
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Quick links:
What is an Endangered Species?
Sizing Up Species
Seasons in the Woods
Butterflies and Blooms
Endangered Species Bingo
Marvellous Mini-beasts – Design a Species
Dinner at the Reef
Adaptation – Design a Species
Temperate Rainforest in the Pacific Northwest
Species Symmetry
Animals Over Winter
Species Discovery
Web of Wildlife
Endangered Animal Easter Eggs
ARKive School Museum
Turtle Life Cycles
African Animal Maths
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
What is an Endangered Species?
Learning outcomes:
Students will learn what an endangered species is, why species
are becoming endangered, where endangered species can be
found and what can be done to help.
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds but many of the themes also fit with the KS1 Curriculum so
it could be used with the upper KS1 students with more guidance.
Key Stage 1 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Planning (a, b)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (g)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (j)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Humans and other animals (a, b, e, f)
 Variation & Classification (b)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c)
Key Stage 2 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Ideas and evidence in science (a)
 Planning (b)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (f, h)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (I, j, l, m)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (c)
 Variation & Classification (c)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Sizing Up Species
Learning outcomes:
Students will learn about the variety of species heights and
lengths while practicing estimation, measurement and
comparison skills.
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds but many of the themes also fit with the KS1 Curriculum so
it could be used with the upper KS1 students with more guidance.
Key Stage 1 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Planning (a, b)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (g)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (h, i, j)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (b)
 Humans and other animals (a, b, f)
 Variation & Classification (b)
 Living things in their environment (c)
Key Stage 2 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Ideas and evidence in science (a)
 Planning (b, c)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (e, f, h)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (I, j, l, m)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (c)
 Variation & Classification (c)
 Living things in their environment (b, c)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Seasons in the Woods
Learning outcomes:
Students explore the concepts of migration, hibernation and
adaptation to the cold in woodland species as mechanisms to
survive the winter. In this activity, students will focus on species
found in Wisconsin’s Northwoods, USA.
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds but many of the themes also fit with the KS1 Curriculum so
it could be used with the upper KS1 students with more guidance.
Key Stage 1 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Planning (a, b)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (g)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (j)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (b, c)
 Humans and other animals (a, b, f)
 Green Plants (a, c)
 Variation & Classification (b)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c)
Key Stage 2 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Ideas and evidence in science (a)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (f, h)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (i, j, l)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (a, b, c)
 Variation & Classification (b, c)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Butterflies and Blooms
Learning outcomes:
Students study the relationships between a selection of summer
flowering plants and the butterflies that depend on them. In this
activity, students will focus on species found in Wisconsin’s
Northwoods, USA.
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds but many of the themes also fit with the KS1 Curriculum so
it could be used with the upper KS1 students with more guidance.
Key Stage 1 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Planning (a, b)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (g)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (i, j)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (b, c)
 Humans and other animals (a, b, f)
 Green Plants (a, c)
 Variation & Classification (b)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c)
Key Stage 2 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Ideas and evidence in science (a)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (f, h)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (i, j, l)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (a, b, c)
 Variation & Classification (b, c)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Endangered Species Bingo
Learning outcomes:
Students are introduced to the definition of an endangered
species and a variety of endangered species around the world via
Endangered Species Bingo.
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds but many of the themes also fit with the KS1 Curriculum so
it could be used with the upper KS1 students with more guidance.
Key Stage 1 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Planning (a, b)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (g)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Humans and other animals (e)
 Variation & Classification (b)
 Living things in their environment (c)
Key Stage 2 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (f)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (i, j, l)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (c)
 Variation & Classification (c)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Marvellous Mini-beasts – Design a Species
Learning outcomes:
Students will learn about different types of mini-beasts and their
various adaptations.
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds but many of the themes also fit with the KS1 Curriculum so
it could be used with the upper KS1 students with more guidance.
Key Stage 1 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Planning (a, b)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (g)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (h, j)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (b, c)
 Humans and other animals (a, b, f, g)
 Variation & Classification (b)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c)
Key Stage 2 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Ideas and evidence in science (a)
 Planning (c)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (f, h)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (i, j, l, m)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (a, c)
 Humans and other animals (e)
 Variation & Classification (b, c)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c, e)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Dinner at the Reef
Learning outcomes:
Students learn about food chains in a marine environment,
predator‐prey relationships and the fine balance of an ecosystem.
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds but many of the themes also fit with the KS1 Curriculum so
it could be used with the upper KS1 students with more guidance.
Key Stage 1 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Planning (a, b)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (g)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (i, j)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (b)
 Humans and other animals (a, b, e, f)
 Variation & Classification (b)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c)
Key Stage 2 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Ideas and evidence in science (a)
 Planning (b)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (f, h)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (i, j, l)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (a, c)
 Variation & Classification (b, c)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c, d, e)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Adaptation – Design a Species
Learning outcomes:
By creating and designing a new species, students will learn how
animals are adapted to survive in different habitats.
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds but many of the themes also fit with the KS1 Curriculum so
it could be used with the upper KS1 students with more guidance.
Key Stage 1 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Planning (a, b)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (g)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (h, j)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (b, c)
 Humans and other animals (a, b, f, g)
 Variation & Classification (b)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c)
Key Stage 2 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Ideas and evidence in science (a)
 Planning (c)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (f, h)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (i, j, l, m)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (a, c)
 Humans and other animals (e)
 Variation & Classification (b, c)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c, e)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Learning outcomes:
Students will learn about the different parts of the plant and what
each part does, as well as about seeds and their different
dispersal methods. They will learn what a plant needs in order to
grow, and how to test the effects of food, light and warmth on
plant growth.
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds but many of the themes also fit with the KS1 Curriculum so
it could be used with the upper KS1 students with more guidance.
Key Stage 1 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Planning (a, b, c, d)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (f)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Green plants (a, b, c)
Key Stage 2 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Ideas and evidence in Science (b)
 Planning (a, b, c, d)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (e, f, h)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (i, j, k, l)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (b)
 Growth and nutrition (a, b, c)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Temperate rainforest in the Pacific Northwest
Learning outcomes:
Students will investigate ecosystems and understand that they
include living and non-living things. Students will develop basic
food chains, and will become aware that plants and animals
depend on each other and on the non-living resources in their
ecosystem to survive. Students will understand that ecosystems
can change through both natural causes and human activities.
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds but many of the themes also fit with the KS1 Curriculum so
it could be used with the upper KS1 students with more guidance.
Key Stage 1 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Planning (a, b, c)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (e, f, g)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (h, j)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (a, c)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c)
Key Stage 2 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Ideas and evidence in Science (a, b)
 Planning (a, b)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (e, f)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (i, j, l, m)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (a, b, c)
 Living things in their environment (a)
 Adaptation (b)
 Feeding relationships (d, e)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Species Symmetry
Learning outcomes:
Develop students' understanding of reflective symmetry while
they practice their drawing skills to complete the reflections of
some amazing animals. Students must reflect the animal shapes
along a mirror line, using the grid lines provided. Tie in spooky
symmetry and seasonal symmetry to key calendar events, or use
year-round for some symmetrical fun!
Key Stage 2 - Mathematics
Ma3 Shape, Space and Measures
Understanding properties of shape
2c. make and draw with increasing accuracy 2D and 3D shapes and patterns; recognise reflective
symmetry in regular polygons; recognise their geometrical features and properties including angles,
faces, pairs of parallel lines and symmetry, and use these to classify shapes and solve problems
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Animals Over Winter
Learning outcomes:
Students explore the different survival strategies animals in
temperate regions employ in order to survive through the winter
and compare these strategies to adaptations exhibited by animals
in the Polar Regions.
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds but many of the themes also fit with the KS1 Curriculum;
with more guidance this activity may also be suitable for use with upper KS1 students.
Key Stage 1 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Planning (a, b)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (e, f, g)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (h, j)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (c)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c)
Key Stage 2 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Planning (a, b)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (e, f, h)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (j, l, m)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (c)
 Living things in their environment (a)
 Adaptation (b, c)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Species Discovery
Learning outcomes:
Explore some of the world’s newly discovered species and
introduce students to the concepts of classification, using keys,
variation and biodiversity. Challenge students’ understanding of
classification with two newly discovered species classification key
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds but many of the themes also fit with the KS1 Curriculum;
with more guidance this activity may also be suitable for use with upper KS1 students.
Key Stage 1 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Planning (a, b, c)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (e, f, g)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (h, i, j)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Variation and classification (a, b)
Key Stage 2 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Planning (a, b, c)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (e, f)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (i, j, k, l, m)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Variation and classification (a, b, c)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Web of Wildlife
Learning outcomes:
Do you know what links a lion, an orca and a barn owl? Test your
knowledge with ARKive’s Web of Wildlife and discover what eats
what in the natural world. Explore food chains and feeding
relationships in a variety of habitats, from British woodlands to the
African savannah.
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds but many of the themes also fit with the KS1 Curriculum;
with more guidance this activity may also be suitable for use with upper KS1 students.
Key Stage 1 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Ideas and evidence in science (a, b)
 Planning (a, b, c)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (e, f)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (i, j, k, l, m)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (c)
 Living things in their environment (b, d, e)
Key Stage 2 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Ideas and evidence in Science (a, b)
 Planning (a, b)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (e, f)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (i, j, k, l, m)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (c)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, d, e)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Endangered Animal Easter Eggs
Learning outcomes:
Get crafty this Easter with our hands-on Endangered Animal
Easter Egg activity. Using ARKive’s vast treasury of images and
videos, students research their favourite endangered species and
identify key features and characteristics, then decorate an egg
using the images as inspiration.
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds but many of the themes also fit with the KS1 Curriculum;
with more guidance this activity may also be suitable for use with upper KS1 students.
Key Stage 1 – Art and Design
Knowledge, skills and understanding
 Exploring and developing ideas (a, b)
 Investigating and making art, craft and design (a, b, c)
 Knowledge and understanding (a, b)
Breadth of study (a, c)
Key Stage 2 – Art and Design
Knowledge, skills and understanding
 Exploring and developing ideas (a, b, c)
 Investigating and making art, craft and design (a, b, c)
 Knowledge and understanding (a, b)
Breadth of study (a, c)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
ARKive School Museum
Learning outcomes:
Students will explore the life cycles of different groups of animals
and plants. Students will discover that animals from the same
groups will have similarities in their life cycles, and will compare
and contrast life cycles of animals and plants. By focusing on the
life cycle of the green turtle, students will learn about the different
stages within a life cycle and the threats faced at each of these
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds but many of the themes also fit with the KS1 Curriculum;
with more guidance this activity may also be suitable for use with upper KS1 students.
Key Stage 1 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Ideas and evidence in science (a)
 Planning (a, b, c, d)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (e, g)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (h, j)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (a, b, c)
 Humans and other animals (e)
 Variation and classification (b)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c)
Key Stage 1 - Citizenship
Knowledge, skills and understanding
 Developing confidence and responsibility and making the most of their abilities (b, e)
 Preparing to play an active role as citizens (a, b, c, e, g)
Breadth of opportunities (c, e, g, h)
Key Stage 2 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Ideas and evidence in Science (a, b)
 Planning (a, b, c, d)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (e, f, h)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (i, l, m)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (a, b, c)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c)
Key Stage 2 - Citizenship
Knowledge, skills and understanding
 Developing confidence and responsibility and making the most of their abilities (a, c)
 Preparing to play an active role as citizens (a, e)
Breadth of opportunities (a, c, d, e, h)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Turtle Life Cycles
Learning outcomes:
Students will explore the life cycles of different groups of animals
and plants. Students will discover that animals from the same
groups will have similarities in their life cycles, and will compare
and contrast life cycles of animals and plants. By focusing on the
life cycle of the green turtle, students will learn about the different
stages within a life cycle and the threats faced at each of these
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds but many of the themes also fit with the KS1 Curriculum;
with more guidance this activity may also be suitable for use with upper KS1 students.
Key Stage 1 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Ideas and evidence in science (a)
 Planning (a, b, c)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (e, g)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (h)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (b, c)
 Humans and other animals (f)
 Variation and classification (b)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c)
Key Stage 2 - Science
Sc1 Scientific enquiry
 Ideas and evidence in Science (a, b)
 Planning (a, b)
 Obtaining and presenting evidence (e, f, g)
 Considering evidence and evaluating (i, j, k, l)
Sc2 Life Processes & Living Things
 Life processes (a, b)
 Green plants (d)
 Living things in their environment (a, b, c)
Curriculum links: 7-11 year olds
Handling Data: African Animal Maths
Learning outcomes:
Students will explore measurement data for a range of species
found in the African savannah. Students will identify the data
necessary to fill in a table, and will then use the data in this table
to construct and interpret bar charts for a range of different
measurements (height, length, weight).
This activity was designed for 7-11 year olds.
Key Stage 2 – Mathematics
Ma4 Handling Data
 Knowledge, skills and understanding
o Problem solving (a, c)
o Communicating (f, g)
o Reasoning (h)
 Processing, representing and interpreting data (a, b, c, f)
 Breadth of study
o Knowledge, skills and understanding (e, f, h)