YOUTH FOUNDATION, INC. (Dept. SA) 370 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1206 New York, NY 10017 2016-2017 HADDEN SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION AND PROCEDURE YOUTH FOUNDATION, INC. has a Hadden Scholarship Fund, income from which is made available in the form of grants to educational institutions for the benefit of specified Hadden Scholars selected by the Youth Foundation Scholarship Committee. In awarding scholarships the Committee considers character, financial need, scholastic achievement, objectives, volunteerism, potential for leadership and good citizenship. Applications for Hadden Scholarships are many, and funds are limited. This reality, together with the time and effort required to file your application, should be considered before you proceed. Also, please note: 1. The scholarships are available for up to four years of college undergraduate study only at an accredited four-year college or university established in the United States. 2. Only graduating high school seniors from any part of the United States who are U.S. citizens are eligible for consideration. The applicant must be in a college preparatory program with a 3.5+ GPA or better or equivalent to be considered for a Hadden Scholarship. Permanent Residents are not eligible. 3. Students seeking scholarship aid for study abroad are not eligible. 4. The application must be mailed back to the Foundation, POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN FEBRUARY 29, 2016. The student must use the official application sent by the Foundation. Photocopies are not acceptable. 5. All required documents and supporting material are to be submitted in the sequence specified on the application, with the completed application in one large flat envelope addressed to: Youth Foundation, Inc., 370 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1206, New York, NY 10017. Write "DEPT. SA" in the lower left-hand corner of the envelope. Do not mail any item separately. In addition, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed business-size envelope if you wish to be notified of your application status. 6. Students who have been selected as recipients of the scholarship will be notified in late May or early June. The recipients will have the opportunity to apply for a scholarship renewal each year of undergraduate study. Jr. Year Abroad programs are eligible for funding. 7. Please note that no scholarship will be paid to institutions that indicate that, because of the Hadden Scholarship, they will reduce their own grants for the direct benefit to the Hadden Scholar by the amount of the scholarship. The Hadden Scholarship may be used to reduce student indebtedness or to reduce the self-help portion of the financial package. 8. All communications concerning applications or awards must be made in writing to DEPT. SA at Youth Foundation. No communication from the Foundation will be considered effective unless signed by the President, Vice President, Scholarship Chairman, or Executive Administrator. PLEASE DO NOT TELEPHONE OR E-MAIL THE OFFICE FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING APPLICATIONS OR AWARDS. 9. A phone interview with finalists may be required. 10. To insure confidentiality, all application materials will be shredded at the conclusion of the scholarship selection process. PLEASE BLACK OUT ALL SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS ON TRANSCRIPTS, SAT/ACT SCORES, AND TAX FORMS. 11. Each recipient will be required to complete and submit, once the final selection has been made, financial aid documentation from his or her school to Youth Foundation before the final scholarship amount is granted. This form must be signed by the college financial aid officer. # # # YOUTH FOUNDATION, INC. (Dept. SA) 370 Lexington Avenue, Suite 1206 - New York, NY 10017 2016-2017 HADDEN SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION I understand the YOUTH FOUNDATION, INC. has a Hadden Scholarship Fund. Income from this Fund is made available in the form of monies to a college or university for the direct benefit of a specified individual student selected by the Scholarship Committee of Youth Foundation, Inc. In awarding scholarships, the Committee considers: character, financial need, scholastic achievement, objectives, volunteerism, potential for leadership and good citizenship. Due to limited funds only a few scholarships can be awarded even though the applications are many. Name: Citizenship: Home Address: High School: City, State, Zip: Parents’ Names: Telephone: Email Address: Date of Birth: Cell: 1. I will advise you of my final college or university choice as soon as possible. I have applied to the following schools (in order of preference): 2. My major area of academic interest is: 3. I learned about the Hadden Scholarship from: 4. I have attached to the upper right corner of my application a signed photograph that need not be returned. 5. I have attached all required items to this application in the sequence indicated below and enclosed all of them in the same large flat envelope. If a required item is not included, my application will be disqualified. (a.) Preliminary Financial Summary. It is understood that at this stage some of the individual amounts can only be estimated. (b.) A school transcript of my most recent scholastic record to date, including my senior year's first semester grades, SAT scores (Critical Reading, Math, and Writing) and/or ACT scores. (c.) In my own words, a brief description of my aims, hopes, and goals. What is my major area of college interest? How will the scholarship aid sought from Youth Foundation help in realizing my goals? What do I consider a meaningful contribution, by a citizen, to our society? What will I contribute? The essay must be in MY OWN HANDWRITING, along with a typed or computer copy. A statement of extra-curricular activities should be included on a separate page. (d.) Two letters of recommendation from 2 different people (a school principal, teacher, advisor, employer, coach, etc.) on official letterhead. (e.) A family financial statement to include my summer earnings, photocopies of Federal Income Tax Returns with all schedules for the last filed year, with all W-2 and 1099 forms due for the current year, for myself and each of my parents. Please black out all social security numbers on transcripts, SAT/ACT scores, and tax forms. (f.) I am mailing this application postmarked no later than February 29, 2016. I authorize Youth Foundation, Inc. to consult with any schools I attended or will attend and to examine my records. ___________________ Date _________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant HAVE YOU ANSWERED EVERY QUESTION? All communications with the Foundation concerning applications and awards must be in writing addressed to the above letterhead address. No communications from the Foundation will be considered effective unless signed by its President, Vice President, Scholarship Chairman, or Executive Administrator. Please do not telephone the office concerning applications and awards. The application and all attachments, including the letters of recommendation, transcripts, financial summary, and tax returns must be in one large flat envelope. These materials will not be returned. PRELIMINARY FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR A HADDEN SCHOLARSHIP Name_______________________________________________________________ Parents’ Occupation: Mother/Parent #1 _____________________________________________ Father/Parent #2 _____________________________________________ Number of siblings living at home _______________ Value of parents’ total assets _____________________ Value of student’s total assets _____________________ TOTAL _____________________ Parents’ total income from previous year (Latest 1040) _____________________ Student’s total income from previous year (Latest 1040) _____________________ Anticipated summer earnings _____________________ LIST ALL COLLEGE CHOICES IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE 1. College Name ___________________________________________________ Tuition _______________ College Grants _______________ Room & Board _______________ College Loans _______________ Books _______________ Other Grants _______________ Fees _______________ Pell _______________ Computer _______________ Other _______________ Personal _______________ Other Loans _______________ Travel _______________ Stafford _______________ Other _______________ Scholarships (Individual names and amounts should be attached.) Total TOTAL COSTS ______________ TOTAL AID ______________ ______________ Please tell us about any special circumstances on a separate sheet. 2. Other College Choices (Repeat above financial information on back of this page.)