Introduction to Business Systems Analysis

Introduction to Business Systems Analysis
Instructor’s Manual
Section Five Support
Section Overview
1. List of Objectives
Maintaining Information Systems
No computer system once implemented remains unaltered through the rest of its working
life. Changes are made, and maintenance is undertaken. The point at which
implementation is finished and maintenance begins is not always clear. At some point,
the new system—available, being used, and processing data—must be declared
implemented, even if it is not yet perfect. At some point, the providers of the system and
the buyers of the system must agree that the system has, in fact, been delivered, and sign
some agreement to that effect. The “sign off” or “buy off” or “delivery” papers may vary,
but the intent is the same.
Conducting Systems Maintenance
In all computer systems, maintenance is the continuing process of correcting, modifying,
and improving the system. Many organizations define the SDLC to include maintenance
of the systems as one of the phases. Maintenance to a system may become dormant
eventually if there are no changes. Some routine systems continue producing the same
information for years and need no attention until an unexpected program error causes a
production problem. Other systems continue to bubble in a whirlwind of activity that
includes aspects of other phases of the SDLC.
Training and Supporting Users
If users of a computer system are to gain skills and confidence in the computing
infrastructure, training and support must provide the skills and tools to build confidence.
As you have seen, documentation for users is important but not sufficient by itself. Users
need lots of practice and they need a strong support organization to keep the system
running with optimal performance.
Evaluation and Maintenance
The system has been signed off. You are done. Or are you? Your are finished with the
original design and development of the system. But you may be asked to stay on the
system for a period of time to implement the changes that users want and need. These are
probably the same changes that were rejected somewhere in mid-development, when the
users were told to wait until evaluation and maintenance. In virtually every organization
implementing technology, being successful equates to having system maintenance
become the continuing process of evaluating, correcting, modifying, and improving the
entire system.
2. Chapter Summary
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce students to the process of maintaining
information systems, the final phase of the systems development life cycle. This chapter
is not found in many traditional system analysis and design textbooks, even though it is
where a majority of the financial investment in a system occurs. More and more
information systems professionals are devoting their careers to systems maintenance.
Also, as more systems move from initial development into operational use, it is likely that
even more professionals will work in maintenance–related activities in the future. The
chapter links maintenance to the SDLC and describes the four types of maintenance
requests: corrective, adaptive, perfective, and preventive. After describing the types and
costs of maintenance, the chapter describes several managerial issues related to system
maintenance. The chapter concludes by describing the role of CASE in maintenance,
along with a look at training and support of an organization’s computing resources. We
feel that the topics presented in this chapter are very important for students to understand
because they represent the most prominent systems development activity, an activity that
many students are likely to encounter.
3. Problems for Faculty to Assign or Work Through in Class
1.1 Maintenance has been presented as both the final stage of the SDLC (see Figure 5-1)
and as a process similar to the SDLC (see Figure 5-4). Why does it make sense to
talk about maintenance in both of these ways? Do you see a conflict in looking at
maintenance in both ways?
Answer: For a variety of reasons, it makes sense to talk about maintenance as both the
final stage of the SDLC and as a process similar to the SDLC. On the one hand,
maintenance is typically conducted as the final, albeit on–going, step in a properly
conducted SDLC. On the other hand, a properly conducted maintenance stage is like a
microcosm of the SDLC process, complete with its own form of project identification and
selection, project initiation and planning, analysis, and so on. Maintenance is
simultaneously the end of the broader SDLC and a mini–SDLC of its own. It is possible,
natural, and useful for the maintenance stage to exist in this dual form, so there is no
inherent conflict in describing maintenance in this way.
1.2 In what ways is a request to change an information system handled differently from a
request for a new information system?
Answer: For the most part, a request to change an information system is handled much
like a request for a new information system. For example, for a new system request, the
systems personnel must estimate the duration and scope of the project and assess its risk
and feasibility. However, a change request is handled somewhat differently. For instance,
the systems personnel must determine how the requested change will affect the current
system. Also, change requests are often batched together into a maintenance project to
gain some economies of scale and to minimize the frequency of change for users. Thus,
change requests interact with one another, and may be modified to meet conflicting and
complementary needs of different requests. One could argue that for a new information
system the parallel would be that systems personnel must determine how the new
information system will affect and interact with other current information systems and
business processes.
1.3 According to Figure 5-5, corrective maintenance is by far the most frequent form of
maintenance. What can the systems analyst do to reduce this form of maintenance?
Answer: To reduce corrective maintenance the answer is clear: do a better job in
analyzing, designing, coding, and implementing (including testing) new information
systems. There is no better way to reduce the number of repairs to an information system
than to do an effective, thorough job in the development process. Usually the most
expensive errors to correct are those that fix incorrect requirements, so doing a thorough
job in analysis (both requirements determination and structuring) not only reduces the
need for corrective maintenance but also provides the extensive documentation that can
reduce maintenance time. Also, building systems using common tools and languages
makes it easier for a variety of highly–trained maintenance personnel to quickly do their
job. However, there are some problems requiring corrective maintenance that cannot be
avoided or even foreseen. For example, some components (e.g., tape back–up drives)
purchased and installed from a third–party as part of a new information system may later
be found to be defective. A “Murphy’s Law” approach would be to do as good a job as
possible in designing, coding, and implementing the system, and then be prepared for
when the inevitable problems occur.
1.4 What other or additional information should be collected on a System Service
Request (see Figure 5-3) for a maintenance request?
Answer: The intent of a SSR is to briefly state the business problem or opportunity,
along with general ideas of how to address the problem or opportunity. Pine Valley’s
SSR does provide this information. However, the SSR could be modified to indicate the
type of request (maintenance or new system development) being requested. Students will
provide additional recommendations.
1.5 Briefly discuss how a systems analyst can manage each of the six Cost Elements of
Maintenance listed in Table 5.1.
Answer: To manage defects, the first cost element of maintenance, the analyst can better
design, code, and implement the system to try to avoid these defects. The analyst can then
try to prepare for defects, some of which are inevitable. Analysts cannot manage the
customer cost element, but they can lobby for more money or new hires if their customer
base grows too large for them to handle effectively. The only element of control an
analyst has on the customer cost element is during project scoping, at which time an
analyst could argue for decomposition of a project into smaller projects, each with fewer
customers. For the documentation cost element, analysts can work hard with users to
develop high quality documentation that passes strict testing. For the personnel cost
element, analysts might not have much control. However, if they are involved directly in
maintenance tasks, they can work hard and efficiently so that money is not squandered on
maintenance personnel costs. In terms of tools, analysts can participate in a rigorous
cost/benefit analysis for proposed new tools and ensure that only the necessary tools are
purchased for maintenance tasks. In terms of software structure, analysts can work hard
to ensure that software is designed so that it can be more easily maintained. For example,
they can help to develop good system documentation that is likely to be needed for
subsequent system maintenance.
1.6 Suppose you were a librarian. Using an entity-relationship diagramming notation,
describe the database you would need to keep track of the information necessary in
your job. Consider operational, managerial, and planning aspects of the job.
Answer: It is not important which form of E–R diagram students choose; it is more
important that students list the relevant types of information required for a system
librarian to do his/her job well. The entities that the system librarian would be concerned
with include system, baseline modules, and system personnel. Each system would be
comprised of modules, which would have version information, maintenance status,
quality standard status, check in/out status, and build routines. Many entities would have
effective dates, indicating when that object was active; alternatively, date ranges could be
used for a broader set of status indicators for objects, such as planned, designed, coded,
tested, released to developers, and released to customers. The data model would also
show usage activity, so the workload on the librarian can be tracked. Another goal of the
data model would be to show module reuse, much as a bill–of–materials data model
would show product component reuse. Security and controlling access to entities might
be an issue, so systems personnel would have maintenance authority levels for each of
the systems and modules.
1.7 Software configuration management is similar to configuration management in any
engineering environment. For example, the product design engineers for a
refrigerator need to coordinate dynamic changes in compressors, power supplies,
electronic controls, interior features, and exterior designs as innovations to each
occur. How do such product design engineers manage the configuration of their
products? What similar practices do systems analysts and librarians have to follow?
Answer: Product design engineers manage the configuration of their products in much
the same way described in this chapter. They use the equivalent of “baseline modules,”
“build routines,” and “system librarians” to manage changes in their products. In
addition, they use logbooks, extensive note taking, and automated tools, such as project
management software, to manage these changes. In fact, some have argued that the
information systems field has attempted (and rightly so) to become more like the
engineering field in its rigor, discipline, and consistency, hence the term “software
1.8 To measure maintenance effectiveness, what three factors must be measured?
Answer: The three factors are number of failures, time between failures, and type of
1.9 Identify several types of maintenance.
Answer: Four types were identified in your text. The types are corrective maintenance,
adaptive maintenance, perfective maintenance, and preventative maintenance. Corrective
maintenance refers to changes made to a system to repair flaws in its design, coding, or
implementation. Adaptive maintenance refers to changes made to a system to evolve its
functionality to changing business needs or technologies. Changes made to a system to
add new features or to improve performance are perfective maintenance changes.
Changes made to a system to avoid possible future problems are preventive
maintenance changes.
1.10 What is the role of CASE in maintenance?
Answer: CASE can be used during maintenance to change radically the way code and
documentation are updated and modified. An integrated CASE environment enables
analysts to maintain design documents and to utilize code generators to create a new
version of the system automatically. In addition to the general CASE tools, design
recovery tools can be used to create high-level design documents of a program by reading
and analyzing its source code.
4. Testbank
1.1 Match the following terms to the appropriate definitions.
_______ maintenance
_______ corrective maintenance
_______ adaptive maintenance
_______ maintainability
_______ perfective maintenance
_______ configuration maintenance
a. process that assures that only authorized changes are made to the proper software
b. changing a system to take advantage of new opportunities
c. changing a system in response to environmental changes
d. repair of design and programming errors
e. changing or fixing a system
f. ease with which software can be understood, corrected, adapted, and enhanced
e. maintenance
f. maintainability
d. corrective maintenance
b. perfective maintenance
c. adaptive maintenance
a. configuration
Multiple Choice Questions
1.2 The largest systems development expenditure for many organizations is:
a. systems maintenance
b. project planning
c. implementation
d. requirements structuring
1.3 Once an information system is installed, it is essentially in the:
implementation phase
redesign phase
maintenance phase
system renewal phase
1.4 Which of the following is a major activity that occurs during maintenance?
a. coding
b. transforming requests into changes
c. conversion
d. training and supporting users
1.5 All of the following are major activities that occur during maintenance except:
a. transforming requests into changes
b. designing changes
c. implementing changes
d. structuring requirements
1.6 Which of the following is a major activity occurring during maintenance?
a. obtaining maintenance requests
b. transforming requests into changes
c. designing changes
d. all of the above
1.7 An SSR or similar document can be used to:
a. request new development
b. report problems
c. request new system features with an existing system
d. all of the above
1.8 The first phase of the SDLC, project identification and selection, is analogous to the
maintenance process of:
a. obtaining maintenance requests
b. transforming requests into changes
c. designing changes
d. implementing changes
1.9 The SDLC phases of logical and physical design are analogous to the maintenance
process of:
a. obtaining maintenance requests
b. transforming requests into changes
c. designing changes
d. implementing changes
1.10 Which of the following types of maintenance accounts for as much as 75 percent
of all maintenance activity?
a. preventive maintenance
b. corrective maintenance
c. adaptive maintenance
d. perfective maintenance
Changes made to a system to fix or enhance its functionality best defines:
1.12 Changes made to a system to repair flaws in its design, coding or implementation
a. corrective maintenance
b. adaptive maintenance
c. preventive maintenance
d. perfective maintenance
Which of the following typically would be assigned the highest priority?
preventive maintenance
perfective maintenance
corrective maintenance
perfective maintenance
Which of the following maintenance cost elements is the most significant?
software structure
1.15 The ease with which software can be understood, corrected, adapted, and
enhanced best describes:
a. maintenance
b. maintainability
c. adaptability
d. comfort level
Which of the following are cost elements of maintenance?
all of the above
1.17 The lack of thoroughness in documentation and testing caused by the absence of a
formal transfer of responsibility is a disadvantage of:
a. the separate maintenance organizational structure
b. the combined maintenance organizational structure
c. the functional maintenance organizational structure
d. none of the above
1.18 Which of the following is a true statement regarding the role of CASE in
a. A primary objective of using CASE for systems development and
maintenance is to change radically the way in which code and documentation
are modified and updated.
b. When using and integrated CASE environment, analysts maintain design
documents and source code.
c. Although CASE is very beneficial during the first part of the SDLC, it is not as
advantageous during maintenance.
d. none of the above
1.19 Which of the following configuration management tools addresses interrelated
a. source code control
b. version control
c. integrity control
d. revision control
1.20 The process of assuring that only authorized changes are made to a system
a. configuration management
b. consistency management
c. quality management
d. business process reengineering
Which of the following is a more revealing method of measurement?
number of failures
time between each failure
type of failure
none of the above
To measure maintenance effectiveness, you should measure:
the number of failures
the time between each failure
the type of failure
all of the above
1.23 The person responsible for controlling the checking-out and checking-in of
baseline modules for a system that is being developed or maintained is the:
a. code agent
b. systems operator
c. system librarian
d. catalog agent
1.24 Guidelines that list the instructions to construct an executable system from the
baseline source code are called:
a. build routines
b. base routines
c. construction routines
d. reference routines
1.25 Which of the following influences most of the costs associated with maintaining a
a. personnel
b. documentation quality
c. number of latent defects
d. number of customers
1.26 Personnel having a vested interest in effectively maintaining the system and
having a better understanding of functional requirements is the advantage of which
type of maintenance organizational structure?
a. the separate maintenance organizational structure
b. the combined maintenance organizational structure
c. the functional maintenance organizational structure
d. none of the above
Which of the following is not a cost element of maintenance?
all of the above
The SDLC phase of implementation is analogous to the maintenance process of:
obtaining maintenance requests
transforming requests into changes
designing changes
implementing changes
Which of the following is a type of maintenance?
all of the above
1.30 Modifying a system to reflect changes environmental changes is referred to as:
a. corrective maintenance
b. adaptive maintenance
c. preventive maintenance
d. perfective maintenance