Funding Guidelines Biolinks

Linking and protecting native vegetation across the Namoi Catchment
Biodiversity Funding Round – 2013-2014
All applicants are encouraged to thoroughly read the Guidelines provided before
completing the attached Expression of Interest form. If you have any questions please
contact your local Namoi CMA Office.
General Guidelines
Namoi CMA is looking to partner with landholders, groups and other land owners to deliver biodiversity
outcomes across the Namoi Catchment.
The Biolinks Program is focused on increasing vegetation in the Namoi Catchment by revegetating
corridors that link with existing bushland remnants. The program also supports landholders who are
improving the management of the existing vegetation they are linking. Invasive species control actions will
be included in both revegetation and remnant protection areas.
The program will address habitat loss, fragmentation, loss of native vegetation extent and climate change
through restoring, protecting and re-establishing native vegetation linkages across the Catchment.
Who can apply?
private landholders
incorporated community groups
non-incorporated community groups who are sponsored by an incorporated body who is willing to
enter into a funding agreement with Namoi CMA on the group’s behalf
local government
Crown Reserve Trusts or local government who have the responsibility for the care, control and
management of Crown Land
partnership combinations of the above groups
Please note that the registered land owner of parcels of land to undertake funded works must sign a 10
year management agreement with Namoi CMA.
You must be in the Namoi Catchment to be eligible to apply.
What activities are eligible?
Activities that are eligible under the Biolinks incentive program include but are not limited to:
Fencing or other management techniques to protect and enhance existing native vegetation
Planting native species back into the landscape along corridors that link to existing remnant
vegetation. Where possible planting local provenance native species (Note: These corridors should
link remnants). Native species can be planted back through the use of tubestock/Hyco planters or
through direct seeding.
Fencing to protect planting corridors.
Provision of alternate water systems as a result of fencing off existing water sources.
Invasive species control (weed control or pest animal control) of remnant vegetation and planted
Higher priority is given to those projects which have both a revegetation component and remnant protection
What activities are NOT eligible for funding?
Activities outside the scope of the program include:
 Remnant bushland protection alone without a revegetation component ‘linking’ remnants.
 Planting into natural native grasslands
 Activities that are inconsistent with State and Commonwealth Legislation
 Planting of non-native species
 Work that you plan to undertake before or after the timeframe for the project, or for work that has
already been completed at the time of application. You may not count such work as part of your
matching contribution.
 Activities which are a landholder’s statutory responsibility.
How much funding can I apply for?
There is no maximum set for any project under the program, however, Namoi CMA will only fund projects it
deems are cost efficient and within the intent of the program. There is a limited amount of funding within
this program. Applications will be assessed against a range of economic, social and environmental
priorities and criteria. Funding success for your project will be determined by how cost effective your project
is at meeting the above criteria (i.e. the process is competitive). Projects in which the landholder contributes
significantly with their time and/or their resources will be considered favourably. Projects that achieve larger
areas of revegetation links or remnant protection are favoured.
What will the applicant be required to contribute?
To receive funding the applicant contribution must be equal to the money you are requesting (50:50 ratio).
Your contribution can be in cash or in-kind including your labour to complete the works.
How long do I have to complete the project?
Successful applicants will need to complete infrastructure works within two years of the commencement of
the Agreement.
It is important to plan your project well to ensure your project can be implemented in a relatively short
What if I don’t own the land?
The owner of the land must sign the Contract if the Application is successful. The Agreement will be
between Namoi CMA and the owner of the land. The owner of the land must also hold an ABN or an
What happens after I lodge my Expression of Interest?
1) A Namoi CMA Catchment Officer will contact you to arrange a site inspection to discuss your proposed
project works. They will be able to advise you if your project works fit the funding criteria. They will be
able to provide advice and discuss your project design and costing and they can also supply an aerial
image of your property so you can undertake project planning.
2) If your project fits the funding criteria you will need to fill in an application form which will include a work
plan and detailed costing of your project. Namoi CMA Catchment Officers will also conduct an
environmental assessment on site to check on the existing condition of your vegetation.
3) Your application will then be assessed and ranked based on the information in your application and site
data collected. Projects will be funded from the highest ranking project to the lowest until funds are fully
subscribed or a minimum standard of project is met. All other projects will form an eligibility list in
ranked order which will remain in place until June 30th 2014.
4) You will be informed if your application is not successful and you may seek additional advice/discussion
from the Namoi CMA Catchment Officer.
5) If your project is funded a Namoi CMA Catchment Officer will develop a funding Agreement with you
and the first payment will be made on signing of the Agreement.
6) Works under the funding Agreement are not to commence until the Agreement is signed by all parties.
What about State and Commonwealth Legislation requirements?
Namoi CMA only approves funding for your project. This does not authorise you to implement the project.
You must ensure that your project has all necessary approvals, licences, permits, consents, etc. and that
your project complies with all relevant legislation including, but not restricted to, the following:
National Parks and Wildlife Act (1974)
Native Vegetation Act (2003)
Threatened Species Conservation Act (1995)
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act (1979)
Environmental protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999)
Water Management Act (2000)
Fisheries Management Act (1994)
What if I want to sell my property during the contract period?
The agreement process being used for this program includes a 10 year funding management Agreement.
In the event that the Fund’s Recipient wishes to sell, transfer or assign the Land, the Fund’s Recipient
advise Namoi CMA in writing of its intention together with contact details of the persons or
entities involved in the proposed transaction;
inform the selling real estate agent/proposed purchasers, proposed lessee/share farmer or
assignee of the existence of this Agreement, and its obligations including the Management
Agreement and Monitoring and Evaluation Agreement; and
seek to have the incoming purchaser/transferee/tenant of the Land enter into a similar
agreement with Namoi CMA for the balance of the term of this Agreement with a view
towards the Overall Project Outcomes being achieved as well as accepting the obligations
contained in the Management Agreement and the Monitoring and Evaluation Agreement.
Are trees planted under this program eligible for Carbon credits?
The Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) covers carbon sequestration projects including reforestation,
revegetation and projects that increase the secure storage of carbon in soils. On-farm projects that reduce
emissions through better on-farm management can also qualify as will some projects designed to avoid
emissions from land clearing or deforestation.
Under the methodology, land holders across a range of agricultural sectors may receive credits to establish
and manage permanent native forests. Landholders can then generate extra revenue by selling these
credits to businesses who want to offset their carbon pollution.
For further details contact
0267 645 984
PO Box 528 Tamworth
Mobile: 0427 606 265 NSW 2390
FAX: 6764 5995
0267 429 209
PO Box 546
Mobile: 0429 368 693
Gunnedah NSW 2380
FAX: 6742 4022
0267 429 212
Mobile: 0428 463 488
PO Box 7
0267 907 702
Stacey Vogel
Mobile: 0428 266 712
Narrabri NSW 2390
FAX: 6790 7709
0267 907 703
Mobile: 0429 363 380
0267 461 344
PO Box 50 Quirindi NSW
Tim Watts
Mobile: 0427 255 849
FAX: 6746 1076