8 = 1.6 10-11 7 G2 sin 2 1 Array G7 G2 , G4 , G6 , G8 , G10 , G12 , G14 G2 2n 23 n 2 2n3 116 n4 45 G4 2704 315 G6 73 n 2 85 n3 227 45 n4 26 45 n5 n5 56 3 15 n 136 n 4 1262 n5 35 105 G8 G10 4279 630 n 4 2854 675 2323 945 31256 n7 1575 n6 73814 2835 n6 98738 7 14175 n n 11763988 155925 332 35 n 4174 315 n5 144838 n6 6237 G12 5 399572 14175 601676 22275 6 n G14 (2) Soldner coordinates 16822 n7 4725 n6 6 n 2046082 31185 7 n7 115444544 2027025 n 7 38341552 n7 675675 Sphere Geodetic The last coefficient is G14 = 2.1 10-18 Limiting the series to n4 gives the last coefficient in G8 = 5.4 10-11 Soldner Sphere Complex Gaussian coordinates The Complex Gaussian coordinates gives a transverse mapping, where the central meridian is mapped with unity scale i.e. it behaves as if the central meridian is the “virtual equator” and the normal to the central meridian plane passing through the centre of the sphere is the “virtual rotation axis”. A point with the Gaussian coordinates (Φ, Λ) should be mapped to the Complex Gaussian coordinates Φc = Φr + iΦi. The figure shows the latitudes and the longitude and the auxiliary parameter t, which in fact is the virtual latitude, while Φr is the virtual longitude in a Mercator mapping, where the central meridian acts as the virtual equator and the virtual poles are found in the real equator 90 degrees from the central meridian. The singularity at the (true) Poles is handled by using the atan2 function. Input : , ; on the soldner sphere Y r atan 2sin , cos cos t atan 2cos sin , hypot sin , cos cos X i ln tan 4 t 2 U Y iX r i ; Complex Gaussian Coordinate s (3) Soldner Sphere Complex Gaussian coordinates The parameter t (atan2(…)) is crucial for the accuracy of the entire Transverse Mercator mapping. For geodetic purposes up with series expantion to degree 4 t up to 40° is acceptable giving 0.03 mm in accuracy. For cartographic purposes it is possible to go close 90° and still getting an accuracy of one meter. U Y iX r i i ; Complex Gaussian Coordinate s t 2 atan exp X 2 atan 2sin t , cost cosY atan 2sin Y cost , hypot sin t , cost cosY (4) Complex Gaussian coordinates Soldner Sphere Complex Gaussian coordinates Transverse Coordinates The Complex Gaussian coordinates are mapped to Transverse Coordinates in two steps via the Normalized Transverse Coordinates. The two Clenshaw summations have been reformulated to one which is presented below. Interested readers may find details in Poder and Engsager (1998). The normalized transversal coordinates are then scaled to Transversal Mercator coordinates. input : Gaussian complex coordinate s : U Y iX r i i Implementation details normalized transvers al coordinate s : All coordinates except the Transversal Mercator coordinates may be considered be angular units in radians. The Meridian arc unit Q is used to transform the Transverse Mercator coordinates into angular units called Normalized Transverse Mercator coordinates. 7 u U U 2 κ sin 2κU 1 output : metric scaled transvers al coordinate s : N iE uQ Array U [7] U 2 , U 4 , U 6 , U 8 , U10 , U12 , U14 7891 6 72161 7 41 U 2 12 n 23 n 2 165 n3 180 n 4 127 n5 37800 n 387072 n 288 U4 557 281 5 1983433 6 13 n 2 53 n3 1440 n 4 630 n 1935360 n 13769 n7 48 28800 U6 61 103 4 167603 6 240 n3 140 n 15061 n5 181440 n 67102379 n7 26880 29030400 U8 49561 4 6601661 6 161280 n 179 n5 7257600 n 97445 n7 168 49896 U10 34729 5 3418889 6 80640 n 1995840 n 14644087 n7 9123840 U12 212378941 6 30705481 7 319334400 n 10378368 n U14 1522256789 n7 1383782400 (5) Complex Gaussian coordinates Transversal Mercator coordinates The last coefficient is U14 = 4.1 10-20 Limiting the series to n4 gives the last coefficient in U8 = 2.4 10-12 NB.: Clenshaw Complex sine summation is used in (5) and (6). input : metric scaled transvers al coordinate s : N, E normalized transvers al coordinate s : u N iE / Q output : Gaussian complex coordinate s : 7 U u u2 κ sin 2κu 1 Array u[7] u2 , u4 , u6 , u8 , u10 , u12 , u14 81 5 96199 6 5406467 7 1 u2 12 n 23 n 2 37 n3 360 n 4 512 n 604800 n 38707200 n 96 u4 u6 u8 u10 437 4 46 5 51841 - 481 n 2 151 n3 1440 n 105 n 1118711 n 6 1209600 n7 3870720 17 37 4 - 480 n3 840 n 209 4480 5569 6 9261899 7 n5 90720 n 58060800 n 4397 830251 6 466511 7 11 5 - 161280 n 4 504 n 7257600 n 294800 n 4583 108847 6 8005831 7 161280 n5 3991680 n 63866880 n u12 20648693 6 16363163 7 638668800 n 518918400 n u14 219941297 7 5535129600 n (6) Transversal Mercator coordinates Complex Gaussian coordinates The last coefficient is u14 = -1.5 10-21 Limiting the series to n4 gives the last coefficient in u8 = -2.2 10-13 Using the scaled meridian arc unit Qm instead introduce the scale in a simple way: Scale on central meridian : m0 Qm Q m 0 Accuracy check Taking the difference between the input coordinates and the result of the backward_trf(forward_trf(input coordinates)) the accuracy may be checked against the accuracy required for transformation. In the figure below is the limit 0.03 mm shown at series to degree 4 and 5. This limit may be controlled in (3) by fabs 0.810 and in (4) by fabsU 0.810 as a very coarse limit (i.e. E 5100 km ). The limit is in fact a function of the latitude and longitude. For degree 5 the limit will be 1.144 (i.e. E 7300 km ). An accuracy limit of 30 m will give a limiting factor of 2.290 (i.e. E 14500 km ). The singularity points may be controlled by the limiting factor above or a coarser one. It has been demonstrated that it is possible in a fairly simple sequence of very efficient mappings to transform the geographical coordinates to Transversal Mercator Coordinates. It has been pointed out that there is a substantial difference in expanding series in powers of the third flattening n against in powers of the eccentricity e2. Due to the relation between the two parameters any series expansion may be reformulated to the other. UTM zone 32 coordinates : E coordinate is given +E0 (=500km) Performance The mapping implemented to 4th degree run on a PC with Intel Pentium 4 cpu 2.66 GHz makes more than 224000 transformations pr. second in accuracy checking mode: backward_trf(forward_trf((input coordinates)). An implementation to 5th degree decreases the throughput to 222000. When the mapping is run trough our general transformation manager the throughput decreases by further 10%. More convolutions The formulas presented are valid for the latitude and for the longitude 2 2 , where δ may be related to the control setup above. When the input latitude goes beyond the limits it is forced to the interval by adding/subtracting κ2π to the latitude and the northing N is either increased or decreased by κ4Qm . The reverse situation is handled in a similar way. Conclusion To illustrate the accuracy the size of some coefficients depending on the third flattening n have been calculated to the derived value of n in the Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS80). Implementation details have also been given. The C-code for the Transversal Mercator mapping is free and may be found on the homepage spacecenter.dk under Research/Geodesy/Mapping (the URL is not ready at writing time) or will be forwarded on request to ke@spacecenter.dk Appendix Scaled meridian arc length from equator to the latitude 7 G Qm p 2 sin 2 1 4 6 57 15 2 135 p 2 32 n 169 n 3 323 n 5 2048 n 7 p 4 16 n 15 32 n 2048 n p6 3 7 105 5 105 35 p8 48 n 256 n 2048 n 6 315 4 512 n 189 512 n p10 693 5 693 7 1280 n 2048 n p12 6 1001 2048 n p14 6435 7 14336 n The last coefficient is p14 = 1.7 10-20 Limiting the series to n4 gives the last coefficient in p8 = 4.9 10-12 Normalized Transversa l coordinate s : u ( N iE )Qm1 y ix latitude of the point (N, E) A G Qm1 ; Normalized scaled meridian length Latitude at the normalized arc length , coordinate s on the Soldner sphere of (N, E) A G / Qm MERIDIAN CONVERGENC E 7 A A q2 sin 2A 1 q2 n 3 2 q6 27 32 n 3 269 512 n 5 6607 24576 n 7 q4 n 417 5 151 n3 128 n 87963 n 7 q8 96 2048 q10 q14 8011 2560 n5 69119 n 7 q12 6144 21 16 2 55 32 n 4 6759 4096 n 6 1097 n 4 15543 n6 512 2560 293393 61440 n6 6459601 n7 860160 4 atan 2sin y tanh x , cos y C2 cos2u 1 4 atan 2sin sin , cos C2 cos2u 1 LOCAL SCALE m0 hypot cos y , sinh x cos A 4 4 exp C2 cos2u cos2A 1 1 The last coefficient is q14 = 2.8 10-19 Limiting the series to n4 gives the last coefficient in q8 = 1.7 10-11 m0 1 cos 2 sin 2 Meridian convergence and local scale 4 4 exp C2 cos2u cos2A 1 1 1 4 3 2 3 3 55 C 2 + 12 n 8 n 32 n 1152 n 3 5 2 C 4 + 16 n 13 n C6 C8 83 3 173 4 + 480 n 899 n 2421 772 n 4 4 + 1531 336 n The last coefficient is C8 = 3.6 10-11 and in the Clenshaw summation is used both cosine and complex cosine. 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