Week Briefing 2015 - University of Wolverhampton

15 September 2015
Remember: ALL students (new and returning) who’s courses start on Monday 5th
October must be fully enrolled by Monday 12th
Please check with every student you speak to that they have done so – if not remind them
this should be their priority
This briefing document seeks to provide key colleagues with information about activities and processes for
new and returning students in October 2015.
If you have any queries or would like further information about these briefing notes please contact either:
Kirsty Jones
Jon Elsmore
Head of Student Experience Projects
Dean of Students
extn. 1834
extn. 3335
It is essential that students are given the correct information on arrival and welcome to assist with “settling
in” and creating a positive first impression. Please do not assume that it “will be the same as last year”.
Please read this briefing document carefully and pass this information onto colleagues as necessary.
Thank you.
Information About Enrolment Processes
As in previous years, new students will all be encouraged to enrol online via e:Vision (including activation of
their IT Account), and to upload a photograph for their University ID Card (see section 3.0) in advance of
arriving at the University.
Enrolment Assistance:
Students who do not have a
boarding pass may get one printed
at Student Centres.
Best Mates1 will be located in Learning Centres and Social Learning
Spaces at City and Walsall to provide basic assistance with enrolment
queries, photo uploading etc. Students experiencing further
problems should be directed to their local Student Centre
Students will be required to print a Welcome Week “Boarding Pass” at the end of the enrolment process.
When printed, the Boarding Pass will display the individual student number, photograph, Faculty, fee status,
mode of attendance, course and a unique bar code. Details of the first induction session are also included,
where available.
The “Best Mates” are the Students’ Union provided team of volunteer helpers who will be available throughout the
week offering peer support, general information and social activities.
Further details of activities are available at the Welcome Week Webpages on www.wlv.ac.uk/welcome
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All new Home & EU students will be required to present their boarding pass for checking.
(See Section 2.1 for specific information for International Students)
Arrangements for new students –
Home & EU
Students should go to their
Student Centre
“Remember to bring your University Boarding Pass and proof of your
identity (for example Passport or Driving Licence)”
Monday to Friday – 9am-5pm - until Friday 2 October
Saturday 26 September – 10am-4pm – MX Student Centre
Sunday 27 September – 10am-4pm – Walsall welcome trailer
Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 October – 10am-4pm – MI Student Centre
Saturday 10 October (Open Day) – 10am-3pm – MX Student Centre
Monday 5 to Monday 12 October - 9am-6pm (MI and Walsall),
8.30am-6pm (MX), 9am-5pm (Telford and Burton)
New students will also receive a University welcome wallet containing useful information including support
services literature.
Faculties will be providing new students with a USB and lanyard and an ID card holder – these will not be
provided by Learning Centres or Student Centres.
For staff helping new students:
Details of the step-by-step enrolment process for new students are available to view under the “Before you
arrive” section of welcome pages - www.wlv.ac.uk/welcome .
Colleagues can identify the current stage of student enrolment by checking e:Vision (under Student
Information – Enrolment – Check Enrolment Status):
Prior to enrolling on e:Vision:
Following online enrolment, but prior to ID check:
Tier 4 international students - Following enrolment but not yet submitted
Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) – see section 2.1
Following successful completion of ID check – fully enrolled:
SITS Status
International Students
How to direct international students for enrolment
Students who must enrol at MX Student Centre
Students who can enrol at any
Student centre
Completely new international students
 All EU students (including
ERASMUS exchange)
 If they ask about collecting a Biometric Residence Card (or collecting
a visa) they should have a letter confirming the address of the Post
Office they need to go to for collection. The main Post Office in
 International students
Wolverhampton is on Lichfield Street (inside the Nisa supermarket).
enrolling on a course they
 If they are not sure where to go or have details for a different Post
have already started (i.e.
Office please direct them to MX Student Centre so we can help
enrolling on second/third
year of a degree)
International students starting a new course (but may describe
themselves as ‘returning students’ if they have studied a previous course
– e.g. students progressing from UG to PG courses)
ERASMUS (NON EU) /Study Year Abroad (SYA)/ American Exchange
 Any exchange student on a visa
International students providing new immigration documents
Further details of activities are available at the Welcome Week Webpages on www.wlv.ac.uk/welcome
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International and EU students are offered free English language support as part of their programme. They
must attend one of the following evaluation sessions to determine their level. This is compulsory for Tier 4
English language support evaluation sessions. Students will need to book online
Monday 28 September 2pm MI035
Wednesday 7th October 10am MI035
Tuesday 29 September 10am MI035
Friday 9th October 2pm MI035
Wednesday 30th September 2pm MI035
Wednesday 14th October 10am MX118
Thursday 1 October 10am MI035
International students who need to register with the police can book an appointment for one of the
following sessions. Appointments must be booked in advance online (more info to be announced)
Police Registration sessions (must be booked in advance)
Thursday 15 October
Wednesday 28th October
Thursday 22 October
Thursday 5th November
More information about the international orientation programme is available online
Student ID Cards
Once students have uploaded their photo, completed their enrolment and
identity checking they will be sent a University ID card which includes
pCounter functionality (enabling use of Multi-Function Printers and
Copiers). These cards will be pre-validated and ready for immediate use.
Cards will be produced the next working day after enrolment is completed
(ie after ID check and photo upload) and will be posted to the student’s
contact (term-time) address, so students should receive them approximately 2-3 working days later.
Students may use their boarding pass to access essential facilities (including intersite transport) whilst
waiting for their ID card. If a student has not received their ID card a week after enrolment they should
report to the Learning Centre.
ID Cards for Returning Students:
All returning students should retain their current ID card. This includes students who are starting a new
course (progressing to postgraduate for example). Lost cards can be replaced via Learning Centres.
Orientation and Welcome Weeks
The schedule of activities and events commence on Saturday 26th September with “Moving-in Day” for all
new residents to University accommodation at City Campus and Sunday 27th September for Walsall and
Telford students. Welcome and arrival support will be operating at all campuses; further details are
contained in the.
The Essential Guide to becoming a student is posted out to all new entrants throughout the year with the
welcome letter. For students starting on 5th October a Welcome Programme is also sent. From 14th
September new students will receive a subsequent welcome email from Jon Elsmore which includes details
of the first induction session, and induction programme where this is known).
Further details of activities are available at the Welcome Week Webpages on www.wlv.ac.uk/welcome
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Orientation Week (commencing 28th September) is aimed at new students moving into University and
private accommodation and priority enrolment groups including students with disabilities and international
students. The week is designed to help students find their way around the University and the local area, as
well as meet new friends. Targeted pre-induction sessions will also be taking place this week. All events
and activities are optional. There is no academic induction taking place this week.
Welcome Week Timetable (commencing 5th October)
Through the StartRight Steering Group it was agreed that Faculty Induction Activities would take place
throughout the full days on Monday and Tuesday of this week and each morning on Wednesday to Friday.
This is to ensure that students have a good reason to come onto campus every day and encourage
participation in the full range of activities. Also, see Students’ Union website for details of their Welcome
to Wolves programme.
Referral Cards
Where a member of staff needs to refer a student to someone
else, they are asked to complete a referral card explaining the
students’ query and why they have been referred (this is
particularly useful if a student has been advised to return at a
particular time or on a specific day). This will assist both the
student (who will not need to keep repeating themselves) and
staff (who will have clear reasoning for the student referral).
Referral cards will be available from the Student Centres and
Faculty Offices but if you would like a supply, please contact
Kirsty Jones.
Welcome Points
In addition to the Student Centres further Welcome Points will be available at City & Walsall Campuses.
The Welcome Points will be located –
At City Campus:
Marquee in the courtyard
[9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday]
At Walsall Campus:
Outside WN Building – trailer on the lawn.
[9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday & Tuesday Only]
The Welcome Points will offer directional advice and information (Where should I be? Where am I going?
What should I be doing? Where is the XX building? etc.) to help minimise queues at enrolment points and
student offices to deal with more complex enquiries.
If you would like to join us on social media follow us at:
Thank you in advance for all of your help.
Further details of activities are available at the Welcome Week Webpages on www.wlv.ac.uk/welcome
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