BARCODE 1111 PULMONARY REHABILITATION PROGRAM Department of Respiratory & Sleep Medicine John Hunter Hospital, Lookout Road, New Lambton Heights Postal: Locked Bag 1, Hunter Region Mail Centre, Newcastle 2310 Telephone: 4921 3470 Facsimile: 4921 3469 SURNAME UNIT NUMBER OTHER NAMES ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH ___/___/___ Dear Dr ______________________________ Mr / Mrs / Ms ______________________________ has been assessed to do Pulmonary Rehabilitation at the John Hunter Hospital. The aim of this programme is to improve exercise tolerance, confidence, quality of life, and to increase patient knowledge of COPD and its management. Please find below a summary of our Initial Assessment. You will find outcome measures for Pulmonary Function, Health status questionnaire, Six Minute Walk Testing, Prognostic Indicators, Self Management skills, and relevant Clinical data. Baseline Date Pulmonary Function FEV1 (% Predicted) FVC (% Predicted) FEV1/VC% Health status CAT¥ Six Minute Walk Test 6 MWT distance Prognostic Indicators BODE Self Management skills Inhaler technique Adherence Exacerbations Clinical data Weight and BMI HADS€ Your patient will commence Pulmonary Rehabilitation on _________________________ Our service will provide pre and post outcomes when the programme has been completed. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Kind regards Respiratory Liaison Nurse Copy To: Patient, Respiratory Consultant, Vanessa McDonald Page 1 of 2 Hunter New England Health Service ABN 24 500 842 605 BARCODE 1111 PULMONARY REHABILITATION PROGRAM Department of Respiratory & Sleep Medicine John Hunter Hospital, Lookout Road, New Lambton Heights Postal: Locked Bag 1, Hunter Region Mail Centre, Newcastle 2310 Telephone: 4921 3470 Facsimile: 4921 3469 SURNAME UNIT NUMBER OTHER NAMES ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH Description of Outcome Measures Modified Medical Research Council Dyspnoea Scale (MMRC)* *Health Status Questionnaire The health status measurement used is the St George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ). The SGRQ is a standardized self-completed questionnaire for measuring impaired health and perceived well-being ('quality of life') in airways disease. It has been designed to allow comparative measurements of health between patient populations and quantify changes in health following therapy. The questionnaire covers aspects of disability in patients with chronic lung disease in terms of dyspnoea, fatigue, emotional function and master. Grade “I only get breathless with strenuous exercise” “I get short of breath when hurrying on the level or walking up a slight hill” 2 “I walk slower than people of the same age on the level because of breathlessness, or have to stop for a breath when walking at my own pace on the level” 3 “I stop for a breath after walking about 100 yards or after a few minutes on the level” 4 “I am too breathless to leave the house, or I am breathless when dressing” NB: This is the modified MRC scale that uses the same descriptors as the original MRC scale in which the descriptors are numbered 1-5. The modified MRC scale (0-4) is used for calculation of BODE index. 0 1 A higher score indicates greater impairment. A change in score of 4 units is clinically. The St George's Respiratory Questionnaire. Jones PW, Quirk FH, Baveystock CM. Respir Med. 1991 Sep;85 Suppl B:25-31; ¥The COPD Assessment Test (CAT) is a new quality of life €HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale Is a screening tool used in many clinical settings to screen for anxiety and depression. Any score in either domain equal to or greater than 8 indicates possible anxiety or depression. tool for people with COPD. It is a survey with eight simple questions which only takes a few minutes to complete. This is a patient centred questionnaire to assist health professionals understand more clearly and quickly the patients experience of COPD. Jones etal in The Eur Respir J 2009; 34: 648-654 Available online Borg GA Borg Medicine and Science in Sports and BODE: Variables and Point Values Used for the Computation of the Body. Mass Index, Degree of Airflow Obstruction and Dyspnea, and Exercise Capacity (BODE) Index. Exercise, Volume 14, 1982 Modified Borg Dyspnoea Scale 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Zigmond A. S. Snaith RD The Hospital anxiety and depression scale. Acta. Psychiatr Scand 1988; 67:361-370 Nothing at all Very, very slight (just noticeable) Very slight Slight Moderate Somewhat severe Severe The cut off values for the assignment of points are shown for each variable. The total possible values range from 0 to 10. FEV1 denotes forced expiratory volume in one second. The FEV1 categories are based on stages identified by the American Thoracic Society. Scores on the modified Medical Research Council (MMRC) dyspnea scale can range from 0-4, with a score of 4 indicating that the patient is too breathless to leave the house or becomes breathless when dressing or undressing. The values for body-mass index were 0 or 1 because of the inflection point in the inverse relation between survival and body-mass index at a value of 21. N ENGL JMED 350:10 www.NEJM.ORG MARCH4, 2004 Very severe Very, very severe (almost maximal) Maximal Variable BODE Index Patient Instructions for Borg Dyspnoea Scale “This is a scale that asks you to rate the difficulty of your breathing. It starts at number 0 where your breathing is causing you no difficulty at all and progresses through to number 10 where your breathing difficulty is maximal. How much difficulty is your breathing causing you right now?” Page 2 of 2 FEV1 (% of predicted) Distance walked in 6 min (m) MMRC dyspnea scale Body-mass index Points on 0 >65 1 50-64 2 36-49 >350 250-349 150-249 <149 0-1 2 >21 <21 3 3 <35 4 Hunter New England Health Service ABN 24 500 842 605