April 2011 Dear 4-H Families, After waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting, I realized that the 4-H members in Butler County either don’t read the newsletter or don’t care what I call it! So, I came up with the title all by myself. Drum roll please….. Our 4-H newsletter will now be called Clover Comments. In the Clover Comments, I put info 4-H members will need to keep current with events in the county. If you don’t read it, you may miss deadlines you need to meet. Please don’t call the office and tell us you didn’t know something was due! We do our best to get the info out – the rest is up to you! There is a lot of info in this edition of Clover Comments, so read it carefully and follow the directions given. Our big item coming this month is the fairbook revision. Hopefully we will have the books ready to hand out by the leader’s meeting on April 25th. There will be fewer guidelines from us and more responsibility for exhibits on 4-H members and leaders. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Enrollment Fees Pullorium Testing FSQA Training FSQA Testing Sheep/Meat Goat Weigh-in Breeding/Market Beef 4-H’ers for 4-H Rabbit Tatooing Farm Mom of the Year ID Forms Presentation workshop Broiler Chicks IFAA Scholarships Photo Camp Vet Camp at Iowa State Fair Washington County Spring Preview Show 24th Annual Weakland Youth Classic Bucket/Bottle Workshop Community Service Smiles & Thank you’s Intermediate Trip Location of 4-H Livestock Animals Look Who’s Having a Birthday this Month….. Calendar of Events Communications Days Communications Day Entry Form Region 9 Jr. 4-H Camp Region 9 Show Clinic Number of new members by club As always, I’m just a phone call (319) 267-2707 or an email nejensen@iastate.edu away if you have questions or comments. Think Spring – Plan for Fair! ENROLLMENT FEES Leaders have all been sent a copy of kids’ names who have not paid enrollment fees. In some cases this is the whole club! If we do not have the fees paid by the May 1st deadline, those members will be dropped from the system, will not be eligible to show at the county or state fairs and will not be credited with a year in 4-H. Please get these fees paid. If you don’t know if you’ve paid, contact your leader and check it out now. PULLORIUM TESTING Pullorium testing for all poultry can be done at the fair before birds are caged. Cost is $.50 per bird. Must see copy of certification if your birds are tested elsewhere. 4-H’ers for 4-H Please get in your club’s donation by the end of April so we can forward to the state office. We ask $2.75 per member 4th – 12th. Little Clovers do not pay. Clubs that haven’t paid are: Albion Dandy Dozen, Jackson Lucky Clovers, Albion Go-Getters, Coldwater/Dayton Busy Gophers, East Butler Ramblers, West Point Junior Farmers and BCYR. FSQA TRAINING FSQA will be held at the Fennemen Center north of Hawkeye Community College, April 5th from 6 – 8 pm. Please call the office if you intend to attend. Fsqa testing Sarah Hoeft, Bremer County CYC, is offering a testing only FSQA Workshop at the Droste Building on the Bremer County Fairgrounds on Saturday, April 9th from noon – 2 pm. Call the office to sign up. RABBIT TATOOING Kathy Meyer will be at the office to tattoo rabbits prior to May 16th. Please bring all rabbits coming to the fair to be tattooed, unless you have had your rabbits tattooed already. The ID form is due May 16th. Rabbits born after May 16th, will only be allowed to show at the fair if the doe was listed on the ID form. Rabbits still need to be tattooed and entered on the form. FARM MOM OF THE YEAR SHEEP/MEAT GOAT WEIGH-IN Weigh-in will be held Saturday, April 30th from 8 – 10 am. All animals headed to the Iowa State Fair or Ak-Sar-Ben must be retinal scanned. Fee is $2.50 per head for state fair and $5.00 for AkSar-Ben. Call the office to be put on the schedule by April 18th. BREEDING/MARKET BEEF All beef animals MUST BE identified as breeding or market by May 16th. Once the form is in the office, there will be no changes! Do you have the greatest farm mom ever? Nominate her by visiting www.AmericasFarmers.com by May 8th. REMINDER………… ID FORMS All ID forms for breeding beef, dairy, dairy goats, horse and pony, breeding sheep, rabbits and bucket/bottle animals are due to the office on Monday, May 16th. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. VET CAMP AT IOWA STATE FAIR Presentation workshop Bremer County is offering a Presentation Workshop on Saturday, April 2nd from 2 -4 pm. Please call 319/882-4275 to register and learn how to make your presentations better! The workshop will be held at the Bremer Extension Office. Vet Camp at the Iowa State Fair will be offered August 12-15th from 1-3 pm daily for ages 1018. The camp is FREE with paid admission. For more information and to register contact – ebrewer@iastatefair.org. WASHINGTON COUNTY SPRING PREVIEW SHOW This show will be held Saturday, April 16th in Washington, Iowa. For more information contact walkertransport@cloudburst9.net. Broiler chicks Hoover Hatchery is offering 25 chicks for $26.00. If interested, please check out the form in the March newsletter. The form is due April 21st. 24th ANNUAL WEAKLAND YOUTH CLASSIC The 24th annual Weakland Youth Classic show will be held Saturday, May 7th at the Clarke County Fairgrounds in Osceola. All youth under 19 are eligible to show. For more information call Vance Vestweber at 641-443-2311. IFAA WINNER CIRCLE SCHOLARSHIPS The Iowa Foundation for Agricultural Advancement is making 25 scholarships available. Check their website for more information. www.extension@iastate.edu/4H/documents/p ublic2011IFAAScholarships.pdf. Photo camp Photo Camp will be offered at the 4-H Camping Center June 20-22nd for ages 7 – 12. Check their website for an application. www.fourhphotocamp.com. Bucket/bottle workshop This workshop is rescheduled for Saturday, April 30th from noon – 2 pm at the Bremer County fairgrounds. Please let the office know if you will be attending. All Little Clovers are welcome! COMMUNITY SERVICE If your club is looking for a community service project, join the citizens of Clarksville in their clean-up effort May 7th starting at 8:00 am. Smiles & thank you’s A “Big” thank you to all the volunteers who helped at the 4-H Swine Weigh-In. Thank you to all parents who transported 4-H members to FSQA training in February. Thank you to all leaders who attended the goal-setting meeting! Smiles to Dennis Schipper, recovering at home after by-pass surgery. Get well soon, Dennis! A “big” thank you to Deb Steere for putting on the Tote Bag Workshop and for everyone who came to help. A “big” thank you to everyone who came and helped sew pillowcases for Conkerr Cancer! Smiles to Cole Chesnut, Shell Rock, for being selected to attend Boys State, June 12-17. Way to go Cole! Smiles to Jodie Johnson for placing 4th in Creed Speaking at the District FFA contest and selected as an alternate for state contest. Look Who’s Having a Birthday This Month….. Albion Dandy Dozen: Halie Petersen McKenna Tingle Haley Homeister Albion Go-Getters: Grant Truax Duane Johnson Butler BB’s: Shelby Doty Butler County Young Riders: Christine Reyna Courtney Reyna Coldwater/Dayton Busy Gophers: Carter Yerkes Ramsey Kock Greene Golden Eagles: Andrew Morton Jackson Lucky Clovers: Taylor Ackerman Tiffany Ackerman Intermediate trip The trip to Dubuque has had to change dates to June 3rd & 4th. Applications for the camp will be sent out by member request. LOCATION OF 4-H LIVESTOCK ANIMALS Any member who is keeping his/her livestock at a place other than home, needs to let the 4-H and Youth Committee know this by May 15th. Email me at the office or send us a note telling us where the animals are located. NO phone calls please, we need written documentation! Jefferson Livewires: Addyson Clark Monroe Clever Clovers: Molly Benning Emily Folken Frankie Mittag Nicholas Oldenburger Sam Sharp Taylor Tusler Kerri Mohwinkle Shell Rock Rockets: Brayden Feckers West Point Junior Farmers: Austin Codner Nancy Jensen, Butler County CYC PROJECT IDEAS CALENDAR OF EVENTS April: 1 4-H Scholarships due to office 2 Bremer Co. Presentation Workshop, 2-4 pm 1-3 Nancy at Shooting Sports Training 4-H Camp 5 FSQA Training, Fenneman Center, H.C.C. 6-8 pm 9 FSQA Testing, Droste Bldg., Bremer Co. Fairgrounds, noon – 2 pm 10 Regional County Council Retreat at Grundy, 2:30 pm 10 Intermediate Council, 1-2 pm 10-16 National Volunteer Week 16 Show clinic for Region 9, Cattle Congress, 9-3 pm 17 County Council, 2 pm 21 Market Broiler Chick Entry form due 25 Pre-fair Leaders Mtg., 7 pm 30 Sheep Weigh-in, 8-10 am 30 Bucket/Bottle Calf Workshop, Bremer, 12-2 pm May: 1 1 5 7 12 16 16 17 June: 3-4 7 7-8 15 17-18 20 21 22-26 28-30 30 Deadline to add or drop project County Council, 2 pm Farm Safety Day, 9-2 pm Communications Day/Clothing Selection (TBA) Container Garden Class, 6 pm All livestock ID’s due to office Animal locations due to 4-H & Youth 4-H & Youth, 7 pm Intermediate Trip Livestock fair entries due Ricochet Training in Ames, Nancy Day Camp Junior Camp Fair Set-Up, 6 pm Non-Livestock Judging Butler County Fair State Conference, Round-Up, CSI: Crops Day Camp Here are some 4-H record book ideas on Citizenship and Leadership to help you with this year’s project work. Citizenship and leadership are a big part of 4-H and are considered when records are evaluated for project awards. Citizenship is doing something for others. All clubs are encouraged to do a community service project during the year. These projects may be a painting or clean-up project or a donation to a cause. Community service is an example of citizenship. Here are some other ideas: Making cookies for a neighbor or club meeting Making a dress for a younger sister Helping serve a community meal Helping a neighbor with chores without getting paid Giving to 4-H’ers for 4-H campaign Helping plant trees in your community Helping with a painting project Making a poster for a club fundraiser Leading the Pledge of Allegiance at your club Reading during story hour at your library Leadership is when a 4-H’er shares a skill or shows how to do something for another 4-H’er, club or others. Here are some ideas of leadership: Making arrangement for the sports practice facilities Teaching other club members how to complete their record book Being a club officer Being a club fundraising committee member Being a Junior Camp counselor Helping with record information at county sheep weigh-in Helping with scorekeeping at a county volleyball tournament Number of new members by club Albion Dandy Dozen - - - - - - - - - 5 Butler BB’s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Jackson Lucky Clovers - - - - - - - -2 Jefferson Livewires - - - - - - - - - - 0 Monroe Clever Clovers - - - - - - - 5 Shell Rock Rockets - - - - - - - - - - 9 Golden Eagles - - - - - - - - - - - - - -6 Albion Go-Getters - - - - - - - - - - -6 C/D Busy Gophers - - - - - - - - - - -1 East Butler Ramblers - - - - - - - - -2 W.P. Jr. Farmers - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 BCYR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6