APPROVED MINUTES FROM NICAN NURSING GROUP MEETING : W EDNESDAY 16TH MARCH 2005 NICAN Minutes from Inaugural NICaN Nursing Group Meeting Wednesday 16th March 2005 9.00am – 3.30pm Templeton Hotel, Templepatrick Attendees Seamus Carey – Beeches Mgmt. Sally Campalani – BCH/ BPH Ronan Carroll – Daisy Hill Hospital Dr Dermott Davison – NICaN Team Eileen Deery - UHT Marie Glackin - QUB Liz Henderson – NICaN Team & BCH Liz England - Alt Toni Lenfestey – Mater Ann McLean -RVH Lisa McWilliams – NICaN Team Phil Mahon – Foyle Trust Hazel Neill – CAHGT Nicki Patterson - DHSSPSNI Alison Porter - UCHT Apologies Dr Gerard Daly and Sandra McKillop – NICaN Team Welcome and Introduction, Liz Henderson Liz Henderson welcomed everyone to the inaugural meeting of the NICaN Nursing Group and expressed excitement at working together. Roundtable introductions were made before it was highlighted that Seamus Carey would be helping to facilitate some of the group work sessions. The purpose of the meeting was outlined two fold To agree the Terms of Reference and effective working arrangements for the NICaN Nursing group; and To agree an outline of the work priorities for the group Session 1 – Reviewing Progress and Exploring the Changing Context Liz briefly reflected on where the group had come from by outlining a number of positive cancer nursing developments across the region since the 1996 Campbell Report, including the role out of Chemotherapy and the work taken forward by the Lead Nurses Group. Seamus Carey explained that a short group work session had been arranged to discuss the changing context, including the establishment of NICaN, and to enable new members to be brought up to speed. Members were divided into three groups - each with at least one new member and a NICaN Team member – and asked to consider the following questions in order to develop a shared understanding: Why was there a need to review the remit of the Lead Nurses Group? What are the opportunities within the Network? How can the Network support the development of cancer nursing? A summary of responses is contained within Appendix 1 FileName: 106731143 APPROVED MINUTES FROM NICAN NURSING GROUP MEETING : W EDNESDAY 16TH MARCH 2005 NICAN Following the group discussions Liz reinforced the linkages within the Network, in particular, highlighting where the Nursing Group fitted in to the proposed Network structures. Session 2 - Group Terms of Reference Purpose Statement Liz reviewed the thinking to date, which had been done around the draft purpose statement and made reference to the papers1 contained within the members packs. The Draft Purpose statement was devised at the last Lead Nurses Meeting and read as follows: “To give leadership and continuously develop cancer nursing in Northern Ireland, to ensure high quality person centred care.” Dermott Davison asked Nicki for clarification that the purpose would not be perceived as attempting to usurp any Departmental role and Nicki confirmed that it is what she expected this Group’s purpose to be. The floor was then opened for suggestions and there followed some discussion around proactivity, connectedness and the inclusion of the word “people affected by cancer”. It was also suggested that the statement was over simplistic, with particular omissions noted as evaluation, innovation and education. It was agreed that additional points could be bulleted under the purpose statement, and that these would be informed by the agreed work plan. The redrafted and agreed purpose statement is as follows: “To give leadership and seek to continuously develop nursing for people affected by cancer in Northern Ireland, to ensure high quality person centred care.” and “To agree clinically effective treatment and care.” Group Membership Seamus stated that it was necessary to ensure that the core membership is appropriate to fulfil the agreed group purpose. A proforma had been developed to capture each member’s sphere of influence and contacts (see Appendix II). Extensive time was then spent feeding this information back. A full record is contained within Appendix III. It was agreed that the breadth and spread of potential influence was wide reaching but it was suggested that the membership be expanded to include a representative of those commissioning nursing services along with additional community input i.e. district nursing. Group Linkages Seamus stated that the last Lead Nurses meeting some time had been spent identifying stakeholders that this Group needed to communicate with. This list will be reviewed periodically and the processes for linking with them will need to be developed. With regards to one of the identified stakeholders, Chaplaincy, 1 Relevant papers : Initial Thinking, Concept Map and Draft Terms of Reference FileName: 106731143 APPROVED MINUTES FROM NICAN NURSING GROUP MEETING : W EDNESDAY 16TH MARCH 2005 NICAN Anne McLean reported that the first extended Chaplaincy meeting had been held last week in the Royal. It was suggested this forum could be a good contact. Before breaking for lunch Liz reiterated that the NICaN Nursing Group would develop strong links with the Regional Tumour Site Specific Groups, NICaN Pharmacy and NICaN Chemotherapy Group. Session 3 – Business Meeting and Agreeing Work Priorities Updates At the start of the afternoon session Liz Henderson provided three updates; Northern Ireland Cancer Nursing Research Forum This forum has agreed to become the NICaN Nursing Research & Development subgroup of this regional group. A meeting had been held yesterday (15 th March) to start to develop its work plan for the year ahead. Progress against work plan will be reported at future NICaN Nursing Group Meetings. Education It was reported that Nicki Patterson 2 had chaired a meeting last week at the request of the ECGs to discuss province wide cancer nursing education priorities for the next year. It has however been agreed that the future direction will come from the NICaN Nursing Group, which may require a subgroup to be created – with representation of the key players. Chemotherapy Nurses Subgroup The Manual of Cancer Services recommends that Cancer Networks have a Chemotherapy Nurses Subgroup to inform nursing competency issues. It was reported that the Lead Cancer Nurses had discussed this at a previous meeting and Hazel Neill had agreed to act as the Lead, should there be agreement around this table that it was acceptable. This was unanimously agreed. It was however suggested, and subsequently agreed; that the subgroup should be called a cancer nurses treatment subgroup rather than chemotherapy nurses subgroup One of the agenda items at last weeks NICaN Pharmacy Group meeting was the regional extravasation policy and following a recent incidence at the Ulster hospital it was suggested that there was a need for a treatment plan for this policy. It was questioned whether this could be a piece of work for the cancer nurses treatment subgroup to consider. Work Priorities Liz Henderson reported that each Regional Group were required to agree a work plan for May 2005 – April 2006, and to provide reports against it to the NICaN Board. Members were again split into their three groups and asked to discuss priority work areas. (A summary of the group work is contained within Appendix IV.) Highlighted priorities include; nursing education, establishing a baseline of activity, developing leadership, service improvement and integrated team work. All groups expressed a fear that the scale of the task was overwhelming. 2 Nicki Patterson had left the meeting before this discussion. FileName: 106731143 APPROVED MINUTES FROM NICAN NURSING GROUP MEETING : W EDNESDAY 16TH MARCH 2005 NICAN There was some discussion around the development of a chronic disease management model for cancer nursing. It was acknowledged that this was a very long-term task. Phil Mahon reported that departmental funding via that health boards was available for flagship projects and it was suggested that this Group investigate the possibility of applying for funding for this project. Phil agreed to forward a copy of an application template developed and information on the scheme. Following much discussion and a realisation that the work plan needed to be deliverable and effective it was suggested that the work plan focus on distinct pieces of work around chemotherapy nursing i.e. ”Improving the quality of care for people receiving chemotherapy”. To take this work forward it was agreed that the Lead Cancer Nurses meet to develop a proforma to capture baseline activity and vision for the future, which once developed will be issued to the wider constituency for input. Session 4 – Agreeing the next steps The date for the next NICaN Nursing Group Meeting was agreed as 12th May 2005 (2.00 - 5.00pm) The actions from the meeting were summarised as follows: 1. Produce a report of meeting Chair & NICaN Team 2. Amend Draft Terms of Reference Chair & NICaN Team 3. Phil Mahon to forward details of Flagship Project funding Phil Mahon 4. Lead Cancer Nurses to develop a Chemotherapy Nursing Baseline and Vision proforma Lead Cancer Nurses 5. Next Meeting to b held on Thursday 12th May 2005 (2.00 –5.00pm) ALL Liz Henderson closed the meeting, and on behalf of the Team thanked all for attending what was agreed, had been a highly informative and productive meeting. She also thanked Seamus Carey, for helping to facilitate the proceedings. FileName: 106731143 APPROVED MINUTES FROM NICAN NURSING GROUP MEETING : W EDNESDAY 16TH MARCH 2005 AP P EN DIX I SESSION 1 GROUP WORK SUMMARY OF RESPONSES Why was there a need to review the remit of the Lead Nurses Group? Formality New structure Complexity/workforce Expand roles/new roles Patient information Expand Re focus on care – need to expand membership C. Nursing Core skills – exchange – core skills Community Provide remit action – voice vs support Need to stop paying I.P service to education What are the opportunities within the Network? Equity - access - treatment - outcomes - standardisation, even between cancer sites Education – MDT Collaboration OPP – demonstrate effectiveness of a network Information Exchange Horizon scanning Sharing Out How can the Network support the development of cancer nursing? RCN represents/lobby voice Education on agenda Systematic, integrated co-ordinated way approaches. Informed Respond Implement Overwhelming workload Lift initiatives to strategic level FileName: 106731143 NICAN APPROVED MINUTES FROM NICAN NURSING GROUP MEETING : WEDNESDAY 16TH MARCH 2005 NICAN NICA A P P E N D I X II Stakeholder Proforma By drawing spider diagrams please indicate the stakeholders who you will be communicating with as a Core Member of the Regional Nursing Group, and in turn who they will communicate with. Regional Nursing Group Core Member FileName: 106731143 Page 6 of 12 NICaN APPROVED MINUTES FROM NICAN NURSING GROUP MEETING : W EDNESDAY 16TH MARCH 2005 NICAN A P P E N D I X III Spheres of Influence Liz H Marie Nicki Phil NICaN Team / Board NICaN Nursing R+D Forum BCH Lead Cancer Team RACC CNAC CNAC + R+D Sub-Group NICaN Chemo Group NDP MDTs Development Forum RGH BCH Meeting ECGs Education Facilitator Group Curriculum Planning Group Reginal Ed. Group for Cancer Support Information Centre Pt Hotel Ca Framework Steering Ca Forum (Charities) NCI/ROI/NI QUB/BCH Practice Educations Craigavon CNS PD Group Practice Development Colloquium BCH/RGH Collaborative PD Programme Trust Lead Team Network Lead Nurse Nurse Prescribing Groups Other University and School Administration Committees University Staff Cancer Team All Ireland Cancer Nurses Group (NCI) Nursing & Midwifery Advisory Group – CNO – UK CNO Group 1 RMAG RACC Cancer Forum Nursing Officer @ DHSSPS Nurse Officer for Prescribing Project Director Redesign of Community Nursing Nurse Consultant Revision CNAC DBS Steering Group Nurse Leaders Network Directors of Nursing + Ed Leads NIPEC All Ireland Cancer Nursing Group Trust Board + Senior Management Team Lead on Audit + R+D DBS WHSSB Group GP Liaison Forum (Foyle) Vol. Groups Old People POC + Comm. Health Care AHPs + Nurses + Health Visitor WHSSB Nurse Prescribing Group Foyle Medicine Management NI Trust Directors of Nursing Group Nurse Leaders Network M&W Education Consortia Business + Contacts at DHSSPS GP Pressures + W/List Steering Group Acute Nursing Network Essence of Care Steering Group BPBC NLN Business Contracts Manager – Education Realising Governance Steering Group Children’s Nursing Advisors Re-Design of Community Nursing Project CNAC (Observer) RMAG Committee Cancer Services Framework Project Team Emergency Pressures and Waiting List Steering Group N&W ECG Cancer Board Group Cancer Unit Group Information Links to Foyle Hospice Derry Well Women Cancer Groups Trust User Panel Trust Contracts with Marie Curie Night Service Links to Children’s Hospice – Home Care Lymphodoema Group and Children’s Palliative Care Board Group N/W Communities Network WASNAG (Western Senior Nurse) Clinical and Social Care Government Drugs and Therapeutics Committee (Alt/Foyle) FileName: 106731143 APPROVED MINUTES FROM NICAN NURSING GROUP MEETING : W EDNESDAY 16TH MARCH 2005 Ronan Sally Toni Liz Internal link Non-Cancer Hospital Nurse Prescribing SHSSB Oncology & Haematology Nursing Bone Marrow Transplant Co-ordinator End of Life Group Clinical Governance Steering Group BCH Drugs & Therapeutics Group Oncologists N&W Belfast Nursing & Palliative Care Groups S&E Belfast Nursing & Palliative Care Groups NI Hospice Council Radiotherapy Groups Child Protection (BCH & EHSSB) Cancer Centre Bed Utilisation Audit AHPs Chaplaincy Infusional Services CL Nurse Specialist Group RCH Chair All Ireland NCI N&W Palliative + Cancer Group, Belfast Palliative Care EHSSB – Pall Care and Cancer Care Group + Non-cancer Group Lead in-care Pathways – Dying Patient Nursing Group Bereavement Services Group User Involvement Group Chaplins Meetings Hospital Groups - Audit (RMAG) - Drugs and Therapeutics EHSSB – Member Cancer and Palliative Care EHSSB – Member of Non-Cancer Group (Lung) National Council for Palliative Care Trust Board DN Cancer Unit Development Unit CSM Forum Board Strategy Group (Exec) Generalist Care Access Investment in all local groups (tumour) AHPS Chaplaincy - Sperrin Lakeland needs - Board wide Groups Information sources – WHSSB Area Lead Team R&D Forum Chemotherapy FileName: 106731143 NICAN Pre Reg Curriculum Monitoring Group Post Reg ECG Palliative Care Team Outreach Issues Education Links to Queens 3 PD Nurse 1 SDO who co-ordinated a lot of placements for Non Cancer Centre placements NICaN Lead Nurses/Clinical Chemo Group Patient Hostel for information and support centre Governance and Audit MP Forum Directorate Meeting XRV Development GLC Projects/Topics of Interest Telephone Advice Bridge Wates Suite Task Force Clinical Services Transfer Group (BPH – New Centre) Lead Nurse in Project in the case of the dying Pathway EHSSB Palliative Care CWS and PCT information cancer unit RCN – Palliative Care Forum Care Pathway for the Dying CNS Macmillan Mater Trust Macmillan Mentor of CWS and new posts Member of all Ireland Nursing Group – Ireland, Northern Ireland, NCI USA Weekly PCT meeting in AHPS/Social Worker and Chaplain Members of Pastoral Group Lead Prof. in Bereavement Services Group Vice-Chair – Lung Cancer Group Chair of RMAG Audit PCT Member of Drugs and Therapeutics Group Member of Essence of Care Member of User Involvement Group Chair – PCT Clinical Governance (hosp) Pharmacy Service Group Director of Nursing Acute Trust GSM – Trust wide General Nurses in Acute Care Nurse Specialist Caring for Patients with Cancer across Board Site Specific Lead Teams Board Strategic Cancer Forum Chemotherapy Unit Ward, OPD Admin Multidisciplinary Development Teams Health Promotion Board Wide Working Group Steering Group Foyle/Altnagelvin Intermediate Care Group APPROVED MINUTES FROM NICAN NURSING GROUP MEETING : W EDNESDAY 16TH MARCH 2005 Group Cois – Team led @ Alt (Neutropenic Management Audit) Regional Audit Team Hospital Alison Hazel Eileen Ann NICAN National Council for Palliative Care Nurse Specialist Forum Lead Cancer Clinician and Director of Nursing Cancer services Medical Director Palliative care Groups + Executive Clinical Nurse Specialist Macmillan access EHSSB Palliative Care Forum GP Facilitators Link Site Specific Groups Trust Access Regional Breast Care Group District Nursing (Palliative Care) and Community Hospitals Community Palliative Care Team ECG Link Marie Curie NI Hospice Lead Nurse UHCHT potential primary care Lead Cancer CNS and some benign (Acute) EHSSB Breast Screening Programme MDT Breast Regional BCN Group – Ulster Hospital NICaN Nursing Research Group Lead Nurse Cancer Unit Drugs and their Groups CSM Groups – Southern Area Hospice Cancer Services Steering Group Staff and Specialist Nursing Teams Working Group Commissioners SHSSB – Palliative Care Steering Group and DPH (Exec Level) – Priorities Link to AHPS and Funding ECG Sub-Group Trust Clinical Audit Team Acute & Comm Facilitator Screening/Breast – Link Counselling and Physio – Ulster Cancer (Boardwide) Foundation ECG Cancer Sub-Group Health Promotions Services Trust Primary Care Teams through GP Chaplins – Link to Palliative Services – Practice Facilitator Development Service Users/families within Service Users Contract – Link to Breast service management role Screening – Lead Team Palliative Care Steering Group SHSSB Chaplains Awareness/Training Macmillan Hospital Cancer Committees UHT Education Commission NHSSB Cancer Project BS – Priorities Groups All professionals represented COIS Local Group NHSSB Palliative Care Forum Lead Clinician - GP’s Hospice D.D.N NHSSB Palliative Care Team UHT Causeway Trust - Local site H/First Palliative Care Co-ordination - Specific Leads Chemo Unit User Involvement ECG (United) Group Local Site Specific Chairs National Council of Palliative Care NOF ICP Project Lead Palliative Care Team – LM responsibility Lead Clinician (e-mail) Cancer Strategy Group – Executive (Internal NICaN Cancer Nurse Group Focus) Extended Team (Network) Disease Specific Groups – OSP Patient Lead Clinicians, Chief Executive & Associations General Manager Cancer and Palliative Care – Management Site Specific CNS Team Colo-rectal neuro oncology Lung Clinical Ethics Committee Cancer EHSSB Palliative Care Forum OPA Brainwaves Colo-rectal Nursing Division Managers Group (Support Group) Chaplin Inv. – Chair Extended Team Cancer Centre (Professionals and Chaplins etc) Clinicians/Nurse/Manager RCN Palliative Care Forum (RGH/BCH) Now Oncology Group EHSSB Forum Director Nursing Monthly Meeting NCPC NI Branch FileName: 106731143 APPROVED MINUTES FROM NICAN NURSING GROUP MEETING : W EDNESDAY 16TH MARCH 2005 Dermott Facilitated by Deirdre O’Brien, Director of Nursing/Patient Services Local Palliative Care GP and NHSSB Palliative Care GP Cancer Centre Steering Group GP (PC Regional Group) DHSSPS PC Directorate Cancer Service Steering Group FileName: 106731143 RCN Forum P.C Strategy – Regional Pathology Review Macmillan PC Lead Group – Macmillan GP Group CSF Department NICAN APPROVED MINUTES FROM NICAN NURSING GROUP MEETING : W EDNESDAY 16TH MARCH 2005 NICAN AP P EN DIX I V Potential Work Areas – Group Work Summary GROUP 1 Breaking down traditional boundaries – sharing of roles – in and out. Prevention – Health Promotion Believe in the message and how to deliver it. Planning and pilot proposed innovations – look at models in our services, e.g. crisis intervention. Chronic Disease Management. Identifying and growing cancer leaders, people who are interested rather than nominated especially extended multi-professional personnel. Education integral to practice. HC at home? Group 2 Coherent Education and Training Strategy (-CDM) - communication and information skills assessment treatment and symptom management technical skills care skills – role development Standardisation of Practice and Guidelines (All treatment) e.g. PICC o General Spec. o Chemo Admin (outside and in) Baseline Assessment System and Processes (CDM) - communications information exchange assessment/admin pathways documentation Role Development (proactive/systematic) FileName: 106731143 APPROVED MINUTES FROM NICAN NURSING GROUP MEETING : W EDNESDAY 16TH MARCH 2005 NICAN Group 3 Proactive Planning Review current Service organisations/? Generic Nurse led Clinics Spec nurses role development CNS Workforce Spec. Education Chemotherapy INTEGRATED TEAM Pre-chemo assessment Skill mix scenario Review clinics FileName: 106731143 Competencies Outreach services Chemotherapy