INTER-AMERICAN CONVENTION AGAINST THE ILLICIT MANUFACTURING OF AND TRAFFICKING IN FIREARMS, AMMUNITION, EXPLOSIVES, AND OTHER RELATED MATERIALS Consultative Committee First Special Meeting March 10, 2003 Washington, D. C. OEA/Ser.L/XXII.3.1 CIFTA/CC/doc.1/03 rev. 2 3 March 2003 Original: English DRAFT AGENDA 1. Consideration of the draft recommendations to the Special Conference on Security (CIFTA/CC/doc.2/03 rev. 2), in compliance with the General Assembly request contained in resolution AG/RES. 1874 (XXXII-O/02), paragraph 4: "To request the Consultative Committee to send any recommendations that it may consider pertinent to the preparatory body of the Special Conference on Security as a contribution to the preparation of that Conference." 2. Preparations for the Fourth Regular Meeting of the Consultative Committee Meeting (April 3-4, 2003) (CIFTA/CC/doc.10/03 rev. 1) 3. Oral report on participation by the Secretariat pro tempore in the Third Regular Session of the Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism, January 22-24, 2003, San Salvador, El Salvador 4. Status report on responses to the Questionnaire: information on central authorities and national points of contact 5. Presentation by the Technical Secretariat for Legal Cooperation Mechanisms (CIFTA/CC/doc.3/03 rev. 2 and (CIFTA/CC/doc.4/03 rev. 1) Other business. CIFTA00083E01