Word - BBC

Past, present or future tense
Level A
Circle the right answer for each question.
1) Which verb is in the past?
A) walk
B) danced
C) like
D) wish
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2) Which two letters are often added to verbs to show something
happened in the past?
A) ed
B) er
C) eh
D) el
3) Which verb is in the past?
A) smile
B) smell
C) scold
D) smiled
4) Which verb is in the past?
A) hold
B) peel
C) sorted
D) wipe
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5) Which verb is in the past?
A) open
B) washed
C) paint
D) carry
6) Which verb is in the past?
A) jumped
B) follow
C) buy
D) hold
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Past, present or future tense
Level B
Circle the right answer for each question.
1) Which verb is in the past?
A) go
B) sing
C) went
D) have
2) Which verb is in the past?
A) sang
B) sing
C) go
D) have
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3) Which verb is in the past?
A) go
B) have
C) wish
D) had
4) Which verb is in the past?
A) see
B) wish
C) saw
D) watch
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5) Which word in this sentence is the verb?
He danced until midnight.
A) He
B) Danced
C) until
D) midnight
6) Which word in this sentence is the verb?
I saw three ships.
A) I
B) saw
C) three
D) ships
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© BBC 2012
Past, present or future tense
Level C
Circle the right answer for each question.
1) What is the past form of 'walk'?
A) walked
B) walk
C) went
D) wild
2) What is the past form of 'go'?
A) go
B) walked
C) went
D) watched
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3) Which is these past tense verbs is irregular?
A) opened
B) wished
C) came
D) smiled
4) What is the past form of 'hold'?
A) holded
B) handled
C) him
D) held
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5) Which word in this sentence is the verb?
My aunt Sally loved pickled eggs.
A) My
B) Aunt
C) Sally
D) loved
6) Which verb is in the past?
A) spied
B) spy
C) see
D) watch
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Quiz - answers
Past, present or future tense
Level A
1) Which verb is in the past?
The correct answer is B. The verb in the past is 'danced'.
2) Which two letters are often added to verbs to show something
happened in the past?
The correct answer is A. The letters 'ed' are often added to verbs to
show something happened in the past.
3) Which verb is in the past?
The correct answer is D. The verb 'smiled' is in the past.
4) Which verb is in the past?
The correct answer is C. The verb 'sorted' is in the past.
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5) Which verb is in the past?
The correct answer is B. The verb 'washed' is in the past.
6) Which verb is in the past?
The correct answer is A. The verb 'jumped' is in the past.
Entry 1 & 2 Quiz
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© BBC 2012
Quiz - answers
Past, present or future tense
Level B
1) Which verb is in the past?
The correct answer is C. The verb 'went' is in the past.
2) Which verb is in the past?
The correct answer is A. The verb 'sang' is in the past.
3) Which verb is in the past?
The correct answer is D. The verb 'had' is in the past.
4) Which verb is in the past?
The correct answer is C. The verb 'saw' is in the past.
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5) Which word in this sentence is the verb?
He danced until midnight.
The correct answer is B. The verb is 'danced'.
6) Which word in this sentence is the verb?
I saw three ships.
The correct answer is B. The verb is 'saw'.
Entry 1 & 2 Quiz
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Quiz - answers
Past, present or future tense
Level C
1) What is the past form of 'walk'?
The correct answer is A. The past form of walk is 'walked'.
2) What is the past form of 'go'?
The correct answer is C. The past form of 'go' is 'went'.
3) Which is these past tense verbs is irregular?
The correct answer is C. The irregular verb is 'came'.
4) What is the past form of 'hold'?
The correct answer is D. The past form of 'hold' is 'held'.
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5) Which word in this sentence is the verb?
My aunt Sally loved pickled eggs.
The correct answer is D. The verb is 'loved'.
6) Which verb is in the past?
The correct answer is A. The verb in the past is 'spied'.
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