Taxonomies in the Public Sector meeting of 19 January 2006 (12 noon) at ODPM, Ashdown House, Victoria Street, London SW1E 6DE Attendees Jean Bacon (Countryside Agency) Teresa Blackmore (Cabinet Office) Mike Collett (Schemeta) Lucy Cuthbertson (FCO) Cathy Day (Essex County Council) Phil Defriez (DoH) Stella Dextre Clarke (Consultant) Alan Gilchrist (TFPL Ltd/Cura consortium) Helen Glass (FCO) Linda Humphries (eGU) Zoe Laycock (LB Hounslow) Mark Maidment (DEFRA) Barbara Munden (LB Hounslow) Julia Reed (DfES) Joyce Stannard (ODPM) Nick Tischler (PITO) Judi Vernau (Meta taxis) Sheila Walker(HO) Christine Wilson (FCO) Apologies Ben Anderson (DWP) Ruth Byford (Seamless) David Eilbeck (Inland Revenue) Ian Huckvale (Simulacra) Michael Warner (MOD) 1. Introduction: Michael Warner had been taken ill and was unable to attend the meeting. The Group extended their best wishes for a speedy recovery. In his absence the host welcomed all the attendees to the third TiPS meeting, and it was agreed that Group members would act as Chair for the agenda items for which they are in the lead. Teresa was welcomed to the Group (and subsequently Zoe and Barbara) and round table introductions made. The minutes of the last meeting were agreed subject to the following correction: item 4 para. 3 should read ‘Sheila Apicella’ rather than ‘Stella Apicella’. Stella raised the issue of whether TiPS meeting minutes should be issued on Cabinet Office eGU headed paper (and no sign of the TiPS logo). Linda said that Michael had cleared the matter with her and, pending clarification of the Group’s relationship to the eGU working groups, minutes should be issued in this way. Discussion ensued about this relationship and the eGU consultation papers on the proposed terms of reference of the Metadata Working Group (MWG) and the Metadata Compliance Working Group (MCWG). The Group expressed an interest in continuing to have a relationship with the eGU working groups, reporting either to the Interoperability or Metadata Working Group, even if our remit is broader. Not all TiPS members who are also Metadata Working Group members had received the papers. They are posted on the GovTalk website at and all TiPS members were encouraged to read them and send their thoughts to Michael as a matter of urgency as the closing date for comments on these proposals is 17th February 2006. All TiPS 2006-01-19 The actions from the previous meeting were reviewed. Most actions would be covered by the agenda items and all other actions were completed. To review the eGU consultation papers on the proposed terms of reference of the Metadata Working Group (MWG) and the Metadata Compliance Working Group (MCWG) on Govtalk and submit their comments to Michael by 15th February. 1 2. TiPS web site update: MM Editorial team and NT All Mark reported on the meeting of the TiPS website editorial team which had met earlier in the day to discuss the design and content of the site. Mark is to tweak and update the site in line with the team’s suggestions. When this initial work on the look and feel of the site is completed he will notify TiPS members by email. Mark stressed that the site is a work in progress. When the Group is content with the design, it will transfer to the NGLIS server and work to populate and update the content can progress. The Group thanked Nick for his work on a logo for TiPS. The editorial team will liaise with Nick on further work to ensure the distinctiveness of the logo and to produce versions suitable for output in different sizes before the logo is officially ratified. To implement the changes to the design and content of the site recommended by the editorial team and make available to the Group for review and comment. To remove ‘Draft’ from the benefits paper (now endorsed as version 1.0). To review logo in the context of the website and submit to Group for ratification To comment on the revised design and content. 3. Future plans for the eGU to achieve interoperability, standardisation: Linda reported on the eGU’s plans. A Chief Technical Officers (CTO) Council has been formed to support the IT business transformation of government to deliver better services. It is intended to complement the workings of the Chief Information Officers (CIO) Council (established in January 2005). The CIO Council will create the IT strategy; CTOs sort out technically how to deliver it, ensuring the right technologies are in place at the right time. This will set the agenda and priorities for eGU. Amongst the topics identified for the CTOs to tackle are enterprise architecture, shared services/ERP/Portals and EDRM/Sharepoint. A collegiate approach to funding is proposed. CTOs will identify particular projects which are a priority for their businesses which they will fund and develop. The eGU will steer and assist in whatever way they can and try to make the project deliverables useful to others. The Group expressed their concerns about the viability of this funding mechanism for ongoing maintenance of the e-GMS and its encoding schemes. They stressed the continuing need for a central champion, especially in relation to lobbying and compliance and the policing of compliance. The CTOs will nominate members of the Interoperability Working Group. John Wailing has indicated that he wants the scope of e-GIF to be broadened. Concerning the membership of the CTO Council, Linda confirmed that a list was available on the GSI. It should be regarded as a Restricted document, not for circulation to external correspondents. This would enable each member to discuss priorities with the CTO responsible for the input from his/her own organisation. It is anticipated that e-GMS v3.1 will be issued around Easter 2006. This version will mop up some editorial matters and clarify the position of IPSV. Any major changes which would involve a change of direction will be deferred until version 4. This will follow but as yet there is no precise timeframe though it will not be issued before the next financial year. Cathy Day stressed that the decision on whether to remove the category and keyword refinements to the subject element would need to be taken in tandem with the decision on whether to mandate IPSV as the encoding scheme, as IPSV is incompatible with the refinements. LH TiPS 2006-01-19 To circulate a list of the CTOs to TiPS members 2 4. Guideline for the scope and content of the abridged version of IPSV and feedback on the IPSV Board meeting and discussion paper presented by Ben Plouviez Stella Dextre Clarke introduced her paper concerning the abridged version of IPSV, which outlined some possible criteria for selecting content. She also reported on the IPSV Board’s discussion of a paper from the Scottish Executive on a related topic – whether and how to put limits on the level of specificity of IPSV. Feedback from the Board representative from Northern Ireland suggested that before determining selection policy, it would be important to consider how the vocabulary and its subsets were intended to be used. Accordingly, Stella invited TiPS members to share views on plans for using the Abridged version, bearing in mind also the availability of the Internal Vocabulary subset. It was acknowledged that within the interest group of local government and the community sector, a picture is emerging of how the full IPSV may be used for detailed indexing. But for the rest of the public sector, including central government departments and their agencies, IPSV does not hold the specialised terms relevant to their responsibilities and the extensive hierarchies in the full IPSV are irrelevant. While the Abridged Version may be generally applicable, mechanisms are not yet in place for applying it to interoperability when retrieving information. At this watershed moment following the demise of the GCL, TiPS members felt a new interoperability model was needed. In summary, it was felt that the IPSV Board should be requested to provide more clarification on the interoperability architecture which would determine how IPSV should be used. Preferably this should include a mechanism for relating the higher levels of IPSV to the specialised vocabularies of the departments and other agencies. Time did not permit consideration of the selection criteria for the Abridged Version, but members were requested to consider the discussion and send their comments to Stella (with copy to the Chair) by 10th February. Before leaving the item, the members reaffirmed their general commitment to taxonomies as a necessary building block for semantic interoperability, especially when dealing with unstructured information. MW All To ask the IPSV Board to provide more clarification on the interoperability architecture which would determine how IPSV should be used Send comments to Stella (copied to Michael) on the selection criteria for the Abridged version by 10th February 5. TiPS response to the eGU Transformational government paper SDC All TiPS 2006-01-19 The Group discussed the draft response to eGU on the Transformational Government paper. There was a general feeling that the underlying principles were sound but there were reservations about how well they were working. Effective development and application of the standards are crucial to success and the infrastructure for interoperability functions is also an important element. The Group recommended that the tone of the final sentence of paragraph 2 be strengthened and that the points under discussion should be incorporated. Stella agreed to revise the draft and circulate it for further comment by 27 th January. Stella to amend the draft response in line with the points made and taking account of the earlier discussions and to circulate to TiPS members for further comment. To submit comments on the revised draft to Michael and Stella by 27/01/06. 3 Any other business Judi asked if anyone had any information about a cross-government file plan which was rumoured to emanate from the Cabinet Office. Teresa offered to investigate on behalf of TiPS. Judi reported that the first meeting of the sub-group on corporate file plans had proved very useful. The Group endorsed her wish for a second meeting which she offered to organise. Mapping is scheduled as the focus for the next meeting. Any suggestions for specific issues should be sent to Michael. The Group supported Stella's proposal that the Chair should request that Linda circulate a draft of e-GMS 3.1 to the Group for comment TB The Group thanked Joyce for hosting the meeting. To investigate the existence of a cross-government file plan. JV To arrange a second subgroup meeting on corporate file plans. All To submit agenda issues for the next meeting which will focus on mapping. MW To ask Linda to circulate the draft e-GMS 3.1 to TiPS members for comment. 7. Date of the Next Meeting 30th March 2006 10:30 – 16:00 To be held at DEFRA Ergon House, corner of Horseferry Road and Dean Bradley Street, LONDON (no lunch provided) Action Review the eGU consultation papers on the proposed terms of reference of the Metadata Working Group (MWG) and the Metadata Compliance Working Group (MCWG) on GovTalk and submit comments to Michael by 15th February To implement the changes to the design and content of the site recommended by the editorial team and make available to the Group for review and comment. To remove ‘Draft’ from the benefits paper (now endorsed as version 1.0). To review logo and submit to Group for ratification To comment on the revised design and content of TiPS website. To circulate a list of the CTOs to TiPS members To ask the IPSV Board to provide more clarification on the interoperability architecture which would determine how IPSV should be used Send comments to Stella (copied to Michael) on the selection criteria for the Abridged version by 10th February Stella to amend the draft response to the Transformational government paper in line with the points made and taking account of the earlier discussions and to circulate to TiPS members for further comment. To submit comments on the revised draft response to the Transformational government paper to Michael and Stella by 27/01/06. To investigate the existence of a cross-government file plan. To arrange a second subgroup meeting on corporate file plans. To submit agenda issues for the next meeting which will focus on mapping. To ask Linda to circulate the draft e-GMS 3.1 to TiPS members for comment. TiPS 2006-01-19 4 Owner All MM Editorial team and NT All LH MW ALL SDC ALL TB JV ALL MW