721 Grant No - 53 63 - Ministry of Liberation War Affairs Medium Terms Expenditure (Taka in Thousand) Projection Budget Description 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Non-Development Development Total Revenue Capital Total 1.0 Mission Statement and Major Functions 1.1 Mission Statement Ensure overall welfare of the freedom fighters, wounded freedom fighters and the family members of the martyrs of liberation war and establish the spirit of great liberation war in the state and national life by preserving memory and history of the liberation war. 1.2 Major Functions 1.2.1 Preparation of the list of freedom fighters, publication in the gazette and preservation of declared list; 1.2.2 Formulation of rules and guidelines related to rights and benefits of the freedom fighters; 1.2.3 Providing allowances to the freedom fighters, and grants to the freedom fighters and liberation war based associations; 1.2.4 Preparation of guidelines for the preservation of history of War of Independence, and preservation of documents of liberation war; 1.2.5 Undertaking various activities to project the true history of liberation war for the present and future generations; 1.2.6 Formulation and implementation of various projects for the welfare of the freedom fighters; 1.2.7 Maintenance of quota for employment for the freedom fighters and their children and grand children in government, autonomous and semi-autonomous bodies, and its monitoring; 1.2.8 Construction of Independence Tower and other memorial towers of war of independence, preservation and maintenance of the burial sites/mass graves of liberation war, and preparation and implementation of projects for preservation and maintenance of the sites of confrontational war; and other issues related to war of independence; 2.0 Medium Term Strategic Objectives and Activities Medium Term Strategic Objectives 1. Ensure overall welfare of freedom fighters Activities Provide different benefits to wounded freedom fighters and families of the martyrs of liberation war, including Implementing Departments/Agencies Secretariat Bangladesh Freedom Fighters Welfare Trust 722 Medium Term Strategic Activities Objectives Implementing Departments/Agencies honorarium for freedom fighters Training for self-employment and microcredit schemes for freedom fighters and their dependents Formulation and implementation of programmes/ projects for rehabilitation of freedom fighters and management of industrial units Bangladesh Freedom Fighters Welfare Trust Construction, repair and maintenance of commercial/residential infrastructure for freedom fighters 2. Inspire the ideals and spirit of liberation war among the present and future generations and strengthening patriotism Making and screening of documentary films based on liberation war for displaying the true history of liberation war among the new generations Liberation War Museum Registration and control of organisations based on liberation war and providing grants National Freedom Fighters Council 3. Preservation of history and memorials of the Liberation War and development of infrastructure Preparing and updating the list of freedom fighters and its publication in the gazette, and build a database and publicise it on the website Preparation and distribution of certificates among freedom fighters Secretariat Construction of Independence Tower, Memorial Towers etc. Secretariat Preservation and development of mass graves/burial sites Liberation War Museum Preservation and exhibition of memorials/mementos of liberation war in the museum 3.0 Poverty and Gender Reporting 3.1 Impact of Strategic Objectives on Poverty Reduction and Women’s Advancement 3.1.1 Ensure overall welfare of the freedom fighters Impact on Poverty Reduction: 100000 freedom fighters and their dependents will be provided various self-employments generating training. Employment opportunities for about 34,914 freedom fighters and their dependents will be created through management of freedom fighters’ complex fund and providing micro-credit to them. Freedom fighters’ standard of living will improve through allowances made available to 207838 freedom fighters and construction of various infrastructures for them. Introduction of a ration system for wounded freedom fighters and family members of the martyrs will help in reducing poverty and improve their standard of living. Impact on Women’s Advancement: Various self-employment generating training and micro financing facilities provided to the female members of the freedom fighters’ families will create opportunities for them to become self-reliant. This will ensure their socio-economic security and their empowerment. As a result, they will be able to contribute to economic activities of the country. This will have a positive impact on reduction of poverty and advancement of women. 723 3.1.2 Inspire the ideals and spirit of liberation war among the present and future generations and strengthen patriotism Impact on Poverty Reduction: No direct impact on poverty reduction. Impact on Women’s Advancement: No direct impact on woman’s advancement 3.1.3 Preservation of history and memorials of liberation war and development of infrastructure Impact on Poverty Reduction: No direct impact on poverty reduction Impact on Women’s Advancement: No direct impact on woman’s advancement Poverty Reduction and Women’s Advancement Related Spending 3.2 (Taka in Thousand) Particulars Budget 2015-16 Projection 2016-17 2017-18 Poverty Reduction Gender 4.1 Priority Spending Areas/Programmes Priority Spending Areas/Programmes 1. Provision of honorarium, rationing system and medical allowances for wounded freedom fighters, family members of martyrs and deceased freedom fighters Related Medium Term Strategic Objectives Ensure overall welfare of the freedom fighters In order to improve the socio-economic conditions of freedom fighters, provision of honorarium and medical allowances have been introduced. Among the freedom fighters, wounded freedom fighters and families of martyrs and deceased freedom fighters are financially insolvent. This programme has been given the highest priority because it will bring their financial solvency and improve their standard of living. 2. Construction of Liberation War Memorials in Dhaka and different places of the country and construction of Freedom Fighters’ Complex in all Upazilas and Districts: Construction of memorial installations for preservation of the memory of liberation war in the place where the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman delivered his historic speech on 7th March,1971 and the different places of the country has been undertaken. In addition, a project for construction of freedom fighters’ complexes in all Upazilas and Districts has been undertaken for rehabilitation of freedom fighters. In view of importance to project the true history of liberation war for the present and future generation liberation war memorial installations has been given priority. Construction of freedom fighters’ complexes in commercial basis has also been considered as priority to finance the activities for the rehabilitation of freedom fighters. 3. Development, Preservation and Maintenance of the notable places of confronted battlefields, burial sites, graveyards of the martyrs and mass graves ofthe liberation war In order to preserve notable places of confronted battlefields, burial sites, graveyards of freedom fighters and mass graves of liberation war for the future generation, the development, preservation and maintenance of those notable places have been emphasized as priority sector. 4. Inspiring the spirit of liberation war, preservation of true history of Preservation of history and memorials of Liberation War and development of infrastructure Ensure overall welfare of the freedom fighters Preservation of history and memorials of Liberation War and development of infrastructure Inspire the ideals and spirit 724 Priority Spending Areas/Programmes Related Medium Term Strategic Objectives liberation war and undertaking different programmes for publication of liberation war among the present and future generations and strengthening patriotism True history of the liberation war will be presented to the next generations through preserving the list of freedom fighters by preparing a data base of them and undertaking mass awareness programmes. .Moreover, in order to inspire the spirit of liberation war in national life following the instructions of the Honourable High Court Division, steps will be taken for amendments, revisions and edition of history and documents of liberation war. 4.2 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates and Projection (2015-16 to 2017-18) 4.2.1 Expenditure by Department/Agencies/Operational Units (Taka in thousand) Description Budget Revised Budget 2015-16 2014-15 4.2.2 Projection 2016-17 2017-18 Expenditure by Economic Group Wise (Taka in thousand) Description Economic Group 5.0 Budget Revised Budget 2015-16 2014-15 Projection 2016-17 2017-18 Key Performance Indicator (KPIs) Indicator Related Strategic Objectives Unit Revised 2 3 4 1. Freedom fighters receiving incentives from Government 1 % 78.00 2. Development and maintenance of liberation war related infrastructure 3 Number of infrastructure 3. Number of persons visited the Liberation War Museum 2 % Actual Target Target 2013-14 1 Revised Target 2014-15 Medium Term Targets 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 8 9 10 83.9 88.9 93.9 30 30 40 50 40 50 55 60 5 6 7 6.0 Recent Achievements, Activities, Output Indicators Expenditure Estimates of the Departments/Agencies and Targets and 6.1 Secretariat 6.1.1 Recent Achievements: During the last three years, number of beneficiaries for state honorarium (allowances) increased from 1, 00,000 persons to 2,00,000 and per head amount of honorarium also increased from Taka 900 to Taka 3000. About 40% increase of state honorarium was for different categories of wounded freedom fighters and families of the martyrs. In addition, ration has also been provided to their families. During the same period, micro credit was provided to 1,00,000 freedom fighters and their dependents from the revolving fund of Taka 37.50 crore with the objective of rehabilitation and self-employment of freedom fighters. It is the commencement year of granting state honorarium (allowances) to state honored freedom fighters according to their state honor and in 2013-14 the scheme covered 676 state honored freedom fighter so far. It has been decided to. In July 2011, under the scheme of awarding state honor to foreigners and foreign organizations for their outstanding contributions to the liberation war, the national highest honour ‘Bangladesh Independence Honour’ was awarded to Sreemati Indira Gandhi, former Prime Minister of India. In the financial years 2011-12 and 2012-13, 349 persons and organizations have so far been awarded ‘Bangladesh Liberation War Honour’ and ‘Friend of Liberation War Honour’. 725 6.1.2 Activities, Output Indicators and Targets Activities Output Indicator Related Strategic Objectives Unit Revised Target 1 2 3 4 5 1. Provide different benefits to wounded freedom fighters and families of the martyrs of liberation war including honorarium of the freedom fighters Distribution of allowances 2. Construction of Independence Tower/ Memorial Towers etc. Construction of memorial complexes 3 3. Self-employment training and micro-credit schemes for the freedom fighters and their dependents Training for increasing selfreliance 1 Awarding of certificates 2 4. Preparation and distribution of certificates for freedom fighters 6.1.3 Target 2013-14 Revised Target 2014-15 6 7 Medium Term Targets 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 8 9 10 11 207.84 207.84 207.84 207.83 7.01 7.85 7.86 7.86 35 125 130 133 - 60.00 70.00 80.00 25 30 40 50 Person 1 Distribution of ration & medical allowances Actual (000) Number Number (000) Number (000) Medium Term Expenditure Estimates by Operational Unit, Programmes and Projects (Taka in Thousand) Actual Budget Name of the Operational Unit/ Programme/Project Related Activity 2013-14 1 2 3 Revised Medium Term Expenditure Estimates 2014-15 4 5 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 6 7 8 6.2 National Freedom Fighters’ Council 6.2.1 Recent Achievements: During last three years the Council held 23 meetings and recommended, on scrutiny, a list of 11,150 freedom fighters to the ministry for gazette notification along with other activities. In addition, up to now 175 liberation war based organizations have been registered with the council. 6.2.2 Activities, Output Indicators and Targets Activities Output Indicator Related Strategic Objectives Unit Revised Target 1 2 3 4 5 Number 10 250 1. Registration of freedom fighters’ Registration of organization, identification of liberation war & genuine freedom fighters and freedom fighters updating the list related organization Target 2013-14 Revised Target 2014-15 6 7 Medium Term Targets 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 8 9 10 25 20 20 300 400 500 11 2 Identification of genuine freedom fighters 6.2.3 Actual Person Medium Term Expenditure Estimates by Operational Unit, Programmes and Projects Actual Name of the Operational Unit/ Programme/Project Related Activity 2013-14 1 2 3 Budget Revised 2014-15 4 5 (Taka in Thousand) Medium Term Expenditure Estimates 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 6 7 8 6.3 Freedom Fighters’ Welfare Trust 6.3.1 Recent Achievements: With a view to making Bangladesh Freedom Fighters’ Welfare Trust economically self-reliant and turning its commercial organizations into profitable ones the Government, as along-term programme, approved the “BangladeshFreedom Fighters’ Welfare Trust Rescue Plan-2010”. Under the supervision of the Trust, 5 projects have been undertaken for implementation of this program. Works of 4 projects including the construction of commercial-cum-residential buildings have been completed. Construction of a 15-storied residential-cum-commercial building, built for the welfare of the freedom 726 fighters at Gaznabi road in Dhaka undertaken in the financial year 2010-11 under Annual Development Program, has also been completed. Construction of another 3 projects being implemented through developers under the cost sharing system is progressing well. With the income generated from investment of Tk. 30.00 crore Trust’s fund the Trust introduced ‘Bangabandhu Student Scholarship’ to finance higher study for children/generation of Freedom Fighters according to the decision of trustee board. 6.3.2 Activities, Output Indicators and Targets Activities Output Indicator Related Strategic Objectives Unit Revised Target 1 2 3 4 5 1. Provide different benefits to wounded freedom fighters and families of the martyrs of liberation war including honorarium of the freedom fighters 2. Construction, repair and maintenance of commercial/residential infrastructure for freedom fighters 3. Operationalization of Trust’s industrial units 6.3.3 Beneficiaries of freedom fighters and families of martyr freedom fighters Actual Target 2013-14 Revised Target 2014-15 6 7 Medium Term Targets 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 8 9 10 7.84 7.85 7.86 7.86 4.50 5.01 5.02 5.03 11 Person 1 (000) Beneficiaries of wounded freedom fighters Residential cum commercial building for freedom fighters at Gaznabi road in Dhaka 1 Lakh taka 60.00 - - - Number of IU 1 Number 6 6 7 10 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates by Operational Unit, Programmes and Projects (Taka in Thousand) Actual Budget Name of the Operational Unit/ Programme/Project Related Activity 2013-14 1 2 3 Revised Medium Term Expenditure Estimates 2014-15 4 5 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 6 7 8 6.4 Freedom Fighting Memorial Museum 6.4.1 Recent Achievement: Liberation War Museum is working relentlessly to pass on the glorious history and achievements of liberation war to the next generations. During the last three years, 1.5 lakh visitors including 50,000 students from 623 educational institutions visited the museum. The museum, through its own bus, known as mobile museum, implemented outreach program at 922 educational institutions of 306 remote Upazilas in 42 districts. Under this programme, students can get acquainted with various activities and history of the great liberation war from their own educational institutions. The construction of The Museum’s main building on its own 0.82 acre of land is progressing satisfactorily. So far 20 thousand memoirs connected with the memorials of liberation war and 19 thousand oral statements narrating the events have been collected. 6.4.2 Activities, Output Indicators and Targets Activities Output Indicator Related Strategic Objectives Unit Revised Target 1 2 3 4 5 Collection and exhibition of mementos 3 Visit to house of execution at Mirpur 3 Exhibition of documentary 2 1. Preservation and exhibition of memorials/mementos in the museum 2. Preservation and development of mass graves/ burial sites 3. Making and screening of documentary films based on Actual Target 2013-14 Number (thousand) Person (thousand) Person (thousand) Revised Target 2014-15 6 7 Medium Term Targets 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 8 9 10 18.00 25.00 30.00 40.00 10.00 14.00 15.00 20.00 35.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 11 727 Activities Output Indicator Related Strategic Objectives Unit Revised Target 1 2 3 4 5 liberation war to display the true history of Liberation War among the new generations Making Number 2 Number of visitor (thousand) 18 4. Projection of the memory of liberation war to the people 6.4.3 Target 2013-14 District wise documentary Visitor of Museum Actual 2 Revised Target 2014-15 6 7 Medium Term Targets 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 8 9 10 20 22 25 22 25 27 11 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates by Operational Unit, Programmes and Projects (Taka in Thousand) Actual Name of the Operational Unit/ Programme/Project Related Activity 2013-14 1 2 3 Budget Revised 2014-15 4 5 Medium Term Expenditure Estimates 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 6 7 8