1 Informal document No. (37th GRB, 19 and 20 September 2002, agenda item 2.1.) Study on Pass-by Noise Testing Methods Incorporating Urban Driving Conditions Test method of N2 category Transmitted by JAPAN 1. Introduction In Japan, urban running conditions have been investigated by using various types of road vehicles with different power to mass ratios, and new acceleration noise test methods have been studied. These studies found that, concerning N2 category vehicles, the noise levels measured by the test methods did not correspond well with the noise levels generated by urban running1),2). Therefore, field measurements concerning urban running conditions and the acceleration noise test according to the ISO proposal were performed by using 4 vehicles of N2 category including a CNG vehicle. In this report, these results are described. 2. Running conditions on urban roads The running conditions were investigated by using 4 vehicles with maximum payload from 2 tons to 4 tons (gross vehicle weight from 4 tons to 8 tons). Table 1 shows the specifications of the test vehicles used in this investigation. Vehicle N2-B is a CNG vehicle and the others are diesel engine vehicles. Figure 1 shows the distribution of the cumulative frequency of the engine speeds when the N2 category vehicles ran on the urban roads. The 95 percentile value of the cumulative frequency of each vehicle is between 0.67 S and 0.77 S (S : rated engine speed), and the average value is 0.71 S. Figure 2 shows the relationships between power to mass ratio and engine speed, and between power to mass ratio and acceleration. In the figure, the data of all vehicles including the data reported in the 36th GRB meeting are indicated. The blue squares indicate the data of the N2 vehicles added at this time. The engine speed and acceleration data of the N2 vehicles are almost on the same curve as the vehicles in the other categories, and this fact also corresponds to the CNG vehicle. 2 3. Test method of N2 category based on the ISO proposal In this study, as the representative values of the noise generated from running vehicles on urban roads, the maximum noise levels in the start and the acceleration running condition were adopted. The calculation method of the maximum noise level has already been reported in the 35th GRB meeting. Figure 3 shows the example of the estimation results of the vehicle speed, the engine speed and the noise levels. From the results, the maximum noise levels have been extracted. The engine speed at line BB (the end of the acceleration period) described in the ISO proposal is 0.65 S to 0.75 S for N2 category vehicles. In this study, the engine speed of 0.71 S at line BB was adopted on the basis of the data obtained from the urban road running. Table 2 shows the test method of each proposal. To examine the relationship between the noise level in the acceleration tests and that in the urban running, the acceleration noise test was conducted on the test track by using 7 vehicles of the N2 category. Table 3 shows the specifications of the test vehicles. Figure 4 shows the relationships between the noise levels measured by the test methods and the maximum noise levels under the start and the acceleration condition on urban roads. Figure (a) shows the results of ECE R51/02 method, and Figure (b) shows those of the ISO proposal in which the engine speed of 0.71S at line BB was adopted for N2 category vehicles. The levels measured by the ECE R51/02 method show poor correspondence with the maximum noise levels at the start and the acceleration running condition on urban roads in all categories. On the other hand, the noise levels measured by the ISO method show good correspondence with the maximum noise levels on urban roads. In the figure, the blue squares indicate the data of N2 category vehicles in which the engine speeds at line BB have been adjusted to 0.71S. Therefore, this method can be applied to the N2 vehicles as well as others. 3 4. Conclusions Noise test method of the N2 category vehicles was studied based on the investigation result of the running conditions on urban roads. From the results, the following conclusions have been obtained. (1) For the N2 category vehicles, the average value of 95 percentile values of the cumulative frequency distributions of the engine speeds on urban roads was 0.71 S. (2) The engine speed of 0.71 S at the line BB was introduced into the ISO proposal. As a result, it was found that the noise levels measured by the ISO test method show good correspondence with the maximum noise levels at the start and the acceleration condition on urban roads. (3) We therefore agree with the German/ISO proposal3) in which the engine speed of 0.70 S to 0.74 S was adopted as engine speed at line BB. (4) The German/ISO test method can be also applied to the CNG vehicle. References 1) Informal document No.6, WP29/35thGRB, 2001 2) Informal document No.2, WP29/36thGRB, 2002 3) TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2002/4 10 July 2002 4 Table 1 Test V ehicle M edium com m ercialvehicle-1 (2t Truck) M edium com m ercialvehicle-2 (2t Truck) M edium com m ercialvehicle-3 (4t Truck) M edium com m ercialvehicle-4 (4t Truck) Vehicles used in urban running test N o. Engine D isplace m ent (cc) N 2-A D iesel 4214 92 / 3200 5M /T N 2-B CNG 3907 88 / 3200 5M /T N 2-C D iesel 8226 154 / 2850 N 2-D D iesel 8226 129 / 2800 M axim um pow er (kW /rpm ) 5 V ehicle m ass (t) Loading conditions P ow er to m ass ratio (kW /t) 2.18 4.27 2.99 5.08 U nladen R ated load U nladen R ated load 42.3 21.6 29.6 17.4 6M /T 8.50 R ated load 18.1 5A /T 3.76 7.89 U nladen R ated load 34.3 16.3 Trans m ission 100% 100% 95 % 90% V ehicle N 2-A 80% 70% 60% N 2-A (D iesel,6M /T) (P /m :21.6 kW /t) 95 % value :0.68 S 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 90% V ehicle N 2-C 80% 70% 60% N2-C(Diesel,6M/T) (P/m : 18.1 kW/t) 95 % value : 0.67 S 50% 40% 30% 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% 0.0 1.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 N orm alized Engine R otation Speed (N /S) 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 N orm alized Engine R otation Speed (N /S ) 100% 95 % 90% 100% 95 % 90% V ehicle N 2-B 80% 70% 60% N 2-B (C N G ,5M /T) (P /m :17.4 kW /t) 95 % value :0.71 S 50% 40% 30% 20% 90% 70% 60% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0% 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.0 N orm alized Engine R otation Speed (N /S) Figure 1 N 2-D (D iesel,5A /T) (P /m :22.4 kW /t) 95 % value :0.77 S 50% 10% 0.0 100% V ehicle N 2-D 80% 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 N orm alized Engine R otation Speed (N /S ) Cumulative frequency distributions of engine speed during acceleration 6 Cumulative Frequency, % Cumulative Frequency, % Cumulative Frequency, % Cumulative Frequency, % Cumulative Frequency, % Cumulative Frequency, % 100% 95 % 90% 1.0 1.1 1.2 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1.0 0.6 2.0 0.4 Japan(Regression Curve of N95) 0.2 M 1(M T,A T) M 1(C V T) M 1(H ybrid) N1 N2 N 2(C N G ) N3 2 0.8 Acceleration, m/s TUV(N2&N3) Engine speed, s 2.5 M 1(M T,A T) M 1(C V T) M 1(H ybrid) N1 N2 N 2(C N G ) N3 1.5 Japan(Regression Curve of A95 at 50km/h) 1.0 0.5 ACEA(N90) ISO Proposal 0.0 0.0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 P ow er to m ass ratio,kW /t 25 50 75 100 125 P ow er to m ass ratio,kW /t (a) Engine Speed Figure 2 0 (b) Acceleration Engine speed and acceleration in urban running (The 95 percentile values) 7 150 175 Vehicle speed, km/h Engine speed, rpm 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 85 Noise level,dB(A) M axim um noise level 80 3rd 4th 2nd V ehicle noise P ropulsion noise Tyre/road noise 5th 6th 75 70 65 60 0 Figure 3 100 200 300 D istance,m 400 500 Estimation results of the vehicle speeds, the engine speeds and the noise levels during the start and the acceleration 8 Table 2 Outline of each test method EC E R 51/02 IS O P roposal This study M edium and heavy vehicles M edium and heavy vehicles M edium vehicles Full-throttle acceleration Full-throttle acceleration Full-throttle acceleration Vehicle front and rear Engine front Engine front Unladen N2,N3: 50 x maximum power (kg) (the extra loading is limited to 75% of the max. weight allowed for the rear axle) M2,M3: unladen weight + 75kg A cceleration start Vehicle front: AA' line Engine front: AA' line Engine front: AA' line A cceleration end Vehicle rear: BB' line Engine front: DD' line (15m behind microphone) Engine front: DD' line (15m behind microphone) D riving m ethod R eference point Loading conditions A pproach speed (V A ) N2: 50 x maximum power (kg) (the extra loading is limited to 75% of the max. weight allowed for the rear axle) M2: unladen weight + 75kg 50km/h or 0.75S, whichever is less V ehicle speed at B B ’line (V B ) Engine speed at B B ’line (N B ) G ear selection When power is less than 225kW, n/2 or higher gear. When power is more than 225kW, n/3 or higher gear (n: total number of gears) R eported values (L R ) LR= measured value Medium vehicles(N2,M2) NB: 0.65S-0.75S Heavy vehicles(N3,M3) NB: 0.85S-0.89S NB: 0.71S Gear nearest 35km/h at 0.65S (N2,M2), 0.85S (N3,M3) When gear is more than 5km/h off target speed: two gears on either side of 35km/h When approach engine rotation speed is less than 1000rpm: higher gear Gear nearest 35km/h at 0.71S When gear is more than 5km/h off target speed: two gears on either side of 35km/h When approach engine rotation speed is less than 1000rpm: higher gear LR= measured value When measurement is taken in two gears: LR=(L1+L2)/2 LR= measured value When measurement is taken in two gears: LR=(L1+L2)/2 9 Table 3 N o. C ategory N 2-1 D iesel N 2-2 D iesel N 2-3 N 2-4 N 2-5 N 2-6 N 2-7 Engine type D iesel N2 D iesel CNG D iesel D iesel Vehicles used in the acceleration tests D isplacem ent M axim um pow er (kW /rpm ) (cc) 4104 4334 5249 6925 3907 4104 8226 91.9 / 3200 90.5 / 3100 103.0 / 3200 177.0 / 2700 88.3 / 3200 91.9 / 3200 128.7 / 2800 10 Transm ission V ehicle m ass (m axim um payload) (kg) 5M /T 2170 (2000) 5M /T 5M /T 6M /T 5M /T 5M /T 5A /T 2610 (2000) 2582 (2000) 3630 (4100) 2910 (2000) 2100 (2000) 3680 (4100) Loading conditions P ow er to m ass ratio (kW /t) U nladen 41.0 50 x m axim um pow er (kW ) 21.2 U nladen 18.7 50 x m axim um pow er (kW ) 20.0 U nladen 38.8 50 x m axim um pow er (kW ) 21.7 U nladen 47.8 50 x m axim um pow er (kW ) 22.4 U nladen 29.6 50 x m axim um pow er (kW ) 20.0 U nladen 42.3 50 x m axim um pow er (kW ) 21.6 U nladen 47.8 50 x m axim um pow er (kW ) 22.4 90 90 IS O P roposal N 2 :0.71S EC E R 51/02 85 Noise level, dB(A) Noise level, dB(A) 85 80 75 M 1(M T&A T) M 1(C V T) M 1(H ybrid) N1 N2 N 2(C N G ) N3 M3 70 65 80 75 M 1(M T&A T) M 1(C V T) M 1(H ybrid) N1 N2 N 2(C N G ) N3 M3 70 65 60 60 60 65 70 75 80 85 N oise levelduring start-acceleration,dB (A ) (m axim um noise levelw hen accelerating from 0 - 60km /h) 90 65 70 75 80 85 N oise levelduring start-acceleration,dB (A ) (m axim um noise levelw hen accelerating from 0 - 60km /h) (b) ISO Proposal (N2 : 0.71S) (a) ECE R51/02 Figure 4 60 Relationships between the noise levels measured by the test methods and the maximum noise level under the start and the acceleration condition 11 90