Print this form Pre-Book to Ensure a Ticket Artemis Gathering 2016 Oxfordshire Ticket Booking Form Tickets include 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th August 2016 (The event opens Friday 4pm, and closes Monday 2pm) Early Bird offer price advance weekend tickets before 30th April 2016 Please send me:__________ Non-members tickets @ £42.00 Please send me:__________ Gold Members tickets (2 for 1) @ £35.00 Please send me:__________ Members tickets @ £35.00 Regular Price advance weekend tickets from the 1st May 2016 Please send me:__________ Non-members @ £47.00 Please send me:__________ Gold Members tickets (2 for 1) @ £38.00 Please send me:__________ Members @ £38.00 Under 16's tickets (under 3's free) (Weekend ) Please send me:__________ tickets @ £14 Dog Ticket (guide dogs free) (Weekend ) Please send me:__________ tickets @ £2.50 Membership number(s) : ___________________________ (Please provide membership number for each members ticket, or if you are a gold member just your membership number for entire order) I enclose cheque/postal order for : __________________ (Cheques should be made Payable to : The Children of Artemis) Name(s): _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ______ _______________________________________________________ ______ Post Code: _______________ Phone No. __________________ Email. ___________________________ Signature ___________________________ Send this form, together with a stamped self-addressed envelope to: Witchfest International, BM Artemis, London, WC1N 3XX Please allow 14 days for delivery All tickets sold subject to the Children of Artemis terms and conditions, a copy of which is available on request. The organisers reserve the right to cancel a booking and or refuse admission without notice. A full refund will be made in such cases Please Note: No photography, video, or audio taping is permitted at this event For up to date Children of Artemis event information visit