“My Name is Maria Isabel” Reading Assignments The first 6 assignments are required for everyone to complete. You will choose 3 of the remaining 9 to complete for the week. Definitions Write the definitions for each vocabulary word in this week’s reading. Be sure to include the word, the part of speech, the definition, and a sentence for each word. Vocabulary Power Read pgs 78-79 in the anthology. Complete the Vocabulary-Writing Connection. Spelling Worksheets Complete the 4 spelling worksheets, and study for the spelling test on Friday. Activity Sheets Complete the 4 activity sheets. Grammar Complete the 3 grammar worksheets. Personal Narrative Think about something you recently enjoyed doing or learning to do. Think about what happened and how you felt about it. Now write a personal narrative describing your experience. Design A Book Cover Follow the directions on the worksheet. Vocabulary Antonyms & Synonyms Create a list of this week’s vocabulary words and identify antonyms & synonyms for these words. Building Word Pyramids Follow the direction on the worksheet. Think & Respond Read the story My Name Is Maria Isabel in the anthology. Answer the Think & Respond questions on pg 95. Optional Optional Write an Essay about your greatest wish. Check to make sure all sentences have correct punctuation. Make Compound Words with five of the Spelling Words. Draw a picture showing the meaning of each new word. Optional Optional Make a Crossword Puzzle Arrange the vocabulary words down and across, number them, write a clue for each. List 3 Predictions In the book Leialoha’s Diary, make 3 predictions about what you think will happen in the story. After reading, put a checkmark next to the predictions you were able to confirm. Optional Compare & Contrast The experiences of the main character in the selection with your own life. In a paragraph point out similarities and differences. Optional Optional Optional This symbol means this lesson will need to be completed in class.