Core Competencies for Effective Not-for

Core Competencies for Effective Not-for-Profit
These competencies are the culmination of research conducted by Seattle
University in the Masters Degree program in Non-for-Profit Leadership.
This research is helpful to individuals who want to assess their own
strengths and weaknesses, to create personal development plans, and/or
discuss such issues with their governing Boards.
The competencies fall into 7 categories as follows:
Uses effective personal and interpersonal behaviors
Creates a vision and establishes direction
Manages the organization
Creates and maintains a client focus
Builds a competent, diverse and empowered workforce
Encourages external cooperation and understanding
Develops resources
Within each category are listed core competencies that are listed in priority
order as indicated by the research. On the following pages, definitions of
each core competency are provided.
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1. Possesses self awareness: Knows personal strengths and weaknesses; values self
understanding; solicits feedback and coaching from others; actively works on personal
growth and development; acquires new skills and abilities to meet demands of changing
situations; accepts accountability for own behavior; acts swiftly to accept responsibility and
corrects errors
2. Exudes integrity: Engenders trust in others through direct and truthful interactions; keeps
confidences; honors commitments; trusts others; performs with obvious integrity; interacts in
a forthright and open manner
3. Demonstrates maturity: Accepts accountability for own behavior; learns from personal
mistakes; acknowledges own contribution to a problem; acts swiftly to accept responsibility
and corrects errors
4. Exhibits deep commitment: Shows passionate commitment to the organization; projects
devotion to achieving the organization’s goals
5. Acts on Values: Commits to the common good; adheres to an ethical set of core values
and beliefs; expresses and acts consistently on theses core values/beliefs; understands and
communicates the unique tradition and role of the non profit sector; practices what is
6. Uses good humor: Possesses a positive and constructive sense of humor; laughs at
him/herself and others; uses humor appropriately
7. Inspires others: motivates and touches the spirit of others in ways that matter; values
emotions as much as ideas; compels attention of others
8. Listens actively: Listens genuinely; resists dominating discussion; makes others
comfortable to stimulate conversation; possesses the patience required to “hear” people
out”; restates accurately the opinions of others, even when in disagreement
9. Communicates effectively: Expresses self clearly with all types of individuals and
audiences; minimizes “status barriers”; creates an environment conducive to open, honest
and accurate exchange; listens genuinely; exercises superior oral and written skills
10. Lives holistically: Practices a conscious and healthy balance between work and personal
life regardless of ambitions; models this balance for others
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1. Establishes compelling purpose: Creates and communicates an inspiring vision and
sense of organizational purpose; develops mission statement that articulates vision and
appeals to the heart and spirit of key stakeholders; cultivates shared goals; rallies support for
those goals
2. Advances the mission: Creates and communicates an inspiring vision and sense of
organizational purpose; rallies support for those goals; builds an organizational culture that
ensures the mission drives the organization; establishes and espouses a guiding philosophy
and core values in support of the mission; focuses attention and resources on strategies
employed to uphold mission
3. Produces quality programs: ensures that sound programs and serves are developed and
aligned to achieve the organization’s mission and strategies; establishes priorities to guide
programs; directs resources to priorities
4. Maximizes functions of Board: Constructs Board membership to create strong mix of
talents and expertise needed to meet current and emerging organizational needs; involves
Board in setting direction; clarifies and reinforces the division of roles and responsibilities
between the Board and CEO/staff
5. Thinks strategically: Senses trends impacting the agency’s future environment; dares to
think big and is willing to stretch the organization; sees the possibilities inherent in new ideas,
practices and services; positions organization to benefit from new opportunities; focuses
primarily on long-term solutions instead of quick fixes; understands fully the resources
required for the agency’s operational and capital purposes
6. Acts decisively: Makes good decisions; encourages lively debate and diverse opinions to
improve quality of decision making; acts—even without total information; accepts
responsibility for decisions; acts swiftly to accept responsibility and corrects errors
7. Masters change: Anticipates, initiates and responds well to change; views change as an
opportunity; manages the organization’s understanding of change; builds commitment for
tough choices to cope with change
8. Favors innovation: Commits to continuous innovation and improvement; exhibits keen
judgment about which creative ideas and suggestions will work; fosters creativity in others;
facilitates brainstorming
9. Understands the industry: Cultivates broad, up-to-date knowledge of the field in which the
organization operates; gleans technical and functional knowledge necessary to direct the
organization; accesses and uses other expert resources when appropriate
10. Take long-term view: Focuses primarily on long-term solutions instead of quick fixes;
perseveres; maintains clear sense of purpose and direction over time
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1. Organizes effectively: Possesses superior organizing ability; marshals resources to get
things done; lays out work in a well planned way; delegates responsibilities and tasks clearly
2. Puts quality first: Establishes environment and processes leading to continuous
improvement; understands total quality concepts and techniques and leads organization in
implementing them
3. Structures the system: Structures the organization to achieve integration, cooperation and
efficiency; establishes appropriate policies, practices and procedures to ensure coordination
among all parties and parts of the organization; fine-tunes the mechanics on a regular basis
4. Plans realistically: Develops short and long range plans that are comprehensive, realistic
and effective in meeting goals; integrates planning efforts across work units; institutes way if
translating agency plans into targets and standards which guide the work of each employee
5. Budgets strategically: Manages the budgeting process so that resources are devoted to
top priorities; develops realistic budgets that can be responsive to changing circumstances;
involves Board and staff in budget process (including developing fundraising plans) to
ensure their understanding of and commitment to budget allocations and constraints;
develops effective short-term and long-term strategies for obtaining the appropriate mix of
resources needed
6. Manages finances soundly: Institutes sound accounting, investment, property
management, financial control and reporting policies and procedures; anticipates financial
challenges and works with others to select and implement successful ways to meet the
7. Keep the Board on board: Helps Board operate well through effective processes and
policies; supports them in carrying out their roles; keeps them informed; provides them with
the information needed to make timely and wise decisions; involves Board in setting
direction; clarifies and reinforces the division of roles and responsibilities between the Board
and CEO/staff
8. Designs good information systems: Creates effective management information systems
to monitor the status of people, programs and resources; establishes effective processes for
storing, retrieving and updating information to support the organization’s functioning; makes
appropriate use of technology
9. Evaluates efforts: Knows what to measure and how to measure it; defines both
quantitative and qualitative measures of the organization’s success; gives and receives
feedback on the quality of products and services; uses data for improvement; documents
and evaluates results; communicates results effectively to internal and external audiences
10. Manages risk well: Ensures sound risk management; establishes necessary policies,
practices and procedures to prevent and/or respond to safety and legal issues; stays
abreast of laws affecting non profit operations
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1. Puts people first: Builds an organization that cares about the people it serves and acts
with the client in mind
2. Respects the individual: Treats all customers with respect and ensures that services are
provided to effectively respond to the cultural, ethnic and socioeconomic diversity in the
community served
3. Understand the need: Knows his/her internal and external customers and understands
what is important to them; clearly articulates how the organization is meeting their need or
4. Heeds client feedback: Encourages and listens to client feedback; uses this feedback to
improve the organizations’ management and the effectiveness of services; measures client
satisfaction regularly; shares assessments with staff, Board and funding sources; commits to
developing integrated services that meet the total needs of clients; promotes cooperation
and collaboration with other organizations to achieve service integration
5. Establishes credibility: Establishes and maintains effective communications and
relationships with clients; gains their belief in the organization
6. Anticipates clients’ needs: Foresees client requirements; develops processes to revise
services to respond to changing situations
7. Solves Problems: Acts swiftly to solve client problems; responds to client inquires in timely
8. Integrates services: Commits to developing integrated services that meet the total needs
of clients; promotes cooperation and collaboration with other organizations to achieve
service integration
9. Insists on accountability: Measures client satisfaction regularly; shares assessments with
staff, Board and funding sources
10. Advocates for clients: Speaks on behalf of clients to internal and external audiences
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1. Empowers the individual: Encourages and empowers others to succeed; shares both
responsibility and accountability; supports employees to take responsible risks; creates a
blame-free environment
2. Promotes teamwork: Fosters esprit de corps; encourages formal and informal
cooperation; assembles effective teams; knows when to use teams; inspires others to create
teams; structures the organization to achieve integration, cooperation and efficiency;
integrates planning efforts across work units
3. Strives for excellence: Creates a passion for excellence in others; elevates morale by
making everyone feel their work is important and recognizes their contributions; rewards
achievement and superior performance; celebrates accomplishments; seeks and hires
strong and talented staff; values diversity at all levels; operates with openness and
receptivity to employee feedback on how to better lead the organization
4. Cultivates potential: Coaches and develops others; builds commitment to a learning
environment; assesses and communicates the strengths and development needs of
employees; provides growth opportunities; helps others discover and fulfill their potential;
shares expertise
5. Advocates diversity: Values diversity at all levels of the organization; see the organization
benefiting from diversity in experience, background and perspective; hires variety and
diversity; ensures equal and fair treatment of others
6. Attracts talent: Seeks and hires strong and talented staff; assembles appropriate mix of
styles and skills among staff; assesses staff performance accurately and regularly
7. Brings forth the best in Board: Constructs Board membership to create strong mix of
talents and expertise needed to meet current and emerging organizational needs; pays
attention to building the knowledge, commitment and skills of the Board; makes serving on
the Board fun and desirable; involves the Board in sharing successes
8. Establishes fair practices: Sets appropriate human resource policies and procedures
including equitable approaches to compensation and benefits; knows and observes
personnel rules, laws and regulations; sees that all employees receive regular and candid
performance reviews
9. Develops dedicated volunteers: Recruits and manages volunteers effectively; regards
them as a vital resource for the organization; builds their commitment to the organization;
gives ample rewards and recognition; helps develop volunteers’ skills and abilities
10. Tailors managerial style to the situation: Marshals resources to get things done; makes
appropriate choices between directing, coaching, supporting and delegating as the situation
warrants and as the needs of employees change; operates with openness and receptivity to
employee feedback on how to better lead the organization; provides growth opportunities;
helps others discover and fulfill their potential; encourages and empowers others to
succeed; assesses and communicates the strengths and development needs of employees
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1. Promotes mutual understanding: Represents the organization to the community and the
community’s interests to the organization accurately, fairly and regularly
2. Maximizes policy making processes: Understands the public policy making process;
builds coalitions and articulates opinion to shape public policies that are beneficial to the
organization and those it serves; engenders the trust and respect of policy makers
3. Builds Community: Commits to building community and interdependence; promotes
effective relations among diverse racial, political and socio-economic groups; facilitates
cooperation between the private, for-profit, public, and not-for-profit sectors; promotes winwin situations; encourages cooperation and collaboration as appropriate; negotiates conflict
4. Possesses political savvy: Moves adeptly in complex political and social circles;
maintains sensitivity to how people and organizations function; gets things done through
both informal and formal channels; builds rapport with key players
5. Masters use of media/PR: Presents information to the media in a highly skills fashion;
responds effectively to challenging questions; provides responses in proper format for each
medium; creates personal networks and maintains good relations with key media players;
knows how to develop and implement an effective PR strategy to foster widespread
understanding of the organization
6. Practices good PR: Knows how to develop and implement an effective PR strategy to
foster widespread understanding and support of the organization’s programs and activities;
uses public relations to establish and maintain the organization’s credibility
7. Fosters collaborations: Encourages cooperation and collaboration with other
organizations; seeks ways to improve services and reduce costs through cooperative
efforts; hares expertise with others to achieve partnerships; organizes and operates
partnerships effectively
8. Engenders rapport among peers: Values and builds peer relationships based on respect,
trust, and mutual support; pushes for the common good while representing his/her
organization’s interests; acts with fairness toward other groups
9. Resolves conflict constructively: Promotes win-win situations; negotiates conflict
effectively among different constituencies and interest groups; bargains with competing
interests in a fair and skillful manner
10. Speaks and writes influentially: Exercises superior oral and written skills to generate
support for the agency’s goals and programs
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1. Thinks comprehensively: Understands fully the resources required for the agency’s
operational and capital purposes and the array of public and private resource suitable to
meet those needs
2. Takes an entrepreneurial approach: Seizes new opportunities; pursues creative ideas;
adapts to setbacks; marshals the people, time and contacts to raise necessary funds
3. Negotiates effectively with funding sources: Maintains integrity of the organization’s
mission, values and programs while helping funding sources achieve their aims; views
relationship with funders as a partnership involving mutual reciprocity
4. Develops effective plans: Involves the Board and staff in developing annual and multipleyear fundraising plans; develops effective short-term and long-term strategies for obtaining
the appropriate mix of resources needed
5. Understands the marketplace: Knows the realities of a competitive marketplace;
possesses superior skills in marketing the organization’s mission and services in that
6. Builds personal ties: Engenders the trust and respect of donors and those heading key
private and public sources of support; cultivates future support by developing personal
relations with potential donors; maintains an effective network of fundraising mentors and
advisors to assist with resource development
7. Assures stewardship: Establishes routine processes to support fundraising; marketing
and documentation of compliance with requirements of all funders and donors; maintains
accountability; uses contributions as they were intended to be used; ensures ethical
behavior in all aspects of resource development
8. Publicizes gifts: Crafts a creative and effective strategy for publicizing and recognizing
those who fund and support the organization on both a one time and continuing basis
9. Forges alliances when appropriate: Develops and implements cooperative approaches to
fundraising and joint ventures when suitable; maintains an appropriate balance between
cooperating and competing with other organizations
10. Knows the fundraising process: Possesses good fundraising acumen; keeps abreast of
current and emerging policies, practices and trends; is creative in acknowledging and
publicizing gifts; develops annual and multi-year fundraising plans; maintains an effective
network of fundraising mentors and advisors to assist with resource development
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