DISTRICT COURT, WATER DIVISION 6, COLORADO TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN WATER APPLICATIONS IN WATER DIVISION 6 SUBSTITUTE WATER SUPPLY PLAN NOTIFICATION LIST Section 37-92-308, C.R.S. directs the State Engineer to establish a notification list for each water division to notify interested parties of requests for approval of: substitute water supply plans (§37-92-308), loans for an instream flow (§37-83-105), and interruptible water supply agreements (§37-92-309). To receive this information, specify whether you prefer to receive the notification via first-class mail or electronic mail and send your name, mailing address, e-mail address, daytime telephone number, and water division(s) to: Substitute Water Supply Plan Notification List (c/o Katie Radke, Program Manager), Colorado Division of Water Resources, 1313 Sherman Street, Room 818, Denver, Colorado 80203, Phone: (303) 8663581, Fax: (303) 866-3589, or e-mail to: Kathryn.radke@state.co.us. Additional information regarding Substitute Water Supply Plans is available on the Division of Water Resources' website at http://water.state.co.us Pursuant to C.R.S. 37-92-302, you are hereby notified that the following pages comprise a resume of Applications and Amended Applications filed in the office of Water Division 6, during the month of FEBRUARY, 2013. 12CW85 ROUTT, Application of Water Rights (Surface); Applicant: Broken Bone Ranch, Kimberly Kelley Weinstein, PO Box 395, Yampa, CO 80483, 970-638-9710; Structure: Fisher Spring 1, SW/4, SW/4, S12, T2N, R86W, 6 PM, 616’ S and 507’ W; Structure: Fisher Spring 2, SW/4, NW/4, S13, T2N, R86W, 6 PM, 1533’ N & 961’ W; Structure: Fisher Spring 3, SW/4, NW/4, S13, T2N, R86W, 6 PM, 2001’ N & 235’ W; Structure: Fisher Spring 4, SE/4, SW/4, S12, T2N, R86W, PM 6, 868’ S & 2210’ W; Structure: Hinman Spring 5, SW/4, SW/4, S6, T2N, R85W, 6 PM, 1215’ S & 735’ W; Structure: Luckett Spring 6, SE/4, SW4, S1, T2N, R86W, 6 PM, 518’ S & 2451’ W; Structure: Fisher Pond 1, SW/4, SW/4, S12, T2N, R86W, 6 PM, 522’ S & 772’ W; Structure: Fisher Pond 2, NW/4, NW/4, S13, T2N, R86W, 6 PM, 165’ N & 1119’ W; Structure: Hinman Pond 3, NE/4, SW/4, S6, T2N, R85W, 6 PM, 2205’ S & 2124’ W; Structure: Hinman Pond 4, SW/4, SW/4, S6, T2N, R85W, 6 PM, 838’ S & 150’ W; Source for All Structures: Unnamed tributary to South Hunt Creek, tributary to Hunt Creek, tributary to Yampa River; Date of Initiation of Appropriation: Fisher Spring 1, 2, 3, 4, Fisher Pond 1 & 2 - April 20, 1995; Hinman Spring 5, Luckett Spring 6, Hinman Pond 3 & 4 – December 30, 1975; How Appropriation Initiated: Fisher Springs 1-4, Spring 6 and Ponds 1-4 were developed and used for livestock and wildlife watering, Spring 5 was put to use for livestock and wildlife watering and Spring 2 and Pond 4 are part of a plan for domestic and irrigation uses respectively; Date Water applied to beneficial use: Fisher Springs 1, 2, 3, 4 and Fisher Pond 1 & 2 – April 20, 1995; Hinman Spring 5 and Luckett Spring 6 – December 30 , 1975; Hinman Pond 3 & 4 – November 1, 12; Comments: All ponds are on-stream on unnamed tributaries and are not filled by a ditch. Amount Claimed: Fisher Springs 1, 2, 3, 4, Hinman Spring 5 are 15 gallons/minute, absolute; Luckett Spring 6 is .25 cfs absolute; Fisher Pond 1 is .25 AF, absolute dead storage; Fisher Pond 2 is .02 AF absolute dead storage; Hinman Pond 3 is .11 AF, absolute dead storage, and Hinman Pond 4 is .2 AF conditional dead storage; Use or Proposed Use: All structures request livestock and wildlife watering uses; Fisher Spring 2 also requests a conditional domestic use for one dwelling; Hinman Pond 4 requests a conditional irrigation use; The conditional uses have an appropriation date of 11/1/2012; Number of Acres proposed to be irrigated: Hinman Pond 4 will be used for future irrigation of 10 acres located in Routt County, SW/4 of the SW/4, S6, T2N, R85W; Non-irrigation Purpose: All other springs and ponds described in the application will be used for watering no more than 100 cow/calf pairs and unlimited wildlife; Landowner: Applicants; Comments: Dimensions: Fisher Pond 1, Dam 75’ L x 6’ H, Surface area: .13 acres; Fisher Pond 2, Dam: 25’ L x 4’ H, Surface area: .01 acres (600 sq ft); Hinman Pond 3, Dam 75’ L x 4’ H, Surface area: .09 acres; Hinman Pond 4, Dam 80’ L x 5.5’ H, Surface area: .11 acres; Comments: Fisher Spring 2 is collected in a pond 40’ x 25’ x 4’ deep; Fisher Spring 4 is collected in a pond 60’ x 30’ x 3’ deep; We request continuous fill and refill up to this amount for each pond; 1. Fisher Pond 1: .39 acre feet; 2. Fisher Pond 2: .03 acre feet; 3. Hinman Pond 3: .27 acre feet; 4.0. 13CW4 RIO BLANCO COUNTY Amended Application for Absolute Surface Water Rights. Applicant Wagner Ranches LLC, c/o Jay Wagner, 96400 E. Hwy 40, Craig, CO 81625, 970-629-2252. Structure: Wagner Spring #1. UTM coordinates Northing 44.53027, Easting 280204 Zone 13 according to Craig Div office, handheld GPS. Street address: 849 CR53. Legal Description: NE4, SW4, S26, T3N, R91W, 6thPM, 1574’ from S and 1610’ from E. Source: Morapos CR to Williams Fork. Date of Appropriation: Sept, 2012; how appropriation initiated: by development; Date water applied to beneficial use: Nov, 2012. Amount claimed: 42 GPM absolute. Use/ Proposed Use: Domestic with overflow for livestock and agg. Non-irrigation use: Domestic-one residence, overflow to Roby Reservoir for agg and livestock use (for storage). Owners: Larry Osborn, 448 CR41, Hamilton, CO 81638. Map available in Court file. 13CW5 RIO BLANCO COUNTY, Amended Application for Absolute Water Storage Right; Applicant: Wagner Ranches LLC, 96400 E. Hwy 40, Craig, CO 81625, 970-6292252; Structure: Roby Reservoir; UTM Coordinates: Northing 4489313, Easting 292440, Zone 13, Address: 849 CR 53, Meeker, CO 81641; Legal Description Dam Centerline: NE/4, SW/4 S26, T3N, R91W, 6 PM; Distance from section lines: 1774’ from S & 7773’ from W per Craig Division Office, street address 849 CR53, Meeker, CO; Source: From Wagner Spring #1 unnamed tributary of the Yampa River. If filled from a ditch: Names of ditch-NA; Legal Description of each point of diversion- Northing 4453086, Easting 280256, Zone 13, 849 CR 53, Meeker, CO 81641; NE/4, SW/4, S26, T3N, R91W, 6 PM; Distance from section lines: 1774’ S & 1773’ W; Source: Craig Div office; Date of Appropriation: Sept, 2012; How appropriation was initiated: raising freeboard of reservoir 1’-10”; Date water applied to beneficial use: Nov, 2012; Amount Claimed: Absolute 5 acre feet; Non-irrigiation use: Livestock, recreation and agricultural use; Surface Area of High Water Line: 4.9 to 5.2 acres; Vertical ht of dam: 15’2”; Length of dam: 586’; Total Capacity of reservoir: 26 to 31 acre feet: Active Capacity: 20.64; Dead storage: 6; Landowner: Applicant and Larry Osborn, 448 CR 41, Hamilton, CO 81638; Comments: Dam free board was raised 1’-10” and fully riprapped to accommodate additional water. The 320’ of the east embankment was widened from 10’ to 35’ further stabilizing the dam. 13CW6 ROUTT COUNTY Application for Absolute Surface Water Rights. Applicant: Patricia Zulian, 300 Woodbury Dr, Craig, CO 81625, 970-846-7091. Structure: Harper Spring; UTM Coordinates-Northing 4519218, Easting 337138, Zone 13, Subdivision 4 Bar G, Lot 3. Legal Description: SE4, SW4, S21, T10N, R85W, 6th PM, 1074 ‘ from S and 1461’ from E, Subdivision 4 Bar G, lot 3. Date of appropriation: 6/1/04; how appropriation was initiated: developed spring; Date water applied to beneficial use: 06/01/04. Amount claimed: .033 cfs absolute. Use or proposed use: domestic, nonirrigation use: livestock, wildlife. Applicant is landowner. 13CW7 ROUTT COUNTY Application for Absolute Storage Water Right. Applicant: Patricia Zulian, 300 Woodbury Dr., Craig, CO 81625, 970-846-7091. Name of reservoir: Grant Reservoir. UTM Coordinates; Northing 4518940.5, Easting 336963.0, Zone 13, Subdivision 4 Bar G Lot 3, Source of UTMS – copied coordinates from Maneotis spring A-1. Legal Description: SW4, SW4, S21, T10N, R85W, 6PM, 150’ from S and 900’ from W; Source of PLSS Information: Case 83CW115; Subdivision 4 Bar G, Lot 3. Source: Maneotis Spring A 1 Ways Gulch, tributary to Willow Creek, to Elk River, to Yampa River. Legal Description of each point of diversion: UTM coordinates : Northing 4518940, Easting 336963, Zone 13, Subdivision 4 Bar G, Lot 3. Legal description: SW4, SW4, S21, T10N, R85W, 6PM, 150’ from South and 900’ from W, Subdivision 4 Bar G, lot 3. Date of appropriation 12/31/1983; How appropriation was initiated-spring fills pond for wildlife and stock to water from; Date applied to beneficial use 12/31/1983. Amount claimed: 1.5 AF absolute. Use or proposed use: Livestock, wildlife. Surface area of high water line 11,250 sf. Total capacity of reservoir: 1.50 AF dead storage. Applicant is land owner. You are hereby notified that you will have until the last day of APRIL, 2013 to file with the Water Court a Verified Statement of Opposition, setting forth facts as to why a certain Application should not be granted or why it should be granted only in part or on certain conditions. A copy of such Statement of Opposition must be served on the Applicant or the Applicant’s Attorney, with an affidavit or certificate of such service being filed with the Water Court, as prescribed by Rule 5, C.R.C.P. The filing fee for the Statement of Opposition is $158.00, and should be sent to the Clerk of the Water Court, Division 6, P.O. Box 773117, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477. ROUTT COUNTY COMBINED COURT WATER DIVISION 6 By: /s/ Sharon Martin Court Judicial Assistant