Locating Attorneys - The University of Michigan Law School

Michigan L a w
Finding People Research Guide
Prepared by Xiaomeng Zhang and Jocelyn Kennedy , Reference Librarians
Locating Attorneys & Lawyers
In Michigan State: almost all bar associations have a directory of members,
including names and addresses, available either on the bar association website or in
print publications.
Search the Law Library Catalog by subject Lawyers -- Michigan -- Directories
o Michigan Bar Journal Directory: Ref Coll/Ref Desk/Smith/Annex:
KF200 .M55x Directory issue (Most current)
o Michigan Bar Directory Online:
o Michigan Local and Special Bar Associations list:
In the United States
Search the Law Library Catalog by Subject: Lawyers -- United States -- Directories
o Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory: Ref Coll/Smith/Annex KF 190 .H813 ;
(current edition in the Reference Collection) A nationwide directory of
lawyers and law firms, with an alphabetical index of lawyers and a practice
area index.
o Martindale Hubbel online Lawyer Locator: www.martindale.com
o American Bar Association Lawyer Locator:
o Cornell’s Legal Information Institute, Legal Services locator
o US and International Bar Association websites
o The Best Lawyers in America. Ref Coll/Smith/Annex KF 190 .N23. A
listing of lawyers voted "best" by their colleagues. It is organized by state,
then area of law, then city and includes an index of names. Also available
in WESTLAW database: MARQUIS
o The American Bar is a selective directory of "only law firms with
outstanding reputations."
o Avvo is a nationwide directory with ratings and reviews clients.
o Findlaw's Lawyer Directory is another nationwide directory of lawyers
and law firms. (Formerly, the West Legal Directory.)
o Hieros Gamos Law Firms Worldwide includes U.S. firms.
o Legal Directories offers searchable directories of attorneys, law firms, and
legal support business for 22 states. http://www.legaldirectories.com/
o Nolo's Lawyer Directory lets you enter your zip code and then select
from among a list of legal issues (such as bankruptcy, criminal defense,
divorce, personal injury, etc.) http://www.nolo.com/lawyers/index.html
Around the World
Search the Law Library Catalog by Subject: Lawyers—Name of specific Country –
o The American Bar, the Canadian Bar, the International Bar. Ref Coll
KF190. I5 (current; 2009 online) Organized alphabetically by states and
countries, cities and law firms; includes an attorney index and a law firm
name index. http://www.americanbar.com/index
o Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory: Ref Coll/Smith/Annex KF 190 .H813;
current edition at Reference Area A nationwide directory of lawyers and
law firms, with an alphabetical index of lawyers and a practice area index.
A multi-volume set arranged by country then city, with an alphabetical
index and an index by practice area. Lexis: INTL
o Findlaw / West's Legal Directory International Attorney Search offers
practice area and country searches.
o Hieros Gamos Law Firms Worldwide : http://www.hg.org/lawfirms.html
o The Bar Directory covers barristers and chambers in England and Wales.
o The Lawyer Group's Law Firm Search Page covers the United Kingdom,
searchable by location, name, practice area, and keyword.
o Butterworths Law Directory. Available in the LexisNexis database BLD;
directory of solicitors and barristers in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland
and Wales.
Locating Corporate Counsel
Search the Law Library Catalog by subject: Corporate lawyers -- United States -Directories
o Aspen Publishers directory of corporate counsel. Ref
Coll/Smith/Annex KF 195 .C6 D57.
o Martindale-Hubbell Corporate Law Directory. Ref Coll/Stacks
KF195.C6 M37x Direct Martinda
o Martindale-Hubbell’s online Lawyer Locator includes an option to
search for corporate attorneys. Use the pull-down menu under "Areas of
Practice." http://www.martindale.com/Find-Lawyers-and-Law-Firms.aspx
o Findlaw West Legal Directory,
select practice area
o LexisNexis databases: 2NDARY; DIRCCO;
o American Association of Corporate Counsel Directory (online
available to members)
Judges and Judicial Staff
Search the Law Library Catalog by subject: Judges -- United States -- Directories.;
Courts -- United States -- Directories; Courts -- United States -- States -Directories..; Clerks of court -- United States -- States -- Directories.
o BNA's Directory of State and Federal Courts, Judges, and Clerks. Ref
Coll KF 8700 .A19 B53x (latest only) Includes a personal name index.
o Judicial Staff Directory. Ref Coll/Smith/ANNEX KF 8700 .A19 J83x;
Includes contact and biographical information on the federal judiciary,
including judges and staff.
o Biographical directory of the federal judiciary, 1789-2000 Ref Coll
Biog US
o U.S. Courts website has s a searchable directory of courts, pretrial
services offices, and probation offices.
o Martindale-Hubbell's online directory has an option to search for
Government attorneys. Use the pull-down menu under "Areas of Practice."
o Findlaw /West Legal Directory Corporate/Government Attorney Search.
o United States Tribal Court Directory. Smith KF8224.C6 S39 2002 \
o The Directory of Minority Judges in the United States, 4th ed. Ref Coll
KF8700.A19 D573 2008x
o List of Court websites (State and Federal and Tribal) available at:
o Michigan Courts http://courts.michigan.gov/links_of_interest.htm
Legislators & Legislative Staff
In Michigan
o Michigan Manual Ref Coll/Smith/Annex JK 5830 .A32; also available online
at www.legislature.mi.gov (click on Legislative branch; there are bios and
profiles of senators and house representatives of Michigan
o Michigan House of Representatives:
o Michigan Senators: http://senate.michigan.gov/SenatorInfo/find-yoursenator.htm
In the U.S. Congress
Search the Law Library Catalog by Subject: United States. Congress -- Directories
Congressional Staff Directory. Ref Coll/Smith/Annex JK1012.C65.
Ccontains contact and biographical information on members of the U.S.
Congress, their staff, and committees.
Congressional Email Directory provides email addresses and websites of
U.S. Senators and Representatives.
U.S. Senate webite
Office of the Clerk of the House:
In Other States
o State Legislative Directory available in LexisNexis database: STLEG
o State Legislative websites
Executive Branch Agencies, Employees & Officials
In Michigan
o Access Michigan, http://www.state.mi.us/dit/directory.aspx; an online
directory that provides phone and department for Michigan State
In the U.S. Government
Search the Law Library Catalog by subject: Administrative agencies -- United States
-- Directories; Executive departments -- United States -- Directories
o U.S. Government Manual, available at Contains descriptions,
organizational charts, and contact information for federal agencies,
independent agencies, government corporations, commissions, and quasiofficial agencies. http://www.gpoaccess.gov/gmanual/index.html
o Who's Who in the Federal Government, from the Government
Publications Department of the University of Memphis Library, covers all
three branches. http://www.memphis.edu/govpub/whos.php
o Federal Regulatory Directory. Ref Coll/Smith/Annex KF 5406 .A15 F4;
Provides detailed information, including addresses and phone numbers,
for the twelve largest regulatory agencies as well as selected independent
regulatory agencies, cabinet department agencies with regulatory
responsibilities and selected offices in the Executive Office of the
President. Includes a name index.
o Federal Staff Directory. Ref Coll/Smith/Annex JK 723 .E9 F44; Contains
contact and biographical information for the White House and executive
departments and agencies.
o U.S. Government Telephone and E-mail Directories links to sources of
government toll-free numbers, elected officials, agencies, federal
employees, military personnel, and Presidential appointees.
o TAX Analysts Federal Tax Officials Directory: LexisNexis database:
In Other States & Local Government
o State/Municipality websites
Locating a Law School Faculty Member
In the U.S.
Search the Law Library Catalog by Subject: Law teachers -- United States -Directories Law teachers -- Canada -- Directories
o The AALS Directory of Law Teachers. Ref Coll/Smith/Annex KF
266 .D55; Westlaw: WLD-AALS; Published by the Association of
American Law Schools. It contains both an alphabetical listing of teachers
and one by subject specialty. Additionally it includes lists of Admissions,
Alumni Affairs, Development, Placement, and Academic Affairs Personnel.
A list of Canadian teachers is organized by school.
o The Association of American Law Schools, Member Schools page
links to law school websites. Use the faculty directory at the appropriate
website to search for a particular faculty member.
o LexisNexis databases: LAWFAC, a searchable directory of law school
faculty and LAWDIR, a searchable directory of law schools, both from
o Jurist-The Law Professors’ Directory;
o Official Guide to ABA-Approved Law Schools, annual. Ref Coll/Smith
KF 266 .035x; Provides law school profiles, with websites and addresses.
Around the World
o Modern Legal Systems Cyclopedia. Ref Coll K 530 .M62; Includes the
"World Law School Directory," organized by country.
o Hieros Gamos, Law School Worldwide Directory.
o The World of Learning; Contains contact information for universities,
colleges and libraries around the world, organized by country.
o Australasian Law Teachers Association, Directory of Members.
http://www.alta.edu.au/dirofmembers.asp; Includes biographical and
contact information for members organized by country, region then school.
Includes a name index.
o Jurist Canada, Law Teachers is a directory of Canadian law schools.
o Canadian Association of Law Teachers, Directory of Law Teachers.
http://www.acpd-calt.org/calt-search/disclaimer.asp?lang=eng; Includes
directory information, organized alphabetically.
o NACUA Directory of Membership and Services, published by National
Association of College and University Attorneys. Lists Attorneys who work
for colleges and university (only available to members at
Locating a Person or Business Online
o Email Addresses claims to be the "world's largest email directory." Search
by person or business name. http://www.addresses.com/
o GeoFinder maintains links to multiple directories for locating businesses and
people. http://www.geofinder.com/
o U.S. General Accounting Office, Investigators' Guide to Sources of
Information. It covers sources of information about people, property,
business, and finance. It is organized into chapters dealing with local and
state government, federal agencies, directories and reference works, and
electronic databases. http://www.gao.gov/special.pubs/soi.htm
o Librarians' Internet Index, Phone Books contains descriptions of and links
to various directories containing phone numbers, addresses, and email.
o Infotel is an index of online phonebooks, including more than 400 links to
yellow pages, white pages, business directories, e-mail addresses, and fax
numbers from over 170 countries. http://www.infobel.com/World/
o Marcus P. Zillman's Finding People is a collection of Internet resources for
locating people. http://www.findingpeople.info/
o U.S. Postal Service ZIP Code Lookup.
Ways to Use Westlaw/Lexis Nexis to find attorneys
o News Databases: search for attorney’s name in a legal news databases.
o Case Databases: search for the attorney as a counsel in relevant judicial
opinion databases.
o Verdicts and Settlments Databases: search for the attorney’s name. on
LexisNexis(VERDCT; ALLVER) or Westlaw (JV-ALL)
Ways to Use Library Catalogs to find people
o Article Indexes and Library Catalogs: search by author’s name (Index to
Legal Periodicals; Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals); on Lexis, Westlaw or
library’s home page.
o Find books by author: Library catalog; Worldcat
Other Research Guides on finding people:
o Zimmerman’s Research Guide:
o Search the web for research guides on finding people in specific states.