561 NOS Det 1 EAP 561st Network Operation Squadron Detachment 1 JBPH-H CEMP 3440.17 Unit Control Center Emergency Action Plan 1 561 NOS Det 1 EAP 7. TCCOR Checklist ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TCCOR 5 (Hurricane Season 1 Jun – 30 Nov) (Hurricanes, Typhoons, and/or Cyclones) TASK/ACTION Notify personnel of TCCOR 5 status. Conduct an inventory of emergency supplies needed for hurricanes preparation and recovery prior to June 1 annually. Provide Hurricane Awareness training prior to June 1 annually Perform generally house cleaning and identify and mitigate flying debris/ missile hazards. Exercise Communications Plan prior to June 1 annually Validate TCCOR checklists in Emergency Action Plans Schedule, prepare and conduct a hurricane exercise 2 OPR 561 NOS Det 1 EAP ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 TCCOR 4 (72 Hours) (Hurricanes, Typhoons, and/or Cyclones) TASK/ACTION Notify personnel of TCCOR 4 Status. Begin Log of Events Send CAT 1 & 5 personnel rosters to EOC when requested Names/numbers of personnel that will remain on station during hurricane Location to include bldg #, floor and contact number where will they SIP Identify needs for Specialized Teams and emergency manpower requirements to the EOC. Identify to the EOC Director non-mission critical personnel available for Specialized Teams and emergency duties. Dispatch personnel as required by the EOC Director for Support/Recovery Team activities. Coordinate relocation to higher ground items/operations that will not be evacuated. Mission essential operations Equipment Begin planning for evacuation of non-essential personnel Activate Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) Review personnel Leave and TAD/TDY schedule Perform house cleaning efforts, identify and eliminate flying debris/ missile hazards Develop roster of CAT 1 & 5 personnel that will remain on station during landfall Report TCCOR 4 attainment to EOC along with other requests for support. 3 OPR 561 NOS Det 1 EAP ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 TCCOR 3 (48 Hours) (Hurricanes, Typhoons, and/or Cyclones) TASK/ACTION Notify personnel of TCCOR 3 Status Communicate with higher and subordinate commands for pre-planned support for preparedness and recovery Identify and eliminate flying debris/missile hazards Cancel local leave Verify CAT 1 & 5 rosters for updated information Conduct inspections and ensure resources are secure. Begin phase down of non-mission critical facilities and operations Report TCCOR 3 attainment to EOC along with other requests for support. TCCOR 2 (24 Hours) (Hurricanes, Typhoons, and/or Cyclones) TASK/ACTION Notify personnel of TCCOR 2 Status. Maintain situational awareness Continue base-wide cleanup of missile hazards, secure all loose objects, tents, and outdoor furniture. Verify CAT 1 & 5 rosters for updated information if changed from previous TCCOR. Recall CAT 1 & 5 personnel Recall Leave and TAD/TDY personnel as necessary Execute EAP TCCOR checklist Ensure employees prepare their homes Back-up computer hard drives and secure classified information Fuel vehicles and generators Notify personnel on leave and TAD of impending storm Protect valuable equipment from water intrusion and flooding Begin release of non-essential personnel from installation upon completion of TCCOR 2 checklists Report TCCOR 2 attainment to EOC along with other requests for support as needed TCCOR 1 (12 Hours) (Hurricanes, Typhoons, and/or Cyclones) TASK/ACTION Notify personnel of TCCOR 1 status and report to EOC when complete Maintain situational awareness Complete evacuation non-essential personnel Final preparations, final actions by departments to ensure continuity of business functions will be minimally affected by storm damage Conduct final inspections and ensure resources are secure 4 OPR OPR OPR 561 NOS Det 1 EAP 6 7 8 ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ITEM # 1 ITEM # 1 Secure final inspections and ensure resources are secure Secure facilities for heavy weather Report TCCOR 1 attainment to EOC along with other requests for support as needed. TCCOR 1E (Land Fall) (Hurricanes, Typhoons, and/or Cyclones) TASK/ACTION Notify personnel of TCCOR 1E status and report to EOC when complete All personnel will shelter in place until all clear is sounded Only designated Emergency Personnel may engage in rescue/ recovery operations during passage of eye of hurricane Secure for heavy weather Secure Entry Control Points Base remains in full lock down until “All Clear” Maintain situational awareness Prepare personnel and plan for recovery phase of storm TCCOR R TASK/ACTION Tenants must be prepared to assist with: Rescue and recovery of personnel Restoration of Critical and Mission and Essential functions Restoration of normal operations All Clear (Hurricanes, Typhoons, and/or Cyclones) TASK/ACTION Open all windows and doors, turn on ventilation systems and go outside until clearance is given to re-enter facility. 5 OPR OPR OPR