Moral Choice and Traits 1 Abstract This study was exploratory and designed to add to the growing body of knowledge in the field of computer criminal behavior analysis. The study examined certain characteristics of individuals engaged in computer criminal activity. Introductory psychology students took part in the study as part of their course requirements for experimental credits (N = 381). The students filled out a battery of self-report questionnaires that measured their frequency of criminal computer activity (Rogers, 2001), big-five factor traits (Goldberg, 1992), exploitive manipulative behavior (Altemeyer, 1995), and morality (Hladkyj, 2002). It was predicted that individuals engaging in criminal computer activities would be introverted, antagonistic, undirected, neurotic and be more open to experience than individuals who do not engage in criminal computer activities. The first hypothesis was not supported by the findings. It was also hypothesized individuals engaging in criminal computer activities would be more exploitive and manipulative than individuals who do not engage in criminal computer activity. The second hypothesis was supported. The third hypothesis predicted that individuals engaging in criminal computer activities would have higher hedonistic morality than individuals who do not engage in criminal computer activity. The third hypothesis was also not supported. Additional exploratory analyses and the implications for future research are also discussed. Background With society’s increasing dependence on technology, we are becoming more vulnerable to individuals who can exploit this technology. The rise of the Internet is as much a societal revolution as it is a technical one (Rogers, 2001). The realm of cyberspace competes with the “real world” for our attention, time and economic resources. The dependence, both societal and technological, has not been lost on the criminal element of our society. In the past few years, we have seen dramatic increases in criminal computer behavior, and the accompanying losses to businesses and private citizens (Power, 2002). The RCMP has reported that computer crime is one of the fastest growing criminal categories in Canada (RCMP, 2003). The CSI/FBI’s 2002 computer crime survey indicated that the business loss due to computer crime was nearly US $500,000 (Power, 2002). The international community has recognized the danger and negative impact that computer crime has on the world economy and on the personal lives of its constituents (e.g., identity theft, fraud etc.). Several countries have passed legislation in an attempt to deal with the growing crisis. Unfortunately, most of these laws have proven ineffective in dealing with a criminal activity that transcends international borders, and our out dated notions of legal jurisdictions (Parker, 1999). Research to date indicates that criminal computer behavior is on the rise and will continue to do so for the next few years (Power, 2002). It is important then that we develop a reasonable understanding of those people who become involved in criminal computer behavior. Part of this understanding must include personality characteristics, motivations, and attraction to this new criminal behavior. Moral Choice and Traits 2 The current study is exploratory and expands on the previous work of Skinner & Fream (1997) and Rogers (2001). The study examined personality traits as operationalized by Goldberg’s Big-Five Factor Model (i.e., extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience), moral decisions, and exploitive manipulative behavior. Hypotheses 1. Individuals engaging in criminal computer activities will be introverted, antagonistic, undirected, neurotic and be more open to experience than individuals who do not engage in criminal computer activities. 2. Individuals engaging in criminal computer activities will be more exploitive and manipulative than individuals who do not engage in criminal computer activity. 3. Individuals engaging in criminal computer activities will have a higher rate of hedonistic morality, and lower rates social and internal morality, than individuals who do not engage in criminal computer activity. Method Participants The participants consisted of 381 introductory psychology students. Their participations was voluntary, but did form part of their course requirement for experimental participant credits. The demographics of the participants can be found in table 1. Instruments 1. Computer Crime Index (CCI) (Rogers, 2001) – measures the frequency and prevalence of self-reported criminal computer activity. 2. Big-Five Factor Questionnaire (Goldberg, 1992) – self-report questionnaire measuring personality traits based on five factors: extraversion (.87), agreeableness (.90), conscientiousness (.84), neuroticism (.79), and openness to experience (.79). 3. Exploitive Manipulative Amoral Dishonesty Scale (EMAD) (Altemeyer, 1995) – self-report scale that measures the degree of exploitive and manipulative behavior (.88 ). 4. Moral Decision Making Scale (MDKS) (Hladkyj, 2002) – adhoc self-report questionnaire that measures participants moral decision making across three subscales: Internal (.73), Social (.59), and Hedonistic (.71). Moral Choice and Traits 3 Table 1 Responden t Demogr aphics Gende r Age Marit al Status Ethn ic ity Male Female Mis sing Total Percentage (Frequen cy) 45.1 (172) 54.9 (209) 0.0 (0) 100.0 (381.0) Less than 18 18 19 20 21-22 23-25 26-30 31-36 37-45 46 or older Mis sing Total 0.5 (2) 27.8 (106) 27.6 (105) 13.9 (53) 13.4 (51) 9.7 (37) 4.2 (16) 0.5 (2) 1.8 (7) 0.3 (1) 0.3 (1) 100.0 (381) Single In relation no tcohab it ating Comm on-law Married Separated Divorced Mis sing Total 59.3 (226) Caucas ian Abo riginal East Ind ian Asian Polynes ian Middle Eastern African Central American South A merican Australi an Mis sing Total 69.8 (266) 5.5 (21) 4.5 (17) 13.4 (51) 0.3 (1) 0.3 (1) 2.4 (9) 1.3 (5) 0.8 (3) 1.0 (4) 0.8 (3) 100 (381) 32.5 (124) 3.7 (14) 2.4 (9) 0.5 (2) 1.3 (5) 0.3 (1) 100 (381) Moral Choice and Traits 4 Table 2 Correlations CCG EMAD EXT AGR NEU OPN CSN MC-I MC-S MC-H CCG 1.00 EMAD .15 1.00 EXT .01 -.14 1.00 AGR -.08 -.34 .42 1.00 NEU -.05 -.12 .41 .37 1.00 OPN .05 -.13 .47 .42 .39 1.00 CSN -.08 -.18 .43 .52 .40 .52 1.00 MC-I -.14 -.50 .13 .39 .09 .27 .28 1.00 MC-S -.18 -.27 .03 .22 -.04 .02 .19 .56 1.00 MC-H -.05 .04 .07 .08 .10 .13 .15 .38 .43 1.00 Note: CCG = Computer Crim e Frequency Grouped, EMAD = Exploitive Manipul ative Total Score, EX T = Extrave rsion, AGR = Agreeable nes s, NEU = Neuroticism, OPN = Openne ss to Exp erience, CNS = Conscientiousne ss, MC-I = Moral Cho ice Internal, MC –S, = Moral Cho ice Social, MC-H = Moral Cho ice Hedon ism Results The hypotheses were tested using multiple one-tailed t-tests (See Table 4). The power of the tests were found to be .95 Moral Choice and Traits 5 Table 3 Descriptive Statistics Descriptive EMAD MC-I MC-S Crimi nal Catego ry M SD n No Crim Activit y 71.77 24.13 171 Crim Activit y 79.06 24.50 172 Total 75.43 24.06 343 No Crim Activit y 29.02 4.20 188 Crim Activit y 27.82 4.60 192 Total 28.41 4.44 380 No Crim Activit y 26.14 4.50 186 Crim Activit y 24.41 4.85 189 Total 25.27 4.75 375 Note: EMAD = Exp loiti ve Manipulative Total S core, MC-I = Moral Choice Interna l, MC –S, = Moral Choi ce Social. Figure 1 Mean Comparisons Mean Comparisons 80 70 60 50 No Criminal Activity 40 Criminal Activity 30 20 10 0 EMAD MC-I MC-S Moral Choice and Traits 6 Table 4 T-Tests Independen t Samples T-Test t df 95% Conf idenc e Interval Lower Upper EMAD 2.84** 341 2.24 12.35 MC-I -2.65** 378 -2.09 -.31 MC-S -3.60** 373 -2.68 -.78 Note: EMAD = Exploiti ve Manipulative Total Score, MC-I = Moral Choi ce Internal, MC –S = Moral Choice Social. **p < .001. Exploration A logistic regression analysis was conducted using the variables identified as being significant during the primary hypotheses testing (See Table 5) Table 5 –Logistic Regression Logistic Regression: Variables in Equation: Backward Stepwise Wald Procedure Step 1 Step 2 EMAD MC-I MC-S Constant B .01 .02 -.08 .41 SE .01 .03 .03 1.12 Wald 4.15* .49 6.85** .14 Exp (B) 1.01 1.02 .93 1.51 EMAD MC-S Constant .01 -.07 .96 .01 .03 .80 3.75* 7.01** 1.42 1.01 .94 2.60 Note: EMAD = Exploitive Manipulative Total Score, MC-I = Moral Choice Internal, MC –S = Moral Choice Social. *p < .05. **p < .001. Moral Choice and Traits 7 Discussion The findings indicate that there was no significant difference regarding the Big-Five Factor traits between individuals who have engaged in criminal computer behavior and those who have not. This is contrary to what had been hypothesized and more importantly, contrary to the currently held stereotype of computer criminals (Verton, 2002). The results indicated that computer criminals are more exploitive and manipulative. This makes intuitive sense as these characteristics are consistent with criminals in general and are not unique to computer criminals alone. The findings did not support the hypothesis that computer criminals would tend to make their moral decisions based more on hedonism than on internal or social morality. Here again, the findings contradict previous research and commonly held stereotypes. Moral decisions based on hedonism is roughly equivalent to being at Kholberg’s preconventional morality stage. Previous studies have indicated that computer criminals tend to aggregate in the pre-conventional morality stage (Gordon, 2000). Caution must be taken when interpreting the results as the findings are somewhat preliminary, the study is exploratory, and two of the instruments used are new (CCI and MDKS). Despite the limitations of this study, it is an important step in the direction of developing a better understanding of computer criminals. Moral Choice and Traits 8 Selected References Goldberg, L. (1992). The development of markers for the big-five factor Psychological Assessment, 4, 26-42 structure. Hollin, C. (1989). Psychology and crime: An introduction to criminological psychology. New York: Routledge. Parker, D. (1998). Fighting computer crime: A new framework for protecting information. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Power, R. (2002). CSI/FBI 2000 computer security survey. Computer Security Institute. Rogers, M. (1999a). Psychology of hackers: Steps toward a new taxonomy. Retrieved May 5, 1999 from the World Wide Web: Rogers, M. (1999b). Psychology of computer criminals. Paper presented at the annual Computer Security Institute Conference, St. Louis, Missouri. Rogers, M. (2001). A social learning theory and moral disengagement analysis of criminal computer behavior: An exploratory study. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Manitoba, Canada Skinner, W., & Fream, A. (1997). A social learning theory analysis of computer crime among college students. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 34, 495518. Spafford, E. (1997). Are hacker break-ins ethical? In, Ermann, M., Williams, M. & Shauf, M. (Eds.) Computers, ethics, and society. (pp. 77-88). New York: Oxford.