Theory of reasoned action diagram

Theory of reasoned action and theory of planned behaviour
Fishbein and Ajzen and Azjen.
Theory of reasoned action.
This is a model which suggests links between attitudes and behaviour in other
words peoples actions are controlled by behavioral intentions. So by
understanding intentions, based on cognitive components such as personal
belies about the behaviour and perceptions of subjective norms.
Research shows the theory has strong predictive validity; however it cannot
always explain addictive behaviour when people feel they have little control over
their addictions. (This relates to Davis’s work on attribution theory).
(Is it a good
to do?)
Beliefs as to
likely outcomes
Will the
be rewarding?
Social Attitude
(The impact of
What are
opinions about
the behaviour?
Is the person
motivated by
others opinions
Theory of Panned Behaivour.
This includes an additional factor perceived behavioural control which links at
intention to behave in a certain way, this theory has been an accurate predictor
of a person’s behaviour in a number of areas, including cigarette smoking,
alcohol, drug use and gambling behaviour.
These cognitive models can be used to address addictive behaviour, by
challenging and realigning attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural
control individuals are less likely to continue with addictions. In addition these
models can be used to prevent addictive behaviour by exposing people to
subjective norms that do not promote these behaviours..