TIGP CBMB Program Autumn Term 2009 Introduction to Biophysical Chemistry “Introduction to Biophysical Chemistry” emphasizes transport phenomena (molecular diffusion, passive and active transport across membranes), methods for the separation and characterization of macromolecules (electrophoresis, sedimentation equilibrium), treatment of the interaction of light with matter (absorption, emission, scattering), methods of identification of macromolecules (absorption spectroscopy, mass spectrometry), methods of structural determination of macromolecules (light, x-ray, and neutron scattering from solutions of macromolecules; x-ray diffraction; multiple-dimension NMR, EPR, linear and circular dichroism, optical rotatory dispersion, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer), and enzyme kinetics (catalysis and inhibition, rapid and ultrafast kinetics). The concepts and mathematical manipulations will be illustrated with biochemical and biophysical applications. This material is covered in Chapters 5−12 and 15–16 of the textbook by K. E. van Holde, W. C. Johnson, and P. S. Ho. GENERAL INFORMATION Instructor Professor Sunney I. Chan, SunneyChan@yahoo.com Office: Room B609, Institute of Chemistry, Tel: 02-2789-8654. Teaching Staff Dr. Steve S.-F. Yu, sfyu@chem.sinica.edu.tw Office: Room B601, Institute of Chemistry, Tel: 02-2789-8650. Dr. Joseph Huang, jthuang@chem.sinica.edu.tw Office: Room B607, Institute of Chemistry, Tel: 02-2789-8652. Class Hours This course (3 credits) tentatively meets Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon on Wednesdays, 10:00am to 11:00am on Fridays, Room A507, Institute of Chemistry. There will be recitation sessions approximately every two/ three weeks, according to the attached class schedule. The recitation sessions will focus on the elaboration of complex concepts and subtle points made during the lectures, as well as solving the types of problems that will appear on problem sets and exams. You are strongly encouraged, if not expected, to attend ALL the lectures and recitations. Page 1 of 4 Texts Required: Kensal E. van Holde, W. Curtis Johnson, and Pui Shing Ho, “Principles of Physical Biochemistry” (Second Edition 2006), Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Suggested: David Eisenberg and Donald Crothers, “Physical Chemistry with Applications to the Life Sciences”, Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., 1979. Grading There will be a midterm and a final examination. Your grade is based on: homework (40%), midterm (30%), and final (30%). To encourage class and recitation participation (attendance, questions, comments, etc.), a bonus of up to 10% will be added to your final grade based on your participation, prorated according to your actual attendance. A problem set will be due approximately every two weeks. If you fail to obtain a copy of a homework set when it is handed out in class, you may download it from the course website. The midterm and final exams will not be found on the course website. Completed assignments and midterm exams should be handed in during class hours, unless alternative arrangements are made with Dr. Steve Yu. Graded homework and exam papers will also be returned in class. Outside of class hours, you may pick up graded assignments from Joseph Huang. Please staple all work. Web Site Handouts, problem sets, answer keys, lecture notes and other useful material for this course may be found at: http://idv.sinica.edu.tw/sfyu/BiophysChem Problem Sets Homework will be handed out during class/recitation on a Friday (see schedule) and usually due 12 days later on Wednesday by 10:00 a.m. Solutions will be given out by Friday of the same week. Late assignments will be accepted, with the following penalties for a 100-point assignment: 30% if turned in by Thursday 10:00 a.m. following the Wednesday due date; 50% if turned in by Friday 10:00 a.m. following the Wednesday due date; 70% if turned in by Monday 10:00 a.m. the following week; 90% if turned in by Tuesday 10:00 a.m. the week later; 100% if turned in after Wednesday 10:00 a.m. of the second week. All homework must be turned in. Failure to do so will result in a grade of “F” or “I”. Page 2 of 4 CLASS SCHEDULE HO = Homework handed out, HD = Homework due, MT = Midterm W Sep 16 Organization. Molecular diffusion. Passive transport across membranes. W F Sep 18 Transporters and ion channels. F W Sep 23 Diffusion coefficients and frictional coefficients. Gel electrophoresis. F Sep 25 Sedimentation. (HO-1). W Nov 25 W Sep 30 Random Walk. Measurements of diffusion coefficients F Nov 27 F Oct 2 Recitation 1. W Dec 2 W Oct 7 Rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions. Temperature dependence of rate constants. (HD-1). F Dec 4 F Oct 9 W Oct 14 F Oct 16 W Oct 21 F Oct 23 W Oct 28 F Oct 30 W/F Nov 4/6 Enzyme kinetics. W/F Nov 11 Nov 13 Nov 18/20 W Dec 9 Methods of rapid and ultra-fast kinetics. I Methods of rapid and ultra-fast kinetics. II (HO-2). . Kinetics of protein folding and unfolding. F Dec 11 W Dec 16 F Dec 18 Recitation 2. W Dec 23 F Dec 25 W Dec 30 M/F Jan 4-8 Introduction to spectroscopy. Interaction of light with matter. Classical description of absorption and dispersion. (HD-2). Interaction of light with matter. Classical versus quantum description. Midterm week. (MT due Nov 6). Elements of quantum mechanics. Principles of chemical bonding. Selection rules. Electronic spectroscopy of biological chromophores. No class. IR and Raman spectroscopy. Total attenuated FTIR. Spontaneous emission of light. Fluorescence and phosphorrescence. (HO-3). Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Recitation 3. Spectroscopy of interacting chromophores. Exciton interaction. Hypo- and hyper-chroism. (HD3). Polarized light. Circular dichroism and optical rotatory dispersion. Electron spin and paramagnetic resonance. Spin labeling. Nuclear magnetic resonance. Nuclear spin relaxation. (HO-4). Multi-dimensional NMR in solution. Protein structural determination in solution. Recitation 4. Modern mass spectroscopy. Single-molecule methods. (HD-4). Final week. (Final due 4 p.m. Jan 8th. (23 lectures, 4 recitations, 4 problem sets, 1 midterm, 1 final) Page 3 of 4 Reading Assignments Kensal E. van Holde, W. Curtis Johnson, and Pui Shing Ho, “Principles of Physical Biochemistry” (Second Edition 2006), Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458 Chapter 5. Methods for the separation and characterization of macromolecules Chapter 6. X-ray diffraction Chapter 7. Scattering from solution of macromolecules Chapter 8. Quantum mechanics and spectroscopy Chapter 9. Absorption spectroscopy Chapter 10. Linear and circular dichroism Chapter 11. Emission spectroscopy. Chapter 12. Nuclear magnetic resonance Chapter 15. Mass spectrometry of macromolecules Chapter 16. Single-molecule methods Page 4 of 4