APPLICATION FOR A ROCKY MOUNTAIN ELK FOUNDATION LICENSE PLATE PLEASE NOTE: When applying for a Personalized Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation license plate, the letter suffix representing the attraction must be the last letter on the plate. This only leaves four (4) spaces for a personalized message. The four spaces may be a combination of letters or numbers but cannot conflict with another classification of license. Regular Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation $ 25.00 Personalized Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation $ 45.00 NOTE: You are allowed four (4) spaces for a personalized message. ____ ____ ____ ____ The $25.00 special fee is an (ANNUAL) fee due in addition to the regular license fee. NAME (To agree with certificate of title) Home FIRST Area Code-Telephone Number Area Code-Telephone Number LAST ADDRESS CITY Office MIDDLE STATE ZIP CODE Current North Carolina ______________________ Plate Number ______________________ Driver License # __________________________________ Vehicle Identification Number __________________________________ Year Model Make Body Style Owner's Certification of Liability Insurance I CERTIFY FOR THE MOTOR VEHICLE DESCRIBED ABOVE THAT I HAVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AS REQUIRED BY LAW. _________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINT OR TYPE FULL NAME OF INSURANCE CO AUTHORIZED IN N.C. –NOT AGENCY OR GROUP ______________________________________________________________________________ POLICY NUMBER – IF POLICY NOT ISSUED, NAME OF AGENCY BINDING COVERAGE __________________________________ SIGNATURE OF OWNER _________________________ DATE OF CERTIFICATION To Order: Make checks payable to RMEF and return to: Tim Queen RMEF State Chair 70 Weaverville Hwy, Asheville, NC 28804 Mail or Call: 828-255-0956 Or. Credit Card no. ______________________________ Expiration Date______________________________ Cardholder Name ____________________________ Signature ___________________________________