I. INDUSTRIAL SAND AND GRAVEL PERMIT (ISAGP) II. What is an Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit (ISAGP)? An Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit (ISAGP) is the Government Permit granted “for the extraction, removal and disposition of sand and gravel and other loose or unconsolidated materials that necessitate the use of mechanical processing. Issuance of Sand and Gravel Industrial Permit (5 hectares but not exceeding twenty hectares) is being issued by the MGB Regional Office while an ISAG Permit of not more than five (5) hectares are approved by the concerned Provincial Governor/City Mayor. III. Legal Basis Present mineral policies, namely: Republic Act No. 7942 i.e., "The Philippine Mining Act of 1995" and DENR Administrative Order No.96-40, i.e., "The Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No.7942 otherwise known as the Philippine Mining Act of 1995.” IV. Qualification Requirements Any Filipino citizen of legal age and with capacity to contract, or a corporation, partnership, association or cooperative, organized or authorized for the purpose of engaging in mining, with technical and financial capability to undertake mineral resources development and duly registered in accordance with law, at least sixty percent (60%) of the capital of which is owned by Filipino citizens. V. Legal Requirements 1. Location map/sketch plan of the proposed permit area showing its geographic coordinates/meridional block(s) and boundaries in relation to major environmental features and other projects using NAMRIA topographic map in a scale of 1:50,000 duly prepared, signed and sealed by a deputized Geodetic Engineer; 2. Area clearance from the concerned Government agencies/Local Government Units that may be affected by the permit application or written permission from the landowner(s) and surface owner(s) of the area applied for; 3. Work Program (MGB Form No. 5-4 or MGB Form No. 6-2) duly prepared, signed and sealed by a licensed Mining Engineer or Geologist; 4. When applicable, a satisfactory Environmental Management Record and Community Relations Record as determined by the Bureau in consultation with the Environmental Management Bureau and/or the Department Regional Office. The detailed guidelines for the determination and applicability of such records shall be specified by the Secretary upon the recommendation of the Director. 4.1) Affidavit of Non-operation (if no previous mining operations) 5. Environmental Compliance Certificate prior to extraction, removal and/or disposition and Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program (MGB Form No. 16-2) as provided for in Section 169 hereof; 6. Proof of technical competence including, among others, curricula vitae and track records in mining operations and environmental management of the technical personnel who shall undertake the activities in accordance with the submitted Work Program and Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program; 7. Proof of financial capability to undertake the activities pursuant to Work Program and Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program, such as the following: 1. For individual – Statement of assets and liabilities duly sworn in accordance with existing laws, credit lines and income tax return for the preceding three (3) years, and 2. For corporations, partnerships, associations or cooperatives – Latest Audited Financial Statement and where applicable, Annual Report for the preceding year, credit lines, bank guarantees and/or similar negotiable instruments. 8. Photocopy of Articles of Incorporation/Partnership/Association, By-Laws and Certificate of Registration, duly certified by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or concerned authorized Government agency(ies), for corporations, partnerships, associations or cooperatives; 9. Letter-request to the National Commission for Indigenous Peoples for NCIP Certification Precondition and Free and Prior Informed Consent; 10. Sworn Statement of a technical personnel that he/she shall undertake the implementation of the Exploration and Environmental Work Programs; 11. Other supporting papers as the concerned Regional Office/Provincial/City Mining Regulatory Board may require or the applicant may submit. l.1.) Board Resolution/Secretary Certificate Authorizing the President/Chairman or any authorized representative to act, transact, execute and sign in behalf of the company/corporation duly notarized and to be registered with this Office. l.2.) Landowners Consent (if private land) duly notarized and to be registered with this Office. I. MINERAL PROCESSING PERMIT II. What is a Mineral Processing Permit? A Mineral Processing Permit (MPP) a permit granting the right to process minerals. It is issued by the DENR Secretary with a term of 5 years and renewable for like terms. III. Legal Basis Present mineral policies, namely: Republic Act No. 7942 i.e., "The Philippine Mining Act of 1995" and DENR Administrative Order No.96-40, i.e., "The Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No.7942 otherwise known as the Philippine Mining Act of 1995.” IV. Qualification Requirements Any Filipino citizen of legal age and with capacity to contract, or a corporation, partnership, association or cooperative, organized or authorized for the purpose of engaging in mineral processing, with technical and financial capability to undertake mineral processing. V. Legal Requirements CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS APPLICATION FOR MINERAL PROCESSING PERMIT 1. Payment of the following fees per Item 1.4 of DAO No. 2005-08 re: Providing for New Fees and Charges for Various Services of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau. 1.4 Application for Mineral Processing Permit Filing/Renewal Fee a. Projects with Investments above P500 Million. P50,000.00/application b. Projects with Investments of P250 Million to P500 Million ……………………….. 20,000.00/application c. Projects with Investments of P250 Million and below………………………….. 10,000.00/application 2. Duly accomplished application form as prescribed in MGB Form No. 11-2; 3. Duly certified Certificate of Registration issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission or concerned authorized Government Agency; 4. Duly certified Articles of Incorporation/Partnership/Association and by-laws; 5. Location map/sketch plan of the area of the proposed processing plant using NAMRIA topographic map in a scale of 1:50,000; 6. Feasibility Study including work programs, plant site, mill and plant layout design, details of technology to be employed in the proposed operation, antipollution devices/measures as well as the plant capacity. Provided, That a Mineral Processing Permit applicant with existing mineral processing operation may submit, in lieu of the Feasibility Study, a Project Description and a detailed financial statement for its operations incorporating therein the social and environmental expenditures, taxes and fees paid (MGB Form No. 5-3A); 7. When applicable, a satisfactory Environmental Management Record and Community Relations Record as determined by the Bureau in consultation with the Environmental Management Bureau and/or the Department Regional Office. 7.a. Affidavit of Non-operation (if no previous mining operations) 8. Environmental Compliance Certificate; 9. Proof of technical competence including, among others, curricula vitae and track records in mineral processing and environmental management of the technical personnel who shall undertake the operation; 10. Proof of financial capability to undertake the activities pursuant to the Feasibility Study and Environmental Protection and Enhancement Program, such as latest Audited Financial Statement and where applicable, Annual Report for the preceding year, credit lines, bank guarantees and/or similar negotiable instruments; 11. Brief history of applicant's activities for the last five (5) years, if any; 12. Supply Contract/Agreement with mining rights holders, if applicable; 13. Interim Importation Permit/certification from EMB on the use of chemicals (e.g. cyanide, mercury) in compliance with R.A. No. 6969, if applicable; and 14. Other supporting papers as the Secretary/Director/concerned Regional Office may require or the applicant may submit.