THE CABINET OF MINISTERS OF UKRAINE RESOLUTION No. 879 of 27 June 2007 Kyiv On public roads preservation measures As amended by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 516 of 21 May 2009 Pursuant to Articles 4 and 29 of the Law of Ukraine "On Road Traffic", Article 33 of the Law of Ukraine "On Motor Roads ", the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine hereby resolves: 1. To approve the attached: Procedure for Weight and Dimensional Control and Collection of Fees for Travel by Public Roads of Vehicles and Self-Propelled Machinery Whose Weight and External Dimensions are in Excess of the Specified Parameters; Rate of Payment for Travel by Public Roads of Vehicles and Self-Propelled Machinery Whose Weight and External Dimensions are in Excess of the Specified Parameters; The Procedure for Temporary Restriction or Prohibition of Traffic of Vehicles and Other SelfPropelled Machinery on Separate Sections of Public Roads. 2. To place the Ministry of Transport and Communications as the competent authority in charge of the introduction of an International Goods Road Vehicle Weight Certificate. 3. To establish that: the Procedure for Weight and Dimensional Control and Collection of Fees for Travel by Public Roads of Vehicles and Self-Propelled Machinery whose Weight and External Dimensions are in Excess of the Specified Parameters is applied to domestic and foreign transport operators transporting goods within Ukraine; consultation on the application of the procedures approved by this Resolution is rendered by the State Road Service of Ukraine.. 4. To introduce the attached amendments to Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. 5. To deem acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine specified in the attached list as ceased to have effect. 6. The Ministry of the Internal Affairs together with the State Road Service to take measures within a three-month period to provide for control of weight and dimensional parameters of vehicles and other self-propelled machinery during their travel by public roads. 7. The Ministry of Transport and Communications to take measures within a three-month period to provide for control of weight and dimensional parameters of vehicles and other self-propelled machinery at sea and river ports, state border checkpointsand cargo terminals. Prime Minister of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych Ind. 21 APPROVED by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 879 of 27 Jude 2007 PROCEDURE for Weight and Dimensional Control and Collection of Fees for Travel by Public Roads of Vehicles and Self-Propelled Machinery Whose Weight and External Dimensions are in Excess of the Specified Parameters General Provisions 1. This Procedure shall determine the mechanism of implementation of weight and dimensional control of heavy and/ or large vehicles and other self-propelled machinery (hereinafter referred to as the heavy and/or large vehicles) used on public roads. 2. The terms used in this Procedure shall have the following meanings: 1) measurement (weighing) - the process of identifying dimensional and weight parameters of actual weight and axle(axles) load of the vehicle with the help of measuring (weighing) equipment , which is carried out in accordance with the methodology approved by the specially authorized central executive body in the field of metrology; 2) heavy and large vehicles - the vehicles, whose weight and/or dimensional parameters exceed the specified load on the axle (axles), and whose total weight or dimensions exceed one of the parameters referred to in clause 22.5 of the Road Traffic Rules approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1306 of 10 October 2001 (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 2001, No. 41, page 1852). This said, the vehicle shall not be deemed heavy and/or large, if its parameters do not exceed the standards by more than 2 percent; 3) weight and dimensional control - control over travel of heavy and/or large vehicles on public roads, which includes verification of compliance of weight and dimensional parameters of such vehicles with the parameters and standards established by law, availability of authorization to travel on certain routes, and adherence to the conditions and schedule of vehicles traffic specified in such authorization; 4) authorization to travel - a single, unified document issued by the competent authority according to the Rules for travel of large and heavy vehicles on roads, streets and railway crossings, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On travel of large and heavy transport vehicles on roads, streets and railway crossings" No. 30 of 18 January 2001 (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 2001, No. 3, p.75), upon payment of the fare for travel of such vehicles on public roads in the prescribed amount and manner, specifying the terms of operation of the vehicle for a set period of time in accordance on the established route, and which gives the right to travel under such conditions; 5) Weighing and measuring equipment - technical means complying with metrological standards to be applied to determine the vehicle weight and dimensional parameters; 6) weight and dimensional control facility - a specially equipped location of fixed or mobile stations of dimensional and weight control; 7) fixed station of dimensional and weight control (hereinafter referred to as the fixed station) - a special place located near the road and marked with the appropriate traffic signs to control axle (axles) load of vehicles whose total weight and/ or dimensions exceed the established parameters and having special office rooms, constructions with the weighing and measuring equipment as well as space for storage of goods and parking of vehicles; 8) mobile station of dimensional and weight control (hereinafter referred to as the mobile station) - a special purpose vehicle equipped with measuring and weighing equipment to implement control. A section of road at a distance of 100 meters from the mobile station, 50 meters beyond the mobile station and the roadsides towards the direction of traffic, where the station is located shall be considered to be its borders. Such location of dimensional and weight control shall be marked with the relevant temporary road signs; 9) preliminary dimensional and weight control - measuring heavy and/or large vehicle to determine whether the established parameters are exceeded; 10) precise dimensional and weight control - determining dimensional and weight parameters of the vehicle at the fixed station; 11) repeated measurement and weighing - any subsequent measurement of the vehicle, which is in the territory of a fixed station of dimensional and weight control, from the time such vehicle has entered the territory of the station and before it leaves. Measurement carried out due to technical failures in operation of measuring and weighing equipment that does not contradict the requirements approved by specially authorized central executive body in the field of metrology methods shall not be deemed repeated measurement; 12) coordination of the route of heavy and large vehicles - a document issued by road, public, rail and other enterprises and entities to confirm possibility of safe travel on the route. Coordination of the route of heavy and large vehicles serves as a ground for issuing authorization for travel. Other terms shall have the meanings attributed to them in the Road Traffic Rules, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1306 of 10 October 2001 (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 2001, No. 41, page 1852). 3. Dimensional and weight control of vehicles shall be carried out: by International Road Transport Service of the Ministry of Transport and Communications at state border checkpoints; by road enterprises and entities authorized by Ukravtodor together with the respective units of Ministry of Internal Affairs on public roads. 4. Road services in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions and the city of Sevastopol as well as enterprises determined in accordance with the procedure established by law shall provide for the activities of the stations of dimensional and weight control. 5. Ukravtodor shall finance maintenance, servicing and operation of the stations of dimensional and weight control based on the cost estimate to be made and approved by Ukravtodor the annual basis, at the expense of the special fund of the state budget earmarked for construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of public roads. 6. Dimensional and weight control shall be carried out by personnel of respective services at the stations of dimensional and weight control only. Requirements to test equipment and stations of dimensional and weight control 7. Location of the fixed station and the scheme of traffic around the station is defined by the road services of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions and city of Sevastopol and agreed with the relevant departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) and Ukravtodor. 8. At night-time the place of dimensional and weight control implementation should be lighted. 9. Twenty-four-hour operation mode shall be set at the fixed stations located on the public roads. The operating mode of the fixed stations located in the sea and river ports, cargo terminals and places of cargo traffic formation shall meet the mode of operation of the relevant facilities. 10. The exit and entrance to fixed stations shall be equipped with speed change lanes, their parameters meet the established one`s for this category of road and parking places for vehicles, whose weight and/ or external dimensions exceed the specified parameters. 11. Operation mode of mobile station is determined in consultation with Ukravtodor. Mobile stations` operation is prohibited at night-time, except when this station is located in the sea and river ports, cargo terminals and areas of cargo traffic formation. 12. Weighing and measuring equipment for dimensional and weight control should be maintained in working condition; verification (metrological certification) of such equipment is carried out periodically followed by marking (sealing) and issuance of the relevant certificate by specially authorized central executive body in the field of metrology. 13. It is not allowed to use measuring and weighing equipment that has not undergone periodic verification (metrological certification) as well as non-operating equipment for dimensional and weight control. 14. Requirements to equipment for dimensional and weight control stations shall be set by Ukravtodor. Requirements to dimensional and weight control 15. Control of drivers of heavy and large vehicles to possess an authorization to travel is carried out by relevant MIA units and enterprises of Ukravtodor responsible for dimensional and weight control. 16. Dimensional and weight control includes preliminary control and/ or precise control. 17. If an excess of the established dimensional and weight parameters have been identified during preliminary dimensional and weight control, precise dimensional and weight control is to be carried out. 18. Based on the findings of precise dimensional and weight control of the vehicle, the driver is issued a reference on the results of control, with time and place of control indicated, and upon request of the driver - an International Goods Road Vehicle Weight Certificate, if the station of dimensional and weight control is authorized to issue such certificate. 19. The schedule of measurement and weighing and technical parameters of measurement and weighing equipment is determined by Ukravtodor in accordance with the methods approved by specially authorized central executive body in the field of metrology. 20. Based on the results of precise control, an employee (inspector-operator) of the dimensional and weight control station determines whether the vehicle is a heavy and/ or large one. During their stay in the territory of the fixed station of dimensional and weight control, drivers must abide by demands of the employees of the station that are in line with the legislation. (Paragraph 2 of Clause 20 as amended by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 516 of 21.05.2009) 21. In case of detection of an excess of at least one weight and/ or dimensional specified parameter by more than 2 percent, further journey of the vehicle shall be prohibited until the fare for its travel by public road is paid (hereinafter referred to as the the fare). The fare for heavy and/or large vehicle that traveled without authorization shall be doubled against the route covered in the territory of Ukraine. (Paragraph 1 of Clause 21 as amended by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 516 of 21.05.2009) In the case of traveling in violation of the conditions specified in the authorization to travel, a double size is applied to the section of excess of the actual parameters over parameters defined in the authorization, in accordance with the distance of the route covered. Reference on undergoing dimensional and weight control and/ or weighing certificate or document on payment of fare is valid throughout the entire route. (Paragraph 3 of Clause 21 as reworded by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 516 of 21.05.2009) Should suspicion arise concerning the excess of specified dimensional and weight parameters of the vehicle, employees of dimensional and weight control stations shall re-measure and reweight such vehicle. 22. A heavy vehicle, whose further journey is prohibited shall stay in the parking lot in the territory of the fixed station having had technical tools applied that make it impossible to travel further until the fare for travel be paid and large vehicle – until authorization to travel be issued. (Paragraph 1 of Clause 22 as reworded by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 516 of 21.05.2009) The employee (supervisor-operator) of the dimensional and weight control station shall draw an act on every case mentioned above and immediately notify the regional service unit of Ukravtodor and the respective unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA). The procedure of application of technical tools that make further journey of a heavy and/or large vehicle impossible, and form of the act on infringement of passage rules by such vehicle shall be approved by the joint order of Ukravtodor and the MIA. In the event of violation of passage rules by heavy and/or large vehicles within a mobile station, such vehicle is accompanied to the nearest fixed station or to a specially designated places by the patrol car of the respective MIA unit. The journey of this vehicle is allowed after fare for travel is paid in the amount set forth in Clause 21 herein or authorization to travel is issued. . (Paragraph 4 of Clause 22 as reworded by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 516 of 21.05.2009) 23. The owner of a heavy and/or large vehicle or a person authorized by such owner may bring dimensional-weight parameters of the vehicle in line with the established standards by partial unloading or loading cargo to another vehicle or in any other way. 24. Having brought dimensional and weight parameters of the vehicle in line with the established standards and paid the fare for travel, such vehicle is directed to undergo repeated dimensional and weight control. If repeated dimensional and weight control reveals no excess of the dimensional and weight parameters, the vehicle may continue its journey. 25. If the driver of the vehicle fails to abide by demand to restrict movement such failure resulting in impossibility of dimensional and weight control, the employee (supervisor-operator) of dimensional and weight control station shall enter information about such a fact to a special registry that has its form and record procedure approved by Ukravtodor in consultation with the Public Utility Company, and notify the regional service unit of Ukravtodor and the respective unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The entire period of time the vehicle stays within the fixed station incurs a fee; the procedure of payment and the amount of the fee is set by Ukravtodor in consultation with the Ministry of Economy. The said fee may be included to the cost of transportation. (Clause 25 as reworded by Resolution of the Cabinet Ministers of Ukraine No. 516 of 21.05.2009) Payment for travel of heavy or large vehicles on public roads 26. Costs collected for travel on public roads of heavy or large vehicles are transferred to the state budget in the prescribed manner. 27. The fare for travel on public roads is charged from vehicles of domestic and foreign owners, including those specified in Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On a single fare charged at crossing points on the state border of Ukraine" is charged in the event of excess of their actual parameters over the parameters that were taken into account when determining an amount of a single fare at the crossing points on the state border, where there is no weight facilities, and from the vehicles leaving Ukraine without authorization to travel obtained in accordance with the established order or without paying the fare for travel. (Paragraph 1 of Clause 27 as amended by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 516 of 21.05.2009) The fare for travel shall be paid in the national currency. 28. The fare for travel on public roads of heavy and/or large vehicle shall be paid by transport operators against the approved rates based on weight and/ or dimensional parameters of the vehicle, route length, number of transportations. The transport operator is entitled to reimbursement by consignor or client of the funds paid for travel on public roads of heavy and/ or large vehicle. (Clause 28 has had the new Paragraph 2 added under Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 516 of 21.05.2009, and thus Paragraph 2 shall be deemed Paragraph 3) Route approval is issued upon payment of the fare according to the established rate. If the transport operator refuses from traveling the agreed route, the fare paid shall not be refunded. 29. The fare for travel shall not be charged on heavy and/ or large vehicles used for transportation of cargos to prevent or eliminate emergencies or consequences of natural disasters on agreed routes. 30. The fare for travel of heavy and/ or large vehicle is charged against the set rates, depending on such vehicle’s weight, axle (axles) load, external dimensions and length of the route using the following formula: П = (Рзм +Рнв + Рг) x В, where П is the amount of the fare for travel; Рзм is the amount of the fee for exceeding total weight of the vehicle per 1 kilometer of travel; Рнв is the amount of fee for exceeding load on axle (axles) (for single + double + triple) vehicle for 1 kilometer of travel; Рг is the amount of fee for exceeding external dimensions (height + width + length) of the vehicle per 1 kilometer of travel; B is the distance of transportation, km. Axles are double or triple, if the distance between the adjacent (related) axles does not exceed 2.5 meters. 31. In determining the fees for travel of vehicles with a combination of more than three axle links the scheme, which causes greater destruction of roads with combinations of one, two and three axle links is taken into account and the maximal amount of load on the adjacent axles fall at a maximal wheel formula. The fee for exceeding the admissible load on axle (axles) is increased twofold if the vehicle is equipped with triple axles with single tires. Coordination of route and issuance of authorization to travel 32. Transport operator intending to use heavy and/ or large vehicle shall within three days apply to enterprises authorized by Ukravtodor for approval of the route. Authorization for heavy and/ or large vehicle to travel is issued by the respective unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs upon issuance of the route approval. The application on issuance of route approval shall contain information about the origin and category of cargo, total load on axle (axles), dimensions, technical characteristics of heavy and/ or large vehicle, transportation time and route. If during the dimensional and weight control it is established that the vehicle is heavy and/ or large, the application shall be added to the reference on dimensional and weight control and documents that form the basis to determine the route of such vehicle from the moment it has been loaded until the time it has undergone dimensional and weight control. 33. Condition of road surfacing, seasonal natural and climatic factors, bearing capacity and the dimensions of artificial structures are taken into account during the development of the route of heavy and/ or large vehicle to ensure safety of traffic and road preservation. 34. In case of delay or cancellation of travel of a heavy and/ or large vehicle for any reason (weather and climate conditions, vehicle breakdown, etc.) the transport operator shall apply to the relevant units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and enterprises authorized by Ukravtodor, which issued route approval and authorization on deferring transportation to a later date at least a day before the date of commencement of transportation, as defined in approval of the route for such vehicle. Absent such application or in the event of missing the deadline for applying, the heavy and/ or large vehicle is deemed to have committed the travel, approval is deemed to have been used, and the fare is deemed to have been paid and is not refundable. 35. Travel of heavy and/ or large vehicles may be temporarily restricted or prohibited in case of weather and climatic conditions under which operation of such vehicles can cause considerable damage to roads or adversely affect traffic safety. Seasonal restrictions on travel of heavy and/ or large vehicles on certain routes or certain sections of roads on such routes may be set, and Ukravtodor should promptly inform transport operators thereof through the media or by posting relevant information on the appropriate web page on the Internet. 36. Services on developing the best route for a heavy and/ or large vehicle, transportation project, route survey, survey of the road surfacing, engineering buildings on the route, as well as works on fortification and strengthening of roads and engineering buildings on the route, if necessary, shall be covered by transport operator or person authorized by the transport operator in accordance with agreements entered into with contractors. The cost of these services may be included in the cost of transportation. (Clause 36 as amended by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 516 of 21.05.2009) Responsibility of the parties to dimensional and weight control 37. Parties to dimensional and weight control shall bear responsibility in accordance with the applicable law. 38. Ukravtodor shall officially inform the Main State Motor Transport Inspectorate about cases of deviation from the dimensional and weight control by the vehicle driver or about the fact of driving a heavy and/ or large vehicle in violation of the conditions specified in the authorization. (Clause 38 as amended by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 516 of 21.05.2009) 39. Responsibility for preservation of heavy and/ or large vehicles having been prohibited from travel for the entire period since prohibition of travel until its restoration shall be born by transport operator, or by consignor in case of cargo transportation. (Clause 39 as amended by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 516 of 21.05.2009) 40. Responsibility for damage caused to the owner of a heavy and/ or large vehicle or cargo, as well as to third parties in connection with prohibition of travel resulted due to inconformity of actual weight of cargo to the data specified in CMR note shall be born by consignor. (Clause 40 as amended by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 516 of 21.05.2009) 41. Acts or omissions of the parties to dimensional and weight control may be appealed against in accordance with the established procedure. 42. Transportation of cargo in containers loaded in violation of the International Convention for Safe Containers is prohibited. APPROVED by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 879 of 27 June 2007 RATES of Payment for Travel by Public Roads of Vehicles and Self-Propelled Machinery Whose Weight and External Dimensions are in Excess of the Specified Parameters Type of vehicle 1. Heavy vehicles (by total weight) Parameters from 38 through 40 tons 0,02 from 40 through 44 tons 0,1 from 44 through 52 tons 0,2 from 52 through 60 tons 0,27 over 60 tons per each next 10 tons 0,78 from 5 percent Heavy vehicles exceeding admissible load from 5 through 10 percent on axles 2. from 10 through 20 percent over 20 percent per each next 5 percent 3. Fare per km, euro Heavy vehicles exceeding specified width, for each parameter height and length. 0,05 0,1 0,27 0,15 0,03 APPROVED by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 879 of 27 June 2007 PROCEDURE for temporary restriction or prohibition of travel of vehicles and other self-propelled machinery on some sections of public roads General Part 1. This procedure determines actions of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, subordinated to Ukravtodor road services in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions and the city of Sevastopol or enterprises and entities authorized by it (hereinafter referred to as the road enterprises) in the event that conditions arise on some sections of public roads that pose a threat to road safety or may cause road damage or destruction. 2. Conditions posing a threat to road safety or under which roads may be damaged or destroyed (hereinafter referred to as the dangerous conditions) are: acts of nature (flood, rockfall, earthquake, landslide and mudslides, etc.); adverse weather conditions (ice-slick, heavy snow, wind causing formation of snowdrifts on the road, heat, etc.); waterlogged ground making earth road bed lose its bearing capacity; high air temperature resulting in an abrupt loss of road surfacing bearing capacity due to dynamic stress to the road; deformation of road surfacing (deformation, sedimentation, etc.), earth road bed, elements of engineering buildings; road traffic congestions; road traffic accidents. 3. Restriction or prohibition of travel on separate sections of public roads (hereinafter referred to as the sections of roads) shall be set according to the Law of Ukraine "On Road Traffic" and the Law of Ukraine "On Militia". Actions of the MIA units and road services in the event of dangerous road conditions 4. Upon receipt of information about dangerous conditions on the sections of the road, the relevant MIA units and road enterprises that serve the section mentioned shall take measures to verify such information, notify the relevant MIA units of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions and the city of Sevastopol and road services in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions and the city of Sevastopol, which take decisions on restriction or prohibition of travel for respective categories of vehicles on this section, departments of the Ministry of Emergencies, authorities, local governments and other interested bodies. 5. Employees of a road company, depending on the decision taken (restriction or prohibition of travel, organization of a passby, etc.) shall immediately equip the section of the road where any dangerous conditions appear with technical means of traffic in accordance with the established requirements and ensure its proper maintenance. The road signs and means of traffic management used shall meet the established requirements. 6. If it is impossible to immediately equip the road where dangerous conditions occurred with technical means of traffic management, the organic equipment and materials at hand the patrol cars of the MIA equipped with shall be used. This said, officers of the relevant MIA units shall serve at the section mentioned until it is equipped with all the necessary technical means of traffic management. 7. In case of occurrence of dangerous conditions at the section of road due to which vehicular traffic is restricted or prohibited for more than an hour, road services in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions and the city of Sevastopol shall report to Ukravtodor management and local government and relevant MIA units of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions and city of Sevastopol – State Motor Inspection of the MIA. Ukravtodor informs the Ministry of Emergencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Transport and Communications of restriction or suspension of traffic of vehicles on the roads of the state importance. Restriction or prohibition of traffic on sections of the roads where dangerous conditions occurred 8. In cases when dangerous conditions or works on elimination of their consequences last for more than a day, the decision to restrict or prohibit traffic on that section of the road is adopted by the Head of Road Service in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions and the city of Sevastopol, in consultation with the relevant MIA units of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions and city of Sevastopol; local bodies of executive power, local authorities and the MIA shall be informed about it in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Road Traffic”. At the same time, road enterprises and relevant MIA units with the participation of appropriate representatives of local bodies of executive power and local authorities shall inspect and determine possible passby routes. In accordance with the results of the survey a relevant act is drawn up, and measures to bring the roads that will provide pass by routes into appropriate technical condition are taken where appropriate. This said, in accordance with the established requirements road services in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions and the city of Sevastopol develop individual schemes of traffic management, which shall be agreed with the relevant MIA units and approved by local authorities in the prescribed manner. 9. Road services in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions and the city of Sevastopol shall inform road traffic participants and the public about restriction or prohibition of travel on sections of roads, protected parking lots available, and road service facilities through the media and by establishing appropriate information boards at the crossroads, near administrative buildings of road maintenance entities and other places of vehicles stay. 10. The mode of traffic restriction or prohibition may be imposed for the duration of dangerous conditions related to adverse weather conditions, waterlogged soils, high air temperature, deformation of surfacing (deformation, sedimentation, etc.), road bed, elements of engineering buildings and other damage leading to loss of bearing capacity by structural elements of the road. 11. Officers of the relevant MIA units shall control compliance of road traffic participants with the mode of restriction or prohibition of traffic on the roads through patrolling. MIA units and road services in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regions and city of Sevastopol shall control conformity of equipping such sections with technical means of traffic management. 12. Traffic shall be restored upon restoration of physical and technical characteristics of roads or termination of adverse conditions. This said, technical means of traffic management, which have been set for the period of restriction or prohibition of traffic shall be immediately dismantled by relevant road enterprises. APPROVED by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 879 of 27 June 2007 AMENDMENTS to Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 1. Rules for travel of large and heavy vehicles on roads, streets and railway crossings, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 30 of 18 January 2001 (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 2001, No. 3, page 75; 2002, No. 16, page 865, No. 40, page 1860), shall have: 1) Clause 4 had a paragraph added to read as follows: "The weight parameters defined above in paragraph 22.5 of the Road Traffic Rules are allowed to be exceeded by 2 percent (the value of an error) without issuing an authorization and fare for travel." 2) Clause 9 amended to read as follows: 9. “In cases when the route of large and heavy vehicles (hereinafter referred to as the route) runs on public roads of several regions and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the transport operator is obliged to agree such route with Ukravtodor or its authorized enterprises. If the route does not run beyond one region or the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, it shall be agreed with the respective Ukravtodor enterprise in the region or in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.. 2. The Road Traffic Rules, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1306 of 10 October 2001 (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 2001, No. 41, page 1852, 2005, No. 2, page 86, No. 27, page 1569, 2007, No. 14, page 522) shall have : 1) Clause 1.10 had a paragraph added following paragraph 16 to read as follows: "Dimensional and weight control – a check of dimensional and weight parameters of the vehicle (including motor vehicle), trailers and freight for compliance with the established standards on dimensions (width, height over the road surface, length of the vehicle) and as to load (actual weight, axial load), carried out in accordance with the established procedure for fixed or mobile stations of dimensional and weight control; In consideration of the foregoing, numbers of paragraphs 17 – 69 shall be respectively changed to paragraphs 18 – 70; 2) The Road Traffic Rules shall have Clauses 2.41 and 2.42 added to read as follows: "2.4.1 Upon request of the employee of the station of dimensional and weight control or the MIA officer, the truck driver (including motor vehicle) must stop at the location of dimensional and weight control in conformity to the requirements of these Rules and: a) have documents listed in Sub-Clauses "a", "b" and "d" of Clause 2.1 of these Rules submitted for inspection; б) provide vehicle and the trailer (if any) for weight and/ or dimensional control according to the established procedure. 2.4.2 If during dimensional and weight control it is found that actual weight and/or dimensional parameters do not conform to the set norms and regulations, such vehicle and/or the trailer shall be prohibited from traveling until receipt of authorization for the vehicle whose weight and external dimensions are in excess of the specified parameters to travel by the roads, with the respective act being drawn up on the matter”. APPROVED by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued on June 27, 2007 # 879 LIST of the Acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which have Ceased to be Effective 1. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 83 of 2 February 1993 “On the procedure for collection and use of funds to finance expenses for construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of public roads” (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 1993, No. 4-5 page 83). 2. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine issued No. 390 of 1 June 1993 "On restating the procedure for collection and use of funds to finance expenses for construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of public roads, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 83 of 2 February 1993” (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 1993, No. 11, page 225). 3. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1063 of 25 December 1993 "On amending the procedure for collection and use of funds to finance expenses for construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of public roads", approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 83 of 2 February 1993” (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 1994, No. 4, page 104). 4. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 367 of 4 June 1994 "On amending and restating Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 83 of 2 February 1993” (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 1994, No. 10, page 237). 5. Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 693 of 2 September 1994. 6. Clause 1 of the amendments introduced to certain decisions of the Government of Ukraine as to construction, repair and maintenance of motor roads approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 168 of 9 March 1995 (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 1995, No. 5, page 133). 7. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1162 of 29 June 1999 "On restating the procedure for collection and use of funds to finance expenses for construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of public roads” (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 1999, No. 26, page 1240). 8. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 2170 of 29 November 1999 "On restating the procedure for collection and use of funds to finance expenses for construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of public roads” (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 1999, No. 48, page 2365). 9. Clause 1 of the amendments introduced to Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1804 of 28 December 2001 (Official Gazette of Ukraine, 2002, No. 1, page 22).