westminster cathedral primary school

As a Catholic school, we aim to provide a Catholic education for all our pupils. At a
Catholic school, Catholic doctrine and practice permeates every aspect of the school’s
activity. It is essential that the Catholic character of the school’s education is fully
supported by all families in the school. All applicants are therefore expected to give their
full, unreserved and positive support for the aims and ethos of the school.
The governing body has responsibility for admissions to this school and intends to admit
30 pupils to the reception class in the school year which begins in September 2009.
Oversubscription criteria
Where there are more applications than the number of places available, places will be
offered to the following in order of priority.
Catholic Looked after children.
Baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families who are resident in
the parishes of the Holy Apostles and Westminster Cathedral.
Other baptised Catholic children from practising Catholic families who live
outside the parishes of the Holy Apostles and Westminster Cathedral.
Other baptised Catholic children.
Other looked after children.
Christians of other denominations whose parents wish them to have a catholic
education whose application is supported by a minister of religion.
Children of other faiths whose parents wish them to have a Catholic Education
the school whose application is supported by a religious leader.
Any other applications.
Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the categories listed above would
lead to oversubscription the following provisions will be applied.
The attendance of a brother or sister at the school at the time of enrolment will increase
the priority of an application within each category.
The governing body give top priority to an application within a category where evidence
is provided at the time of application of an exceptional social, medical, pastoral or other
need of the child which can most appropriately be met at this school.
Tie Break
Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the sub-categories listed above
would still lead to oversubscription, the places up to the admission number will be offered to
those living nearest the school. This will be determined using Westminster LEA software
The Admissions Department at Westminster Local Education Authority have provided the
following explanation of how the software measures the distance from home to school.
“The home to school walking distance is that measured by the geographical information
function embedded in the Local Authority’s dedicated admissions software. This accurately
measures the shortest walking distance from the centre of the applicant’s home address to
the school gate using the existing road network. The distance measured for this purpose,
uses only routes ordinarily accessible by road traffic but not footpaths or pedestrianised
Waiting Lists
In addition to their right of appeal, unsuccessful candidates will be offered the
opportunity to be placed on a waiting list. This waiting list will be maintained in order of
the oversubscription criteria set out above and not in the order in which applications are
received or added to the list. (This is reviewed regularly).
Pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs
The admission of pupils with a statement of Special Educational Needs is dealt with by a
completely separate procedure. This procedure is integral to the making and maintaining
statements by the pupils home Local Education Authority. A detail of this separate
procedure is set out in the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice.
Notes (these notes form part of the oversubscription criteria).
“Looked after child” has the same meaning as in Section 22 of the Children Act 1989,
and means any child in the care of a local authority or provided with accommodation by
them (e.g. children with foster parents )
“Catholic” means a member of a Church in full communion with the See of Rome. This
includes the Eastern Catholic Churches. This will normally be evidenced by a
certification of baptism in a Catholic church or a certificate of reception into the full
communion of the Catholic Church.
“Practising Catholic” means Catholic children from practising Catholic families who
worship at Mass on a regular basis ( at least three out of four Sundays ) and where the
application is supported by a Catholic priest. The governing body will expect this practice
to be verified by a reference from a priest. Family may be taken to mean the child and
one Catholic parent.
To demonstrate an exceptional social, medical or pastoral need of the child which can be
most appropriately met at this school, the governing body will require written evidence
from an appropriate professional, such as a social worker, doctor or priest.
Appeals Procedure
Parents who are unsuccessful in securing a place for their child have the right of appeal.
In the first instance they should write to the Chair of Govern ors, within 21 days. If the
matter cannot be resolved, then parents will be advised of their right of appeal under the
1998 School Standards and Framework Act. The school follows the procedure laid down
by the Westminster Diocese in such circumstances.
Applications to Westminster Cathedral Primary School, 2009-2010.
As from 2006 admission to all maintained primary schools in Westminster are coordinated by the City of Westminster Local Education Authority.
Parents applying for a place at Westminster Cathedral Primary School are required to
complete these two forms:The Westminster Common Application Form (CAF), naming Westminster Cathedral
School as one preference. On this form applicants will be able to apply for up to six
maintained primary schools within Westminster in order of preference. This form must be
completed regardless of where the applicant lives and is the main basis of application.
This form must be returned to:The School Admissions Team,
13th Floor South,
Westminster City Hall,
64 Victoria Street,
London, SW1E 6QP.
A Westminster Cathedral School supplementary form, which will enable the Governors
to gather information to assess commitment to the Roman Catholic Church.
This form must be returned to :The Admissions Officer,
Westminster Cathedral Primary School,
Bessborough Place,
London, SW1 3SE.
The child’s birth and baptism certificate together with proof of residence (a Council Tax
Bill, a Rental Agreement, utility bill or proof of home ownership) must be submitted with
this form.
The closing date for applications is 2nd March, 2009.
If you do not complete both the CAF and the SIF and return them by the closing date, the
governing body may be unable to consider your application and it is very unlikely that
your child will get a place at the school.
Offer of places
Parents will be notified of the result of their application on 8th May, 2009.
Parents will be required to sign a copy of a statement to indicate positive support for the
aims and ethos of the school.
Entry into the Reception Class.
There are two admission points into the Reception Class.
Children who become five years of age between 1st September and 28th /29th February
start school in September.
Children who have their fifth birthday between 1st March and 31st August start school in
When your child first begins school, we try to make the transition from home/nursery to
school as smooth as possible. During the term preceding your child’s admission we will
invite you and your child to visit the school. Your child will be able to spend some time
in his/her classroom with the class teacher and the other children starting school at the
same time.
It will also provide parents with the opportunity to meet and talk to the headteacher,
members of staff, school chaplain and some members of the school’s governing body.
Our policy is to start children gradually in the Reception class. Admission days and times
are staggered to allow the children to become socially integrated and to meet their
teacher. On the first couple of days, your child will stay for the morning only.
We will endeavour to contact your child’s nursery or playgroup before entry to the
school, so we can prepare effectively for your child’s transfer. This is particularly
important if your child has special needs (whether statemented or otherwise) or suffers
from an y physical disability. Our SENCO and classteacher will then make every effort to
visit your child in its current setting.
“Casual” admissions. (i.e. for admissions at times other than normal admission to the
reception class).
Older children may be admitted at any time provided there is room in the appropriate
Where there are more applicants than vacancies, the oversubscription criteria applies.
Where a year group is over subscribed, the school maintains a waiting list in rank order.
This is updated as children are removed or added to the list.