Bedford Borough Council Requests and Responses Received February 2012 Requ est ID Date of response 2838 14/2/2012 Request and Response Request: I am making a request under the Freedom of Information Act / Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act, to establish how many public health funeral cases you have re or are due to refer, to the Treasury Solicitor, Duchy, Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer (QLTR) or Crown Solicitor from November 2011 to the date o response. If possible, please could you include the following in your response: Name of the Deceased (including maiden name) ; Date and Place of Death ; Date and Place of Last known residence for the deceased ; Whether next of kin have been traced ; Value of the Estate if known ; Date on which referred/due to be referred to the Tr Solicitor, Duchy, QLTR or Crown Solicitor. Our response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. I can confirm that since November 2011 to the date of this letter, we have had to undertake 1 public health funeral. The case will not be referred to the Treasury Solic the deceased had no estate. 2839 22/2/2012 Request and response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested: I would like to know how many people on the young offending programme were convicted of criminal offences in 2011 and in 2010. How many people were in the young offending programme in 2011 and in 2010? What were the offences that they committed whilst on the programme and how many people were convicted of each offence? Could you also provide a breakdown of what each offence was, how many people committed it and on what date This information is available on the Ministry of Justice website 2840 2841 Applicant did not respond to clarification queries Request: 21/2/2012 Request and Response: Could you please list all departments that are/have been on common purpose course/conferences, and total costs involved. From Jan 2010. I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below. You requested: 1. How many children were looked by your local authority in the last 12 months for which data is available? 282 2. How many children looked after by your local authority in the last 12 months for which data is available had a statement of special educational needs and were in a) the category of need ‘abuse and neglect’ 27 b) the category of need ‘child’s disability’ c) the category of need ‘parental illness or disability’ 0 d) the category of need ‘family in acute stress’ 6 e) the category of need ‘family dysfunction’ f) the category of need ‘socially unacceptable behaviour’ g) the category of need ‘low income’ 0 h) the category of need ‘absent parenting’ 0 13 1 1 If it is not possible to provide data to answer that question please explain how it is recorded if a looked after child has a statement of special educational needs 3. How many children looked after by your local authority in the last 12 months for which data is available have been identified as having special educational needs without a statement and were in: a) the category of need ‘abuse and neglect’ b) the category of need ‘child’s disability’ c) the category of need ‘parental illness or disability’ d) the category of need ‘family in acute stress’ 4 e) the category of need ‘family dysfunction’ f) the category of need ‘socially unacceptable behaviour’ 54 0 3 1 g) the category of need ‘low income’ 0 h) the category of need ‘absent parenting’ 0 If it is not possible to provide data to answer that question please explain how it is recorded if a looked after child has special educational needs? 4. How many children looked after by your local authority in the last 12 months for which data is available have been identified as disabled and were in: a) the category of need ‘abuse and neglect’ 9 b) the category of need ‘child’s disability’ c) the category of need ‘parental illness or disability’ 0 d) the category of need ‘family in acute stress’ 0 e) the category of need ‘family dysfunction’ f) the category of need ‘socially unacceptable behaviour’ g) the category of need ‘low income’ 0 h) the category of need ‘absent parenting’ 0 13 1 0 If it is not possible to provide data to answer that question please explain how it is recorded if a looked after child has a disability? 5. How many children looked after by your local authority in the last 12 months for which data is available, who were placed outside the boundaries of your local au were a) Disabled 18 2842 3/2/2012 b) Had special educational needs without a statement c) Had special educational needs with a statement 47 34 Request: I would be very grateful if you could supply me with the following information please: For each Council ward, the following would be handy: Name of Council Ward Full Name of each councillor (clearly marked which ward they are in) Honours, titles and post nominal letters Job Title Political Party Job Description/Responsibilities Telephone Number Email address Membership of Council Committees and Bodies Involvement on external bodies Any further notes (you feel is relevant) Response: Further to your request for information dated 01/2/12, I can confirm that the information you requested is held under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Howev Council, for the reasons that follow, declines to disclose the information requested. You requested Council Ward details Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council 1. States that information above is exempt information. 2. Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 21(Information Accessible to applicant by other means) of the FOI Act (FOIA). Please s below. Please note we do not have job descriptions for our Councillors or for any roles they may hold (eg Chairs etc). 2843 27/2/2012 Request: I would like to request the following information, that I have been unable to locate on your website. 1) When a stray dog is picked up in your area, where are they kennelled for their 7 day wait to be claimed? 2) If the dog is not claimed within 7 days, what, if any rescue(s) do you or these kennels work with to try and re-home unclaimed dogs? Response: Thank you for your request for information about stray dogs/kennelling. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. Please see following the information you requested: 1) ‘When a stray dog is picked up in your area, where are they kennelled for their 7 day wait to be claimed? Lodge Kennels Great North Road Baldock Hertfordshire 01462 730464 07936187255 2) If the dog is not claimed within 7 days, what, if any rescue(s) do you or these kennels work with to try and re-home unclaimed dogs? At the end of the 7 day period, every effort is made by the kennels to try to re-home dogs where appropriate. Information provided by Lodge Kennels is that they work Heathlands, RATS, GRWE and a network coordinated by Forgotten Dogs. 2844 17/2/2012 Request: I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act to kindly request that you provide us with some information in relation to your provision of elderly social care. I have attached an excel template with 15 questions (Q1 – Q15) to be completed for each of your financial years 2010/11 to 2013/14 inclusive. Please refer to the defin at the foot of the page for guidance on the intended meaning of any terms and do not hesitate to get in touch with me if any of the questions are at all unclear. Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act to kindly request that you provide us with some information in relation to your provision of elderly social care. I have attached an excel template with 15 questions (Q1 – Q15) to be completed for each of your financial years 2010/11 to 2013/14 inclusive. Please refer to the defin at the foot of the page for guidance on the intended meaning of any terms and do not hesitate to get in touch with me if any of the questions are at all unclear. Please see attached. Please contact for a copy of attachment 2845 10/2/2012 Request and Response: Thank you for your request for information about waste collection which we received on 2 February 2012. Your request has been considered under the Environmenta Information Regulations 2004 and we give below the information you requested. Can you tell me which organisation carries out the household waste collection for residual (black bag) waste and recyclate waste in your authority? (This may be the c or a third party waste contractor.) The Council. If it is a contractual arrangement please can you state the start, duration (with any extension options) and end date of the contract. N/A Please also state the main waste facility/facilities to which the collected waste is taken including facility name and town. All waste taken to Elstow Waste Transfer Station, with residual waste taken to landfill at Sidegate Lane in Wellingborough and recyclable waste taken to Community W MRF in Old Wolverton (Milton Keynes) and Biffa MRF in Edmonton. Some recyclable waste is also processed at Elstow. Green Waste is composted at an onfarm composting site operated by Growing Beds Ltd at Ravensden. Finally, please state if your collection is weekly or alternate weekly. If different depending on the type of waste please state what the frequency is for each type. Residual is weekly, recyclables and green waste are collected fortnightly 2846 13/2/2012 Request and Response: Thank you for your request for information about premises licenced to sell category 2 and category 3 fireworks in 2011. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. I attach a copy of the information you requested. Please contact for a copy of the attachment 2847 7/2/2012 Request and Response I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: Under the Freedom of Information Act, could you please send me the following details: The forename, surname and email address of: The Director of Public Health(s): Muriel Scott – The Assistant or Associate Director of Public Health(s): Celia Shohet – Dr Fiona Head – Head of Public Health(s): N/A Public Health Manager(s): Craig Lister – Martin Westerby – Jackie Golding – Jago Kitcat – Barbara Rooney – Edmund Tiddeman – Sandra James – Helen Knowles – Kathy Nelson – 2848 3/2/2012 Request: I would like to request the following information: Names and email addresses of: Director of Adult Social Care Assistant Directors of Adult Social Care Heads of Service within Adult Social Care Adult Social Care Programme Managers Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. In terms of your attached request pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council: 1. States that the Information is exempt information. 2. Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act, Information Reasonably by Other Means. Bedford Borough Council’s organisational structure can be located at the following link: For roles below Head of Service level the appropriate Head of Service will be the contact. 2849 3/2/2012 Request: Could you please kindly send me the names and email addresses of the following: Access Director of Childrens Social Care Assistant Director of Childrens Social Care Heads of Service within Childrens Social Care Programme Managers within Childrens Social Care Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. In terms of your attached request pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council: 1. States that the Information is exempt information. 2. Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act, Information Reasonably by Other Means. Bedford Borough Council’s organisational structure can be located at the following link: For roles below Head of Service level the appropriate Head of Service will be the contact. 2850 3/2/2012 Request: Could you please advise the following information under the FOIA: 1. Director of Finance Access 2. Director of IT 3. Head of IT 4. IT Programme Manager 5. Helpdesk Manager 6. Information / Performance / Data Manager Could you please send names and email addresses. Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. In terms of your attached request pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council: 1. States that the Information is exempt information. 2. Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act, Information Reasonably by Other Means. Bedford Borough Council’s organisational structure can be located at the following link: For roles below Head of Service level the appropriate Head of Service will be the contact. 2851 3/2/2012 Request: Access I am formally requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The Head of Procurement or equivalent The Director of Communications or equivalent The Head of Communications or equivalent The Head of Governance or equivalent Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. In terms of your attached request pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council: 1. States that the Information is exempt information. 2. Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act, Information Reasonably by Other Means. Bedford Borough Council’s organisational structure can be located at the following link: For roles below Head of Service level the appropriate Head of Service will be the contact. 2852 3/2/2012 Request: Can you please send me the names and email addresses of the following senior Directors: Access Chief Executive Director of Corporate Services Director of Environment or equivalent Director of Economic or Business Development Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. In terms of your attached request pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council: 1. States that the Information is exempt information. 3. Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act, Information Reasonably by Other Means. Bedford Borough Council’s organisational structure can be located at the following link: For roles below Head of Service level the appropriate Head of Service will be the contact. 2853 2/8/2/2012 Request: 1. How many people employed by the council have been made redundant since January 2010? What roles were they in? 2. How much did each of them receive in redundancy packages? 3. Have any of them since been rehired by the council after being made redundant? If so in what role did they return? Access 4. What were they paid in that role? (per day, pro rata or whatever the financial agreement). Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below. 1. Since January 2010, we have made 164 people redundant (compulsory & voluntary) in a variety of roles. 2. Redundancy payments were based on the Council’s severance package at the time of the redundancy. Details of severance packages have been as follows: 1st Jan 2010 – 31st March 2010 Up to a maximum of 104 weeks based on age and length of service and to include any statutory redundancy payment 1st April 2010 – 13th August 2010 Up to a maximum of 60 weeks based on age and length of service and to include any statutory redundancy payment 14th August 2010 – 20th July 2011 Up to a maximum of 45 weeks based on age and length of service and to include any statutory redundancy payment 21st July 2011 – present Calculated in accordance with the Employment Rights Act 1996 (the Statutory Scheme) which provides for up to a maximum of 30 weeks bas age and length of service. Please note payments are based on actual weekly pay. 3. We only hold records of those who have been re-engaged through direct employment. One individual has been re-employed as a Youth Worker. 4. The salary was £23, 485 - £25,574 2854 9/2/2012 Request and response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: In 2008 the government established a new position within government to try and deal with the serious problems of departments losing sensitive and confidential information, particularly that stored electronically. Those holding this new office are called Senior Information Risk Owners or Officers (SIRO's all departments as well as various other bodies within HM Gov must appoint someone to this post. What I don't know, is if this role has also been introduced into Local Government. If it has, then could you please tell me who the SIRO is for your organisa their position within the organisation and their contact details? Michael Gough Assistant Chief Executive (Governance) Also, I am told that Social Services, as well as the NHS, have a Caldicott Guardian. If that is the case then can I please have the name of your Caldicott Guardian, their position within the department and their contact details? Simon White Assistant Director Business Support & Operational Housing 2855 29/2/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council regarding the ratepayer’s name with regard to the below addresses and dates. Under the provisions o Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: 119A, MIDLAND ROAD, BEDFORD MK40 1DE Property ref: 3000533 Period: 20/04/2005 to 05/10/2006 - The ratepayer was Oxygen Nightclub Ltd AT, TELFORD WAY, BEDFORD MK42 0LH Property ref: 3000658 Period: 01/04/2005 to 31/03/2009 - The ratepayer to 31 July 2005 was Arrow Electronics (Uk) Ltd The ratepayer from 1 August 2005 to 31 March 2009 was Alf (Aquatic Distribution) Ltd 2856 9/2/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested: (1) Please state whether your authority operates under any protocols or joint working agreements setting out how the housing and social services departments deal wi homeless 16 and 17 year olds. If so, please provide a copy of all of the current protocols and/or joint working agreements. Please find attached Bedford Borough Council’s Joint Procedure for Children’s Services and Housing, concerning the provision of accommodation to 16 & year olds who present as homeless and require emergency accommodation. Please contact for a copy of the attachment 2857 24/2/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. The information you requested is as follows: 1. A clear photo showing the number plate Please find this enclosed. 2. This PCN was produced by an approved device, what is this device? The term ‘Approved Device’ (AD) refers to the equipment that captures and processes the evidential images. It is not simply a camera but a system from the came lens through a computerised process, to the delivery of an evidential file ready for review and the possible creation of a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). This include camera, recording hardware, software processing and security features. 3. A copy of the device approval certificate Please find enclosed the VCA certificate. 4. A copy of the device calibration certificate There is no separate calibration certificate in respect of such approved device. 5. A copy of the operator certificate For enforcement with this device, no operator certificate is required. 6. A clear explanation on how this device works. Enforceable locations and times covered by our Traffic Regulation Orders are plotted on a GIS mapping system and loaded to the memory of the camera enforcem vehicle’s computer system (within the AD). The AD system includes accurate GPS positioning and timing, which automatically senses when the vehicle is within an enforceable location. When the camera identifies a number plate (while it is in that location) it creates an evidential file, which includes individual photographs and footage. This information is encrypted, downloaded and transferred to a review facility. An experienced Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO) studies the images and footage to determine if an enforceable contravention has occurred. It is only after this CEO review that the evidential file is rejected or accepted. Accepting this file is the poin which a PCN is created. The Parking Services administration team are authorised to obtain the registered keepers address from DVLA and post the PCN to the registered keeper. 7. The operator daily health and safety calibration check list. The System does not require daily calibration. Internal processes compare times with satellite communication and system errors would result in deletion of any cap evidential files. These automated processes are all part of the VCA certification. 8. Are the co-ordinates of the photo for the alleged vehicle or the device? The co-ordinates of the photo relate to the vehicle’s position as indicated by the GPS. It is the CEO reviewing the photographic evidence who confirms if the vehicl fact within an enforceable zone, in a manner that constitutes a contravention. 9. Parking restrictions at 21:29 at night, why? The restriction in the location of St Paul’s Square is a 24 hour restriction, put in place to ensure free flow of traffic. This is a primary route through Bedford, requiring traffic flow and a location where buses operate to 11pm at night and following public consultation, deemed appropriate for a 24hr restriction. 2858 29/2/2012 Request and response: Thank you for your request for information about compliance with the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive which we received on 3rd February 2012. Your reques been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. I enclose our answers to your questions below:1) What is the total number of companies within your geographical catchment area that have been requested to provide evidence of compliance to the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive by the Council since 2009? Zero. 2) Please provide the names of all companies who have been requested to provide evidence of compliance to the above legislation by the Council since N/A – see 1 above. 3) What is the total number of companies that have failed to comply with an initial request to provide evidence of compliance to the above legislation sin 2009? Zero. 4) Please provide the names of all companies that have failed to comply with an initial request to provide evidence of compliance to the above legislatio since 2009. N/A – see 3 above. 5) What is the number and value of all fines collected as a result of failure to comply with this legislation since 2009? Zero. 2859 1/3/2012 Request and Response: Re Green Power Generation Thank you for your request for information about Bedford Borough’s energy use which we received on 6 February 2012. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and we give below the information you requested. Sites Borough Hall Community Centres Leisure Centres Libraries/ Museums Other Council Buildings Street Lighting Totals Gas £20,623 £286,665 £33,111 £210,540 Electricity £289,469 £17,181 £182,454 £55,353 £440,474 £478,871 £550,939 £1,463,802 Site Name Expiry date Rating Athletics Stadium 29/09/2012 Bedford Central Library 29/11/2012 Bedford Museum N/A Borough Hall 29/07/2012 Brunel Road 14/09/2012 C60 D84 G189 G189 £2,014,741 2860 17/2/2012 Bunyan Centre 29/09/2012 Corn Exchange 29/09/2012 Kempston Centre 29/12/2012 Kempston Pool 29/09/2012 Mowsbury Golf Course (Pavillion) 24/09/2012 Norse Road Crematorium 29/09/2012 Oasis Beach Pool 29/09/2012 Raleigh and Southway Centre 29/11/2012 Riverside House 29/09/2012 Robinson Pool 19/09/2012 Town Hall 29/09/2012 Barkers Lane 30/10/2012 E107 E104 D80 D92 D92 G751 E102 G249 C68 D79 G240 C73 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Could you please supply your latest details on providers for the following; domiciliary care, carer support and re-ablement services. Information is provided for domiciliary care and carers services only (Re-ablement is delivered by in-house providers). Where relevant, could you please provide details in spreadsheet format, e.g Excel or CSV (not PDF)? Spreadsheet for FOI 2860.xls The request for specific information in relation to these services is listed below: Purchasing Levels by the Council for these individual services and breakdown, where applicable in terms of numerical and monetary figures from financia 2010/111 to financial year 2011/2012 from 1st April 2011 to 31st January 2012. See above spreadsheet. Number of individuals the Council commissioned care to for the individual services: 2010/11 full year = 1029, April - Jan inc 2011/12 =1007. A list of care providers for the individual services currently registered with the Council; See above spreadsheet. Broken down by contracted (block & spot contracts) and secondary registered and framework purchasing contracts. See above spreadsheet. When does the current set of contracts for providers for spot, block and framework purchasing expire? See above spreadsheet. Is a domiciliary care provider required to be on your list to provide care to the PCT or people via Direct Payments? No. Can you supply the names and addresses of private providers/ Have access to a link which provides this information? What is the maximum, minimum and mean price that each provider charges the Council? Information is contained in the link above. Is there going to be any significant change in the future to Adults Services in terms of procurement to providers in terms of these individual services? We will maintain a negotiating stance with all providers. It is possible that we will not maintain the current block providers but that is in negotiation at the current time an decision has not been made. 2861 28/2/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please see attached, in respect of Peacocks inspections. Please contact for a copy of the attachment 2862 9/2/2012 Request and response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: My request is for information regarding persons who have died with no known next of kin and any public / welfare funerals since 1/10/11 to the present day Also to include any 'pending' cases that may shortly pass to the Treasury Solicitor and any cases where the Deceased died before 1/10/11 but were not inc in your last response to me for whatever reason. More specifically; 1. full names, 2. dates of birth / ages at death, 3. marital status, 4. maiden surnames of married females, 5. dates of death, 6. last known addresses, 7. estimated value of estates, 8. date(s) when the information was passed (or information that is pending or about to be passed) to the Treasury Solicitor (or Duchy of Lancaster or Cornwall). For your information my last request was sent on 7/10/11. This is a nil return. 2863 17/2/2012 Request and response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I write to request the following: The names of all Public Health Funerals/ bona vacantia estates passed or in the process of being referred ie pending referral to The Treasury Solicitor ( BV ) Departm Duchy of Lancaster since my last request of the 9 th January 2012. Please note this is not a repeated request but a request for fresh information since my last request and we have had this confirmed by the ICO. We request the following information only: 1) The full name of the deceased 2) The date of death 3) Last known address 4) Approximate value of estate ( if not exempt ) This is a nil return. 2864 9/2/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: Under the Freedom of Information act I am hoping to obtain details regarding your Adult Social Care Information Management System (i.e. SWIFT, Framew CareFirst), please can you confirm how long your current system has been in use? Swift was implemented in 2005 under the previous Council – Bedfordshire County Council/ I would also like to take this opportunity to update some existing FOI details on my files, please can you confirm if the following information provided in February 2011 is still correct: Your job title Adult Social Care Head of Finance Financial Assessment and Charging Transforming Social Care Lead Contact Name Julie Edwards Lucy Smith Joanna Hawthorne Title Head of Financial Management & Planning Head of Business Support Head of Transformation Email Address All details in the above table are correct as of the 9th February 2012. 2865 Applicant withdrew request Request: I have attached to this email a Freedom Of Information request. This may have been sent to more than one member of your team. We hope we have directed this email to the correct persons that manage your FOI (Freedom Of Information) requests. If this is not the case we would very much appr if you could send this email to the correct individuals within your FOI team. 2866 27/2/2012 Request: Please accept this email as a request for the following information, in relation to the property known as: Home Close, Sharnbrook, Bedford MK44 1PQ Access is required to records containing the information necessary to answer the following questions of the CON29R form: 3.1 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.2 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7(a) – Building Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (b) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (c) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (d) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (e) – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (f) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.8 – Building Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.9 (a)-(n) – Planning Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.11 – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.13 - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council Response: Thank you for your request for information about Home Close, Sharnbrook, Bedford. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. I attach a copy of the information you requested. Please contact for a copy of attachments 2867 6/3/2012 Request: I would like to request the following information. 1. The % change in pay which the council has assumed in its budget planning for 2012-13. I am interested in the figure related to the annual pay rise (or freeze) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. decided through National Joint Council negotiations. The financial cost of above change. Any NJC-linked change in pay, in % terms, which the council has assumed in its budget planning for later years, but only if assumptions for later have been m The financial cost of above changes. If the council is opted out of the NJC pay structure, please indicate any budget assumptions the council has made for cost of living pay changes for 2012-13 an later years. The salary of your highest paid employee; the salary of your lowest paid employee (excluding and including apprentices); the mean average salary of all non-s staff; and the median average salary of all non-school staff. Whether the council has included or intends to include a pay multiple in the pay policy required by section 40 of the Localism Act and, if so, what that pay mult If the council has set a pay multiple at which it would like to aim, as per paragraph 20 of DCLG’s guidance on pay policies, and what that aspirational pay mult Whether the pay multiples in your pay policies use the median or mean salary of staff. Whether the pay multiple will or won’t include schools staff. Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below. Questions 1 & 2: Not applicable as there is to be no NJC pay award in 2012/13 Questions 3 & 4: No specific inflation has been included in the budget to cover staffing pay increases for later years. Question 5: The Council has not opted out of NJC pay structures. Question 6: Salary of highest paid employee £153,000 - £170,000. Salary of lowest paid employee £12,145 – £12,489 excluding apprentices. Including apprentices the salary is £5,787 Mean average salary for non school employees £26,676.52 Median average salary for non school employees £33,661 Question 7: Yes the Council does intend to include a pay multiple For the period 2012/2013, the ratio of pay of the Chief Executive to that of the median earner is 5 :1. For the period 2012/2013, the ratio of pay of the Chief Executive to that of the mean average salary is 6 :1 . Question 8: The policy proposes that the pay relationship will not exceed 10 :1. Question 9: It is proposed that the policy uses both the median and mean salary Question 10: It is proposed that the multiple will not include school based employees. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COUNCIL’S PAY POLICY FOR 2012/13 IS STILL IN DRAFT AND HAS NOT YET BEEN AGREED BY FULL COUNCIL 2868 7/3/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested attached Please contact for a copy of attachment 2869 28/2/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. In respect of Bon Marche inspections, the answer is nil 2870 8/3/2012 Request and Response: Thank you for your request for information about Pest Control services. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. Please find the information you requested below and attached: 1. What was the value of the budget for pest control April 2010 to March 2011 2. 39k How much revenue was received from domestic and commercial customers during this period 30k 3. How much did the Council spend on Pest Control Services in April 2010 to March2011 Not identified 4. How many domestic visits were made for rats and mice infestations 1720 5. What charges if any are made to the public for these visits and those of other pests 2871 6/3/2012 See attached charges 6. Does the Council bait sewers on behalf of the local water company no 7. Is the service contracted out or do you employ staff directly Employ directly 8. What system is in place to provide cover for holidays or sickness of pest control officers Internal cover and external private firm as required 9. Who is the principle officer responsible for Pest Control and their contact details John Molyneux 01234 718099 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below. The questions have been answered in the order they have been raised. 1. What was the total income generated by the Council in sales, fees, charges and penalties (not including Council Tax or non-domestic rates) for the 2008-2009? The total income generated by the Council in sales, fees, charges and penalties (not including Council Tax or non-domestic rates) for the period 2008 - 200 £19.625 million. 2. What was the total income generated by the Council in sales, fees, charges and penalties (not including Council Tax or non-domestic rates) for the 2009-2010? The total income generated by the Council in sales, fees, charges and penalties (not including Council Tax or non-domestic rates) for the period 2009 - 201 £49.914 million. 3. What was the total income generated by the Council in sales, fees, charges and penalties (not including Council Tax or non-domestic rates) for the 2010-2011? The total income generated by the Council in sales, fees, charges and penalties (not including Council Tax or non-domestic rates) for the period 2010 - 201 £48.967 million. 4. What is the projected figure for the income generated by the Council in sales, fees, charges and penalties (not including Council Tax or non-domestic for the period 2011-2012? The projected figure for the income generated by the Council in sales, fees, charges and penalties (not including 2011 - 2012 is £43.636 million. Council Tax or non-domestic rates) for the 5. What is the projected figure for the income generated by Council in sales, fees, charges and penalties (not including Council Tax or non-domestic rat the period 2012-2013? The projected figure for the income generated by the Council in sales, fees, charges and penalties (not including Council Tax or non-domestic rates) for the 2011 -2012 is £45.927 million. 6. Please list all the sales, fees, charges and penalties which have been increased or introduced in the period 2011-2012. Please state the previous charg the new charge. Please access the following link Agenda for Executive on Wednesday, 8th December, 2010, 6.30 pm (refer to Agenda reports pack - Agenda 12) 7. Please list all sales, fees, charges and penalties which you plan to introduce or increase during the period 2012-2013. Please state the previous charg new charge and the date on which you plan to implement these increased charges. Please access the following link Agenda for Executive on Wednesday, 9th November, 2011, 6.30 pm (refer to Agenda reports pack/Public reports pack 16) Age 8. Please list all sales, fees, charges and penalties which you plan to reduce or scrap in the period 2012-2013. Please state the previous charge, th charge and the date on which you plan to implement these reduced charges. Any reductions to fees & charges will be shown in the link within question 7. 2872 8/3/2012 Request and Response: Thank you for your request for information about work carried out on the C44 from Roxton to Great Barford which we received on 10th February 2012. Your request ha been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations Act 2004. The information you requested is as follows: Work was considered to be required to ensure that there was no overgrown vegetation and to provide a safer footway on the route used by school children walking fro Roxton to Great Barford. Works involved cutting back trees and bushes on both sides of the road where there is a footpath from leaving a 30mph speed limit in Great Barford to the High Street in Roxton. Works were completed on the 29th November 2011 and were carried out on a ‘day rate’ basis (i.e. a cost per man hour) therefore do not have a breakdown between specific works elements. The total cost of all the vegetation and path clearance work was £1,496.99. A copy of the works order and record of measured works costs are attached. It is difficult to predict how much will be spent on future maintenance as much of the work is reactive. However I have attached a spreadsheet showing all works carrie on this stretch of road since 2005. The total cost of all of these works is approximately £21,000 – suggesting an annual average of around £3,500. Please contact for a copy of the attachments 2873 6/3/2012 Request: I am writing to obtain details of the use of powers of entry by your authority under any of the relevant Acts or items of secondary legislation during the period 2008 – excluding Trading Standards investigations. I wish to obtain details of: how many times such powers were used in the past three years, the legislation they were requested under, the criminal offence or allegation being investigated the outcome of their use, if any. I have included a table below, with example answers for the purposes of clarity. Date of Use 01/02/2010 05/04/2011 Time of powers 8 am 4pm Legislation exercised under X Act 2003, S 3 Y Act 1997, S 1 Offence / Allegation Animal abuse Excessive Noise Outcome Fine None Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below. Powers of Entry FOI Date of Use Legislation exercised under Offence / Allegation Activities 01/04/2008 - 31/03/2009 Licensing Act 2003 Health & Safety At Work etc 1974 Public Health Act 1936 & 1961 Environmental Protection Act 1990 Licensing Rubbish 98 941 01/04/2009 - 31/03/2010 Building Act 1984 Caravan Sites & Control of Development Act 1960 Chronically Sick & Disabled Person Act 1970 Environmental Protection Act 1990 Health Act 2006 Housing Acts 1985 1988 1996 2004 Local Government & Housing Act 1989 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 & 1982 Police & Crime Evidenc Act 1984 Public Health Act 1936 & 1961 Housing 733 Environmental Protection Act 1990 Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 1988 Health Protection Regulations 2010 Noise Inf Diseases 744 3 Health & Safety At Work Etc Act 1974 Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 Health & Safety At Work Etc Act 1974 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions)Act 1982 Environmental Protections Act 1990 The Health Act 2006 Licensing Act 2003 Accidents PPC H & S Inspections 63 10 281 Food Safety Act 1990, General Food Regulations 2004, The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 Private Water Supplies Regulations 2009 Food Safety Act 1990, General Food Regulations 2004, The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 Food Hygiene Inspections 727 Water Sampling Food Hygiene Sampling 6 0 Licensing Act 2003 Health & Safety At Work etc 1974 Public Health Act 1936 & 1961 Environmental Protection Act 1990 Building Act 1984 Caravan Sites & Control of Development Act 1960 Chronically Sick & Disabled Person Act 1970 Environmental Protection Act 1990 Health Act 2006 Housing Acts 1985 1988 1996 2004 Local Government & Housing Act 1989 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 & 1982 Police & Crime Evidenc Act 1984 Public Health Act 1936 & 1961 Licensing Rubbish 112 520 Housing 499 01/04/2009 - 31/03/2010 Environmental Protection Act 1990 Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 1988 Health Protection Regulations 2010 Noise Inf Diseases 468 17 Health & Safety At Work Etc Act 1974 Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 Health & Safety At Work Etc Act 1974 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions)Act 1982 Environmental Protections Act 1990 The Health Act 2006 Licensing Act 2003 Accidents PPC H & S Inspections 37 55 266 Food Safety Act 1990, General Food Regulations 2004, The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 Private Water Supplies Regulations 2009 Food Safety Act 1990, General Food Regulations 2004, The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 Food Hygiene Inspections 777 Water Sampling Food Hygiene Sampling 2 10 Licensing Act 2003 Health & Safety At Work etc 1974 Public Health Act 1936 & 1961 Environmental Protection Act 1990 Building Act 1984 Caravan Sites & Control of Development Act 1960 Chronically Sick & Disabled Person Act 1970 Environmental Protection Act 1990 Health Act 2006 Housing Acts 1985 1988 1996 2004 Local Government & Housing Act 1989 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 & 1982 Police & Crime Evidence Act 1984 Public Health Act 1936 & 1961 Licensing Rubbish 112 587 Housing 697 Environmental Protection Act 1990 Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 1988 Health Protection Regulations 2010 Noise Inf Diseases 352 1 Health & Safety At Work Etc Act 1974 Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 Accidents PPC 67 63 2874 21/2/2012 Health & Safety At Work Etc Act 1974 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions)Act 1982 Environmental Protections Act 1990 The Health Act 2006 Licensing Act 2003 H & S Inspections 135 Food Safety Act 1990, General Food Regulations 2004, The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 Private Water Supplies Regulations 2009 Food Safety Act 1990, General Food Regulations 2004, The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 Food Hygiene Inspections 473 Water Sampling Food Hygiene Sampling 7 145 Request: Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I request Bedford to provide me with the following information. · · The number of Sure Start centres open in Bedford in a) 2010/11; b) 2011/12 The number of hours of Sure Start provision per week in Bedford in a) 2010/11; b) 2011/12 Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested: The number of sure start children centres open in….. a) 10/11 = 15 b) 11/12 = As above The number of hours sure start provision per week in…. a) 10/11 = An average of 552 hrs per week for 48 weeks of the year. The remaining weeks allow public holidays, staff training and some alternate holiday provision b) 11/12 = As above 2875 9/3/2012 Request: This is an enquiry concerning your Council and its use, or otherwise, of Acceptable Behaviour Contracts. These most often are dealt with by Housing Departments and Crime-and-Disorder related sections. Response: Acceptable Behaviour Contracts questionnaire I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Our response to your questionnaire on Acceptable Behaviour Contracts has been submitted today. Please contact for a copy of the survey 2876 6/3/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council regarding the amount paid by our authority by way of business rates in relation to our authority’s own v property/accommodation for 2007/8, 2008/9, 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12. You would also like a forecast figure for empty property rates payments in 2012/13 if we it. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: For commercial properties: 2011/12 £68,528.18 2010/11 £18,960.51 2009/10 £42,271.60 We do not have the information for previous years and no estimate for next year. The Council also paid the following amounts of empty rates in respect of properties that are not under the administration of Estates 2009/10 £ 18,156.27 2011/12 £ 28,655.18 (The figure is so much lower for 2010/11 the rateable value limit on exemptions from empty property rate was temporarily increased in 2010/11 to £ 18,000 (from £260 many of our empty properties were exempt from payment for that year.) 2877 9/3/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: 1. How many safeguarding referrals have there been for alleged financial abuse in the financial year 01 April 2008 to 31 March 2009, for residents aged 18 years who receive a direct payment for care? Not Recorded. 2. Of these safeguarding referrals in the financial year 01 April 2008 to 31 March 2009 how many concerned allegations against a third party for financ abuse? Not Recorded. 3. How many safeguarding referrals have there been for alleged financial abuse in the financial year 01 April 2009 to 31 March 2010, for residents aged 18 years who receive a direct payment for care? 57 4. Of these safeguarding referrals in the financial year 01 April 2009 to 31 March 2010 how many concerned allegations against a third party for financ abuse? 57 2878 13/3/2012 Request and response: Thank you for your request for correspondence between the Council and Viridor relating to the Barkers Lane Household Waste Recycling Centre over the last 12 mon which we received on 13 February 2012. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and we attach the information you requested. Please contact for a copy of attachments 2879 6/3/2012 Request and response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: It is my understanding that under the relevant Prison Service guidance, Bedford Borough Council library services is responsible for the provision of l services at HMP Bedford and ought to have records of any publications held at the establishment including the date of purchase and/or acquisition of th publication/s. Consequently, I am requesting to be provided with the dates of the purchase and acquisition of two reference publications, wh ich HMP Bedford is manda hold at its library under the relevant Prison Service Orders/Instructions. The two items mentioned are purchased by Bedford Prison for the prison library and not by the Library Service. We understand that Archbolds is bought by standing every November and has been in stock in the library at least since 2004 until now. Between the dates January 2004 and January 2012, please provide all the dates of purchase and/or acquisition of Archbold’s Criminal Pleading, Evidenc Practice and supplements (cumulative supplements and newsletter) by Sweet and Maxwell. I am specifically requesting for the dates this publicatio acquired for each purchase/acquisition made during the requested dates. I do not require the prices paid, just the dates of a cquisitions over the relevant including the names of the editions acquired on the relevant dates. I will be obliged is this is clearly set out in your response. We understand that Archbolds is bought by standing order every November and has been in stock in the library at least since 2004 until now. Between the dates January 2004 and January 2012, please provide all the dates of purchase and/or acquisition of Immigration Law Handbook by P Margaret and Gillespie, James. I am specifically requesting for the dates this publication was acquired for each purchase/acquisition made during the requ dates. I do not require the prices paid, just the dates of acquisitions over the relevant period including the names of the editions acquired on the relevant d I will be obliged is this is clearly set out in your response. The Immigration Law Handbook was bought by the Prison in 2010 when it appeared on the mandatory list of items to be provided in the Prison Library. There may hav been a copy in stock before then but we do not have any records for this and the Prison cannot confirm that either 2880 5/3/2012 Request: I would like to receive the following information: 1. Number of active Housing Benefit Claims on the first Monday of April each year for as far back as your records allow. 2. Number of active Housing Benefit Claims on the first Monday of April each year where either (or both of) the Claimant or their Partner is recorded as having had "Earned Income" on that date, for as far back as your records allow. 3. The Total amount of Housing Benefit paid for the week starting on the first Monday of April each year for as far back as your records allow. 4. The Total amount of Housing Benefit paid for the week starting on the first Monday of April each year where either (or both of) the Claimant or their Partner is recorded as having had "Earned Income" on the first Monday of April, for as far back as your records allow. I would like to make it clear that I would consider income from Self Employment to be "Earned Income" For your convenience, the dates of the first Monday of April for the last 15 years are below: 04/04/2011, 05/04/2010, 06/04/2009, 07/04/2008, 02/04/2007, 03/04/2006, 04/04/2005, 05/04/2004, 07/04/2003, 01/04/2002 02/04/2001, 03/04/2000, 05/04/1999, 06/04/1998 07/04/1997 Response: Further to your request for information dated 13 February, I can confirm that the information you requested is held under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Howeve Freedom of Information Act 2000 does not oblige the Council to comply with a request for information if it estimates that the cost of complying with the request would e the “appropriate limit.” This appropriate limit has been set in the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004 which provides that for a authority the appropriate limit is £450. This is calculated by reference to a maximum of 18 hours being taken and the cost of staff time being set in the Regulations per hour. The Regulations also say that In calculating the amount the Council may, “for the purpose of its estimate, take account only of the costs it reasonably exp incur in relation to the request in: (a) determining whether it holds the information, (b) locating the information, or a document which may contain the informati retrieving the information, or a document which may contain the information, and (d) extracting the information from a document containing it.” The Council has therefore decided to refuse your request. 2881 14/2/2012 Request and response: Request pursuant to Freedom of Information Act 2000 I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested set out below for 2011/12: With regards to the Council Mobile Phone contracts: 1) Existing Supplier(s) -If there is more than one supplier please split the contract up A -There are 2 Contracts -Daisy Mobile and Vodafone 2) Total contract value-If there isn't a total contract value please cans you provide me with the latest annual spend on mobile phone. A -Daisy -£69,042 pa -Vodafone -£88,110 pa 3) Number of Users A -Daisy -306 -Vodafone -781 4) Duration of the contract A -Daisy to 31/05/2012 on extension -Vodafone to 31/03/12 on extension 5) Contract Start Date A -Daisy August 2006 -Vodafone January 2009 6) Contract Expiry Date A -Daisy September 2008 -Vodafone February 2011 Both expired -both running on extensions as 4) above 7) Contract Review Date A -Currently in progress 8) The person within the Council responsible for this particular contract. Can you send me the full contact details Contact Name, Job Title, Contact Number and direct em address. A -Lawrence McArdle, Head of ICT, 01234 718221, 2882 13/3/2012 Request: Please provide me with; 1. A list of addresses for all the business properties in the Local Authority that are VACANT as at your last records taken 2. The name of the people who are liable/ responsible for the business rates on those VACANT business properties and their full contact details Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council regarding a list of addresses for all the business properties in the Local Authority that are vacant and th names of the people who are liable/ responsible for the business rates on those vacant business properties and their full contact details. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested in the attached excel spreadsheet. 2883 12/3/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: Please provide copies of all correspondence between Bedford Borough council and local hospitals (in Bedfordshire, Milton Keynes, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire and Northamptonshire) on the issue of Delayed Transfer of Care for patients for the past 6 months: Please see attached Please email copies of council minutes where the Delayed Transfer of Care for patients from local hospitals was discussed during the last 6 months: Please find enclosed minutes from the following Council meetings where Delayed Transfer of Care was highlighted. What financial penalties have been imposed upon the council within the last 6 months with regards to the Delayed Transfer of Care for Patients? None. Please contact for a copy of attachments 2884 20/2/2012 Request and Response: Further to your correspondence to Brian Glover dated 10th February 2012, I can confirm that some of the information you requested is held under the Freed Information Act 2000 (“the 2000 Act”). However, the Council, for the reasons that follow, declines to disclose the information requested. For completeness, the information you requested “all documentation within your son’s file.” In respect of this request and pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the 2000 Act the Council 1. States that the documentation within your son’s file is exempt information. 2. Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 40 (Personal Data) of the 2000 Act. In providing this reply you may also be aware that, from the correspondence referred to, part of the information you are seeking is not held by Bedford Borough Counc An explanation follows below: The information you are requesting is your son’s personal information, such information is not disclosable under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 but instead by th Data Protection Act 1998. I set out below possible personal information we may hold and how you can seek access to it. Following liaison with the Council’s Children’s Services Directorate regarding the information you request from the Borough Council it would appear that certain inform may be held by others. These others are CAMH, the Youth Offending Service and individual schools. I set out below information to assist your request: CAMH which is part of the NHS Primary Care Trust and their contact details are: email: Telephone: 01234 310669 / 310670. Further details are at the following link: Youth Offending Service, which is a shared service with Central Bedfordshire, they host the service and they will hold any relevant information, their contact de are: email: For further details regarding Data Subject Access Requests for Central Bedfordshire Counc please see the following link: to-information-making-request.aspx For the information held at the individual schools I’m afraid that you will need to contact them directly. Please see contact details on our website at the followin We may however, hold an Education Welfare file for your son and possibly a file held by the Assessment and Monitoring Team. For access to this information which m held by Bedford Borough Council please see the attached Guidance notes and form in respect of a Data Subject Access request on behalf of your son. Please note th your son is over 12 years of age you will need your son’s permission to access his file. 2885 27/2/2012 Request and response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or n information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below:1) During the 2010-2011 financial year, how many individuals employed in permanent posts at your local authority were paid through companies than through PAYE? During the 2010-2011 financial year NIL individuals were employed in permanent posts at Bedford Borough Council paid through companies rathe through PAYE. 2886 17/2/2012 Request and response: Further to your request for information dated 16 February 2012, I can confirm that the information you requested is held under the Freedom of Information Act However, the Council, for the reasons that follow, declines to disclose the information requested. You requested a list of the empty properties in Bedford Borough. Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council 1. States that providing a list of the empty properties in Bedford Borough is exempt information. 2. Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Sections 40 and 31 of the FOI Act (FOIA). An explanation follows below. Legal advice has been taken and the Council has concluded that the information relating to properties where the Council Tax payer is an individual is confidential pers information that is exempt on the basis of Section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act. The Council also considers that the information in relation to all the properties is exempt under Section 31 which is concerned with increased crime. The Council is particularly concerned about the high level of thefts of valuable metals and that publishing a list of empty properties will encourage thefts of this type. 2887 8/3/2012 Request: Under the Freedom of Information Act , I would like to request the following information in respect of Compulsory Purchase Orders (whether Council led or in partnersh within the last 6 years: 1)Has the Council passed a resolution to make a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)under either Planning, Highway or Housing Acts as follows: 1.1)Resolution has been passed to make a CPO but the CPO has not yet been made. 1.2)Resolution has been passed to make a CPO and the Order has been made. 1.3)Resolution has been passed and a CPO has been confirmed. Please can you supply a schedule of interests and/or an order map. 1.4)Proposed CPO, not yet a Council Resolution. Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below in bold. 2888 23/2/2012 1.1) Resolution has been passed to make a CPO but the CPO has not yet been made. None 1.2) Resolution has been passed to make a CPO and the Order has been made. 1 case under the Housing Act 1.3) Resolution has been passed and a CPO has been confirmed. Please can you supply a schedule of interests and/or an order map. None 1.4) Proposed CPO, not yet a Council Resolution. None Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested: I wish to request the number and ethnicities of all children and young people in the Borough of Bedford eligible for Free School Meals. Here are the latest available figures for the number and ethnicities of children and young people aged 5 and above attending Bedford Borough schools. Ethnicity & Free School Meals Ethnic Code Free School Meals Eligible Count Of Free School Meals Eligible Asian True 772 Black True 263 Mixed True 431 2889 16/3/2012 Other True 71 White True 1827 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: Kellogg’s would like to ensure they allocate funding for swimming projects appropriately, so the information gained through this request will help them lea more about school swimming in order to help more children achieve the minimum targets. It is very important that the grants go to where they are most ne and can bring the most benefit to local populations. In particular, I would like to request the following information: 1. the full dataset collected on children’s swimming participation in your local area in each of the last 5 years; Bedford Borough Council do not hold this information, this would need to be obtained by contacting individual schools direct. Please see link to all schools in Bedford Borough. 2. the percentage of children who attained the Department of Education target (June 2010) that children should be able to swim at least 25m unaided a Stage 2; See above. 3. the number of pools in your local area that have closed in each of the last 5 years; and None. 4. the number of children in your local area who are not provided with swimming facilities by their school. See answer to questions 1 and 2. 2890 17/2/2012 Request and response: Thank you for your request for information about planning permissions granted over the last 12 years which we received on 17 February 2012. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. The information you requested is available on the authority’s website and can be located at . 2891 15/3/2012 Request and response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council regarding your questions below. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: 1. Does your local authority use private enforcement contractors (bailiffs) to collect in any of the following: Council Tax Non-Domestic Rates Sundry Debt Parking Fines Yes Yes Yes Yes 2. Are any other forms of collection outsourced by the local authority to private enforcement contractors? If so please confirm what they are. The Council uses an external bailiff services contractor for enforcement of Business Improvement District Levy liability orders. 3. Please confirm if the outsourcing agreement is based on a tender process. The contract for Council Tax, Non-Domestic Rates and Sundry Debts is based on a tender process. Parking Services did not go through a tender process. 4. When is the renewal date for any tender process? The renewal date for the contract for Council Tax, Non-Domestic Rates and Sundry Debts is 31 July 2013. N/A for parking services. 5. If the process for becoming a contractor is not based on a tender process is there an approved contractors list? Not applicable to Council Tax, Non-Domestic Rates and Sundry Debts or Parking Services 6. If there is an approved contractors list please confirm the process for being added to that list. Not applicable to Council Tax, Non-Domestic Rates and Sundry Debts or Parking Services 7. What is the cost of providing enforcement services on an annualised basis for the last 5 years to date? The average annual value of the bailiff services contract over the last five years is; Council Tax £207,000 Non-Domestic Rates £39,000 Sundry Debts nil BID Levies included in Non-Domestic Rates figure N/A to Parking Services - bailiffs receive costs on collection 8. What is the name of the person responsible for this area of business? Please provide their direct email and direct phone number. Council Tax, Non-Domestic Rates, Sundry Debts and BID Levies. Lee Phanco Assistant Director (Revenues, Benefits and Customer Service) Telephone : 01234 221659 E-mail Parking Services – Fil Cusano – 01234 718340 – 2892 12/3/2012 Request and response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: 1. The number of people with substantial needs (under FACs criteria) who received council adult care services each year in 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12. Please see attached spreadsheet. 2. The number of people with critical needs (under FACs criteria) who received council adult care services each year in 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12. Please see attached spreadsheet. Please provide the figures broken down by group of user (e.g. elderly) and then broken down further by type of service for each user group (e.g. day care), depending on the level of detail held by the council. FOI 2892 Critical Substantial.xls Please contact for a copy of attachment 2893 24/2/2012 Request and response: Thank you for your request for information about DWA which we received on 18/02/12 your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regula 2004. I enclose a copy of the information you requested: 1) How many DWA licenses are currently issued in your area? One 2) How many of these DWA licenses are issued for primates (monkeys, apes or prosimians such as lemurs)? None 3) How many applications for licenses to keep primates under the DWA Act have been refused in your area in the last 12 months? If an application has been refused, what grounds was it refused? None (as we haven’t had any applications for primates) 4) If an existing license under the DWA act lapses without explanation, what follow-up mechanisms are in place? We have not had a situation where it has lapse. 5) What is the cost of obtaining a DWA license in your area (please indicate whether this includes any vet fees incurred)? At present £150.00 plus vet fees (which are variable depending on time spent at premise etc) 6) What is the cost of renewing a DWA license in your area (please indicate whether this includes any vet fees incurred)? At present £150.00 plus vet fees (which are variable depending on time spent at premise etc) If there are primates licensed in your area, please provide copies of the most recent relevant inspection report(s) for all such licenses (on the understandin for data protection purposes, certain information may be obscured), in addition to the following information if not included in the report(s). This section is not applicable to Bedford borough Council. For each license issued for primates: a) How many individuals of each species are covered (please provide the scientific name: i.e. Cebus apella)? N/A b) What is the age and sex of each licensed primate? If this information is not kept by your council, please indicate so. N/A c) Where was each primate obtained? If this information is not kept by your council, please indicate so. N/A d) Please confirm whether the licenses in your area are issued for specific individual animals, or whether they are issued for a set number of individuals of a given spe without any reference to specific individuals (eg. under the second condition the license holder could theoretically replace any individual primate with a new animal of t same species, without applying for a new license, were the first animal to die). N/A e) Please confirm whether any restriction is placed on breeding of the animals licensed. If no restriction exists, please indicate whether the existing license would automatically cover the offspring, and until what age this cover would last. N/A 2894 15/3/2012 Request and response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the available information you requested below in relation to Compulsory Purchase Orders made under the Housing Act. Please note that information account amounts has not been included. This information is considered to be confidential personal information relating to the property owner that is exempt on the b Section 40 of the Freedom of Information Act. 1. All Compulsory Purchase Orders which the council have conducted over the past 15 years. Account amounts, the properties involved and who is entitled to the mon Property Silverdale Street Pyms Close White Lodge Close 2. Money held on account resulting from Enforced Sales from the past 15 years. Account amounts, the properties involved and who is entitled to the money. - We have not completed any Enforced Sales. 2895 9/3/2012 Request and response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: Under the terms of freedom of information, I would like to request information about the provision of maintenance to council owned housing, specifically t maintenance contracts; The company that manages housing maintenance (including general maintenance, plumbing, electrical etc.) for homes rented out by the local authority? The value of the contract/s? The duration of the contract/s? If the authority has no housing stock or manages this internally, could you please also let me know. Bedford Borough Council ceased being a social housing landlord when it transferred its housing stock to a Housing Association in 1990. 2896 Withdrawn by requester Request: I request the information, for each of the following financial years; 2006-7, 2007-8, 2008-9, 2009-10, 2011-2012 2897 20/3/2012 The job title, and salary, for the ten most highly-paid members of staff, for each of the financial years If any of the job roles detailed in the above answer have been either created or abolished during this six-year period, what were the reasons for this? Request and response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council regarding a list of empty commercial properties within the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested in the attached excel spreadsheet. Please contact for a copy of the attachment 2898 9/3/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: A number of local authorities have formally integrated their adult social care with health services to form a Care Trust. I am interested in knowing: a) Have you integrated adult social care with health into a Care Trust (or similar organisation)? No b) Are you considering, or in the process of, integrating adult social care with health into a Care Trust (or similar organisation) within the next two yea No 2899 28/2/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry on behalf of PitchBook Data Inc, for information held by the Council relating to the most recent quarterly and annual public records following:- 1. Names and vintage years of all private equity, venture capital, mezzanine, distressed, real estate/REIT partnerships in the Bedfordshire Pension Fund po 2. Most updated information available on amount committed to the partnership and amount drawn by the partnerships. 3. Distributions made to Bedfordshire Pension Fund to date by each individual partnership. 4. Net Asset Value of each partnership, and estimated remaining value of each partnership. 5. Internal rates of return (IRRs) for each individual partnership, for the most recent date available. (Please specify whether the data is net or gross of expens fees). 6. Investment multiple for each individual partnership. 7. The dollar amount of “total management fees and costs paid” for each individual partnership on an annualized, year-end basis. 8. Date as of which all the above data was calculated. 9. Names and service type provided of service providers (ex. Placement Agents, etc.) assisting Bedfordshire Pension Fund with each individual partn Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold most of the infor you requested. Please find the information you requested enclosed below. BEDFORDSHIRE PENSION FUND PRIVATE EQUITY & PROPERTY FUNDS 31 December 2011 2900 16/3/2012 Name Category Currency Phildrew Ventures 4th Fund Private Equity GBP Inception - Commitment Contribution Distribution £820,000 £820,000 £483,800 Value £4,100 Net IRR N/A Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the informatio requested. We have checked our records and we do not have any current or expired contracts with any of the companies that you have listed. There has, however, been a limited amount of one off expenditure with Serco Limited, amounting to approximately £7,500, over the last two financial years. 2901 14/3/2012 Request: I am writing to obtain information about the number of Bedford Borough Council employees who were members of the Local Government Pension Scheme at the en the financial years 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11. To outline my query as clearly as possible, I am requesting: 1. The number of current Bedford Borough Council employees paying into the Local Government Pension Scheme (as outlined in this DCLG release pg.7 table at the end of the financial years 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11. 2. The number of pensioners previously an employee of Bedford Borough Council drawing from the Local Government Pension scheme (as outlined in this DC release pg.7 table 3. at the end of financial years 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 2010-11. 3. The number of former employees of Bedford Borough Council entitled to deferred benefits (as outlined in this DCLG release pg.7 table 3. on the Local Government Pension Scheme at the end of financial years 2006-07, 20072008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11. Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or n information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested in the attachment “Local Government P Scheme Members”. It is important to note that Bedford became a Unitary Authority from 1 April 2009. Although Bedford Borough Council is responsible for a sh Pensioners formally employees of Bedfordshire County Council, this is excluded from the attached data. 2902 8/3/2012 Request: Please accept this email as a request for the following information, in relation to the property known as: Chapel Close Swineshead Access is required to records containing the information necessary to answer the following questions of the CON29R form: 3.1 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.2 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (b) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (c) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (d) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (e) – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (f) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.11 – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.13 - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council Please only respond to the relevant questions, where your specific department is listed. Response: Thank you for your request for information Chapel Close, High Street, Swineshead. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulatio 2004. I attach a copy of the information you requested. Please contact for a copy of the attachment 2903 20/3/2012 Request and response: Thank you for your request for information about recycling sites which we received on 22 February 2012. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and we give below the information you requested. 1. Please supply a full list of ALL recycling sites which the Council operate and/or manage. A list of local recycling sites available is published on the Councils website at the following link:,_recycling_and_waste/local_recycling_sites.aspx 2. In your response to (1) please provide a list of those sites which are owned by private landowners. The list shows those not on Borough owned land . These sites may or may not be owned be owned by private landowners. The Council has no knowledge in that rega 3. Please supply copies of each written and/or verbal agreement between the council and landowner in relation to (2). The council has verbal agreements with landowners to place glass, paper and plastic/can banks on sites, we are therefore unable to provide copies. 4. Please confirm when each agreement commenced. These agreements have been made as and when sites have become available. 5. In relation to textile recycling banks, please confirm how you approve a contractor to operate on recycling sites that are situated on private land. BBC does not approve contractors 6. Please confirm the name(s) of your approved textile recycling bank contractor. N/A Please see above 7. What legal powers did Bedford Borough Council use in order to lawfully remove the Recycling Banks from the following sites: a. Site 2 - Sainsbury’s, Saxon Centre - Land owned by BBC b. Site 6 - Tesco, Cardington Road – At the request of and with the licence of the Landowner under the Council’s Street Cleansing and Refuse powers c. Site 7 - Tesco, Riverfield Drive – At the request of and with the licence of the Landowner under the Council’s Street Cleansing and Refuse powers d. Homebase car park, Riverfield Drive – At the request of and with the licence of the Landowner under the Council’s Street Cleansing and Refuse powers 8. When has Bedford Borough Council been responsible for acting as a “policing agent” in matters between private parties involved in alleged disputes of trespass? The Council is not be responsible for acting as a “policing agent” in matters between private parties involved in alleged disputes of trespass. 9. When does a routine inspection of recycling sites within the administrative area of Bedford Borough Council take place? As the word ‘routine’ suggests, each site is visited regularly but not necessarily in a regular pattern. 10. Please supply a copy of all transcripts of phone calls, emails and correspondences between Bedford Borough Council and 3rd parties including Bedford Borough Council’s contractor, sub-contractors, charities and landowners who may be connected and instrumental in the removal of the recycling banks from the names sites? Please find attached copies of requests to the Council’s direct works department to remove banks. BBC does not transcribe telephone calls so is therefore unable to s this information. Please contact for a copy of attachments 2904 1/3/2012 Request and response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested: Foster Carer Payments 1. When did foster carers last receive an increase to their fostering allowances? (show as month/year) Foster carers last received an increase to their fostering allowance on 12 January 2012 – this was backdated to 1 April 2011. 2. A breakdown of fees currently paid to foster carers, using the format below: Age Maintenance Fee (N/A where not applicable) Additional Payment (i.e. Payment for Skills) (Please specify) 0-4 £144.69 N/A N/A 5-10 £164.71 N/A N/A 11-15 £205.03 N/A N/A 16+ £249.41 N/A N/A 3. What additional payments are provided to carers, and for the additional payments that are provided, what are the standard costs for each additional payment split by range? (Examples of additional payments are included below) a. Clothing –up to: CLOTHING ALLOWANCE AGE ONE OFF PAYMENT 0-4 £179.72 5-10 £239.10 11-15 £239.10 16+ £468.75 b. Holiday – Two weeks standard fostering allowance c. Christmas/Festival – One weeks standard fostering allowance d. Birthday – One weeks standard fostering allowance e. Equipment/Furniture – equipment bought by the service as needed 4. Who is responsible (local authority or carers) for ensuring that children and young people are receiving pocket money and savings? Whilst carers are primarily responsible for ensuring that children and young people are receiving pocket money and savings and the expectations are laid out in the fos carers’ handbook, both supervising social workers and children’s social workers monitor how this is happening in practice. 5. Are carers entitled to paid respite? If yes, how many days? Carers are not routinely entitled to paid respite. Respite breaks are arranged as necessary to meet the needs of children and carers. The carer continues to receive the allowance for the child if the break is of less than two weeks duration. 6. Do you pay retainers to carers? If yes, under what circumstances and at what rate? Retainers for carers are not usually paid. Panel/ Assessment 7. How many fostering panels are held every year, for assessment/approval of new foster carers? 24 panels are usually held per year, with additional panels arranged as needed. This is a joint panel on behalf of Central Bedfordshire Council and Bedford Borough C 8. How many Independent Reviewing Officers (IROs) are employed by the council for looked after children? 3.5 FTE 2905 8/3/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested; How many pupils are statemented with SEN in both primary and secondary education? 685 (from SEN 2 return Jan 2011, total in Jan 2012 680) How many children are looked after or in care within the primary and secondary education age range? Primary – 47, Secondary – 63, Total – 110 How many pupils were placed in alternative education provision in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012? Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council: 2.1 States that the Information is exempt information. 2.2 Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 21 - Information accessible by other means. This is information is available here: How many pupils with SEN attend mainstream schools across both primary and secondary age ranges? Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council: 2.1 States that the Information is exempt information. 2.2 Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 21 - Information accessible by other means. This is information is available here: How much funding was allocated to pupils with SEN for education in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012? Please see spreadsheet attached. How much funding was allocated to children in care for education in 2010/2011 and 2011/2012? 2010/2011: £272,804 actual cost 2011/2012: £957,210 full year forecast Please contact for a copy of attachment 2906 6/3/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or ot the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested: Foster Carer Statistics 1. The number of currently approved foster carers; At 31 January 2012 Central Bedfordshire Council currently had 123 approved fostering households providing fostering placements to both Central Bedfordshire Counc Bedford Borough Council 2. The number of foster carers approved during 2009,2010, and 2011. A year is from April 1st to March 31st (e.g. 2009 = 1st April 2009 - 31st March 2010). Approvals of foster carers for both Councils were as follows: 2009-10 29 2010-11 26 2011 to 31/1/12: 35 3. The number of foster carers who were de registered/resigned during 2009, 2010, and 2011, including reasons for de-registration/resignation (e.g. practice issues; retirement; transfer to IFA etc.). A year is from April 1st to March 31st (e.g. 2009 = 1st April 2009 - 31st March 2010). 2009-10 32 2010-11 31 2011 – 31/1/12 17 Reasons: Reason 09-10 10-11 11-12 Carers personal circumstances 13 13 10 End of placement for specific child 6 7 2 SGO granted 4 6 1 Fostering service concerns 4 3 3 Retired 4 2 1 Moved to other fostering provider 1 0 0 Foster Children Statistics 4. The number of current looked after children; 215 5. The number of children and young people currently placed with local authority foster carers; 58 6. The number of children and young people currently placed with IFA (Independent Fostering Agencies); 81 7. The number of looked after children who left placements because of adoption during 2009, 2010, and 2011. A year is from April 1st to March 31st (e.g. 2009 = 1st A 2009 - 31st March 2010). 2009&2010 Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council: 2.1 States that the Information is exempt information. 2.2 Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 21 - Information accessible by other means. This is information is available here: 2011 Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council: 2.1 States that the Information is exempt information. 2.2 Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 22 - information intended for future publication This data will be available from DfE (expected Sep12) 8. The number of looked after children who left placements because of Special Guardianship Orders (SGOs) during 2009, 2010, and 2011. A year is from April 1st to March 31st (e.g. 2009 = 1st April 2009-31st March 2010). Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council: 2.1 States that the Information is exempt information. 2.2 Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 21 - Information accessible by other means. This is information is available here: 2009 2010 2011 Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council: 2.1 States that the Information is exempt information. 2.2 Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 22 - information intended for future publication This data will be available from DfE (expected Sep12) 2907 13/3/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. The information you requested is as follows: 1. How does the council decide upon the design of such signage? Pedestrian direction signs designs are prescribed in guidance issued by the Department for Transport in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 (w various amendments). This document can be viewed via the following link Local standards are used for Street Nameplate sign specifications as set out in the attached document. 2. Was the signage designed in-house by the Council or by an external contractor? The sign designs conform to nationally set specifications and guidance, with local specifications being drawn up by the Council. 3. Does the signage follow any national guidelines? Yes – please see Q1 above. 4. Are the design specifications for the signage publicly available? Yes. Please click on the following link: 2908 22/3/2012 Request and response: Thank you for your request for information about building regulation information, which we received on 23 February 2012. We are treating this as a request for informa under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. As our database holds personal information our charge is set to recover the cost of selecting the correct information required to satisfy the enquiry for the CON29 ques for the Building Control Information. The charge for this information has been set at £5.30 plus VAT. Should you wish to continue requesting that information, please or telephone the Building Control Administration Section on 01234 718081 who will be pleased to assist you. 2909 15/3/2012 Request: The number of compulsory and voluntary redundancies made by the local authority in the above stated period (please note, I only require a number, no information regarding positions made redundant or of settlements) - Number of resignations accepted by the authority for the above stated period (please note, I only require a number, no data concerning the roles resigned, departme effected, etc.) - Number of newly recruited staff for the above stated period - Total number of sickness days taken by local authority staff for the above stated period - Disciplinary actions; o Instigated by staff o Instigated by the authority (Please note, for disciplinary data, I only require a number, no specific details of any action instigated) Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below for the period 1 January to 31 December 2011. 2910 5/3/2012 1. 118 2. 139 (this only includes voluntary resignations excluding those for retirement reasons) 3. 177 4. 19316.50 5. 1 case instigated by an employee & 22 cases instigated by the authority Request and response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: From our insurance claims database the following claims have been determined as meeting the criteria requested: Description 2009/10: Pupil collided with damaged fence Pupil injured by closing door Pupil injured playing basketball Pupil injured whilst closing window Pupil injured during seizure 2010/11: Pupil injured whilst moving equipment Pupil climbed and fell off fence Pupil slipped on wet floor Pupil injured cause unknown Pupil injured playing basketball Status Open Open Closed Open Open Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed ---Compensation--Reserved Paid £80,000 £ 5,000 £10,000 £10,000 - - £4,500 - 2011/12: None reported to date. Notes: -Bedford Borough Council became a Local Education Authority with effect 1 April 2009. -The information provided represents the position as at 27.02.2012. 2911 23/3/2012 Request and response: Thank you for your request for information about open space sites which we received on 24 February 2012. Your request has been considered under the Environment Information Regulations 2004. The information you have requested is below in bold: 1 The number of open space sites; and We do not hold this information, but the number of records held on the GIS Parks and Open Space Layer is over 800. 2 The area (in m2) of open space Outdoor Space 882 ha Amenity greenspace 1048 ha Children’s play space 10 ha that have either: i ii been built upon, or had their use changed otherwise than for recreational purposes in the periods: a b c 2007 - 2011 2002 - 2006, and 1997 – 2001 (each such period running from 1 January to 31 December). This information is part of the Planning Register and is publicly available on our website. Also, please provide the information held by the authority on 1 2 The current (February 2012) total number of open space sites; and The current (February 2012) area, (in m 2) of open space. The details provided for Q1 and 2 would be the same for February 2012, as GIS is constantly being updated and therefore there are no old records. 2912 12/3/2012 Request: I would like to know how much does the nhs pay for the treatment of patients in a vegetative state, and for what they pay for. I would also like to know how long they p the treatment of patients in a vegetative state, and how much it costs, on average, to treat one. Response: I am writing in respect of your recent enquiry for information held by the Council under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Under the Freedom of Information Act the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do not hold this information. 2913 7/3/2012 Request and Response: Thank you for your request for information about Section 106 receipts and expenditure which we received on 27 February 2012. Your request has been considered un the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. Much of the information requested is available in our Annual Monitoring Report. This is published every December and available on the Council’s website, this may be use to you in the future. I attach the information you requested in regards to Questions 1 and 2. In regards to Question 3 the Council advise that there have not been any written off debts concerning s.106 contributions. 2914 28/2/2012 Request: I would like all information Children's Social Services have on me from when I was a 'customer' of Bedfordshire County Council's Childrens's Social Services, including social worker reports and my time spent in care/foster homes since 1971 when I was born to my last record. I want to understand my past. Response: I refer to your e-mail of 27 February 2012. The request was received and registered on 27 February 201, and by the Council’s calculations the 20 day statutory limit ex on 26 March 2012 by which date you ought to have received this letter. Set out below is the full request and the Council’s response. 1. Details of the Information being sought (“the Request”): 2. Pursuant to Section 17 (1) of the Act the Council: 2.1 States that the Information is exempt information. 2.2 Specifies, that the exemption in question is contained within Section 40 Personal Information. Your request is therefore not treated as a Freedom of Information Request but is instead covered by the Data Protection Act 1998. This is known as a Subject Access Request and is being dealt with by Charlie Gartland who is our Access to Records Officer and has already been in contact with you. 2915 13/3/2012 Request: Please accept this email as a request for the following information, in relation to the property known as: Warden Abbey, Goldington, Access is required to records containing the information necessary to answer the following questions of the CON29R form: 3.1 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.2 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (b) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (c) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (d) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (e) – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (f) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.11 – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.13 - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council Please only respond to the relevant questions, where your specific department is listed. Response: Thank you for your request for information about 14 Warden Abbey, Bedford and Knotting Fox, Rushden Road, Souldrop. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. I attach copies of the information you requested. 2916 6/3/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested: 1) Details of all monies paid to external private tuition companies by your LEA, broken down by financial year and by supplier. I would like your response to be in a sprea format, if possible. Please tab-delineate the spreadsheet using the following column headings: ‘Name of Supplier; 2008/9 expenditure; 2009/10 expenditure; 2010/11 expenditure; expenditure so far in 2011/2012’. No monies has been paid to external private tuition companies by Bedford Borough Council’s (LEA) in 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12. The Council was not the LEA in 2008/9 where responsibility rested with the former Bedfordshire County Council. 2917 27/3/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council regarding a list of non-domestic rates assessments in our authority area in excess of £10,000 Rateable Value. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested in the attached excel spreadsheet where the ratepayer is a company, not an individual. We do not hold details o directors of companies. Please contact for a copy of attachment 2918 20/3/2012 Request and Response: Thank you for your request for information about textile waste contractors which we received on 27 February 2012. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and we give below the information you requested. 1. Does Bedford Borough Council have an approved textile waste contractor(s)? Please see response to question 5 from previous FOI BBC ref no 2903 repeated below for ease: BBC does not approve contractors 2. The name of any 3rd party approved textile waste contractor(s) operating within the administrative area of Bedford Borough Council. See response to question above 3. Has Bedford Borough Council solicited the exact same questions as 1, 2, 3 & 4 as per your letter of 14/02/12 to any 3rd party operator who has operated in the administrative role in Bedford Borough since 01/01/10? We assume that you are referring to operators who are operating in the administrative AREA of Bedford Borough. We have asked other operators for this information i past. 2919 13/3/2012 Request Please accept this email as a request for the following information, in relation to the property known as: RUSHDEN ROAD SOULDROP Access is required to records containing the information necessary to answer the following questions of the CON29R form: 3.1 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.2 – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (b) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (c) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (d) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (e) – Highways Development Control Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.7 (f) – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.11 – Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council 3.13 - Environmental Health Department, Bedford Borough Council Please only respond to the relevant questions, where your specific department is listed. Response: Thank you for your request for information about Rushden Road, Souldrop. Your request has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 I attach copies of the information you requested. 2920 26/3/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested enclosed. You requested; 1. At the end of March 2011, how many cared-for children was the council responsible for? 163 2. What proportion of your cared-for children fall into the following categories: a. Short term/emergency? b. Parent and child? c. Long term/permanent? d. Children with disabilities? 25 of 220 children are allocated in our Children with Disabilities team We are unable to answer Question 2(a) 2(b) and 2(c) as this is case work information, held on individual files, and extracting this information would exce hours. The Council has therefore decided to refuse your request with regards to Question 2(a), 2(b) and 2(c) (please see explanation below). The Freedom of Information Act 2000 does not oblige the Council to comply with a request for information if it estimates that the cost of complying with th request would exceed the “appropriate limit.” This appropriate limit has been set in the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004 which provides tha local authority the appropriate limit is £450. This is calculated by reference to a maximum of 18 hours being taken and the cost of staff time being set Regulations as £25 per hour. The Regulations also say that In calculating the amount the Council may, “for the purpose of its estimate, take account only costs it reasonably expects to incur in relation to the request in: (a) determining whether it holds the information, (b) locating the information, or a doc which may contain the information, (c) retrieving the information, or a document which may contain the information, and (d) extracting the information f document containing it.” 3. What proportion of your cared-for children are placed via: a. In-house provision 49.0% b. Independent foster care agencies 33.7% 4. Which independent foster care agencies do you use? Please see Excel Spreadsheet attached. 5. How many of your cared-for children (as at the end of 2011 – see Q1) were placed via each of these agencies? Please see Excel Spreadsheet attached. 6. How do you procure foster care services from these agencies? For example, is it via block contracts, a preferred provider list, a framework agreement and/or off-c ‘spot purchases’? Bedford Borough Council operates a Framework Agreement with 19 fostering agencies which have been selected through a competitive tender process. I exclusive framework, unless the providers on the framework are not able to demonstrate they can meet the needs of the child or young person. In which c the Council will approach agencies from outside of the framework. 7. If you currently have a framework agreement in place: a. When did it start? The start date of the framework was November 2011 b. When is it due to end? The end date of the framework is November 2014 (with a provision to extend the framework for a further two years, subject to conditions) 8. What was your total annual expenditure on placements made via agencies in the last compete financial year (2010-2011)? The total spend for the 2010/2011 financial year was approximately £1.9 million (rounded to the nearest 100 thousand) 9. Please could you send us a copy of any reviews or reports you have produced in the last 5 years on the cost of fostering (in-house and/or via independent provide your organisation? Nil return 2921 9/3/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: I also wish to make a request for the disclosure of these Traveller related eviction costs to date. Had the physical closure of the Lay by been better conceiv these costs would have been a fraction of what they are, even if it had meant relocating a barrier for the Owner of the old P.H. that has stood derelict for ma years. Excluding officer time Constant and Company’s costs so far have been £640.36 2922 12/3/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below: If your council DOES have responsibility for libraries, please could you tell me: Whether you have received any complaints in the last five years about any of the books available in your libraries which were deemed by the complainant to be "inappropriate" or "unsuitable" to be available in a public library, or in some way "offensive"? Please state the names of any books which have attracted such complaints and provide as much detail about the nature of the complaint? Please also state what, if any, action the council took - (eg, removing the book, moving the book, restricting access to the book etc etc)? Bedford Borough Council’s records only date back to April 2008 and from this date have not received any complaints of this sort. 2923 2/3/2012 Request and Response: I refer to your recent enquiry for information held by the Council. Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, the authority must state whether or not the information exists and I confirm that we do hold the information you requested. Please find the information you requested below. Please answer questions 1 to 12 either Yes or No Please enter the name of your organisation 1. Does your organisation use formal coaching for staff? Yes 2. Is coaching available to staff who are not in the top three tiers of officer? Yes 3. Is coaching available to senior staff (senior is defined as the top three tiers of officer)? Yes 4. Do you coach new starters? Yes 5. Do you seek to increase personal performance through coaching? Yes 6. Do you seek to increase organisational performance through coaching? Yes 7. Do you use external coaches? Yes 8. Do you use internal coaches? Yes 9. If so, do you use line managers for internal coaches? Yes 10. Do you provide training for internal coaches? Yes 11. Do you monitor the quality of coaching? Yes 12. Do you evaluate the impact that coaching has on performance? Yes 13. If so, how do you measure that impact? Through the annual performance review process