Inside SQLXML Virtual Directory Structure
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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................. 1
Welcoming XML Documents into Your Database .............................................. 1
A Brief Introduction to XML for The DBA .................................................... 1
Using XML Views to Create Virtual Documents ................................................ 2
Virtual Document Requirements ............................................................... 3
Matrix for Virtual Document Function Compatibility..................................... 3
Virtual Document Architectural Overview .................................................. 4
FOR XML Queries: The Ultimate Source of Virtual Documents ...................... 4
Leveraging Mapping Schemas to Supercharge Your SQLXML Tier.................. 9
Conclusion .................................................................................................. 15
The software development community has seen many changes in its history, but
database programming paradigms have been stable since the relational model. The
add-ons of increased scalability, binary storage, and replication were all natural
extensions of the same design model. If you wanted a document in a database, you
stored it as a BLOB, a data type image, or as text.
Even in the first and second revolutions of the Internet (TCP/IP and then HTTP), the
axis mundi of an application, the database, kept doing what it had always been
doing: responding to SQL queries and generating result sets. The third revolution of
XML-based Web services brings the Internet much closer to the database and forces
new thinking in terms of what a document is and how it will exist in the next
generation of applications.
This white paper provides an orientation to XML and clarifies the role of XML
documents in the future of Microsoft® SQL Server™ programmability. After a brief
orientation to the context for XML integration with SQL Server, you will learn about
the various technologies required to bring XML into your data tier and ways to
present your existing data as a virtual document. This white paper is intended to be
an introduction to XML for the database professional; it does not encompass all
issues regarding XML integration. After reading the entire white paper, you will have
a better understanding of why XML is coming to your database and what to do to get
your virtual documents rolling.
Welcoming XML Documents into Your
Most database developers have specialized in performance tuning, logical entities,
and a data access API or two. Neither XML nor HTML has had a place in these worlds
and the necessity for a document technology in the data tier is at first confusing. The
Microsoft Windows® DNA programming model for scalability places the onus of
presentation on other layers. Some have argued that XML allows you to do
everything that you could do previously with a recordset but with more complexity
and less speed.
So why change your database to accommodate XML? The answer is that you only
express them in a different form. All of your well-normalized entities, finely tuned
queries and well-groomed indexes will remain intact if you plan properly for XML
The .NET framework includes two major changes: the Common Language Runtime
Environment, which is beyond the scope of this white paper, and the pervasive use
of XML. Whether they build from scratch or integrate shipping technology,
developers will come to your door from all of the projects accessing the database
with needs for several different types of documents.
If you are still in need of a context for where XML will help your development
community, go to
A Brief Introduction to XML for The DBA
If you are already familiar with the basic structures of XML documents and
terminology, you can skip to the next section.
XML has three functional components: the XML document itself, a validating schema,
and any namespaces used within both. Namespaces are a way of declaring nodes
(elements or attributes) that have a specific meaning to an application that will read
the document. Most namespaces are read by the MSXML parser, but SQLXML uses its
own namespaces (these are discussed in detail later). There are many similarities
between a document’s schema and a table’s schema: you can define a data type,
what values are required or optional, and add constraints. In order to generate a
valid document, its structure must obey any rules defined in the schema. The
following is an example of an XML document in which the schema has been included
in the document as an inline schema:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <root>
- <Schema name="Schema1" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data"
- <ElementType name="Employees" content="empty" model="closed">
<AttributeType name="EmployeeID" dt:type="i4" />
<AttributeType name="FirstName" dt:type="string" />
<AttributeType name="lastName" dt:type="string" />
<attribute type="EmployeeID" />
<attribute type="FirstName" />
<attribute type="lastName" />
<Employees xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" EmployeeID="1" FirstName="Nancy"
lastName="Davolio" />
<Employees xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" EmployeeID="2"
FirstName="Andrew" lastName="Fuller" />
<Employees xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" EmployeeID="3" FirstName="Janet"
lastName="Leverling" />
Using XML Views to Create Virtual
To the applications that want to use your data in new ways, you will generate XML
documents based on schemas that are provided. What makes these documents
virtual is that you do not have to use text or image columns for storage. The
documents are virtual because you are creating a view on your existing data that
just happens to wrap your column headers, rows, and tuples into XML encoding, as
opposed to Tabular Data Stream packet recordsets. The ability puts a thin veil over
your database so that any XML-based application will not be able to distinguish your
database’s translation to and from XML, or a SQLXML tier, and a flat file XML stream.
The benefits of using virtual documents as opposed to a persisted flat file include the
No extra storage space is used for creating a final format.
The most recent updates are available on demand.
Security for document access maps directly to SQL models.
Schemas exist independent from the tables and can be modified without affecting
the underlying database schema.
Unless you need an audit trail for a document state, the virtual document model
makes a transparent addition to your database access.
Virtual Document Requirements
There are some mandatory and optional components for managing virtual
documents. With the exception of OPENXML, all XML based programming in SQL
Server uses the ICommandStream object, which was introduced into SQLOLEDB
with version 2.6 of Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC).
Some of the technologies mentioned in this white paper shipped with and apply only
to SQL Server 2000, but others (XML Bulk Load, Updategrams, and XSD support) will
require installing SQLXML 3.0, also known as SQLXML.
Matrix for Virtual Document Function
The following table shows the compatibility levels for different functions.
SQL Server
3.0 or higher
XPath Queries
1.0 or higher
1.0 or higher
Template Queries
1.0 or higher
XML Bulk Load
1.0 or higher
XSD Support
2.0 or higher
Virtual Document Architectural Overview
The following diagram outlines the entire document workflow available using XML in
SQL Server 2000.
Figure 1: Virtual Document Architecture
As you can see, the majority of the virtual document structures eliminate any
references to XML before the SQL command is forwarded to the relational engine.
The only place where the Command that is forwarded to SQL Server has any
indication that the data needs to be in an XML document is in the FOR XML clause.
We will now go into detail about effectively using FOR XML to get the type of
documents you want and how to leverage its power.
FOR XML Queries: The Ultimate Source of
Virtual Documents
SQL Server 2000 introduced revisions to the Transact-SQL language that provide
DBAs and developers an easy method to generate XML documents without having to
master XML: the FOR XML clause.
The FOR XML clause has three basic modes of tokenizing a recordset into an XML
The following sections indicate the type of generic documents you can generate with
each mode of FOR XML.
Virtual Documents from FOR XML RAW Queries
SELECT '<root>';
SELECT TOP 3 EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName FROM Employees FOR XML
SELECT '</root>';
<Schema name="Schema1" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data"
<ElementType name="row" content="empty" model="closed">
<AttributeType name="EmployeeID" dt:type="i4" />
<AttributeType name="FirstName" dt:type="string" />
<AttributeType name="LastName" dt:type="string" />
<attribute type="EmployeeID" />
<attribute type="FirstName" />
<attribute type="LastName" />
<row xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" EmployeeID="1" FirstName="Nancy"
LastName="Davolio" />
<row xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" EmployeeID="2" FirstName="Andrew"
LastName="Fuller" />
<row xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" EmployeeID="3" FirstName="Janet"
LastName="Leverling" />
The example above creates the fastest but most generic XML representation of a
recordset using the RAW mode of a virtual document. It does not have any business
process context unless your schema uses a default row element with column
attributes. When using SQL Server-based virtual directories, your data can be
communicated using HTTP to any XML-savvy application on any platform.
Keep in mind that the XMLDATA keyword is used to generate an XDR-style schema
inline in the same XML document and is not mandatory. You can learn the
relationship between schemas and document structure easier by examining the
document structure as it relates to the schema structure. When you have an
understanding of a SELECT statement with a FOR XML clause, the XML document
that you need you create comes naturally.
Virtual Documents from FOR XML AUTO Queries
SELECT '<root>';
SELECT TOP 3 EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName FROM Employees as
SELECT '</root>';
<Schema name="Schema1" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data"
<ElementType name="EmployeeDetail" content="eltOnly" model="closed"
<element type="EmployeeID" />
<element type="FirstName" />
<element type="LastName" />
<ElementType name="EmployeeID" content="textOnly" model="closed"
dt:type="i4" />
<ElementType name="FirstName" content="textOnly" model="closed"
dt:type="string" />
<ElementType name="LastName" content="textOnly" model="closed"
dt:type="string" />
<EmployeeDetail xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1">
<EmployeeDetail xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1">
<EmployeeDetail xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1">
When an XML schema for a virtual document maps directly to one table or translates
to simple hierarchies, you can use FOR XML in AUTO mode. By default, all columns
show up as attributes on the table name or as a table alias as in the query above.
The ELEMENTS keyword is recognized only by FOR XML in AUTO mode and is an allor-nothing setting for column information displayed as subelements instead of
attributes. This is the most common way to extend existing Transact-SQL-based
views used in existing reports and presentation layers into an XML document form
when the XML schema is being created based on the existing uses of the data.
Virtual Documents from FOR XML EXPLICIT Queries
However, XML document structure is by no means one-size-fits-all. The majority of
migrations to XML-based workflows will present database developers with an existing
XML annotated schema from Microsoft BizTalk™ Server 2000, a DTD rewritten as an
XSD or XDR schema, or some other form of XML specification to which you must
mold your data. Before delving into how the EXPLICIT mode works, you must
understand how SQL Server 2000 builds an arbitrary XML structure.
In a well-formed XML document, all nodes, or elements and attributes, exist in
relationship to one another. The TAG and PARENT columns are used to determine the
unique node location and its parent node respectively. Specific rules govern the
names of the columns and how they will be translated into XML that are covered in
the topic "Using EXPLICIT Mode," in SQL Server Books Online.
SELECT '<root>';
1 as Tag,
E.EmployeeID as [Employee!1!EmployeeID],
NULL as [EmployeeDetail!2!!element],
NULL as [Nickname!3!!element],
NULL as [Surname!4!!element]
FROM (SELECT TOP 3 EmployeeID,FirstName,LastName from Employees) E
2, 1,
E.EmployeeID as [Employee!1!EmployeeID],
NULL as [EmployeeDetail!2!!element],
NULL as [Nickname!3!!element],
NULL as [Surname!4!!element]
FROM (SELECT TOP 3 EmployeeID,FirstName,LastName from Employees) E
3, 2,
E.EmployeeID as [Employee!1!EmployeeID],
NULL as [EmployeeDetail!2!!element],
E.FirstName as [Nickname!3!!element],
NULL as [Surname!4!!element]
(SELECT TOP 3 EmployeeID,FirstName,LastName from Employees) E
4, 2,
E.EmployeeID as [Employee!1!EmployeeID],
NULL as [EmployeeDetail!2!!element],
NULL as [Nickname!3!!element],
E.LastName as [Surname!4!!element]
(SELECT TOP 3 EmployeeID,FirstName,LastName from Employees) E
ORDER BY [Employee!1!EmployeeID]
SELECT '</root>';
<Schema name="Schema1" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data"
<ElementType name="Employee" content="mixed" model="open">
<AttributeType name="EmployeeID" dt:type="i4" />
<attribute type="EmployeeID" />
<ElementType name="EmployeeDetail" content="mixed" model="open" />
<ElementType name="Nickname" content="mixed" model="open" />
<ElementType name="Surname" content="mixed" model="open" />
<Employee xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" EmployeeID="1">
<Employee xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" EmployeeID="2">
<Employee xmlns="x-schema:#Schema1" EmployeeID="3">
In the example above, we have taken the same columns as rows displayed using the
RAW and AUTO mode and presented the rowsets in a form that has complexities in a
mixed child node format (both elements and attributes in one document) and
additional nodes that could not be readily expressed from table entities.
Leveraging Mapping Schemas to
Supercharge Your SQLXML Tier
While FOR XML queries can be written into stored procedures for the benefits of
cached plans for server side execution, the bulk of XML processing will occur off the
database server on Web services. These applications already have XML schemas and
will not need a direct connection to the database for online transaction processing.
User communities will make the business case for some dynamic form of ad hoc
support for the ever-changing interactions between loosely coupled systems. Virtual
documents will require a flexible architecture for XML schemas independent of the
database server.
SQLXML 3.0 uses two different namespaces that can be added as annotations to an
existing schema. The namespace first shipped with SQL Server 2000, "schemasmicrosoft-com:xml-sql", encompasses functionality for transforming any XDR
schema into an XML view of a SQL Server table or view. SQLXML 2.0 introduced
"schemas-microsoft-com:mapping-schema", which extends the XML view capability
for XSD-based schemas. Because an XML schema view is annotated to produce a
view if the mapped tables and columns are in XML form, the terms XML View,
Mapping Schema, and Annotated Schema are used interchangeably, regardless of
which style of XML schema you bring to your database,
XDR-Based Virtual Documents Using XML View Mapper
If you extract the inline references and add some data type information to the
schema from the FOR XML EXPLICIT example output above, you can create the
following schema:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Schema name="Schema1" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data"
<ElementType name="Employee">
<AttributeType name="EmployeeID" dt:type="i4" />
<attribute type="EmployeeID" />
<ElementType name="EmployeeDetail" />
<ElementType name="Nickname" dt:type="string" />
<ElementType name="Surname" dt:type="string" />
In conjunction with the releases of SQLXML is the release of a tool called XML View
Mapper, which creates a development environment for associating elements and
their child nodes with respective database tables and columns. Figure 2 shows how
to drag and drop a view or table from a particular database and link them to an
existing XDR schema.
Figure 2. ViewMapper 1.0 example schema mapping
XML View Mapper performs implicit mapping only when the table and node names
are the same; all other mapping must be accomplished using the interface or the
included XDR Editor. After the database to XML node mapping is complete, the
following annotated schema can be exported and used for creating virtual
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- Generated by XMLMapper.exe XDR Publisher -->
<Schema xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data"
xmlns:dt="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes" xmlns:sql="urn:schemasmicrosoft-com:xml-sql">
<ElementType name="EmployeeDetail" content="mixed" order="many"
<element type="Nickname" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<element type="Surname" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<ElementType name="Nickname" content="textOnly" order="many"
dt:type="string" sql:relation="Employees" sql:field="FirstName" />
<ElementType name="Surname" content="textOnly" order="many"
dt:type="string" sql:relation="Employees" sql:field="LastName" />
<ElementType name="Employee" content="mixed" order="many"
<AttributeType name="EmployeeID" dt:type="i4" />
<attribute type="EmployeeID" required="no" />
<element type="EmployeeDetail" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"
<sql:relationship key-relation="Employees" key="EmployeeID" foreignrelation="Employees" foreign-key="EmployeeID" />
Note that in addition to automatically cleaning up our schema to include some more
specifics about the nature of the XML document, XML View Mapper has added some
elements and attributes from the "schemas-microsoft-com:xml-sql" namespace. The
attributes sql:relation and sql:field correspond to the nodes containing data from
the Northwind database table and column, respectively. The sql:relationship sub
element on the EmployeeDetail element is the equivalent of a JOIN statement
between two different sql:relation element instantiations in a schema. In this case,
a self-join is required in order for our virtual document output. This functionality is
used in several SQLXML tier functions so that you have no code to manage on the
data tier is necessary to create virtual documents.
Virtual Document Queries Using XPath
After you have created a mapping schema, you can treat the data exposed in this
view like any XML document. In the same way that tables are typically accessed with
a SELECT statement with a WHERE clause, XML documents can also be navigated
using a node navigation convention know as XPath. SQLXML allows XPath queries to
run from an HTTP post when using a virtual directory enabled for SQLXML support.
Using the IIS Virtual Directory Management for SQL Server on your Microsoft
Internet Information Services (IIS) server, you can map a virtual directory to a
SQLOLEDB connection string and physical locations for XML schemas. In Figure 3,
IIS is running on the same server as SQL Server 2000, the SQLXML tier is best
scaled on its own Web server.
Figure 3: IIS Virtual Directory Manager for SQL Server
In Figure 3 the virtual directory has been created named vdir that contains
connection information to the local SQL Server to log in to the Northwind database
as SA. This example uses virtual directories named schema and template for storing
respectively mapping schemas and template queries, but in production these folders
can have any name. After you have created the mapping schema and virtual
directory configuration, from any Web browser you can run an XPath query and
return a document. If we save the annotated schema shown earlier as Virtdoc.xdr in
a schema folder exposed as the virtual directory s, you can return the virtual
document from the FOR XML EXPLICIT with the following query:
Because you expect the document to not have a root node, SQLXML provides an
external mechanism for defining a root as needed to ensure a well-formed
document. For details of the parameters available for all Internet-based queries, see
"Executing SQL Statements Using HTTP" in the MSDN Library at
For more information about virtual directory configuration, see the topic "Using IIS
Virtual Directory Management for SQL Server Utility" in SQL Server Books Online,
and the documentation accompanying the Web releases of SQLXML. Virtual Directory
features in caching, query types, and error handling have changed in each Web
In order to build the most efficient mapping schemas, you need to understand how a
virtual document is built from a SQL query. In the examples above, we could write
stored procedures and ad hoc queries and specify the specific order and columns fro
each SELECT that became part of the ultimate UNION and ORDER BY. You can use
SQL Profiler to capture the query generated from the simple XPath Query above,
copy and paste the query into Query Analyzer and see the results of the query
without the FOR XML clause to see how SQLXML creates the virtual document, as
shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. SQL Server Query Analyzer with XPath Query example
Without the definition of an sql:relationship, SQLXML will create a NULL in the
Employee!1!EmployeeID column and the ORDER BY clause will not create the
desired node nesting. There is a wide variety of additional namespace attributes that
can give you very granular control of joins, CDATA sections, nodes with no SQL
mapping and other scenarios. For more information, see the SQL Server Books
Online topic, "Creating XML Views Using Annotated XDR Schemas." SQLXML Books
Online has additional documentation about new mappings and changes for XSD
Template Queries
XPath queries are extremely powerful, but they do require knowledge of the schema
in order to create the correct node navigation pattern and may be a compromise of
security. Additionally, your user community may choose to search on columns that
extend beyond the initial requests for indexes and cause performance problems
associated with suboptimal index structures such as blocking and slow execution
time. Your database is now a virtual document factory and still subject to all of the
rules of good performance tuning as before it entered the brave new world of XML.
In the pre-XML applications, you would use stored procedures to limit user privileges
and performance impact. SQLXML gives you this same power with template queries.
Templates are XML documents that support the "schemas-microsoft-com:xml-sql"
namespace, but for mapping XML nodes to query components instead of database
structures. For example, we can create a Template.xml file that contains the
following XML to only allow access to one employee record at a time while leveraging
the same mapping schema from our XPath query:
<EmployeeSet xmlns:sql="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-sql">
<sql:param name="ID">1</sql:param>
<sql:xpath-query mappingschema="..\schema\virtdoc.xdr">/Employee[@EmployeeID=$ID]</sql:xpathquery>
The sample above introduces the primary features of a template. Beginning with
SQLXML 2.0, you can pass parameters to XPath queries, as defined in the
sql:param element, including 1 as the default value if no parameter is passed in.
Templates require a hard-coded root element, in this case EmployeeSet, because
the entire template must be well formed in order to execute. The mapping-schema
attribute can use local, UNC, or URL based paths, but in this case refers to our
original examples. To execute the template query, save the above XML document in
your template virtual directory as Template.xml and type this URL in your browser:
Template queries map directly to any query batch sent to SQL Server. Conceivably,
you could run any query (DDL, DBCC, etc) in an sql:query element. Template
queries can also include a combination of XPath and SQL-based queries.
This white paper has attempted to encompass the Internet-based uses of SQLXML as
an introduction to SQL Server as a full "Web citizen," capable of generating XML
documents from all data to interact with other tireless applications connected in
loosely coupled systems. You will encounter many scenarios in which you will need
additional tools.
The examples above use Internet integrated workflow, but you can accomplish all
functionality encompassed in virtual directories using ADO-based XML streams. Both
ADO and HTTP-based XPath and template queries offer a speed as opposed to
programming flexibility tradeoff, because virtual directories interact directly with the
OLE DB interface.
Virtual documents are not just for show; they can continue the isolation of data tier
from a document tier and still for changes to your databases as needed. Mapping
schemas can assist in managing modification of underlying tables using either
SQLXML bulk load for a BCP-style insert and schema generation, or transactionalbased modifications using updategrams and diffgrams. All three methods present
SQLXML with an XML view of the documents and their states to generate the
correlated INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. When a mapping schema is
not available or when more complicated server side interactions with OLE automation
and other stored procedures are necessary, you can use OPENXML.
Whether you use mapping schemas and virtual directories or ADO-based templates
against FOR XML based stored procedures is a balancing act between performance
and business goal. Regardless of the method chosen, you have taken your first step
into the SQLXML tier and are ready for the thousand-mile journey of an XML
integrated world.