Formic Acid Extraction of mouse brains (Younkin lab - 1999) 1. Weigh frozen brain or hemi-brain. Calculate volume needed to make 150 mg/ml. Add appropriate volume of 70% Formic Acid to frozen brain and sonicate. We are now using 5 ml round-bottom tubes for the sonication. Hold the tube in a beaker of ice and water to keep from overheating. Sonicate until there is no visible structure, approximately 20 seconds. Then sonicate in 10 sec bursts two or three times. Try to avoid foaming by keeping sonicator probe in the solution. If it foams, the bubbles will go down as it sits on ice. Place sonicated brains on ice. 2. Take a uniform volume from each, in order to balance tubes, and spin at 100,000 x g (32,000 rpm for floor model, 43,000 rpm for table-top) for 1 hour at 4 C. We use the table-top, so we put 1 ml of each into 1.5 ml thick Eppendorf tubes designed for the ultra-centrifuge. (You should easily have at least 1-2 ml sonicated solution for each.) 3. Remove supernatant from under lipid layer, leaving small pellet behind. This is the 70% Formic Acid extract that we will assay by ELISA. (We dilute it 1:20 in order to neutralize it.) We typically aliquot this FA extract into 60 ul aliquots, and freeze at –80 C.